gluon.utf8 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
| This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
| Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <>
| License: LGPLv3 (
| Created by Vladyslav Kozlovskyy (Ukraine) <dbdevelop©>
| for Web2py project

Utilities and class for UTF8 strings managing
from __future__ import print_function
from gluon._compat import builtin as __builtin__, unicodeT, iteritems, to_unicode, to_native, reload

__all__ = ['Utf8']

repr_escape_tab = {}
for i in range(1, 32):
    repr_escape_tab[i] = to_unicode("\\"+"x%02x" % i)
repr_escape_tab[7] = u'\\a'
repr_escape_tab[8] = u'\\b'
repr_escape_tab[9] = u'\\t'
repr_escape_tab[10] = u'\\n'
repr_escape_tab[11] = u'\\v'
repr_escape_tab[12] = u'\\f'
repr_escape_tab[13] = u'\\r'
repr_escape_tab[ord('\\')] = u'\\\\'
repr_escape_tab2 = repr_escape_tab.copy()
repr_escape_tab2[ord('\'')] = u"\\'"

def sort_key(s):
    """Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) (
    is used for utf-8 and unicode strings sorting and for utf-8 strings

        pyuca is a very memory cost module! It loads the whole
        "allkey.txt" file (~2mb!) into the memory. But this
        functionality is needed only when sort_key() is called as a
        part of sort() function or when Utf8 strings are compared.

    So, it is a lazy "sort_key" function which (ONLY ONCE, ON ITS
    FIRST CALL) imports pyuca and replaces itself with a real
    sort_key() function
    global sort_key
        from gluon.contrib.pyuca import unicode_collator
        unicode_sort_key = unicode_collator.sort_key
        sort_key = lambda s: unicode_sort_key(
            to_unicode(s, 'utf-8') if isinstance(s, str) else s)
        sort_key = lambda s: (
            to_unicode(s, 'utf-8') if isinstance(s, str) else s).lower()
    return sort_key(s)

def ord(char):
    """Returns unicode id for utf8 or unicode *char* character
    SUPPOSE that *char* is an utf-8 or unicode character only
    if isinstance(char, unicodeT):
        return __builtin__.ord(char)
    return __builtin__.ord(to_unicode(char, 'utf-8'))

def chr(code):
    """Returns utf8-character with *code* unicode id """
    return Utf8(unichr(code))

def size(string):
    """Returns length of utf-8 string in bytes

        The length of correspondent utf-8 string is returned for unicode string
    return Utf8(string).__size__()

def truncate(string, length, dots='...'):
    """Returns string of length < *length* or truncate string with adding
    *dots* suffix to the string's end

        length (int): max length of string
        dots (str or unicode): string suffix, when string is cutted

        (utf8-str): original or cutted string
    text = to_unicode(string, 'utf-8')
    dots = to_unicode(dots, 'utf-8') if isinstance(dots, str) else dots
    if len(text) > length:
        text = text[:length - len(dots)] + dots
    return str.__new__(Utf8, text.encode('utf-8'))

