>>> from env_helper import info; info()
页面更新时间: 2023-07-09 19:10:35
    Linux发行版本: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    操作系统内核: Linux-6.1.0-10-amd64-x86_64-with-glibc2.36
    Python版本: 3.11.2

7.11. Pandas级联




  • objs - 这是 Series , DataFrame 或 Panel 对象的序列或映射。

  • axis - {0,1,...} ,默认为 0 ,这是连接的轴。

  • join - {'inner', 'outer'} ,默认 inner 。如何处理其他轴上的索引。联合的外部和交叉的内部。

  • ignore_index − 布尔值,默认为 False 。如果指定为 True ,则不要使用连接轴上的索引值。结果轴将被标记为: 0, ..., n-1

  • join_axes - 这是 Index 对象的列表。用于其他 (n-1) 轴的特定索引,而不是执行内部/外部集逻辑。

7.11.1. 连接对象

concat() 函数完成了沿轴执行级联操作的所有重要工作。下面代码中,创建不同的对象并进行连接。

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> one = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub1','sub2','sub4','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[98,90,87,69,78]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> two = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub2','sub4','sub3','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[89,80,79,97,88]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> rs = pd.concat([one,two])
>>> print(rs)
     Name subject_id  Marks_scored
1    Alex       sub1            98
2     Amy       sub2            90
3   Allen       sub4            87
4   Alice       sub6            69
5  Ayoung       sub5            78
1   Billy       sub2            89
2   Brian       sub4            80
3    Bran       sub3            79
4   Bryce       sub6            97
5   Betty       sub5            88

假设想把特定的键与每个碎片的 DataFrame 关联起来。可以通过使用键参数来实现这一点 -

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> one = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub1','sub2','sub4','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[98,90,87,69,78]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> two = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub2','sub4','sub3','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[89,80,79,97,88]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> rs = pd.concat([one,two],keys=['x','y'])
>>> print(rs)
       Name subject_id  Marks_scored
x 1    Alex       sub1            98
  2     Amy       sub2            90
  3   Allen       sub4            87
  4   Alice       sub6            69
  5  Ayoung       sub5            78
y 1   Billy       sub2            89
  2   Brian       sub4            80
  3    Bran       sub3            79
  4   Bryce       sub6            97
  5   Betty       sub5            88

结果的索引是重复的; 每个索引重复。 如果想要生成的对象必须遵循自己的索引,请将 ignore_index 设置为 True 。参考以下示例代码:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> one = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub1','sub2','sub4','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[98,90,87,69,78]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> two = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub2','sub4','sub3','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[89,80,79,97,88]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> rs = pd.concat([one,two],keys=['x','y'],ignore_index=True)
>>> print(rs)
     Name subject_id  Marks_scored
0    Alex       sub1            98
1     Amy       sub2            90
2   Allen       sub4            87
3   Alice       sub6            69
4  Ayoung       sub5            78
5   Billy       sub2            89
6   Brian       sub4            80
7    Bran       sub3            79
8   Bryce       sub6            97
9   Betty       sub5            88

索引完全改变,键也被覆盖。如果需要沿 axis=1 添加两个对象,则会添加新列。

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> one = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub1','sub2','sub4','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[98,90,87,69,78]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> two = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub2','sub4','sub3','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[89,80,79,97,88]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> rs = pd.concat([one,two],axis=1)
>>> print(rs)
     Name subject_id  Marks_scored   Name subject_id  Marks_scored
1    Alex       sub1            98  Billy       sub2            89
2     Amy       sub2            90  Brian       sub4            80
3   Allen       sub4            87   Bran       sub3            79
4   Alice       sub6            69  Bryce       sub6            97
5  Ayoung       sub5            78  Betty       sub5            88

7.11.2. 使用附加连接

连接的一个有用的快捷方式是在 Series 和 DataFrame 实例的 append 方法。 这些方法实际上早于 concat() 方法。 它们沿 axis=0 连接,即索引:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> one = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub1','sub2','sub4','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[98,90,87,69,78]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> two = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub2','sub4','sub3','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[89,80,79,97,88]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> rs = one.append(two)
>>> print(rs)
     Name subject_id  Marks_scored
1    Alex       sub1            98
2     Amy       sub2            90
3   Allen       sub4            87
4   Alice       sub6            69
5  Ayoung       sub5            78
1   Billy       sub2            89
2   Brian       sub4            80
3    Bran       sub3            79
4   Bryce       sub6            97
5   Betty       sub5            88
/tmp/ipykernel_283615/1984374931.py:12: FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
  rs = one.append(two)

