2.6. 波段信息特性1¶
Now look at TM band 7 which is centered near 2.2 µm in the reflected IR band. The image has some similarities to bands 1 and 4 but there are several obvious differences. All water is now completely dark (no signs of reflecting sediments). Only faint traces of the wave breakers remain. The beach sand is somewhat brighter than in band 4. The sun-facing slopes in the hills seem to be moderately brighter than in the other two bands. A bit more detail emerges in the partially shadowed slopes. Some areas, such as crop fields, that were quite bright in 4, are again dark as in 1. The mystery area near **s** shows some internal pattern or structure, including elongate strips of lighter and darker that provides another clue to its identity. The towns have a more diffuse street pattern and are generally darker overall. The extraction pits so prominent in band 1 are almost impossible to pick out in band 7.
Next, we will examine band 6 - the emitted thermal band (10.5- 12.5 µm). Remember that the spatial resolution for this band is 4 times coarser - 120 m compared with 30 m - than the other bands. The effect of this reduced resolution is immediately evident in viewing the subscene in that many details discernible in the other bands tend to be "smeared" out in this one. Yet the main elements you have come to know from bands already scanned are still readily recognized.
一些中灰色调,如 **v** ,表示草地覆盖层的冷却效果。一个非常明亮但孤立的点 **h** 与莫罗岩相吻合,莫罗岩具有裸露的岩石表面和陡峭的斜坡,吸收太阳辐射并加热,从而释放热能。这些城镇被标为黄色,灰色水平适中,这表明它们比自然的山坡要凉快一些,但在市中心地区有几个较浅的色调,通常比居住区(有草坪和更多的树木)暖和。
1-8 Speculate on why the upper right corner area of TM 6 is notably darker. `ANSWER <answer.html#1-8>`__
太平洋上显示的稍浅灰色区域的不均匀图案在这里并不真实,而是与传感器特性相关的类似噪声的伪影。有一种模式是反常的和有意义的。在摩罗岩的北部和西部,海水中呈现出一种不规则的图案,色调较浅,像一股沉积物从海岸进入海洋。这正是我们对附近发电厂的期望 **t** )它把加热后的废水倒入附近的死水中。