pysal.explore.pointpats.distance_statistics 源代码

Distance statistics for planar point patterns

__author__ = "Serge Rey"
__all__ = ['DStatistic', 'G', 'F', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'Envelopes', 'Genv', 'Fenv', 'Jenv', 'Kenv', 'Lenv']

from .process import PoissonPointProcess as csr
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

[文档]class DStatistic(object): """ Abstract Base Class for distance statistics. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the function. ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") Attributes ---------- d : array The distance domain sequence. """
[文档] def __init__(self, name): = name
def plot(self, qq=False): """ Plot the distance function Parameters ---------- qq: Boolean If False the statistic is plotted against distance. If Frue, the quantile-quantile plot is generated, observed vs. CSR. """ # assuming mpl x = self.d if qq: plt.plot(self.ev, self._stat) plt.plot(self.ev, self.ev) else: plt.plot(x, self._stat, label='{}'.format( plt.ylabel("{}(d)".format( plt.xlabel('d') plt.plot(x, self.ev, label='CSR') plt.title("{} distance function".format(
[文档]class G(DStatistic): """ Estimates the nearest neighbor distance distribution function G for a point pattern. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float The maximum of the distance domain. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the function. ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") d : array The distance domain sequence. G : array The cumulative nearest neighbor distance distribution over d. Notes ----- In the analysis of planar point processes, the estimate of :math:`G` is typically compared to the value expected from a completely spatial random (CSR) process given as: .. math:: G(d) = 1 - e^{-\lambda \pi d^2} where :math:`\lambda` is the intensity (points per unit area) of the point process and :math:`d` is distance. For a clustered pattern, the empirical function will be above the expectation, while for a uniform pattern the empirical function falls below the expectation. """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): res = _g(pp, intervals, dmin, dmax, d) self.d = res[:, 0] self.G = self._stat = res[:, 1] self.ev = 1 - np.exp(-pp.lambda_window * np.pi * self.d * self.d) self.pp = pp super(G, self).__init__(name="G")
[文档]class F(DStatistic): """ Estimates the empty space distribution function for a point pattern: F(d). Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. n : int Number of empty space points (random points). intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float The maximum of the distance domain. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Attributes ---------- d : array The distance domain sequence. G : array The cumulative empty space nearest event distance distribution over d. Notes ----- In the analysis of planar point processes, the estimate of :math:`F` is typically compared to the value expected from a process that displays complete spatial randomness (CSR): .. math:: F(d) = 1 - e^{-\lambda \pi d^2} where :math:`\lambda` is the intensity (points per unit area) of the point process and :math:`d` is distance. The expectation is identical to the expectation for the :class:`G` function for a CSR process. However, for a clustered pattern, the empirical G function will be below the expectation, while for a uniform pattern the empirical function falls above the expectation. """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, n=100, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): res = _f(pp, n, intervals, dmin, dmax, d) self.d = res[:, 0] self.F = self._stat = res[:, 1] self.ev = 1 - np.exp(-pp.lambda_window * np.pi * self.d * self.d) super(F, self).__init__(name="F")
[文档]class J(DStatistic): """ Estimates the J function for a point pattern :cite:`VanLieshout1996` Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. n : int Number of empty space points (random points). intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float The maximum of the distance domain. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Attributes ---------- d : array The distance domain sequence. j : array F function over d. Notes ----- The :math:`J` function is a ratio of the hazard functions defined for :math:`G` and :math:`F`: .. math:: J(d) = \\frac{1-G(d) }{1-F(d)} where :math:`G(d)` is the nearest neighbor distance distribution function (see :class:`G`) and :math:`F(d)` is the empty space function (see :class:`F`). For a CSR process the J function equals 1. Empirical values larger than 1 are indicative of uniformity, while values below 1 suggest clustering. """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, n=100, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): res = _j(pp, n, intervals, dmin, dmax, d) self.d = res[:, 0] self.j = self._stat = res[:, 1] self.ev = self.j / self.j super(J, self).__init__(name="J")
[文档]class K(DStatistic): """ Estimates the K function for a point pattern. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float The maximum of the distance domain. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Attributes ---------- d : array The distance domain sequence. j : array K function over d. """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): res = _k(pp, intervals, dmin, dmax, d) self.d = res[:, 0] self.k = self._stat = res[:, 1] self.ev = np.pi * self.d * self.d super(K, self).__init__(name="K")
[文档]class L(DStatistic): """ Estimates the l function for a point pattern. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float The maximum of the distance domain. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Attributes ---------- d : array The distance domain sequence. l : array L function over d. """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): res = _l(pp, intervals, dmin, dmax, d) self.d = res[:, 0] self.l = self._stat = res[:, 1] super(L, self).__init__(name="L")
