这个 namedutils
模块定义了两种轻量级容器类型: namedtuple
和 namedlist
这个 namedtuple
与内置的 collections.namedtuple
,具有几个增强功能,包括 __repr__
这个 namedlist
是可变的对应物 namedtuple
,并且比完全成熟的要快得多,重量更轻 object
- boltons.namedutils.namedlist(typename, field_names, verbose=False, rename=False)[源代码]¶
>>> Point = namedlist('Point', ['x', 'y']) >>> Point.__doc__ # docstring for the new class 'Point(x, y)' >>> p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with pos args or keywords >>> p[0] + p[1] # indexable like a plain list 33 >>> x, y = p # unpack like a regular list >>> x, y (11, 22) >>> p.x + p.y # fields also accessible by name 33 >>> d = p._asdict() # convert to a dictionary >>> d['x'] 11 >>> Point(**d) # convert from a dictionary Point(x=11, y=22) >>> p._replace(x=100) # _replace() is like str.replace() but targets named fields Point(x=100, y=22)
- boltons.namedutils.namedtuple(typename, field_names, verbose=False, rename=False)[源代码]¶
>>> Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y']) >>> Point.__doc__ # docstring for the new class 'Point(x, y)' >>> p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with pos args or keywords >>> p[0] + p[1] # indexable like a plain tuple 33 >>> x, y = p # unpack like a regular tuple >>> x, y (11, 22) >>> p.x + p.y # fields also accessible by name 33 >>> d = p._asdict() # convert to a dictionary >>> d['x'] 11 >>> Point(**d) # convert from a dictionary Point(x=11, y=22) >>> p._replace(x=100) # _replace() is like str.replace() but targets named fields Point(x=100, y=22)