
3.4 新版功能.




Built-in by default, but liblz4, libxz (lzma), libzstd and libblosc strongly recommended to get all compressors

Zarr is a format for the storage of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays. This format is supported for read and write access, and using the traditional 2D raster API or the newer multidimensional API

The driver supports the Zarr V2 specification, and has experimental support for the in-progress Zarr V3 specification.

Local and cloud storage (see GDAL虚拟文件系统(压缩、网络托管等):/vsimem,/vsizip,/vsitar,/vsicurl。。。) are supported in read and write.


Supports Create()

This driver supports the GDALDriver::Create() operation

Supports Georeferencing

This driver supports georeferencing

Supports multidimensional API

This driver supports the 多维栅格数据模型

Supports VirtualIO

This driver supports virtual I/O operations (/vsimem/, etc.)


A Zarr dataset is made of a hierarchy of nodes, with intermediate nodes being groups (GDALGroup), and leafs being arrays (GDALMDArray).

Dataset name

For Zarr V2, the dataset name recognized by the Open() method of the driver is a directory that contains a .zgroup file, a .zarray file or a .zmetadata file (consolidated metadata). For faster exploration, the driver will use consolidated metadata by default when found.

For Zarr V3, the dataset name recognized by the Open() method of the driver is a directory that contains a zarr.json file (root of the dataset).

For datasets on file systems where file listing is not reliable, as often with /vsicurl/, it is also possible to prefix the directory name with ZARR:.

Compression methods

Compression methods available depend on how GDAL is built, and libblosc too.

A full-feature build will show:

$ gdalinfo --format Zarr


  Other metadata items:

For specific uses, it is also possible to register at run-time extra compressors and decompressors with CPLRegisterCompressor() and CPLRegisterDecompressor().


The driver support the _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS special attribute used by XArray to store the dimension names of an array.

NCZarr extensions

The driver support the NCZarr v2 extensions of storing the dimension names of an array (read-only)

SRS encoding

The Zarr specification has no provision for spatial reference system encoding. GDAL uses a _CRS attribute that is a dictionary that may contain one or several of the following keys: url (using a OGC CRS URL), wkt (WKT:2019 used by default on writing, WKT1 also supported on reading.), projjson. On reading, it will use url by default, if not found will fallback to wkt and then projjson.

    "wkt":"PROJCRS[\"NAD27 \/ UTM zone 11N\",BASEGEOGCRS[\"NAD27\",DATUM[\"North American Datum 1927\",ELLIPSOID[\"Clarke 1866\",6378206.4,294.978698213898,LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],ID[\"EPSG\",4267]],CONVERSION[\"UTM zone 11N\",METHOD[\"Transverse Mercator\",ID[\"EPSG\",9807]],PARAMETER[\"Latitude of natural origin\",0,ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],ID[\"EPSG\",8801]],PARAMETER[\"Longitude of natural origin\",-117,ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],ID[\"EPSG\",8802]],PARAMETER[\"Scale factor at natural origin\",0.9996,SCALEUNIT[\"unity\",1],ID[\"EPSG\",8805]],PARAMETER[\"False easting\",500000,LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],ID[\"EPSG\",8806]],PARAMETER[\"False northing\",0,LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],ID[\"EPSG\",8807]]],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS[\"easting\",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],AXIS[\"northing\",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],ID[\"EPSG\",26711]]",

      "name":"NAD27 \/ UTM zone 11N",
          "name":"North American Datum 1927",
            "name":"Clarke 1866",
              "name":"Geodetic latitude",
              "name":"Geodetic longitude",
        "name":"UTM zone 11N",
          "name":"Transverse Mercator",
            "name":"Latitude of natural origin",
            "name":"Longitude of natural origin",
            "name":"Scale factor at natural origin",
            "name":"False easting",
            "name":"False northing",


Particularities of the classic raster API

If the Zarr dataset contains one single array with 2 dimensions, it will be exposed as a regular GDALDataset when using the classic raster API. If the dataset contains more than one such single array, or arrays with 3 or more dimensions, the driver will list subdatasets to access each array and/or 2D slices within arrays with 3 or more dimensions.


The following dataset open options are available:

  • USE_ZMETADATA=YES/NO: (defaults to YES) Whether to use consolidated metadata from .zmetadata (Zarr V2 only).

  • CACHE_TILE_PRESENCE=YES/NO: (defaults to NO) Whether to establish an initial listing of present tiles. This cached listing will be stored in a .gmac file next to the .zarray / .array.json.gmac file if they can be written. Otherwise the GDAL_PAM_PROXY_DIR config option should be set to an existing directory where those cached files will be stored. Once the cached listing has been established, the open option no longer needs to be specified. Note: the runtime of this option can be in minutes or more for large datasets stored on remote file systems. And for network file systems, this will rarely work for /vsicurl/ itself, but more cloud-based file systems (such as /vsis3/, /vsigs/, /vsiaz/, etc) which have a dedicated directory listing operation.