append() 函数也可以带多个对象:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> one = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Alex', 'Amy', 'Allen', 'Alice', 'Ayoung'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub1','sub2','sub4','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[98,90,87,69,78]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> two = pd.DataFrame({
>>>          'Name': ['Billy', 'Brian', 'Bran', 'Bryce', 'Betty'],
>>>          'subject_id':['sub2','sub4','sub3','sub6','sub5'],
>>>          'Marks_scored':[89,80,79,97,88]},
>>>          index=[1,2,3,4,5])
>>> rs = one.append([two,one,two])
>>> print(rs)
     Name subject_id  Marks_scored
1    Alex       sub1            98
2     Amy       sub2            90
3   Allen       sub4            87
4   Alice       sub6            69
5  Ayoung       sub5            78
1   Billy       sub2            89
2   Brian       sub4            80
3    Bran       sub3            79
4   Bryce       sub6            97
5   Betty       sub5            88
1    Alex       sub1            98
2     Amy       sub2            90
3   Allen       sub4            87
4   Alice       sub6            69
5  Ayoung       sub5            78
1   Billy       sub2            89
2   Brian       sub4            80
3    Bran       sub3            79
4   Bryce       sub6            97
5   Betty       sub5            88
/tmp/ipykernel_283615/2551243363.py:14: FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
  rs = one.append([two,one,two])

7.11.3. 时间序列

Pandas 为时间序列数据的工作时间提供了一个强大的工具,尤其是在金融领域。在处理时间序列数据时,我们经常遇到以下情况 -

  • 生成时间序列

  • 将时间序列转换为不同的频率

Pandas 提供了一个相对紧凑和自包含的工具来执行上述任务。


datetime.now() 用于获取当前的日期和时间。

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> print(pd.datetime.now())
2023-07-09 19:13:34.169164
/tmp/ipykernel_283615/3621847409.py:2: FutureWarning: The pandas.datetime class is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Import from datetime module instead.


时间戳数据是时间序列数据的最基本类型,它将数值与时间点相关联。 对于Pandas对象来说,意味着使用时间点。举个例子 -

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> time = pd.Timestamp('2018-11-01')
>>> print(time)
2018-11-01 00:00:00

也可以转换整数或浮动时期。这些的默认单位是纳秒(因为这些是如何存储时间戳的)。 然而,时代往往存储在另一个可以指定的单元中。 再举一个例子:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> time = pd.Timestamp(1588686880,unit='s')
>>> print(time)
2020-05-05 13:54:40

7.11.4. 创建一个时间范围

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> time = pd.date_range("12:00", "23:59", freq="30min").time
>>> print(time)
[datetime.time(12, 0) datetime.time(12, 30) datetime.time(13, 0)
 datetime.time(13, 30) datetime.time(14, 0) datetime.time(14, 30)
 datetime.time(15, 0) datetime.time(15, 30) datetime.time(16, 0)
 datetime.time(16, 30) datetime.time(17, 0) datetime.time(17, 30)
 datetime.time(18, 0) datetime.time(18, 30) datetime.time(19, 0)
 datetime.time(19, 30) datetime.time(20, 0) datetime.time(20, 30)
 datetime.time(21, 0) datetime.time(21, 30) datetime.time(22, 0)
 datetime.time(22, 30) datetime.time(23, 0) datetime.time(23, 30)]

7.11.5. 改变时间的频率

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> time = pd.date_range("12:00", "23:59", freq="H").time
>>> print(time)
[datetime.time(12, 0) datetime.time(13, 0) datetime.time(14, 0)
 datetime.time(15, 0) datetime.time(16, 0) datetime.time(17, 0)
 datetime.time(18, 0) datetime.time(19, 0) datetime.time(20, 0)
 datetime.time(21, 0) datetime.time(22, 0) datetime.time(23, 0)]

7.11.6. 转换为时间戳

要转换类似日期的对象(例如字符串,时代或混合)的序列或类似列表的对象,可以使用 to_datetime 函数。 当传递时将返回一个Series(具有相同的索引),而类似列表被转换为 DatetimeIndex 。 看看下面的例子:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> time = pd.to_datetime(pd.Series(['Jul 31, 2009','2019-10-10', None]))
>>> print(time)
0   2009-07-31
1   2019-10-10
2          NaT
dtype: datetime64[ns]

NaT 表示不是一个时间的值(相当于 NaN )


>>> time = pd.to_datetime(['2009/11/23', '2019.12.31', None])
>>> time
DatetimeIndex(['2009-11-23', '2019-12-31', 'NaT'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)