[文档]class Utf8(str): """ Class for utf8 string storing and manipulations The base presupposition of this class usage is: "ALL strings in the application are either of utf-8 or unicode type, even when simple str type is used. UTF-8 is only a "packed" version of unicode, so Utf-8 and unicode strings are interchangeable." CAUTION! This class is slower than str/unicode! Do NOT use it inside intensive loops. Simply decode string(s) to unicode before loop and encode it back to utf-8 string(s) after intensive calculation. You can see the benefit of this class in doctests() below """ def __new__(cls, content='', codepage='utf-8'): if isinstance(content, unicodeT): return str.__new__(cls, to_native(content, 'utf-8')) elif codepage in ('utf-8', 'utf8') or isinstance(content, cls): return str.__new__(cls, content) else: return str.__new__(cls, to_native(to_unicode(content, codepage), 'utf-8')) def __repr__(self): r''' # note that we use raw strings to avoid having to use double back slashes below NOTE! This function is a clone of web2py:gluon.languages.utf_repl() function:: utf8.__repr__() works same as str.repr() when processing ascii string >>> repr(Utf8('abc')) == repr(Utf8("abc")) == repr('abc') == repr("abc") == "'abc'" True >>> repr(Utf8('a"b"c')) == repr('a"b"c') == '\'a"b"c\'' True >>> repr(Utf8("a'b'c")) == repr("a'b'c") == '"a\'b\'c"' True >>> repr(Utf8('a\'b"c')) == repr('a\'b"c') == repr(Utf8("a'b\"c")) == repr("a'b\"c") == '\'a\\\'b"c\'' True >>> repr(Utf8('a\r\nb')) == repr('a\r\nb') == "'a\\r\\nb'" # Test for \r, \n True Unlike str.repr(), Utf8.__repr__() remains utf8 content when processing utf8 string:: >>> repr(Utf8('中文字')) == repr(Utf8("中文字")) == "'中文字'" != repr('中文字') True >>> repr(Utf8('中"文"字')) == "'中\"文\"字'" != repr('中"文"字') True >>> repr(Utf8("中'文'字")) == '"中\'文\'字"' != repr("中'文'字") True >>> repr(Utf8('中\'文"字')) == repr(Utf8("中'文\"字")) == '\'中\\\'文"字\'' != repr('中\'文"字') == repr("中'文\"字") True >>> repr(Utf8('中\r\n文')) == "'中\\r\\n文'" != repr('中\r\n文') # Test for \r, \n True ''' if str.find(self, "'") >= 0 and str.find(self, '"') < 0: # only single quote exists return '"' + to_native(to_unicode(self, 'utf-8').translate(repr_escape_tab), 'utf-8') + '"' else: return "'" + to_native(to_unicode(self, 'utf-8').translate(repr_escape_tab2), 'utf-8') + "'" def __size__(self): """ length of utf-8 string in bytes """ return str.__len__(self) def __contains__(self, other): return str.__contains__(self, Utf8(other)) def __getitem__(self, index): return str.__new__(Utf8, to_native(to_unicode(self, 'utf-8')[index], 'utf-8')) def __getslice__(self, begin, end): return str.__new__(Utf8, to_native(to_unicode(self, 'utf-8')[begin:end], 'utf-8')) def __add__(self, other): return str.__new__(Utf8, str.__add__(self, unicode.encode(other, 'utf-8') if isinstance(other, unicode) else other)) def __len__(self): return len(to_unicode(self, 'utf-8')) def __mul__(self, integer): return str.__new__(Utf8, str.__mul__(self, integer)) def __eq__(self, string): return str.__eq__(self, Utf8(string)) def __ne__(self, string): return str.__ne__(self, Utf8(string))
[文档] def capitalize(self): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').capitalize().encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def center(self, length): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').center(length).encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def upper(self): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').upper().encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def lower(self): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').lower().encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def title(self): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').title().encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def index(self, string): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').index(string if isinstance(string, unicode) else unicode(string, 'utf-8'))
