
from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import Dict, Optional, Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union, Set
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from pyglet import gl

from .buffer import Buffer
from arcade.types import BufferProtocol

BufferOrBufferProtocol = Union[BufferProtocol, Buffer]

GLenumLike = Union[gl.GLenum, int]
PyGLenum = int
GLuintLike = Union[gl.GLuint, int]
PyGLuint = int

OpenGlFilter: TypeAlias = Tuple[PyGLenum, PyGLenum]
BlendFunction: TypeAlias = Union[
    Tuple[PyGLenum, PyGLenum],
    Tuple[PyGLenum, PyGLenum, PyGLenum, PyGLenum]

_float_base_format = (0, gl.GL_RED, gl.GL_RG, gl.GL_RGB, gl.GL_RGBA)
_int_base_format = (
# format: (base_format, internal_format, type, size)
pixel_formats = {
    # float formats
    "f1": (
        (0, gl.GL_R8, gl.GL_RG8, gl.GL_RGB8, gl.GL_RGBA8),
    "f2": (
        (0, gl.GL_R16F, gl.GL_RG16F, gl.GL_RGB16F, gl.GL_RGBA16F),
    "f4": (
        (0, gl.GL_R32F, gl.GL_RG32F, gl.GL_RGB32F, gl.GL_RGBA32F),
    # int formats
    "i1": (
        (0, gl.GL_R8I, gl.GL_RG8I, gl.GL_RGB8I, gl.GL_RGBA8I),
    "i2": (
        (0, gl.GL_R16I, gl.GL_RG16I, gl.GL_RGB16I, gl.GL_RGBA16I),
    "i4": (
        (0, gl.GL_R32I, gl.GL_RG32I, gl.GL_RGB32I, gl.GL_RGBA32I),
    # uint formats
    "u1": (
        (0, gl.GL_R8UI, gl.GL_RG8UI, gl.GL_RGB8UI, gl.GL_RGBA8UI),
    "u2": (
        (0, gl.GL_R16UI, gl.GL_RG16UI, gl.GL_RGB16UI, gl.GL_RGBA16UI),
    "u4": (
        (0, gl.GL_R32UI, gl.GL_RG32UI, gl.GL_RGB32UI, gl.GL_RGBA32UI),

# String representation of a shader type
    gl.GL_VERTEX_SHADER: "vertex shader",
    gl.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: "fragment shader",
    gl.GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: "geometry shader",
    gl.GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER: "tessellation control shader",
    gl.GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER: "tessellation evaluation shader",

    gl.GL_FLOAT: "GL_FLOAT",
    gl.GL_INT: "GL_INT",
    gl.GL_SHORT: "GL_SHORT",
    gl.GL_BYTE: "GL_BYTE",

def gl_name(gl_type: Optional[PyGLenum]) -> Union[str, PyGLenum, None]:
    """Return the name of a gl type"""
    if gl_type is None:
        return None
    return GL_NAMES.get(gl_type, gl_type)

class AttribFormat:
    Represents a vertex attribute in a BufferDescription / Program.
    This is attribute metadata used when attempting to map vertex
    shader inputs.

    :param name: Name of the attribute
    :param gl_type: The OpenGL type such as GL_FLOAT, GL_HALF_FLOAT etc.
    :param bytes_per_component: Number of bytes for a single component
    :param offset: (Optional) Offset for BufferDescription
    :param location: (Optional) Location for program attribute

    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(
        self, name: Optional[str], gl_type: Optional[PyGLenum], components: int, bytes_per_component: int, offset=0,
    ): = name
        self.gl_type = gl_type
        self.components = components
        self.bytes_per_component = bytes_per_component
        self.offset = offset
        self.location = location

    def bytes_total(self) -> int:
        """Total number of bytes for this attribute"""
        return self.components * self.bytes_per_component

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"<AttribFormat {} {self.gl_type} components={self.components} "