def plot(self): # assuming mpl x = self.d plt.plot(x, self._stat, label='{}'.format( plt.ylabel("{}(d)".format( plt.xlabel('d') plt.title("{} distance function".format(
def _g(pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): """ Estimate the nearest neighbor distances function G. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. intevals : int Number of intervals to evaluate F over. dmin : float Lower limit of distance range. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to maximum nearest neighor distance. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Returns ------- : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the point pattern. The second column is the cumulative nearest neighbor distance distribution. Notes ----- See :class:`G`. """ if d is None: w = pp.max_nnd/intervals if dmax: w = dmax/intervals d = [w*i for i in range(intervals + 2)] cdf = [0] * len(d) for i, d_i in enumerate(d): smaller = [nndi for nndi in pp.nnd if nndi <= d_i] cdf[i] = len(smaller)*1./pp.n return np.vstack((d, cdf)).T def _f(pp, n=100, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): """ F empty space function. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. n : int Number of empty space points (random points). intevals : int Number of intervals to evaluate F over. dmin : float Lower limit of distance range. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to maximum nearest neighor distance. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Returns ------- : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the point pattern. The second column is corresponding F function. Notes ----- See :class:`.F` """ # get a csr pattern in window of pp c = csr(pp.window, n, 1, asPP=True).realizations[0] # for each point in csr pattern find the closest point in pp and the # associated distance nnids, nnds = pp.knn_other(c, k=1) if d is None: w = pp.max_nnd/intervals if dmax: w = dmax/intervals d = [w*i for i in range(intervals + 2)] cdf = [0] * len(d) for i, d_i in enumerate(d): smaller = [nndi for nndi in nnds if nndi <= d_i] cdf[i] = len(smaller)*1./n return np.vstack((d, cdf)).T def _j(pp, n=100, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): """ J function: Ratio of hazard functions for F and G. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. n : int Number of empty space points (random points). intevals : int Number of intervals to evaluate F over. dmin : float Lower limit of distance range. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to maximum nearest neighor distance. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Returns ------- : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the point pattern. The second column is corresponding J function. Notes ----- See :class:`.J` """ F = _f(pp, n, intervals=intervals, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, d=d) G = _g(pp, intervals=intervals, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, d=d) FC = 1 - F[:, 1] GC = 1 - G[:, 1] last_id = len(GC) + 1 if np.any(FC == 0): last_id = np.where(FC == 0)[0][0] return np.vstack((F[:last_id, 0], GC[:last_id]/FC[:last_id])).T def _k(pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): """ Interevent K function. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. n : int Number of empty space points (random points). intevals : int Number of intervals to evaluate F over. dmin : float Lower limit of distance range. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to length of bounding box diagonal. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Returns ------- kcdf : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the point pattern. The second column is corresponding K function. Notes ----- See :class:`.K` """ if d is None: # use length of bounding box diagonal as max distance bb = pp.mbb dbb = np.sqrt((bb[0]-bb[2])**2 + (bb[1]-bb[3])**2) w = dbb/intervals if dmax: w = dmax/intervals d = [w*i for i in range(intervals + 2)] den = pp.lambda_window * pp.n * 2. kcdf = np.asarray([(di, len(pp.tree.query_pairs(di))/den) for di in d]) return kcdf def _l(pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None): """ Interevent L function. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. n : int Number of empty space points (random points). intevals : int Number of intervals to evaluate F over. dmin : float Lower limit of distance range. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to length of bounding box diagonal. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. Returns ------- kf : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the point pattern. The second column is corresponding L function. Notes ----- See :class:`.L` """ kf = _k(pp, intervals, dmin, dmax, d) kf[:, 1] = np.sqrt(kf[:, 1] / np.pi) - kf[:, 0] return kf
[文档]class Envelopes(object): """ Abstract base class for simulation envelopes. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. Default is 10. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float The maximum of the distance domain. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. pct : float 1-alpha, alpha is the significance level. Default is 0.05, 1-alpha is the confidence level for the envelope. realizations: :class:`.PointProcess` Point process instance with more than 1 realizations. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the function. ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") observed : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the observed point pattern. The second column is the specific function ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") over the distance domain sequence for the observed point pattern. low : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Lower bound of the simulation envelope. high : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Higher bound of the simulation envelope. mean : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Mean values of the simulation envelope. """