[文档] def isalnum(self): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').isalnum()
[文档] def isalpha(self): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').isalpha()
[文档] def isdigit(self): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').isdigit()
[文档] def islower(self): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').islower()
[文档] def isspace(self): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').isspace()
[文档] def istitle(self): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').istitle()
[文档] def isupper(self): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').isupper()
[文档] def zfill(self, length): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').zfill(length).encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def join(self, iter): return str.__new__(Utf8, str.join(self, [Utf8(c) for c in list(unicode(iter, 'utf-8') if isinstance(iter, str) else iter)]))
[文档] def lstrip(self, chars=None): return str.__new__(Utf8, str.lstrip(self, None if chars is None else Utf8(chars)))
[文档] def rstrip(self, chars=None): return str.__new__(Utf8, str.rstrip(self, None if chars is None else Utf8(chars)))
[文档] def strip(self, chars=None): return str.__new__(Utf8, str.strip(self, None if chars is None else Utf8(chars)))
[文档] def swapcase(self): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').swapcase().encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def count(self, sub, start=0, end=None): unistr = unicode(self, 'utf-8') return unistr.count( unicode(sub, 'utf-8') if isinstance(sub, str) else sub, start, len(unistr) if end is None else end)
[文档] def decode(self, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'): return str.decode(self, encoding, errors)
[文档] def encode(self, encoding, errors='strict'): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').encode(encoding, errors)
[文档] def expandtabs(self, tabsize=8): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').expandtabs(tabsize).encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def find(self, sub, start=None, end=None): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').find(unicode(sub, 'utf-8') if isinstance(sub, str) else sub, start, end)
[文档] def ljust(self, width, fillchar=' '): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').ljust(width, unicode(fillchar, 'utf-8') if isinstance(fillchar, str) else fillchar).encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def partition(self, sep): (head, sep, tail) = str.partition(self, Utf8(sep)) return (str.__new__(Utf8, head), str.__new__(Utf8, sep), str.__new__(Utf8, tail))
[文档] def replace(self, old, new, count=-1): return str.__new__(Utf8, str.replace(self, Utf8(old), Utf8(new), count))
[文档] def rfind(self, sub, start=None, end=None): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').rfind(unicode(sub, 'utf-8') if isinstance(sub, str) else sub, start, end)
[文档] def rindex(self, string): return unicode(self, 'utf-8').rindex(string if isinstance(string, unicode) else unicode(string, 'utf-8'))
[文档] def rjust(self, width, fillchar=' '): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').rjust(width, unicode(fillchar, 'utf-8') if isinstance(fillchar, str) else fillchar).encode('utf-8'))
[文档] def rpartition(self, sep): (head, sep, tail) = str.rpartition(self, Utf8(sep)) return (str.__new__(Utf8, head), str.__new__(Utf8, sep), str.__new__(Utf8, tail))
[文档] def rsplit(self, sep=None, maxsplit=-1): return [str.__new__(Utf8, part) for part in str.rsplit(self, None if sep is None else Utf8(sep), maxsplit)]
[文档] def split(self, sep=None, maxsplit=-1): return [str.__new__(Utf8, part) for part in str.split(self, None if sep is None else Utf8(sep), maxsplit)]
[文档] def splitlines(self, keepends=False): return [str.__new__(Utf8, part) for part in str.splitlines(self, keepends)]
[文档] def startswith(self, prefix, start=0, end=None): unistr = unicode(self, 'utf-8') if isinstance(prefix, tuple): prefix = tuple(unicode( s, 'utf-8') if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in prefix) elif isinstance(prefix, str): prefix = unicode(prefix, 'utf-8') return unistr.startswith(prefix, start, len(unistr) if end is None else end)
