1#!/usr/bin/env python
2"""Simple server that listens on port 16000 and echos back every input to the client.
4Connect to it with:
5 telnet 16000
7Terminate the connection by terminating telnet (typically Ctrl-] and then 'quit').
9from __future__ import print_function
10from gevent.server import StreamServer
13# this handler will be run for each incoming connection in a dedicated greenlet
14def echo(socket, address):
15 print('New connection from %s:%s' % address)
16 socket.sendall(b'Welcome to the echo server! Type quit to exit.\r\n')
17 # using a makefile because we want to use readline()
18 rfileobj = socket.makefile(mode='rb')
19 while True:
20 line = rfileobj.readline()
21 if not line:
22 print("client disconnected")
23 break
24 if line.strip().lower() == b'quit':
25 print("client quit")
26 break
27 socket.sendall(line)
28 print("echoed %r" % line)
29 rfileobj.close()
31if __name__ == '__main__':
32 # to make the server use SSL, pass certfile and keyfile arguments to the constructor
33 server = StreamServer(('', 16000), echo)
34 # to start the server asynchronously, use its start() method;
35 # we use blocking serve_forever() here because we have no other jobs
36 print('Starting echo server on port 16000')
37 server.serve_forever()