摘要: Background MetaCRSis a project encompassing several projections, and coordinate system related technologies. Our plan is to treat ...
MetaCRSis a project encompassing several projections, and coordinate system related technologies. Our plan is to treat a variety of coordinate system activities as one Project from an OSGeo point of view. This helps provide enough "project mass" to justify the full OSGeo project treatment. But more importantly it would give us a forum to cooperate. Sharing things like coordinate system dictionaries, test suites and mathematical formulations.
Project Steering Committee
The project steering committee consists of the following individuals and operates according to the MetaCRS PSC procedures.
Frank Warmerdam (chair) Hugues Wisniewski Norm Olson Mike Adair Howard Butler Martin Davis
The following are sub-projects of MetaCRS:
PROJ.4 - lead - Frank Warmerdam Proj4js - lead - Mike Adair CS-Map - lead - Hugues Wisiewski GeoTIFF/libgeotiff - lead - Frank Warmerdam SpatialReference.org - lead - Howard? Chris? Proj4J - lead - Martin Davis
Commiters are technically able to commit on any part of MetaCRS but traditionally they have sub-projects on which they focus, and they will avoid commits on other sub-projects without discussion with the project lead. New commiters may be added after a vote of the PSC.
Howard Butler (hobu): libgeotiff, spatialreference.org Hugues Wisiewski (hugueswski): CS-Map Mike Adair (madair): Proj4js Norm Olsen (normolsen): CS-Map Paul Ramsey (pramsey): libgeotiff Frank Warmerdam (warmerdam): PROJ.4, libgeotiff Chris Schmidt (crschmidt): spatialreference.org Richard Didier (drichard): PROJ.4 Martin Davis (mdavis): Proj4J Landon Blake (surveyor): Proj4J, testsuite Martin Desruisseaux (desruisseaux): testsuite
Mailing list
In order to facilitate further discussion I have created a mailing list. Please join if you have an interest. http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/MetaCRS
Practical Questions
Answers are not authoritative - they are one opinion on http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/MetaCRSpossible answers.