[文档] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # setup arguments = kwargs['name'] # calculate observed function self.pp = args[0] self.observed = self.calc(*args, **kwargs) self.d = self.observed[:, 0] # domain to be used in all realizations # do realizations self.mapper(kwargs['realizations'])
def mapper(self, realizations): reals = realizations.realizations res = np.asarray([self.calc(reals[p]) for p in reals]) # When calculating the J function for all the simulations, the length # of the returned interval domains might be different. if == "J": res = [] for p in reals: j = self.calc(reals[p]) if j.shape[0] < self.d.shape[0]: diff = self.d.shape[0]-j.shape[0] for i in range(diff): j = np.append(j, [[self.d[i+diff], np.inf]], axis=0) res.append(j) res = np.array(res) res = res[:, :, -1] res.sort(axis=0) nres = len(res) self.low = res[ * self.pct/2.)] self.high = res[ * (1-self.pct/2.))] self.mean = res.mean(axis=0) def calc(self, *args, **kwargs): print('implement in subclass') def plot(self): # assuming mpl x = self.d plt.plot(x, self.observed[:, 1], label='{}'.format( plt.plot(x, self.mean, 'g-.', label='CSR') plt.plot(x, self.low, 'r-.', label='LB') plt.plot(x, self.high, 'r-.', label="UB") plt.ylabel("{}(d)".format( plt.xlabel('d') plt.title("{} Simulation Envelopes".format( plt.legend(loc=0)
[文档]class Genv(Envelopes): """ Simulation envelope for G function. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. Default is 10. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to maximum nearest neighbor distance. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. pct : float 1-alpha, alpha is the significance level. Default is 0.05, which means 95% confidence level for the envelopes. realizations: :class:`.PointProcess` Point process instance with more than 1 realizations. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the function. ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") observed : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the observed point pattern. The second column is cumulative nearest neighbor distance distribution (G function) for the observed point pattern. low : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Lower bound of the simulation envelope. high : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Higher bound of the simulation envelope. mean : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Mean values of the simulation envelope. Examples -------- .. plot:: >>> import pysal.lib as ps >>> from pointpats import Genv, PoissonPointProcess, Window >>> from import shapely_ext >>> va ="vautm17n.shp")) >>> polys = [shp for shp in va] >>> state = shapely_ext.cascaded_union(polys) >>> pp = PoissonPointProcess(Window(, 100, 1, asPP=True).realizations[0] >>> csrs = PoissonPointProcess(pp.window, 100, 100, asPP=True) >>> genv_bb = Genv(pp, realizations=csrs) >>> genv_bb.plot() """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None, pct=0.05, realizations=None): self.pp = pp self.intervals = intervals self.dmin = dmin self.dmax = dmax self.d = d self.pct = pct super(Genv, self).__init__(pp, realizations=realizations, name="G")
def calc(self, *args, **kwargs): pp = args[0] return _g(pp, intervals=self.intervals, dmin=self.dmin, dmax=self.dmax, d=self.d)
[文档]class Fenv(Envelopes): """ Simulation envelope for F function. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. n : int Number of empty space points (random points). intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. Default is 10. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to maximum nearest neighbor distance. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. pct : float 1-alpha, alpha is the significance level. Default is 0.05, which means 95% confidence level for the envelopes. realizations: :class:`.PointProcess` Point process instance with more than 1 realizations. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the function. ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") observed : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the observed point pattern. The second column is F function for the observed point pattern. low : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Lower bound of the simulation envelope. high : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Higher bound of the simulation envelope. mean : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Mean values of the simulation envelope. Examples -------- .. plot:: >>> import pysal.lib as ps >>> from import shapely_ext >>> from pointpats import PoissonPointProcess,Window,Fenv >>> va ="vautm17n.shp")) >>> polys = [shp for shp in va] >>> state = shapely_ext.cascaded_union(polys) >>> pp = PoissonPointProcess(Window(, 100, 1, asPP=True).realizations[0] >>> csrs = PoissonPointProcess(pp.window, 100, 100, asPP=True) >>> fenv = Fenv(pp, realizations=csrs) >>> fenv.plot() """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, n=100, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None, pct=0.05, realizations=None): self.pp = pp self.n = n self.intervals = intervals self.dmin = dmin self.dmax = dmax self.d = d self.pct = pct super(Fenv, self).__init__(pp, realizations=realizations, name="F")
def calc(self, *args, **kwargs): pp = args[0] return _f(pp, self.n, intervals=self.intervals, dmin=self.dmin, dmax=self.dmax, d=self.d)
