pysal.viz.splot._viz_value_by_alpha_mpl 源代码

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib import patches
import collections
import as cm
import pysal.viz.mapclassify as classify
import numpy as np
from ._viz_utils import _classifiers, format_legend

Creating Maps with splot
* Value-by-Alpha maps
* Mapclassify wrapper
* Color utilities

* add Choropleth functionality with one input variable
* merge all alpha keywords in one keyword dictionary
for vba_choropleth


__author__ = ("Stefanie Lumnitz <>")

[文档]def value_by_alpha_cmap(x, y, cmap='GnBu', revert_alpha=False, divergent=False): """ Calculates Value by Alpha rgba values Parameters ---------- x : array Variable determined by color y : array Variable determining alpha value cmap : str or list of str Matplotlib Colormap or list of colors used to create vba_layer revert_alpha : bool, optional If True, high y values will have a low alpha and low values will be transparent. Default =False. divergent : bool, optional Creates a divergent alpha array with high values at the extremes and low, transparent values in the middle of the input values. Returns ------- rgba : ndarray (n,4) RGBA colormap, where the alpha channel represents one attribute (x) and the rgb color the other attribute (y) cmap : str or list of str Original Matplotlib Colormap or list of colors used to create vba_layer Examples -------- Imports >>> from pysal.lib import examples >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import matplotlib >>> import numpy as np >>> from pysal.viz.splot.mapping import value_by_alpha_cmap Load Example Data >>> link_to_data = examples.get_path('columbus.shp') >>> gdf = gpd.read_file(link_to_data) >>> x = gdf['HOVAL'].values >>> y = gdf['CRIME'].values Create rgba values >>> rgba, _ = value_by_alpha_cmap(x, y) Create divergent rgba and change Colormap >>> div_rgba, _ = value_by_alpha_cmap(x, y, cmap='seismic', divergent=True) Create rgba values with reverted alpha values >>> rev_rgba, _ = value_by_alpha_cmap(x, y, cmap='RdBu', revert_alpha=True) """ # option for cmap or colorlist input if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = cm.get_cmap(cmap) elif isinstance(cmap, collections.Sequence): cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('newmap', cmap) rgba = cmap((x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min())) if revert_alpha: rgba[:, 3] = 1 -((y - y.min()) / (y.max() - y.min())) else: rgba[:, 3] = (y - y.min()) / (y.max() - y.min()) if divergent is not False: a_under_0p5 = rgba[:, 3] < 0.5 rgba[a_under_0p5, 3] = 1 - rgba[a_under_0p5, 3] rgba[:, 3] = (rgba[:, 3] - 0.5) * 2 return rgba, cmap
[文档]def vba_choropleth(x, y, gdf, cmap='GnBu', divergent=False, revert_alpha=False, alpha_mapclassify=None, rgb_mapclassify=None, ax=None, legend=False): """ Value by Alpha Choropleth Parameters ---------- x : array Variable determined by color y : array Variable determining alpha value gdf : geopandas dataframe instance The Dataframe containing information to plot. cmap : str or list of str Matplotlib Colormap or list of colors used to create vba_layer divergent : bool, optional Creates a divergent alpha array with high values at the extremes and low, transparent values in the middle of the input values. revert_alpha : bool, optional If True, high y values will have a low alpha and low values will be transparent. Default =False. alpha_mapclassify : dict Keywords used for binning input values and classifying alpha values with `mapclassify`. Note: valid keywords are eg. dict(classifier='quantiles', k=5, hinge=1.5). For other options check `splot.mapping.mapclassify_bin`. rgb_mapclassify : dict Keywords used for binning input values and classifying rgb values with `mapclassify`. Note: valid keywords are eg.g dict(classifier='quantiles', k=5, hinge=1.5).For other options check `splot.mapping.mapclassify_bin`. ax : matplotlib Axes instance, optional Axes in which to plot the figure in multiple Axes layout. Default = None legend : bool, optional Adds a legend. Note: currently only available if data is classified, hence if `alpha_mapclassify` and `rgb_mapclassify` are used. Returns ------- fig : matplotlip Figure instance Figure of Value by Alpha choropleth ax : matplotlib Axes instance Axes in which the figure is plotted Examples -------- Imports >>> from pysal.lib import examples >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import matplotlib >>> import numpy as np >>> from pysal.viz.splot.mapping import vba_choropleth Load Example Data >>> link_to_data = examples.get_path('columbus.shp') >>> gdf = gpd.read_file(link_to_data) >>> x = gdf['HOVAL'].values >>> y = gdf['CRIME'].values Plot a Value-by-Alpha map >>> fig, _ = vba_choropleth(x, y, gdf) >>> Plot a Value-by-Alpha map with reverted alpha values >>> fig, _ = vba_choropleth(x, y, gdf, cmap='RdBu', ... revert_alpha=True) >>> Plot a Value-by-Alpha map with classified alpha and rgb values >>> fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(20,10)) >>> vba_choropleth(y, x, gdf, cmap='viridis', ax = axs[0,0], ... rgb_mapclassify=dict(classifier='quantiles', k=3), ... alpha_mapclassify=dict(classifier='quantiles', k=3)) >>> vba_choropleth(y, x, gdf, cmap='viridis', ax = axs[0,1], ... rgb_mapclassify=dict(classifier='natural_breaks'), ... alpha_mapclassify=dict(classifier='natural_breaks')) >>> vba_choropleth(y, x, gdf, cmap='viridis', ax = axs[1,0], ... rgb_mapclassify=dict(classifier='std_mean'), ... alpha_mapclassify=dict(classifier='std_mean')) >>> vba_choropleth(y, x, gdf, cmap='viridis', ax = axs[1,1], ... rgb_mapclassify=dict(classifier='fisher_jenks', k=3), ... alpha_mapclassify=dict(classifier='fisher_jenks', k=3)) >>> Pass in a list of colors instead of a cmap >>> color_list = ['#a1dab4','#41b6c4','#225ea8'] >>> vba_choropleth(y, x, gdf, cmap=color_list, ... rgb_mapclassify=dict(classifier='quantiles', k=3), ... alpha_mapclassify=dict(classifier='quantiles')) >>> Add a legend and use divergent alpha values >>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> vba_choropleth(x, y, gdf, divergent=True, ... alpha_mapclassify=dict(classifier='quantiles', k=5), ... rgb_mapclassify=dict(classifier='quantiles', k=5), ... legend=True, ax=ax) >>> """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() if rgb_mapclassify is not None: rgb_mapclassify.setdefault('k', 5) rgb_mapclassify.setdefault('hinge', 1.5) rgb_mapclassify.setdefault('multiples', [-2,-1,1,2]) rgb_mapclassify.setdefault('mindiff', 0) rgb_mapclassify.setdefault('initial', 100) rgb_mapclassify.setdefault('bins', [20, max(x)]) classifier = rgb_mapclassify['classifier'] k = rgb_mapclassify['k'] hinge = rgb_mapclassify['hinge'] multiples = rgb_mapclassify['multiples'] mindiff = rgb_mapclassify['mindiff'] initial = rgb_mapclassify['initial'] bins = rgb_mapclassify['bins'] rgb_bins = mapclassify_bin(x, classifier, k=k, hinge=hinge, multiples=multiples, mindiff=mindiff, initial=initial, bins=bins) x = rgb_bins.yb if alpha_mapclassify is not None: alpha_mapclassify.setdefault('k', 5) alpha_mapclassify.setdefault('hinge', 1.5) alpha_mapclassify.setdefault('multiples', [-2,-1,1,2]) alpha_mapclassify.setdefault('mindiff', 0) alpha_mapclassify.setdefault('initial', 100) alpha_mapclassify.setdefault('bins', [20, max(y)]) classifier = alpha_mapclassify['classifier'] k = alpha_mapclassify['k'] hinge = alpha_mapclassify['hinge'] multiples = alpha_mapclassify['multiples'] mindiff = alpha_mapclassify['mindiff'] initial = alpha_mapclassify['initial'] bins = alpha_mapclassify['bins'] #TODO: use the pct keyword here alpha_bins = mapclassify_bin(y, classifier, k=k, hinge=hinge, multiples=multiples, mindiff=mindiff, initial=initial, bins=bins) y = alpha_bins.yb rgba, vba_cmap = value_by_alpha_cmap(x=x, y=y, cmap=cmap, divergent=divergent, revert_alpha=revert_alpha) gdf.plot(color=rgba, ax=ax) ax.set_axis_off() ax.set_aspect('equal') if legend: left, bottom, width, height = [0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2] ax2 = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) vba_legend(rgb_bins, alpha_bins, vba_cmap, ax=ax2) return fig, ax
[文档]def vba_legend(rgb_bins, alpha_bins, cmap, ax=None): """ Creates Value by Alpha heatmap used as choropleth legend. Parameters ---------- rgb_bins : pysal.mapclassify instance Object of classified values used for rgb. Can be created with `mapclassify_bin()` or `pysal.mapclassify`. alpha_bins : pysal.mapclassify instance Object of classified values used for alpha. Can be created with `mapclassify_bin()` or `pysal.mapclassify`. ax : matplotlib Axes instance, optional Axes in which to plot the figure in multiple Axes layout. Default = None Returns ------- fig : matplotlip Figure instance Figure of Value by Alpha heatmap ax : matplotlib Axes instance Axes in which the figure is plotted Examples -------- Imports >>> from pysal.lib import examples >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import matplotlib >>> import numpy as np >>> from pysal.viz.splot.mapping import vba_legend, mapclassify_bin Load Example Data >>> link_to_data = examples.get_path('columbus.shp') >>> gdf = gpd.read_file(link_to_data) >>> x = gdf['HOVAL'].values >>> y = gdf['CRIME'].values Classify your data >>> rgb_bins = mapclassify_bin(x, 'quantiles') >>> alpha_bins = mapclassify_bin(y, 'quantiles') Plot your legend >>> fig, _ = vba_legend(rgb_bins, alpha_bins, cmap='RdBu') >>> """ # VALUES rgba, legend_cmap = value_by_alpha_cmap(rgb_bins.yb, alpha_bins.yb, cmap=cmap) # separate rgb and alpha values alpha = rgba[:, 3] # extract unique values for alpha and rgb alpha_vals = np.unique(alpha) rgb_vals = legend_cmap((rgb_bins.bins - rgb_bins.bins.min()) / ( rgb_bins.bins.max() - rgb_bins.bins.min()))[:, 0:3] # PLOTTING if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() for irow, alpha_val in enumerate(alpha_vals): for icol, rgb_val in enumerate(rgb_vals): rect = patches.Rectangle((irow, icol), 1, 1, linewidth=3, edgecolor='none', facecolor=rgb_val, alpha=alpha_val) ax.add_patch(rect) values_alpha, x_in_thousand = format_legend(alpha_bins.bins) values_rgb, y_in_thousand = format_legend(rgb_bins.bins) ax.plot([], []) ax.set_xlim([0, irow+1]) ax.set_ylim([0, icol+1]) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(irow+1) + 0.5) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(icol+1) + 0.5) ax.set_xticklabels(['< %1.1f' % val for val in values_alpha], rotation=30, horizontalalignment='right') ax.set_yticklabels(['$<$%1.1f' % val for val in values_rgb]) if x_in_thousand: ax.set_xlabel('alpha variable ($10^3$)') if y_in_thousand: ax.set_ylabel('rgb variable ($10^3$)') else: ax.set_xlabel('alpha variable') ax.set_ylabel('rgb variable') ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) return fig, ax
[文档]def mapclassify_bin(y, classifier, k=5, pct=[1,10,50,90,99,100], hinge=1.5, multiples=[-2,-1,1,2], mindiff=0, initial=100, bins=None): """ Classify your data with `pysal.mapclassify` Note: Input parameters are dependent on classifier used. Parameters ---------- y : array (n,1), values to classify classifier : str pysal.mapclassify classification scheme k : int, optional The number of classes. Default=5. pct : array, optional Percentiles used for classification with `percentiles`. Default=[1,10,50,90,99,100] hinge : float, optional Multiplier for IQR when `Box_Plot` classifier used. Default=1.5. multiples : array, optional The multiples of the standard deviation to add/subtract from the sample mean to define the bins using `std_mean`. Default=[-2,-1,1,2]. mindiff : float, optional The minimum difference between class breaks if using `maximum_breaks` classifier. Deafult =0. initial : int Number of initial solutions to generate or number of runs when using `natural_breaks` or `max_p_classifier`. Default =100. Note: setting initial to 0 will result in the quickest calculation of bins. bins : array, optional (k,1), upper bounds of classes (have to be monotically increasing) if using `user_defined` classifier. Default =None, Example =[20, max(y)]. Returns ------- bins : pysal.mapclassify instance Object containing bin ids for each observation (.yb), upper bounds of each class (.bins), number of classes (.k) and number of onservations falling in each class (.counts) Note: Supported classifiers include: quantiles, box_plot, euqal_interval, fisher_jenks, headtail_breaks, jenks_caspall, jenks_caspall_forced, max_p_classifier, maximum_breaks, natural_breaks, percentiles, std_mean, user_defined Examples -------- Imports >>> from pysal.lib import examples >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> from pysal.viz.splot.mapping import pysal.viz.mapclassify_bin Load Example Data >>> link_to_data = examples.get_path('columbus.shp') >>> gdf = gpd.read_file(link_to_data) >>> x = gdf['HOVAL'].values Classify values by quantiles >>> quantiles = mapclassify_bin(x, 'quantiles') Classify values by box_plot and set hinge to 2 >>> box_plot = mapclassify_bin(x, 'box_plot', hinge=2) """ classifier = classifier.lower() if classifier not in _classifiers: raise ValueError("Invalid scheme. Scheme must be in the" " set: %r" % _classifiers.keys()) elif classifier == 'box_plot': bins = _classifiers[classifier](y, hinge) elif classifier == 'headtail_breaks': bins = _classifiers[classifier](y) elif classifier == 'percentiles': bins = _classifiers[classifier](y, pct) elif classifier == 'std_mean': bins = _classifiers[classifier](y, multiples) elif classifier == 'maximum_breaks': bins = _classifiers[classifier](y, k, mindiff) elif classifier in ['natural_breaks', 'max_p_classifier']: bins = _classifiers[classifier](y, k, initial) elif classifier == 'user_defined': bins = _classifiers[classifier](y, bins) else: bins = _classifiers[classifier](y, k) return bins