
以下命令将为部署CentOS 7 Minimal ISO机器做好准备:

  • 带有以下插件的geoserver:

    • 地理服务器WPS

    • geoserver远程WPS编排器

    • 地理服务器导入程序

OS ISO已从以下网址下载:




更新文件 /etc/hosts 确保IP地址与机器名称匹配。

# as root

$> yum -y install man vim openssh-clients mc zip unzip wget net-tools


# as root

$> wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackupcookie" http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u65-b17/jdk-8u74-linux-x64.tar.gz

$> tar xzvf jdk-8u65-linux-x64.tar.gz
$> mkdir /usr/java
$> mv jdk1.8.0_65/ /usr/java/

$> alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/java 20000

$> alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/javac 20000

$> alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/jar 20000

$> alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/javaws 20000

$> alternatives --set java /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/java
$> alternatives --set javac /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/javac
$> alternatives --set jar /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/jar
$> alternatives --set javaws /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/javaws

# Verify the proper installation on the JDK

$> java -version
  java version "1.8.0_65"
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_65-b17)
  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.65-b01, mixed mode)

$> javac -version
  javac 1.8.0_65

安装Apache Tomcat

# as root

$> yum -y install tomcat-webapps
$> systemctl disable tomcat.service

$> cp /etc/sysconfig/tomcat /etc/sysconfig/geoserver
$> ln -s /usr/share/tomcat/ /opt/tomcat

创建apache tomcat主上下文


# as root

$> mkdir -p /var/lib/tomcat/geoserver/{bin,conf,logs,temp,webapps,work}

$> cp -Rf /opt/tomcat/conf/* /var/lib/tomcat/geoserver/conf/

创建geoserver apache tomcat基本上下文


  • 已安装Tomcat(正在安装Apache Tomcat)

  • 创建了基础catalina模板(创建Apache Tomcat主上下文)

编辑 server.xml 文件


  • 8005用于向Catalina实例发送命令

  • AJP连接端口8009

  • 8080用于HTTP连接端口

请记住,您可以在文件中更改这些端口 /var/lib/tomcat/geoserver/conf/server.xml


设置的所有权 geoserver/ 与用户tomcat相关的目录

# as root

$> chown tomcat: -R /var/lib/tomcat/geoserver
$> cp /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf /etc/tomcat/geoserver.conf

$> vi /etc/tomcat/geoserver.conf

  # This variable is used to figure out if config is loaded or not.

  # In new-style instances, if CATALINA_BASE isn't specified, it will
  # be constructed by joining TOMCATS_BASE and NAME.

  # Where your java installation lives

  # Where your tomcat installation lives

  # System-wide tmp

  # You can pass some parameters to java here if you wish to
  #JAVA_OPTS="-Xminf0.1 -Xmaxf0.3"
  # Use JAVA_OPTS to set java.library.path for libtcnative.so
  JAVA_OPTS="-server -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=36000 -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m
  -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:NewSize=48m -DGEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/storage/data/
  -DENABLE_ADVANCED_PROJECTION=false -Dorg.geotools.shapefile.datetime=true -Duser.timezone=GMT
  -Dorg.geotools.filter.function.simplify=true -DGEOMETRY_COLLECT_MAX_COORDINATES=50000"

  # You can change your tomcat locale here
  # Run tomcat under the Java Security Manager

$> cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/geoserver.service

$> vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/geoserver.service


$> systemctl enable geoserver.service
$> systemctl restart geoserver.service

# Follow the server startup procedure and make sure everything goes smoothly through the following command

$> tail -F /var/lib/tomcat/geoserver/logs/catalina.YYYY-MM-DD.log



# as root

# Git and Maven must be installed on the system
$> yum -y install git
$> yum -y install maven

# Verify the Maven installation and double check that the JDK recognized is the Java Sun 1.7+
$> mvn -version

  Apache Maven 3.0.5 (Red Hat 3.0.5-16)
  Maven home: /usr/share/maven
  Java version: 1.8.0_65, vendor: Oracle Corporation
  Java home: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65/jre
  Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
  OS name: "linux", version: "3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

# The following procedures allow to collect and compile the source code from the GIT repository.
$> cd

$> git clone https://github.com/geosolutions-it/geoserver.git geoserver.src

$> cd geoserver.src/src

$> git checkout wps-remote
$> git pull

$> mvn clean install -Pwps,wps-remote,importer,security,rest-ext -DskipTests

$> mv web/app/target/geoserver.war /var/lib/tomcat/geoserver/webapps/

$> chown -Rf tomcat: /var/lib/tomcat/geoserver

$> mv /var/lib/tomcat/geoserver/webapps/geoserver/data/ /storage/

$> chown -Rf tomcat: /storage

$> vim /storage/data/remoteProcess.properties

      # Default Properties
      remoteProcessStubCycleSleepTime = 100

      # Base path where uploaded files are stored
      # . This is used only when a remote uploader is enabled on the Python
      # . WPS Agent. This property represents the local base path (on the filesystem
      # . of GeoServer) where to search for uploaded files.
      # . If not file has been found here (or this option is not enabled), GeoServer
      # . looks for absolute path and/or paths relative to the GEOSERVER DATA DIR.
      #uploadedFilesBasePath = /tmp

      # Full path to the template used to generate the OWS WMC Json output
      # . This property is used only when a "application/owc" output type on
      # . the Python WPS Agent.
      #owc_wms_json_template = absolute_path/to/wmc_template.json

      # Specific kvps for {@link RemoteProcessClient) implementations
      xmpp_server = localhost
      xmpp_server_embedded = false
      xmpp_server_embedded_secure = true
      xmpp_server_embedded_certificate_file = bogus_mina_tls.cert
      xmpp_server_embedded_certificate_password = boguspw
      xmpp_port = 5222

      xmpp_manager_username = admin
      xmpp_manager_password = R3m0T3wP5

      # domain and MUC service name of the XMPP Server
      xmpp_domain = geoserver.org
      xmpp_bus = conference

      # name, user and password of the management room
      xmpp_management_channel = management
      xmpp_management_channel_user = admin
      xmpp_management_channel_pwd = R3m0T3wP5

      # comma separated list of available rooms for services. Those rooms'names will be equal to the service and WPS Process namespace
      # Avoid spaces
      xmpp_service_channels = default,geosolutions

      # millis
      xmpp_packet_reply_timeout = 500

      # connection keep alive
      xmpp_connection_ping_interval = 30000
      xmpp_connection_ping_timeout = 10000
      xmpp_connection_ping_initial_delay = 20000

      # Thresholds indicating overloaded resources
      xmpp_cpu_perc_threshold = 82.5
      xmpp_mem_perc_threshold = 84.6

# Restart GeoServer

$> service geoserver restart


GeoServer只有在正确配置并按照下一节的说明启动之后才能连接到XMPP服务器 安装OpenFire XMPP服务器以交换消息 .