不确定性和分布 (astropy.uncertainty#




astropy 提供了一个 Distribution 对象表示统计分布的形式,该形式充当 Quantity 对象或常规 numpy.ndarray . 以这种方式使用, Distribution 以额外计算为代价提供不确定性传播。例如,它还可以更一般地表示蒙特卡罗计算技术中的抽样分布。

这个特性的核心对象是 Distribution . 目前,所有这些分布都是蒙特卡罗抽样的。虽然这意味着每个分布可能需要更多的内存,但它允许在保持其相关性结构的同时对分布执行任意复杂的操作。一些特定的良好分布(如正态分布)具有分析形式,最终可能使表示更加紧凑和有效。在未来,这些可能会提供一种相干的不确定性传播机制 NDData . 但是,目前还没有实施。因此,存储不确定性的细节 NDData 对象可以在 N维数据集 (astropy.nddata ) 部分。



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy import uncertainty as unc
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(12345)  # ensures reproducible example numbers

现在我们创建两个 Distribution 对象来表示我们的分布:

>>> a = unc.normal(1*u.kpc, std=30*u.pc, n_samples=10000)
>>> b = unc.normal(2*u.kpc, std=40*u.pc, n_samples=10000)

对于正态分布,中心应按预期增加,标准差应加入求积。我们可以用 Distribution 算术和属性:

>>> c = a + b
>>> c 
<QuantityDistribution [...] kpc with n_samples=10000>
>>> c.pdf_mean() 
<Quantity 2.99970555 kpc>
>>> c.pdf_std().to(u.pc) 
<Quantity 50.07120457 pc>

事实上,这些都接近预期。虽然对于基本的高斯情况,对于更复杂的分布或算术运算,误差分析变得站不住脚,这似乎是不必要的, Distribution 仍然可以通过:

>>> d = unc.uniform(center=3*u.kpc, width=800*u.pc, n_samples=10000)
>>> e = unc.Distribution(((rng.beta(2,5, 10000)-(2/7))/2 + 3)*u.kpc)
>>> f = (c * d * e) ** (1/3)
>>> f.pdf_mean() 
<Quantity 2.99760998 kpc>
>>> f.pdf_std() 
<Quantity 0.08308941 kpc>
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 
>>> from astropy.visualization import quantity_support 
>>> with quantity_support():
...     plt.hist(f.distribution, bins=50) 

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使用 astropy.uncertainty#


创建分布最直接的方法是使用数组或 Quantity 带着样本 last 尺寸:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy import uncertainty as unc
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(123456)  # ensures "random" numbers match examples below
>>> unc.Distribution(rng.poisson(12, (1000)))  
NdarrayDistribution([..., 12,...]) with n_samples=1000
>>> pq = rng.poisson([1, 5, 30, 400], (1000, 4)).T * u.ct # note the transpose, required to get the sampling on the *last* axis
>>> distr = unc.Distribution(pq)
>>> distr 
<QuantityDistribution [[...],
           [...]] ct with n_samples=1000>

请注意这两个发行版的区别:第一个发行版是从数组构建的,因此没有 Quantityunit 后者有这些属性。这反映在它们如何与其他对象交互,例如 NdarrayDistribution 不会与 Quantity 包含单位的对象。


>>> center = [1, 5, 30, 400]
>>> n_distr = unc.normal(center*u.kpc, std=[0.2, 1.5, 4, 1]*u.kpc, n_samples=1000)
>>> n_distr = unc.normal(center*u.kpc, var=[0.04, 2.25, 16, 1]*u.kpc**2, n_samples=1000)
>>> n_distr = unc.normal(center*u.kpc, ivar=[25, 0.44444444, 0.625, 1]*u.kpc**-2, n_samples=1000)
>>> n_distr.distribution.shape
(4, 1000)
>>> unc.normal(center*u.kpc, std=[0.2, 1.5, 4, 1]*u.kpc, n_samples=100).distribution.shape
(4, 100)
>>> unc.normal(center*u.kpc, std=[0.2, 1.5, 4, 1]*u.kpc, n_samples=20000).distribution.shape
(4, 20000)

此外,泊松和均匀 Distribution 存在创建函数:

>>> unc.poisson(center*u.count, n_samples=1000) 
<QuantityDistribution [[...],
             [...]] ct with n_samples=1000>
>>> uwidth = [10, 20, 10, 55]*u.pc
>>> unc.uniform(center=center*u.kpc, width=uwidth, n_samples=1000) 
<QuantityDistribution [[...],
             [...]] kpc with n_samples=1000>
>>> unc.uniform(lower=center*u.kpc - uwidth/2,  upper=center*u.kpc + uwidth/2, n_samples=1000)  
<QuantityDistribution [[...],
             [...]] kpc with n_samples=1000>



这个对象现在的行为很像 Quantitynumpy.ndarray 对于除非采样维度以外的所有维度,但具有对采样分布起作用的其他统计操作:

