19.2. 弹坑力学¶
作为参考,请记住,在广岛爆炸的20千吨重的装置相当于大约10个14 圣海伦斯火山爆发6×1016 最大的地震释放多达10次18 j.在这种情况下,产生萨德伯里结构(215 km)的影响 [134密] 初始直径)在加拿大发布约1023 j,大约是里氏震级9.0级地震的100000倍(那么,萨德伯里可能会产生类似于14级地震的反应)。通常,地震和冲击都是已知的最快的大型地质现象,每一种都会引起地面扰动,在地震发生后最多只能持续几分钟。
18-3: The Zhamanshin crater, in Asia, is 13.5 km (8.3 miles) in diameter. From the above graph, are there enough nuclear warheads in the arsenals of all nations combined to make a crater of this size if they are exploded simultaneously underground at one place? Are there enough atomic bombs to bring about nuclear winter? Roughly, what is the time likelihood of an impact of the size needed to have something like a nuclear winter forced on the Earth? (And, did you see "Armageddon" or "Deep Impact" in 1998? Does this potentiality for an impact catastrophe worry you?) `ANSWER <answers.html#18-3>`__
这种巨大冲击能量的来源是高速运动的巨大固体质量的直接后果。从物理学上记住动能(k.e.)=1/2 mV2 ,其中m是质量,v是速度。要了解所涉及的数量级,请考虑此计算。让一个直径为30米(98英尺)的铁体(实际上是一颗巨大的陨石)以每秒30公里(19英里)的空间速度(而不是小时)撞击地球,重达20万公吨(约4.4亿磅)。–20 mps相当于72000 mph)。这一影响将产生约2000万吨(相当于TNT)的能量(约10吨)。17 焦耳)它会切割出一个大约一公里半(几乎一英里)宽,185米(607英尺)深的陨石坑。这是陨石坑的大小,我们稍后会检查。喷射过程会将大部分开挖岩石分散到半径为10的范围内。+ 公里。
撞击瞬间(0.0秒),目标包括平均90米(295英尺)的中生代沉积岩(主要是白垩纪)(绿色),覆盖高达52米(171英尺)的年轻冰川沉积岩,并下覆495米(1624英尺)的古生代沉积岩(浅蓝色)。这些岩石不整合地位于元古界砂岩和其他红色碎屑岩(黄色)的顶部,其厚度在西南方向增加到近3公里(1.9英里)。整个剖面位于前寒武纪结晶(花岗岩和变质岩)岩石(红色)顶部,埋藏深度约4600 m(15088 ft)。
|Panel 2 - Sequence of steps involved in the development of the Manson structure.|
在0.6秒时,冲击波沿着一个扩大的半球形前沿井向目标推进,在600千巴(kb)左右(或60吉帕)的压力下,岩石发生严重变形。 [Ga] 一种新型压力装置),靠近贯穿件。一小部分目标(高达撞击器最终位移总量的10%)熔化。一些熔融的岩石随着现在被压缩和移动的岩石一起向下移动,经历了破碎。其中一些从陨石坑中推出,落回附近,一些从字面上喷出来的微小气泡,可能已经离开大气层数百英里,然后返回地球的泰克石(玻璃“鹅卵石”)。一种火球开始形成,类似于化学爆炸或核爆炸的地面大气燃烧引起的火球。几秒钟之内,火山口的挖掘阶段开始了,在那里冲击波首先压缩岩石,然后一个尾随波(稀疏波)通过,造成碎片张力。随着波的向外和向下传播,强度降低,峰值压力下降到几千巴的几十秒。
18-4: To recapitulate, specify the time or time interval at which each of these stages in the Manson crater formation was important: a) Maximum melting of rock; b) Maximum depth of transient crater; c) Moment when shock wave had decayed to about 20 kilobars (roughly the lower limit at which signficant shock features are produced in the rocks; d) Maximum excavation of fragmented rocks; e) Inward failure of crater walls; f) Start of central peak rise; g) Collapse of central peak; h) Deposition of fallout. `ANSWER <answers.html#18-4>`__
18-5: Drillers at the surface above Manson cannot see what they are "aiming" for because of the glacial cover. But, suppose geophysical surveys have outline the main elements of the crater, so the drill team knows where the center and the rim are located underneath. What would they encounter, as evident in the recovered drill core, if they drilled a) at the center; b) half way out (in the "moat"), and c) into the rim? `ANSWER <answers.html#18-5>`__