[文档] def translate(self, table, deletechars=''): if isinstance(table, dict): return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').translate(table).encode('utf-8')) else: return str.__new__(Utf8, str.translate(self, table, deletechars))
[文档] def endswith(self, prefix, start=0, end=None): unistr = unicode(self, 'utf-8') if isinstance(prefix, tuple): prefix = tuple(unicode( s, 'utf-8') if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in prefix) elif isinstance(prefix, str): prefix = unicode(prefix, 'utf-8') return unistr.endswith(prefix, start, len(unistr) if end is None else end)
if hasattr(str, 'format'): # Python 2.5 hasn't got str.format() method
[文档] def format(self, *args, **kwargs): args = [unicode( s, 'utf-8') if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in args] kwargs = dict((unicode(k, 'utf-8') if isinstance(k, str) else k, unicode(v, 'utf-8') if isinstance(v, str) else v) for k, v in iteritems(kwargs)) return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').format(*args, **kwargs).encode('utf-8'))
def __mod__(self, right): if isinstance(right, tuple): right = tuple(unicode(v, 'utf-8') if isinstance(v, str) else v for v in right) elif isinstance(right, dict): right = dict((unicode(k, 'utf-8') if isinstance(k, str) else k, unicode(v, 'utf-8') if isinstance(v, str) else v) for k, v in iteritems(right)) elif isinstance(right, str): right = unicode(right, 'utf-8') return str.__new__(Utf8, unicode(self, 'utf-8').__mod__(right).encode('utf-8')) def __ge__(self, string): return sort_key(self) >= sort_key(string) def __gt__(self, string): return sort_key(self) > sort_key(string) def __le__(self, string): return sort_key(self) <= sort_key(string) def __lt__(self, string): return sort_key(self) < sort_key(string)
if __name__ == '__main__': def doctests(): u""" doctests: >>> test_unicode=u'ПРоба Є PRobe' >>> test_unicode_word=u'ПРоба' >>> test_number_str='12345' >>> test_unicode u'\\u041f\\u0420\\u043e\\u0431\\u0430 \\u0404 PRobe' >>> print test_unicode ПРоба Є PRobe >>> test_word=test_unicode_word.encode('utf-8') >>> test_str=test_unicode.encode('utf-8') >>> s=Utf8(test_str) >>> s 'ПРоба Є PRobe' >>> type(s) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s == test_str True >>> len(test_str) # wrong length of utf8-string! 19 >>> len(test_unicode) # RIGHT! 13 >>> len(s) # RIGHT! 13 >>> size(test_str) # size of utf-8 string (in bytes) == len(str) 19 >>> size(test_unicode) # size of unicode string in bytes (packed to utf-8 string) 19 >>> size(s) # size of utf-8 string in bytes 19 >>> try: # utf-8 is a multibyte string. Convert it to unicode for use with builtin ord() ... __builtin__.ord('б') # ascii string ... except Exception, e: ... print 'Exception:', e Exception: ord() expected a character, but string of length 2 found >>> ord('б') # utf8.ord() is used(!!!) 1073 >>> ord(u'б') # utf8.ord() is used(!!!) 1073 >>> ord(s[3]) # utf8.ord() is used(!!!) 1073 >>> chr(ord(s[3])) # utf8.chr() and utf8.chr() is used(!!!) 'б' >>> type(chr(1073)) # utf8.chr() is used(!!!) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s=Utf8(test_unicode) >>> s 'ПРоба Є PRobe' >>> s == test_str True >>> test_str == s True >>> s == test_unicode True >>> test_unicode == s True >>> print test_str.upper() # only ASCII characters uppered ПРоба Є PROBE >>> print test_unicode.upper() # unicode gives right result ПРОБА Є PROBE >>> s.upper() # utf8 class use unicode.upper() 'ПРОБА Є PROBE' >>> type(s.upper()) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s.lower() 'проба є probe' >>> type(s.lower()) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s.capitalize() 'Проба є probe' >>> type(s.capitalize()) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> len(s) 13 >>> len(test_unicode) 13 >>> s+'. Probe is проба' 'ПРоба Є PRobe. Probe is