
安装所有必需的开发包:GNU make、g++、…


cd gdal
./configure [options]
make -j8 -s
cd apps; make -s test_ogrsf; cd ..


. scripts/setdevenv.sh
gdalinfo --version


cd ../autotest
pip install -r requirements.txt





COMPONENT_NAME: fix bla bla (fixes #1234)

Details here...


叉子 OSGeo/GDAL 从GitHub UI,然后

git clone https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal
cd gdal
git remote add my_user_name https://github.com/my_user_name/gdal.git


git checkout master
git fetch origin
# Be careful: this will loose all local changes you might have done now
git reset --hard origin/master


git checkout master
(potentially update your local master against upstream, as described above)
git checkout -b my_new_feature_branch

# do work. For example:
git add my_new_file
git add my_modifid_message
git rm old_file
git commit -a

# you may need to resynchronize against master if you need some bugfix
# or new capability that has been added since you created your branch
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master

# At end of your work, make sure history is reasonable by folding non
# significant commits into a consistent set
git rebase -i master (use 'fixup' for example to merge several commits together,
and 'reword' to modify commit messages)

# or alternatively, in case there is a big number of commits and marking
# all them as 'fixup' is tedious
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
git reset --soft origin/master
git commit -a -m "Put here the synthetic commit message"

# push your branch
git push my_user_name my_new_feature_branch
From GitHub UI, issue a pull request

If the pull request discussion or CI checks require changes, commit locally and push. To get a reasonable history, you may need to git rebase -i master, in which case you will have to force-push your branch with git push -f my_user_name my_new_feature_branch


git checkout master
With git log, identify the sha1sum of the commit you want to backport
git checkout 2.2 (if you want to backport to 2.2)
git pull origin 2.2
(git checkout -b branch_name: if you intend to submit the backport as a pull request)
git cherry-pick the_sha1_sum
git push ...

如果需要更改,请执行更改并 git commit -a --amend

