

发布日期: 1970-01-01 更新日期: 2016-12-08 编辑:xuzhiping 浏览次数: 3968


摘要: 测量低损耗薄膜材料介电常数的标量法 栾 卉1 2 赵 凯1 ( 1. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, luanhui@ mail. neigae. ac. cn, 吉林长春130012 ; 2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京100049 ) 摘 要 依据...

测量低损耗薄膜材料介电常数的标量法 栾 卉1 2 赵 凯1 ( 1. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, luanhui@ mail. neigae. ac. cn, 吉林长春130012 ; 2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京100049 ) 摘 要 依据被测介质性质, 在现有实验设备条件下, 提出了一种标量法测量低损耗薄膜介质介电常数的新方法。该方法利用传输线法测量原理, 先测量待测介质损耗,间接得到反射系数, 由反射系数与介电常数关系式, 推导得出待测介质的介电常数。该方法有样品容易制作, 测量简单准确等特点。通过测量实例的误差分析, 指出标量法测量薄膜材料介电常数的不足, 提出相应的改进措施。 关键词 低损耗, 薄膜材料, 介电常数, 测量, 标量法 Abstract A new scalar method of measurement for low loss film medium is presentedbased on electric properties of measured medium under the present condition of laboratory. By utilizing the principle of transmission measurement , the dielectric loss of medium is first ly measured and reflection coefficient is calculated, then, the medium permittivity is educed by the relationship of reflect ion coefficient and permittivity. The presented method is of the characteristics of convenient and accurate. Through error analysis of examples, some shortages and improvement planare discussed in this paper. Key words low loss, thin film, permitt ivity, measurement , scalar method



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