проба' >>> type(s+'. Probe is проба') <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s+u'. Probe is проба' 'ПРоба Є PRobe. Probe is проба' >>> type(s+u'. Probe is проба') <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s+s 'ПРоба Є PRobeПРоба Є PRobe' >>> type(s+s) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> a=s >>> a+=s >>> a+=test_unicode >>> a+=test_str >>> a 'ПРоба Є PRobeПРоба Є PRobeПРоба Є PRobeПРоба Є PRobe' >>> type(a) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s*3 'ПРоба Є PRobeПРоба Є PRobeПРоба Є PRobe' >>> type(s*3) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> a=Utf8("-проба-") >>> a*=10 >>> a '-проба--проба--проба--проба--проба--проба--проба--проба--проба--проба-' >>> type(a) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> print "'""'" # WRONG RESULT! 'ПРоба Є PRobe' >>> # RIGHT! ' ПРоба Є PRobe ' >>> type( <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> (test_word+test_number_str).isalnum() # WRONG RESULT! non ASCII chars are detected as non alpha False >>> Utf8(test_word+test_number_str).isalnum() True >>> s.isalnum() False >>> test_word.isalpha() # WRONG RESULT! Non ASCII characters are detected as non alpha False >>> Utf8(test_word).isalpha() # RIGHT! True >>> s.lower().islower() True >>> s.upper().isupper() True >>> print test_str.zfill(17) # WRONG RESULT! ПРоба Є PRobe >>> s.zfill(17) # RIGHT! '0000ПРоба Є PRobe' >>> type(s.zfill(17)) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s.istitle() False >>> s.title().istitle() True >>> Utf8('1234').isdigit() True >>> Utf8(' \t').isspace() True >>> s.join('•|•') '•ПРоба Є PRobe|ПРоба Є PRobe•' >>> s.join((str('(utf8 тест1)'), unicode('(unicode тест2)','utf-8'), '(ascii test3)')) '(utf8 тест1)ПРоба Є PRobe(unicode тест2)ПРоба Є PRobe(ascii test3)' >>> type(s) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> s==test_str True >>> s==test_unicode True >>> s.swapcase() 'прОБА є prOBE' >>> type(s.swapcase()) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> truncate(s, 10) 'ПРоба Є...' >>> truncate(s, 20) 'ПРоба Є PRobe' >>> truncate(s, 10, '•••') # utf-8 string as *dots* 'ПРоба Є•••' >>> truncate(s, 10, u'®') # you can use unicode string as *dots* 'ПРоба Є P®' >>> type(truncate(s, 10)) <class '__main__.Utf8'> >>> Utf8(s.encode('koi8-u'), 'koi8-u') 'ПРоба Є PRobe' >>> s.decode() # convert utf-8 string to unicode u'\\u041f\\u0420\\u043e\\u0431\\u0430 \\u0404 PRobe' >>> a='про\\tba' >>> str_tmp=a.expandtabs() >>> utf8_tmp=Utf8(a).expandtabs() >>> utf8_tmp.replace(' ','.') # RIGHT! (default tabsize is 8) 'про' >>> utf8_tmp.index('b') 8 >>> print "'"+str_tmp.replace(' ','.')+"'" # WRONG STRING LENGTH! 'про' >>> str_tmp.index('b') # WRONG index of 'b' character 8 >>> print "'"+a.expandtabs(4).replace(' ','.')+"'" # WRONG RESULT! 'про' >>> Utf8(a).expandtabs(4).replace(' ','.') # RIGHT! 'про.ba' >>> s.find('Є') 6 >>> s.find(u'Є') 6 >>> s.find(' ', 6) 7 >>> s.rfind(' ') 7 >>> s.partition('Є') ('ПРоба ', 'Є', ' PRobe') >>> s.partition(u'Є') ('ПРоба ', 'Є', ' PRobe') >>> (a,b,c) = s.partition('Є') >>> type(a), type(b), type(c) (<class '__main__.Utf8'>, <class '__main__.Utf8'>, <class '__main__.Utf8'>) >>> s.partition(' ') ('ПРоба', ' ', 'Є PRobe') >>> s.rpartition(' ') ('ПРоба Є', ' ', 'PRobe') >>> s.index('Є') 6 >>> s.rindex(u'Є') 6 >>> s.index(' ') 5 >>> s.rindex(' ') 7 >>> a=Utf8('а б ц д е а б ц д е а\\tб ц д е') >>> a.split() ['а', 'б', 'ц', 'д', 'е', 'а', 'б', 'ц', 'д', 'е', 'а', 'б', 'ц', 'д', 'е'] >>> a.rsplit() ['а', 'б', 'ц', 'д', 'е', 'а', 'б', 'ц', 'д', 'е', 'а', 'б', 'ц', 'д', 'е'] >>> a.expandtabs().split('б') ['а ', ' ц д е а ', ' ц д е а ', ' ц д е'] >>> a.expandtabs().rsplit('б') ['а ', ' ц д е а ', ' ц д е а ', ' ц д е'] >>> a.expandtabs().split(u'б', 1) ['а ', ' ц д е а б ц д е а б ц д е'] >>> a.expandtabs().rsplit(u'б', 1) ['а б ц д е а б ц д е а ', ' ц д е'] >>> a=Utf8("рядок1\\nрядок2\\nрядок3") >>> a.splitlines() ['рядок1', 'рядок2', 'рядок3'] >>> a.splitlines(True) ['рядок1\\n', 