[文档] class BufferDescription: """Buffer Object description used with :py:class:``. This class provides a Buffer object with a description of its content, allowing the a :py:class:`` object to correctly map shader attributes to a program/shader. The formats is a string providing the number and type of each attribute. Currently we only support f (float), i (integer) and B (unsigned byte). ``normalized`` enumerates the attributes which must have their values normalized. This is useful for instance for colors attributes given as unsigned byte and normalized to floats with values between 0.0 and 1.0. ``instanced`` allows this buffer to be used as instanced buffer. Each value will be used once for the whole geometry. The geometry will be repeated a number of times equal to the number of items in the Buffer. Example:: # Describe my_buffer # It contains two floating point numbers being a 2d position # and two floating point numbers being texture coordinates. # We expect the shader using this buffer to have an in_pos and in_uv attribute (exact name) BufferDescription( my_buffer, '2f 2f', ['in_pos', 'in_uv'], ) :param buffer: The buffer to describe :param formats: The format of each attribute :param attributes: List of attributes names (strings) :param normalized: list of attribute names that should be normalized :param instanced: ``True`` if this is per instance data """ # Describe all variants of a format string to simplify parsing (single component) # format: gl_type, byte_size _formats: Dict[str, Tuple[Optional[PyGLenum], int]] = { # (gl enum, byte size) # Floats "f": (gl.GL_FLOAT, 4), "f1": (gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1), "f2": (gl.GL_HALF_FLOAT, 2), "f4": (gl.GL_FLOAT, 4), "f8": (gl.GL_DOUBLE, 8), # Unsigned integers "u": (gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 4), "u1": (gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1), "u2": (gl.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 2), "u4": (gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 4), # Signed integers "i": (gl.GL_INT, 4), "i1": (gl.GL_BYTE, 1), "i2": (gl.GL_SHORT, 2), "i4": (gl.GL_INT, 4), # Padding (1, 2, 4, 8 bytes) "x": (None, 1), "x1": (None, 1), "x2": (None, 2), "x4": (None, 4), "x8": (None, 8), } __slots__ = ( "buffer", "attributes", "normalized", "instanced", "formats", "stride", "num_vertices", ) def __init__( self, buffer: Buffer, formats: str, attributes: Sequence[str], normalized: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, instanced: bool = False, ): #: The :py:class:`` this description object describes self.buffer = buffer # type: Buffer #: List of string attributes self.attributes = attributes #: List of normalized attributes self.normalized: Set[str] = set() if normalized is None else set(normalized) #: Instanced flag (bool) self.instanced: bool = instanced #: Formats of each attribute self.formats: List[AttribFormat] = [] #: The byte stride of the buffer self.stride: int = -1 #: Number of vertices in the buffer self.num_vertices: int = -1 if not isinstance(buffer, Buffer): raise ValueError("buffer parameter must be an") if not isinstance(self.attributes, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("Attributes must be a list or tuple") if self.normalized > set(self.attributes): raise ValueError("Normalized attribute not found in attributes.") formats_list = formats.split(" ") non_padded_formats = [f for f in formats_list if "x" not in f] if len(non_padded_formats) != len(self.attributes): raise ValueError( f"Different lengths of formats ({len(non_padded_formats)}) and " f"attributes ({len(self.attributes)})" ) def zip_attrs(formats: List[str], attributes: Sequence[str]): """Join together formats and attribute names taking padding into account""" attr_index = 0 for f in formats: if "x" in f: yield f, None else: yield f, attributes[attr_index] attr_index += 1 self.stride = 0 for attr_fmt, attr_name in zip_attrs(formats_list, self.attributes): # Automatically make f1 attributes normalized if attr_name is not None and "f1" in attr_fmt: self.normalized.add(attr_name) try: components_str, data_type_str, data_size_str = re.split( r"([fiux])", attr_fmt ) data_type = ( f"{data_type_str}{data_size_str}" if data_size_str else data_type_str ) components = ( int(components_str) if components_str else 1 ) # 1 component is default data_size = ( int(data_size_str) if data_size_str else 4 ) # 4 byte float and integer types are default # Limit components to 4 for non-padded formats if components > 4 and data_size is not None: raise ValueError("Number of components must be 1, 2, 3 or 4") except Exception as ex: raise ValueError( f"Could not parse attribute format: '{attr_fmt} : {ex}'" ) gl_type, byte_size = self._formats[data_type] self.formats.append( AttribFormat( attr_name, gl_type, components, byte_size, offset=self.stride ) ) self.stride += byte_size * components if self.buffer.size % self.stride != 0: raise ValueError( f"Buffer size must align by {self.stride} bytes. " f"{self.buffer} size={self.buffer.size}" ) # Estimate number of vertices for this buffer self.num_vertices = self.buffer.size // self.stride def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<BufferDescription {self.attributes} {self.formats}>" def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, BufferDescription): raise ValueError(f"The only logical comparison to a BufferDescription" f"is a BufferDescription not {type(other)}") # Equal if we share the same attribute return len(set(self.attributes) & set(other.attributes)) > 0
class TypeInfo: """ Describes an opengl type :param name: the string representation of this type :param enum: The enum of this type :param gl_type: the base enum of this type :param gl_size: byte size if the gl_type :param components: Number of components for this enum """ __slots__ = "name", "enum", "gl_type", "gl_size", "components" def __init__(self, name: str, enum: GLenumLike, gl_type: PyGLenum, gl_size: int, components: int): = name self.enum = enum self.gl_type = gl_type self.gl_size = gl_size self.components = components @property def size(self) -> int: return self.gl_size * self.components def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<TypeInfo name={}, enum={self.enum} gl_type={self.gl_type} " f"gl_size={self.gl_size} components={self.components}>" ) class GLTypes: """ Get information about an attribute type. During introspection we often just get integers telling us what type is used. This can for example be `35664` telling us it's a `GL_FLOAT_VEC2`. We want to know this is a `gl.GLfloat` with 2 components so we can compare that to the types in the `BufferDescription`. These an also be used for uniform introspection. """ types = { # Floats gl.GL_FLOAT: TypeInfo("GL_FLOAT", gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FLOAT, 4, 1), gl.GL_FLOAT_VEC2: TypeInfo( "GL_FLOAT_VEC2", gl.GL_FLOAT_VEC2, gl.GL_FLOAT, 4, 2 ), gl.GL_FLOAT_VEC3: TypeInfo( "GL_FLOAT_VEC3", gl.GL_FLOAT_VEC3, gl.GL_FLOAT, 4, 3 ), gl.GL_FLOAT_VEC4: TypeInfo( "GL_FLOAT_VEC4", gl.GL_FLOAT_VEC4, gl.GL_FLOAT, 4, 4 ), # Doubles gl.GL_DOUBLE: TypeInfo("GL_DOUBLE", gl.GL_DOUBLE, gl.GL_DOUBLE, 8, 1), gl.GL_DOUBLE_VEC2: TypeInfo( "GL_DOUBLE_VEC2", gl.GL_DOUBLE_VEC2, gl.GL_DOUBLE, 8, 2 ), gl.GL_DOUBLE_VEC3: TypeInfo( "GL_DOUBLE_VEC3", gl.GL_DOUBLE_VEC3, gl.GL_DOUBLE, 8, 3 ), gl.GL_DOUBLE_VEC4: TypeInfo( "GL_DOUBLE_VEC4", gl.GL_DOUBLE_VEC4, gl.GL_DOUBLE, 8, 4 ), # Booleans (ubyte) gl.GL_BOOL: TypeInfo("GL_BOOL", gl.GL_BOOL, gl.GL_BOOL, 1, 1), gl.GL_BOOL_VEC2: TypeInfo("GL_BOOL_VEC2", gl.GL_BOOL_VEC2, gl.GL_BOOL, 1, 2), gl.GL_BOOL_VEC3: TypeInfo("GL_BOOL_VEC3", gl.GL_BOOL_VEC3, gl.GL_BOOL, 1, 3), gl.GL_BOOL_VEC4: TypeInfo("GL_BOOL_VEC4", gl.GL_BOOL_VEC4, gl.GL_BOOL, 1, 4), # Integers gl.GL_INT: TypeInfo("GL_INT", gl.GL_INT, gl.GL_INT, 4, 1), gl.GL_INT_VEC2: TypeInfo("GL_INT_VEC2", gl.GL_INT_VEC2, gl.GL_INT, 4, 2), gl.GL_INT_VEC3: TypeInfo("GL_INT_VEC3", gl.GL_INT_VEC3, gl.GL_INT, 4, 3), gl.GL_INT_VEC4: TypeInfo("GL_INT_VEC4", gl.GL_INT_VEC4, gl.GL_INT, 4, 4), # Unsigned Integers gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT: TypeInfo( "GL_UNSIGNED_INT", gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 4, 1 ), gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2: TypeInfo( "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2", gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 4, 2 ), gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3: TypeInfo( "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3", gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 4, 3 ), gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4: TypeInfo( "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4", gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 4, 4 ), # Unsigned Short (mostly used for short index buffers) gl.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: TypeInfo( "GL.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT", gl.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 2, 2 ), # Byte gl.GL_BYTE: TypeInfo("GL_BYTE", gl.GL_BYTE, gl.GL_BYTE, 1, 1), gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: TypeInfo( "GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE", gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1, 1 ), # TODO: Add sampler types if needed. Only needed for better uniform introspection. } @classmethod def get(cls, enum: int): try: return cls.types[enum] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown gl type {enum}. Someone needs to add it")