arcade.drawing_support 源代码

Functions used to support drawing. No Pyglet/OpenGL here.

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import Tuple

__all__ = ["get_points_for_thick_line"]

[文档] def get_points_for_thick_line(start_x: float, start_y: float, end_x: float, end_y: float, line_width: float) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]: """ Function used internally for Arcade. OpenGL draws triangles only, so a thick line must be two triangles that make up a rectangle. This calculates and returns those points. """ vector_x = start_x - end_x vector_y = start_y - end_y perpendicular_x = vector_y perpendicular_y = -vector_x length = math.sqrt(vector_x * vector_x + vector_y * vector_y) if length == 0: normal_x = 1.0 normal_y = 1.0 else: normal_x = perpendicular_x / length normal_y = perpendicular_y / length r1_x = start_x + normal_x * line_width / 2 r1_y = start_y + normal_y * line_width / 2 r2_x = start_x - normal_x * line_width / 2 r2_y = start_y - normal_y * line_width / 2 r3_x = end_x + normal_x * line_width / 2 r3_y = end_y + normal_y * line_width / 2 r4_x = end_x - normal_x * line_width / 2 r4_y = end_y - normal_y * line_width / 2 return (r1_x, r1_y), (r2_x, r2_y), (r4_x, r4_y), (r3_x, r3_y)