摘要: 今天处理FAST格式的Landsat数据,发现其投影方式为Lambert_ Conformal _ Conic _ 2SP。想用原来写好的程序将影像的椭球体从WGS84转换到Beijing 54,必须先将此数据转换投影为UTM投影。在GDAL中进行投影转换需要...
今天处理FAST格式的Landsat数据,发现其投影方式为Lambert_ Conformal _ Conic _ 2SP。想用原来写好的程序将影像的椭球体从WGS84转换到Beijing 54,必须先将此数据转换投影为UTM投影。在GDAL中进行投影转换需要使用影像投影转换前后的proj4信息文件,这个文件原来都是已经写好的,但是没有针对Lambert投影的。重新再写,有点麻烦,还是先找一下有没有直接提取影像proj4信息的程序吧。没想到真有:listgeo。这是geotiff-bin软件包中的。下面是其用法:
Usage: listgeo [-tfw] [-no_ norm] [-proj4] [-t tabledir] inputfile The program listgeo takes a GeoTIFF file as input and dumps to the standard output a GeoTIFF "metadata" file, which is human readable,and may also be used as input to other programs which use the "GTIFImport" routine, such as geotifcp. The -tfw flag may be passed to force generation of an ESRI style .tfw file as well as the metadata file. The ESRI world file is always given the same basename as the input file, with the extension .tfw. If one exists already it will be overwritten. The -no_norm flag will supress reporting of normalized parameters, and reporting of corner points. The -proj4 flag forces listgeo to report the PROJ.4 projection string it uses for reprojecting corners to lat/long. The -t tabledir flag overrides the programs concept of how to file the EPSG CSV files, causing it to look in directory "tabledir".