
GDAL的社区通过 Mailing ListGitHubChat . 欢迎大家提问并参与所有活动。这个 Mailing List 沟通渠道用于一般问题、发展讨论和反馈。这个 GitHub 通信通道用于开发活动、错误报告和测试。这个 Chat 聊天室用于实时聊天活动,如会议和交互式调试会话。

Code of Conduct

GDAL uses a Code of Conduct which governs how we behave in any GDAL forum or event and whenever we will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honored by everyone who participates in the GDAL community formally or informally, or claims any affiliation with the project.





请访问http://github.com/OSGeo/GDAL以提交您可能遇到的软件问题。GitHub也是您可以在 git 修订控制系统。GDAL项目渴望以各种形式做出贡献,我们欢迎那些愿意卷起袖子开始提交票据、推送代码、生成构建和回答问题的人。


You can find some GDAL developers in the IRC channel #gdal on Libera.Chat. This mechanism is usually reserved for active meetings and other outreach with the community. The Mailing List and GitHub avenues are going to be more productive communication channels in most situations.

Social media

You can follow GDAL official news on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GdalOrg


FOSS4G 2022

FOSS4G 2022 is the leading annual conference for free and open source geospatial software. It will include presentations related to GDAL/OGR, and some of the GDAL/OGR development community will be attending. It is the event for those interested in GDAL/OGR, other FOSS geospatial technologies and the community around them. The conference will be held at Firenze, Italy from August 22th to August 28th 2022.



最初,GDAL是由Frank wartemdam领导的,Frank wartemdam是GDAL/OGR的原著作者,尽管有很多人的贡献和意见。截至2006年2月,GDAL/OGR成为 Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) 并开始向更面向社区的治理模式过渡——符合OSGeo的期望。


  • 一个以协商一致为导向的项目管理委员会将负责该项目。

  • 将审查项目源代码和贡献,以确保代码正确可用,保护GDAL/OGR的贡献者和用户。

  • 项目所使用的系统基础设施的一部分由基金会提供,负责备份和冗余,以减少中断。


As of April 2006 (following the GDAL/OGR 1.3.2 release) the project has been placed in the hands of a Project Steering Committee. This project steering committee operates under the rules of RFC 1:项目管理委员会指南, and is overall responsible for decisions related to the GDAL/OGR project. The current members are (@github username):

  • Frank Warmerdam (@warmerdam)

  • Daniel Morissette (@dmorissette)

  • Howard Butler (@hobu)

  • Tamas Szekeres (@szekerest)

  • Even Rouault (chair) (@rouault)

  • Jukka Rahkonen (@jratike80)

  • Kurt Schwehr (@schwehr)

  • Norman Barker (@normanb)

  • Sean Gillies (@sgillies)

  • Mateusz Łoskot (@mloskot)


  • Andrey Kiselev (@strezen) (retired in 2019)

请注意,对PSC的建议的讨论是在gdal dev上进行的,欢迎所有订阅者的输入。一个 list of past RFC 可供审阅。

GDAL Service Providers

GDAL is developed and supported by a rich ecosystem of businesses and individuals around the world. You can consult a list of GDAL Service Providers who can assist you in getting the best out of your GDAL investment.