>>> from env_helper import info; info()
页面更新时间: 2024-04-07 16:22:37
    Linux发行版本: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    操作系统内核: Linux-6.1.0-18-amd64-x86_64-with-glibc2.36
    Python版本: 3.11.2

1.7. python数字图像处理:图像的形变与缩放


1.7.1. 改变图片尺寸resize


skimage.transform.resize(image, output_shape)

image: 需要改变尺寸的图片

output_shape: 新的图片尺寸

>>> from skimage import transform,data
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> img = data.camera()
>>> dst=transform.resize(img, (80, 60))
>>> plt.figure('resize')
>>> plt.subplot(121)
>>> plt.title('before resize')
>>> plt.imshow(img,plt.cm.gray)
>>> plt.subplot(122)
>>> plt.title('before resize')
>>> plt.imshow(dst,plt.cm.gray)
>>> plt.show()


1.7.2. 按比例缩放rescale


skimage.transform.rescale(image, scale[, …])


>>> img = data.camera()
>>> print(img.shape)  #图片原始大小
>>> print(transform.rescale(img, 0.1).shape)  #缩小为原来图片大小的0.1倍
>>> print(transform.rescale(img, [0.5,0.25]).shape)  #缩小为原来图片行数一半,列数四分之一
>>> print(transform.rescale(img, 2).shape)   #放大为原来图片大小的2倍
(512, 512)
(51, 51)
(256, 128)
(1024, 1024)

1.7.3. 旋转 rotate

skimage.transform.rotate(image, angle[, …],resize=False)


resize用于控制在旋转时,是否改变大小 ,默认为False

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> img = data.camera()
>>> print(img.shape)  #图片原始大小
>>> img1=transform.rotate(img, 60) #旋转90度,不改变大小
>>> print(img1.shape)
>>> img2=transform.rotate(img, 30,resize=True)  #旋转30度,同时改变大小
>>> print(img2.shape)
>>> plt.figure('resize')
>>> plt.subplot(121)
>>> plt.title('rotate 60')
>>> plt.imshow(img1,plt.cm.gray)
>>> plt.subplot(122)
>>> plt.title('rotate  30')
>>> plt.imshow(img2,plt.cm.gray)
>>> plt.show()
(512, 512)
(512, 512)
(699, 699)

1.7.4. 图像金字塔



skimage.transform.pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=2) downscale控制着金字塔的缩放比例

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


>>> image = data.astronaut()
>>> plt.imshow(image)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f19a7414450>
>>> image.shape
(512, 512, 3)
>>> rows, cols, dim = image.shape
>>> #获取图片的行数,列数和通道数

原代码为 downscale=2 ,这个是将三波段数据压缩为2波段。 但是在后续代码中会出现错误:

ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (256,256,2) into shape (256,256,3)
>>> # pyramid = tuple(transform.pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=2))
>>> pyramid = tuple(transform.pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=3))
>>> #产生高斯金字塔图像
>>> #共生成了log(512)=9幅金字塔图像,加上原始图像共10幅,pyramid[0]-pyramid[1]
>>> composite_image = np.ones((rows, cols + int(cols / 2), 3), dtype=np.double)
>>> plt.imshow(composite_image)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f19ac7a5e10>
>>> #生成背景
>>> composite_image[:rows, :cols, :] = pyramid[0]
>>> plt.imshow(composite_image)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f19ac6a7cd0>
>>> #融合原始图像
>>> i_row = 0
>>> for p in pyramid[1:]:
>>>     # print(p)
>>>     print(p.shape)
>>>     n_rows, n_cols = p.shape[:2]
>>>     composite_image[i_row:i_row + n_rows, cols:cols + n_cols] = p  #循环融合9幅金字塔图像
>>>     i_row += n_rows
>>> plt.imshow(composite_image)
>>> plt.show()
(171, 171, 1)
(57, 57, 1)
(19, 19, 1)
(7, 7, 1)
(3, 3, 1)
(1, 1, 1)
_images/sec07_reshape_21_1.png _images/s71.1.png



>>> import skimage
>>> # skimage.transform.pyramid_laplacian(image, downscale=2)

下面的代码,同样有 downscale=2 的问题。

另外 ,生成的结果有问题。 有时间的时候再查看。

>>> # pyramid = tuple(skimage.transform.pyramid_laplacian(image, downscale=2))
>>> pyramid = tuple(skimage.transform.pyramid_laplacian(image, downscale=3))
>>> #产生高斯金字塔图像
>>> #共生成了log(512)=9幅金字塔图像,加上原始图像共10幅,pyramid[0]-pyramid[1]
>>> composite_image = np.ones((rows, cols + int(cols / 2), 3), dtype=np.double)  #生成背景
>>> composite_image[:rows, :cols, :] = pyramid[0]  #融合原始图像
>>> i_row = 0
>>> for p in pyramid[1:]:
>>>     n_rows, n_cols = p.shape[:2]
>>>     composite_image[i_row:i_row + n_rows, cols:cols + n_cols] = p  #循环融合9幅金字塔图像
>>>     i_row += n_rows
>>> plt.imshow(composite_image)
>>> plt.show()
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
>>> plt.imshow(image)
>>> plt.show()
_images/sec07_reshape_27_0.png _images/s71.2.png