>>> distr.shape
>>> distr.size
>>> distr.unit
>>> distr.n_samples
>>> distr.pdf_mean() 
<Quantity [  1.034,   5.026,  29.994, 400.365] ct>
>>> distr.pdf_std() 
<Quantity [ 1.04539179,  2.19484031,  5.47776998, 19.87022333] ct>
>>> distr.pdf_var() 
<Quantity [  1.092844,   4.817324,  30.005964, 394.825775] ct2>
>>> distr.pdf_median()
<Quantity [   1.,   5.,  30., 400.] ct>
>>> distr.pdf_mad()  # Median absolute deviation 
<Quantity [ 1.,  1.,  4., 13.] ct>
>>> distr.pdf_smad()  # Median absolute deviation, rescaled to match std for normal 
<Quantity [ 1.48260222,  1.48260222,  5.93040887, 19.27382884] ct>
>>> distr.pdf_percentiles([10, 50, 90])
<Quantity [[  0. ,   2. ,  23. , 375. ],
           [  1. ,   5. ,  30. , 400. ],
           [  2. ,   8. ,  37. , 426.1]] ct>
>>> distr.pdf_percentiles([.1, .5, .9]*u.dimensionless_unscaled)
<Quantity [[  0. ,   2. ,  23. , 375. ],
          [  1. ,   5. ,  30. , 400. ],
          [  2. ,   8. ,  37. , 426.1]] ct>

如果需要,可以从 distribution 属性:

>>> distr.distribution
<Quantity [[  2.,   2.,   0., ...,   1.,   0.,   1.],
           [  3.,   2.,   8., ...,   8.,   3.,   3.],
           [ 31.,  30.,  32., ...,  20.,  34.,  31.],
           [354., 373., 384., ..., 410., 404., 395.]] ct>
>>> distr.distribution.shape
(4, 1000)

A Quantity distribution interacts naturally with non-Distribution Quantity objects, assuming the Quantity is a Dirac delta distribution:

>>> distr_in_kpc = distr * u.kpc/u.count  # for the sake of round numbers in examples
>>> distrplus = distr_in_kpc + [2000,0,0,500]*u.pc
>>> distrplus.pdf_median()
<Quantity [   3. ,   5. ,  30. , 400.5] kpc>
>>> distrplus.pdf_var() 
<Quantity [  1.092844,   4.817324,  30.005964, 394.825775] kpc2>


>>> means = [2000, 0, 0, 500]
>>> sigmas = [1000, .01, 3000, 10]
>>> another_distr = unc.Distribution((rng.normal(means, sigmas, (1000,4))).T * u.pc)
>>> combined_distr = distr_in_kpc + another_distr
>>> combined_distr.pdf_median()  
<Quantity [  2.81374275,   4.99999631,  29.7150889 , 400.49576691] kpc>
>>> combined_distr.pdf_var()  
<Quantity [  2.15512118,   4.817324  ,  39.0614616 , 394.82969655] kpc2>


分布的主要应用之一是不确定性传播,这就要求正确处理协方差。这在montecarlo采样方法中很自然 Distribution 类,只要适当注意采样误差。


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy import uncertainty as unc
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 
>>> n1 = unc.normal(center=0., std=1, n_samples=10000)
>>> n2 = unc.normal(center=0., std=2, n_samples=10000)
>>> plt.scatter(n1.distribution, n2.distribution, s=2, lw=0, alpha=.5) 
>>> plt.xlim(-4, 4) 
>>> plt.ylim(-4, 4) 

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>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(357)
>>> ncov = rng.multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[1, .5], [.5, 2]], size=10000)
>>> n1 = unc.Distribution(ncov[:, 0])
>>> n2 = unc.Distribution(ncov[:, 1])
>>> plt.scatter(n1.distribution, n2.distribution, s=2, lw=0, alpha=.5) 
>>> plt.xlim(-4, 4) 
>>> plt.ylim(-4, 4) 

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>>> fe_abund = unc.normal(center=-2, std=.25, n_samples=10000)
>>> o_abund = unc.normal(center=-6., std=.5, n_samples=10000)
>>> h_abund = unc.normal(center=-0.7, std=.1, n_samples=10000)
>>> feh = fe_abund - h_abund
>>> ofe = o_abund - fe_abund
>>> plt.scatter(ofe.distribution, feh.distribution, s=2, lw=0, alpha=.5) 
>>> plt.xlabel('[Fe/H]') 
>>> plt.ylabel('[O/Fe]') 

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>>> n2_wrong = unc.Distribution(ncov[::-1, 1])  #reverse the sampling axis order
>>> plt.scatter(n1.distribution, n2_wrong.distribution, s=2, lw=0, alpha=.5) 
>>> plt.xlim(-4, 4) 
>>> plt.ylim(-4, 4) 

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>>> ncov = rng.multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[1, .5], [.5, 2]], size=50)
>>> n1 = unc.Distribution(ncov[:, 0])
>>> n2 = unc.Distribution(ncov[:, 1])
>>> plt.scatter(n1.distribution, n2.distribution, s=5, lw=0) 
>>> plt.xlim(-4, 4) 
>>> plt.ylim(-4, 4) 
>>> np.cov(n1.distribution, n2.distribution) 
array([[0.95534365, 0.35220031],
       [0.35220031, 1.99511743]])

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协方差结构肉眼看不太明显,这反映在输入和输出协方差矩阵之间的显著差异上。一般来说,这是使用抽样分布的内在权衡:样本数量越少,计算效率越高,但在任何相关数量中都会导致更大的不确定性。这些都是有秩序的 \(\sqrt{{n_{{\rm samples}}}}\) 但这取决于所讨论的分布的复杂性。



此子程序包包含用于创建工作原理类似于 Quantity 或数组对象,但会传播不确定性。


normal(center, *[, std, var, ivar, cls])


poisson(center, n_samples[, cls])


uniform(*[, lower, upper, center, width, cls])



Distribution \(样本)



Inheritance diagram of astropy.uncertainty.core.Distribution