MRTSwath 2.2 Package Updates

MRTSwath 2.2 Package Updates

发布日期: 1970-01-01 更新日期: 2015-02-04 编辑:giser 浏览次数: 4424


摘要: The most recent release of the MODIS Reprojection Tool for Swath application (MRTSwath 2.2) has been updated for all platforms (Li...

The most recent release of the MODIS Reprojection Tool for Swath application (MRTSwath 2.2) has been updated for all platforms (Linux-32, Linux-64, Macintosh, Windows) to correct the version number displayed in the GUI and command line interfaces.

Reinstallation for Linux and Macintosh is optional. For Windows users only, an additional fix has been applied to handle a Java directory path error. It is recommended that Windows users replace their installed version of MRTSwath v2.2 with the updated version available from the LP DAAC Tools Web site. Please contact User Services if further issues are noted.



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