# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# copyright 2018 gevent
# cython: auto_pickle=False,embedsignature=True,always_allow_keywords=False
Low-level waiting primitives.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from gevent._hub_local import get_hub_noargs as get_hub
from gevent.exceptions import ConcurrentObjectUseError
__all__ = [
_NONE = object()
locals()['getcurrent'] = __import__('greenlet').getcurrent
locals()['greenlet_init'] = lambda: None
class Waiter(object):
A low level communication utility for greenlets.
Waiter is a wrapper around greenlet's ``switch()`` and ``throw()`` calls that makes them somewhat safer:
* switching will occur only if the waiting greenlet is executing :meth:`get` method currently;
* any error raised in the greenlet is handled inside :meth:`switch` and :meth:`throw`
* if :meth:`switch`/:meth:`throw` is called before the receiver calls :meth:`get`, then :class:`Waiter`
will store the value/exception. The following :meth:`get` will return the value/raise the exception.
The :meth:`switch` and :meth:`throw` methods must only be called from the :class:`Hub` greenlet.
The :meth:`get` method must be called from a greenlet other than :class:`Hub`.
>>> from gevent.hub import Waiter
>>> from gevent import get_hub
>>> result = Waiter()
>>> timer = get_hub().loop.timer(0.1)
>>> timer.start(result.switch, 'hello from Waiter')
>>> result.get() # blocks for 0.1 seconds
'hello from Waiter'
>>> timer.close()
If switch is called before the greenlet gets a chance to call :meth:`get` then
:class:`Waiter` stores the value.
>>> from gevent.time import sleep
>>> result = Waiter()
>>> timer = get_hub().loop.timer(0.1)
>>> timer.start(result.switch, 'hi from Waiter')
>>> sleep(0.2)
>>> result.get() # returns immediately without blocking
'hi from Waiter'
>>> timer.close()
.. warning::
This is a limited and dangerous way to communicate between
greenlets. It can easily leave a greenlet unscheduled forever
if used incorrectly. Consider using safer classes such as
:class:`gevent.event.Event`, :class:`gevent.event.AsyncResult`,
or :class:`gevent.queue.Queue`.
__slots__ = ['hub', 'greenlet', 'value', '_exception']
def __init__(self, hub=None):
self.hub = get_hub() if hub is None else hub
self.greenlet = None
self.value = None
self._exception = _NONE
def clear(self):
self.greenlet = None
self.value = None
self._exception = _NONE
def __str__(self):
if self._exception is _NONE:
return '<%s greenlet=%s>' % (type(self).__name__, self.greenlet)
if self._exception is None:
return '<%s greenlet=%s value=%r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.greenlet, self.value)
return '<%s greenlet=%s exc_info=%r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.greenlet, self.exc_info)
def ready(self):
"""Return true if and only if it holds a value or an exception"""
return self._exception is not _NONE
def successful(self):
"""Return true if and only if it is ready and holds a value"""
return self._exception is None
def exc_info(self):
"Holds the exception info passed to :meth:`throw` if :meth:`throw` was called. Otherwise ``None``."
if self._exception is not _NONE:
return self._exception
def switch(self, value):
Switch to the greenlet if one's available. Otherwise store the
.. versionchanged:: 1.3b1
The *value* is no longer optional.
greenlet = self.greenlet
if greenlet is None:
self.value = value
self._exception = None
if getcurrent() is not self.hub: # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
raise AssertionError("Can only use Waiter.switch method from the Hub greenlet")
switch = greenlet.switch
except: # pylint:disable=bare-except
self.hub.handle_error(switch, *sys.exc_info())
def switch_args(self, *args):
return self.switch(args)
def throw(self, *throw_args):
"""Switch to the greenlet with the exception. If there's no greenlet, store the exception."""
greenlet = self.greenlet
if greenlet is None:
self._exception = throw_args
if getcurrent() is not self.hub: # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
raise AssertionError("Can only use Waiter.switch method from the Hub greenlet")
throw = greenlet.throw
except: # pylint:disable=bare-except
self.hub.handle_error(throw, *sys.exc_info())
def get(self):
"""If a value/an exception is stored, return/raise it. Otherwise until switch() or throw() is called."""
if self._exception is not _NONE:
if self._exception is None:
return self.value
getcurrent().throw(*self._exception) # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
if self.greenlet is not None:
raise ConcurrentObjectUseError('This Waiter is already used by %r' % (self.greenlet, ))
self.greenlet = getcurrent() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
return self.hub.switch()
self.greenlet = None
def __call__(self, source):
if source.exception is None:
# can also have a debugging version, that wraps the value in a tuple (self, value) in switch()
# and unwraps it in wait() thus checking that switch() was indeed called
class MultipleWaiter(Waiter):
An internal extension of Waiter that can be used if multiple objects
must be waited on, and there is a chance that in between waits greenlets
might be switched out. All greenlets that switch to this waiter
will have their value returned.
This does not handle exceptions or throw methods.
__slots__ = ['_values']
def __init__(self, hub=None):
Waiter.__init__(self, hub)
# we typically expect a relatively small number of these to be outstanding.
# since we pop from the left, a deque might be slightly
# more efficient, but since we're in the hub we avoid imports if
# we can help it to better support monkey-patching, and delaying the import
# here can be impractical (see https://github.com/gevent/gevent/issues/652)
self._values = []
def switch(self, value):
Waiter.switch(self, True)
def get(self):
if not self._values:
return self._values.pop(0)
def _init():
greenlet_init() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
from gevent._util import import_c_accel
import_c_accel(globals(), 'gevent.__waiter')