Multi-threaded caching

The driver implements the GDALMDArray::AdviseRead() method. This proceed to multi-threaded decoding of the tiles that intersect the area of interest specified. A sufficient cache size must be specified. The call is blocking.

The options that can be passed to the methods are:

  • CACHE_SIZE=value_in_byte: Maximum RAM to use, expressed in number of bytes. If not specified, half of the remaining GDAL block cache size will be used. Note: the caching mechanism of Zarr array will not update this remaining block cache size.

  • NUM_THREADS=integer or ALL_CPUS: Number of threads to use in parallel. If not specified, the GDAL_NUM_THREADS configuration option will be taken into account.


The following options are creation options of the classic raster API, or array-level creation options for the multidimensional API (must be prefixed with ARRAY: using gdalmdimtranslate):

  • COMPRESS=[NONE/BLOSC/ZLIB/GZIP/LZMA/ZSTD/LZ4]: Compression method. Defaults to NONE.

  • FILTER=[NONE/DELTA]: Filter method. Only support for FORMAT=ZARR_V2. Defaults to NONE.

  • BLOCKSIZE=string: Comma separated list of chunk size along each dimension. If not specified, the fastest varying 2 dimensions (the last ones) used a block size of 256 samples, and the other ones of 1.

  • CHUNK_MEMORY_LAYOUT=C/F: Whether to use C (row-major) order or F (column-major) order in encoded chunks. Only useful when using compression. Defaults to C. Changing to F may improve depending on array content.

  • STRING_FORMAT=ASCII/UNICODE: Whether to use the numpy type for ASCII-only strings or Unicode strings. Unicode strings take 4 byte per character. Defaults to ASCII.

  • DIM_SEPARATOR=string: Dimension separator in chunk filenames. Default to decimal point for ZarrV2 and slash for ZarrV3.

  • BLOSC_CNAME=bloclz/lz4/lz4hc/snappy/zlib/std: Blosc compressor name. Only used when COMPRESS=BLOSC. Defaults to lz4.

  • BLOSC_CLEVEL=integer [1-9]: Blosc compression level. Only used when COMPRESS=BLOSC. Defaults to 5.

  • BLOSC_SHUFFLE=NONE/BYTE/BIT: Type of shuffle algorithm. Only used when COMPRESS=BLOSC. Defaults to BYTE.

  • BLOSC_BLOCKSIZE=integer: Blosc block size. Only used when COMPRESS=BLOSC. Defaults to 0.

  • BLOSC_NUM_THREADS=string: Number of worker threads for compression. Can be set to ALL_CPUS. Only used when COMPRESS=BLOSC. Defaults to 1.

  • ZLIB_LEVEL=integer [1-9]: ZLib compression level. Only used when COMPRESS=ZLIB. Defaults to 6.

  • GZIP_LEVEL=integer [1-9]: GZip compression level. Only used when COMPRESS=GZIP. Defaults to 6.

  • LZMA_PRESET=integer [0-9]: LZMA compression level. Only used when COMPRESS=LZMA. Defaults to 6.

  • LZMA_DELTA=integer : Delta distance in byte. Only used when COMPRESS=LZMA. Defaults to 1.

  • ZSTD_LEVEL=integer [1-9]: ZSTD compression level. Only used when COMPRESS=ZSTD. Defaults to 13.

  • LZ4_ACCELERATION=integer [1-]: LZ4 acceleration factor. The higher, the less compressed. Only used when COMPRESS=LZ4. Defaults to 1 (the fastest).

  • DELTA_DTYPE=string [1-]: Data type following NumPy array protocol type string (typestr) format ( Only u1, i1, u2, i2, u4, i4, u8, i8, f4, f8, potentially prefixed with the endianness flag (< for little endian, > for big endian) are supported. Only used when FILTER=DELTA. Defaults to the native data type.

The following options are creation options of the classic raster API, or dataset-level creation options for the multidimensional API :

  • FORMAT=[ZARR_V2/ZARR_V3]: Defaults to ZARR_V2

  • CREATE_ZMETADATA=[YES/NO]: Whether to create consolidated metadata into .zmetadata (Zarr V2 only). Defaults to YES.

The following options are creation options of the classic raster API only:

  • ARRAY_NAME=string: Array name. If not specified, deduced from the filename.

  • APPEND_SUBDATASET=YES/NO: Whether to append the new dataset to an existing Zarr hierarchy. Defaults to NO.


Get information on the dataset using the multidimensional tools:

gdalmdiminfo my.zarr

Convert a netCDF file to ZARR using the multidimensional tools:

gdalmdimtranslate out.zarr -co ARRAY:COMPRESS=GZIP

Convert a 2D slice (the one at index 0 of the non-2D dimension) of a 3D array to GeoTIFF:

gdal_translate ZARR:"my.zarr":/group/myarray:0 out.tif
