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Applied remote sensing is (or can be) a key component in various types of decision making. As an example, consider how one goes about the process of converting now vacant natural landscape into an extensive living community: this includes housing developments and shopping and service centers plus sites for industry and transportation and utilities infrastructure. Much of the information needed is in the form of thematic maps (soils stability; topography; proximity to roads, etc.) and various data sets (land ownership; sources of water; local economy, etc.). Over the past two decades, a new systematic approach to gathering, storing, and manipulating the different information types, with the objective of analyzing the tasks and making and implementing decisions, has become highly popular and widespread in use: this is the methodology intrinsic to what is known as GIS or Geographic Information Systems. Remote sensing plays several roles - an obvious one is to upgrade certain maps that are outdated by classifying the most recent scene content into classes needed in any GIS analysis. This Section will explain in some detail the functions of a GIS analysis, will show how imagery like Landsat can be a vital part of the process, and will use two applications to illustrate the general end results sought. The first page focuses on some types of thematic maps in common use.




照片(图像)和地图本质上是二维的或平面的,尽管我们可以使用轮廓或阴影等技术来呈现准三维的外观或提取广义基准面以上相对高度的信息。最常见的三维地图是地形图,我们已经在第11节中检查过了。 (page 11-1) ②正如我们在第10节和第11节中提到的,地图通常几乎总是具有以下基本信息:图形距离测量、比例、方向和方向、投影类型和一些地理坐标系,以及附带图例中的其他描述符和符号。地形图也有等高线间隔。

` <>`__15-1: What type(s) of map is/are the average citizen likely to encounter in everyday life? `ANSWER <Sect15_answers.html#15-1>`__


` <>`__15-2: Think of (and list) at least four other types of specialized thematic maps. `ANSWER <Sect15_answers.html#15-2>`__





` <>`__15-3: Suppose you decided you wanted to live near Reno, but you are now residing in the eastern U.S. Your great Uncle has died and left you a piece of land. Explain how you could use the above 4 maps, even though "in absentia", to make an educated guess as to problems you might encounter in building a house, so you can start planning even before you get there. `ANSWER <Sect15_answers.html#15-3>`__



` <>`__* 本节的部分内容已从陆地卫星教程工作手册的活动(第7章)中自由改编;该活动是由本教程的初始发起人、代码935的现任分支机构主管William J.Campbell先生于1981年编写的。

主要作者:Nicholas M.Short,高级电子邮件: nmshort@nationi.net

合作者: Code 935 美国国家航空航天局 GSTUSAF Academy