[文档]class Jenv(Envelopes): """ Simulation envelope for J function. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. n : int Number of empty space points (random points). intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. Default is 10. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to maximum nearest neighbor distance. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. pct : float 1-alpha, alpha is the significance level. Default is 0.05, which means 95% confidence level for the envelopes. realizations: :class:`.PointProcess` Point process instance with more than 1 realizations. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the function. ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") observed : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the observed point pattern. The second column is J function for the observed point pattern. low : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Lower bound of the simulation envelope. high : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Higher bound of the simulation envelope. mean : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Mean values of the simulation envelope. Examples -------- .. plot:: >>> import pysal.lib as ps >>> from pointpats import Jenv, PoissonPointProcess, Window >>> from import shapely_ext >>> va ="vautm17n.shp")) >>> polys = [shp for shp in va] >>> state = shapely_ext.cascaded_union(polys) >>> pp = PoissonPointProcess(Window(, 100, 1, asPP=True).realizations[0] >>> csrs = PoissonPointProcess(pp.window, 100, 100, asPP=True) >>> jenv = Jenv(pp, realizations=csrs) >>> jenv.plot() """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, n=100, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None, pct=0.05, realizations=None): self.pp = pp self.n = n self.intervals = intervals self.dmin = dmin self.dmax = dmax self.d = d self.pct = pct super(Jenv, self).__init__(pp, realizations=realizations, name="J")
def calc(self, *args, **kwargs): pp = args[0] return _j(pp, self.n, intervals=self.intervals, dmin=self.dmin, dmax=self.dmax, d=self.d)
[文档]class Kenv(Envelopes): """ Simulation envelope for K function. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. Default is 10. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to maximum nearest neighbor distance. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. pct : float 1-alpha, alpha is the significance level. Default is 0.05, which means 95% confidence level for the envelope. realizations: :class:`.PointProcess` Point process instance with more than 1 realizations. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the function. ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") observed : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the observed point pattern. The second column is K function for the observed point pattern. low : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Lower bound of the simulation envelope. high : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Higher bound of the simulation envelope. mean : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Mean values of the simulation envelope. Examples -------- .. plot:: >>> import pysal.lib as ps >>> from pointpats import Kenv, PoissonPointProcess, Window >>> from import shapely_ext >>> va ="vautm17n.shp")) >>> polys = [shp for shp in va] >>> state = shapely_ext.cascaded_union(polys) >>> pp = PoissonPointProcess(Window(, 100, 1, asPP=True).realizations[0] >>> csrs = PoissonPointProcess(pp.window, 100, 100, asPP=True) >>> kenv = Kenv(pp, realizations=csrs) >>> kenv.plot() """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None, pct=0.05, realizations=None): self.pp = pp self.intervals = intervals self.dmin = dmin self.dmax = dmax self.d = d self.pct = pct super(Kenv, self).__init__(pp, realizations=realizations, name="K")
def calc(self, *args, **kwargs): pp = args[0] return _k(pp, intervals=self.intervals, dmin=self.dmin, dmax=self.dmax, d=self.d)
[文档]class Lenv(Envelopes): """ Simulation envelope for L function. Parameters ---------- pp : :class:`.PointPattern` Point Pattern instance. intervals : int The length of distance domain sequence. Default is 10. dmin : float The minimum of the distance domain. dmax : float Upper limit of distance range. If dmax is None, dmax will be set to maximum nearest neighbor distance. d : sequence The distance domain sequence. If d is specified, intervals, dmin and dmax are ignored. pct : float 1-alpha, alpha is the significance level. Default is 0.05, which means 95% confidence level for the envelopes. realizations: :class:`.PointProcess` Point process instance with more than 1 realizations. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the function. ("G", "F", "J", "K" or "L") observed : array A 2-dimensional numpy array of 2 columns. The first column is the distance domain sequence for the observed point pattern. The second column is L function for the observed point pattern. low : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Lower bound of the simulation envelope. high : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Higher bound of the simulation envelope. mean : array A 1-dimensional numpy array. Mean values of the simulation envelope. Examples -------- .. plot:: >>> import pysal.lib as ps >>> from pointpats import Lenv, PoissonPointProcess, Window >>> from import shapely_ext >>> va ="vautm17n.shp")) >>> polys = [shp for shp in va] >>> state = shapely_ext.cascaded_union(polys) >>> pp = PoissonPointProcess(Window(, 100, 1, asPP=True).realizations[0] >>> csrs = PoissonPointProcess(pp.window, 100, 100, asPP=True) >>> lenv = Lenv(pp, realizations=csrs) >>> lenv.plot() """
[文档] def __init__(self, pp, intervals=10, dmin=0.0, dmax=None, d=None, pct=0.05, realizations=None): self.pp = pp self.intervals = intervals self.dmin = dmin self.dmax = dmax self.d = d self.pct = pct super(Lenv, self).__init__(pp, realizations=realizations, name="L")
def calc(self, *args, **kwargs): pp = args[0] return _l(pp, intervals=self.intervals, dmin=self.dmin, dmax=self.dmax, d=self.d)