'рядок2\\n', 'рядок3'] >>> s[6] 'Є' >>> s[0] 'П' >>> s[-1] 'e' >>> s[:10] 'ПРоба Є PR' >>> s[2:-2:2] 'оаЄPo' >>> s[::-1] 'eboRP Є абоРП' >>> s.startswith('ПР') True >>> s.startswith(('ПР', u'об'),0) True >>> s.startswith(u'об', 2, 4) True >>> s.endswith('be') True >>> s.endswith(('be', 'PR', u'Є')) True >>> s.endswith('PR', 8, 10) True >>> s.endswith('Є', -7, -6) True >>> s.count(' ') 2 >>> s.count(' ',6) 1 >>> s.count(u'Є') 1 >>> s.count('Є', 0, 5) 0 >>> Utf8("Parameters: '%(проба)s', %(probe)04d, %(проба2)s") % { u"проба": s, ... "not used": "???", "probe": 2, "проба2": u"ПРоба Probe" } "Parameters: 'ПРоба Є PRobe', 0002, ПРоба Probe" >>> a=Utf8(u"Параметр: (%s)-(%s)-[%s]") >>> a%=(s, s[::-1], 1000) >>> a 'Параметр: (ПРоба Є PRobe)-(eboRP Є абоРП)-[1000]' >>> if hasattr(Utf8, 'format'): ... Utf8("Проба <{0}>, {1}, {param1}, {param2}").format(s, u"中文字", ... param1="барабан", param2=1000) == 'Проба <ПРоба Є PRobe>, 中文字, барабан, 1000' ... else: # format() method is not used in python with version <2.6: ... print True True >>> u'Б'<u'Ї' # WRONG ORDER! False >>> 'Б'<'Ї' # WRONG ORDER! False >>> Utf8('Б')<'Ї' # RIGHT! True >>> u'д'>u'ґ' # WRONG ORDER! False >>> Utf8('д')>Utf8('ґ') # RIGHT! True >>> u'є'<=u'ж' # WRONG ORDER! False >>> Utf8('є')<=u'ж' # RIGHT! True >>> Utf8('є')<=u'є' True >>> u'Ї'>=u'И' # WRONG ORDER! False >>> Utf8(u'Ї') >= u'И' # RIGHT True >>> Utf8('Є') >= 'Є' True >>> a="яжертиуіопшщїасдфгґхйклчєзьцвбнмюЯЖЕРТИУІОПШЩЇАСДФГҐХЙКЛЧЗЬЦВБНМЮЄ" # str type >>> b=u"яжертиуіопшщїасдфгґхйклчєзьцвбнмюЯЖЕРТИУІОПШЩЇАСДФГҐХЙКЛЧЗЬЦВБНМЮЄ" # unicode type >>> c=Utf8("яжертиуіопшщїасдфгґхйклчєзьцвбнмюЯЖЕРТИУІОПШЩЇАСДФГҐХЙКЛЧЗЬЦВБНМЮЄ") # utf8 class >>> result = "".join(sorted(a)) >>> result[0:20] # result is not utf8 string, because bytes, not utf8-characters were sorted '\\x80\\x81\\x82\\x83\\x84\\x84\\x85\\x86\\x86\\x87\\x87\\x88\\x89\\x8c\\x8e\\x8f\\x90\\x90\\x91\\x91' >>> try: ... unicode(result, 'utf-8') # try to convert result (utf-8?) to unicode ... except Exception, e: ... print 'Exception:', e Exception: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 0: unexpected code byte >>> try: # FAILED! (working with bytes, not with utf8-charactes) ... "".join( sorted(a, key=sort_key) ) # utf8.sort_key may be used with utf8 or unicode strings only! ... except Exception, e: ... print 'Exception:', e Exception: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xd1 in position 0: unexpected end of data >>> print "".join( sorted(Utf8(a))) # converting *a* to unicode or utf8-string gives us correct result аАбБвВгГґҐдДеЕєЄжЖзЗиИіІїЇйЙкКлЛмМнНоОпПрРсСтТуУфФхХцЦчЧшШщЩьЬюЮяЯ >>> print u"".join( sorted(b) ) # WRONG ORDER! Default sort key is used ЄІЇАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЬЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщьюяєіїҐґ >>> print u"".join( sorted(b, key=sort_key) ) # RIGHT ORDER! utf8.sort_key is used аАбБвВгГґҐдДеЕєЄжЖзЗиИіІїЇйЙкКлЛмМнНоОпПрРсСтТуУфФхХцЦчЧшШщЩьЬюЮяЯ >>> print "".join( sorted(c) ) # RIGHT ORDER! Utf8 "rich comparison" methods are used аАбБвВгГґҐдДеЕєЄжЖзЗиИіІїЇйЙкКлЛмМнНоОпПрРсСтТуУфФхХцЦчЧшШщЩьЬюЮяЯ >>> print "".join( sorted(c, key=sort_key) ) # RIGHT ORDER! utf8.sort_key is used аАбБвВгГґҐдДеЕєЄжЖзЗиИіІїЇйЙкКлЛмМнНоОпПрРсСтТуУфФхХцЦчЧшШщЩьЬюЮяЯ >>> Utf8().join(sorted(c.decode(), key=sort_key)) # convert to unicode for better performance 'аАбБвВгГґҐдДеЕєЄжЖзЗиИіІїЇйЙкКлЛмМнНоОпПрРсСтТуУфФхХцЦчЧшШщЩьЬюЮяЯ' >>> for result in sorted(["Іа", "Астро", u"гала", Utf8("Гоша"), "Єва", "шовк", "аякс", "Їжа", ... "ґанок", Utf8("Дар'я"), "білінг", "веб", u"Жужа", "проба", u"тест", ... "абетка", "яблуко", "Юляся", "Київ", "лимонад", "ложка", "Матриця", ... ], key=sort_key): ... print result.ljust(20), type(result) абетка <type 'str'> Астро <type 'str'> аякс <type 'str'> білінг <type 'str'> веб <type 'str'> гала <type 'unicode'> ґанок <type 'str'> Гоша <class '__main__.Utf8'> Дар'я <class '__main__.Utf8'> Єва <type 'str'> Жужа <type 'unicode'> Іа <type 'str'> Їжа <type 'str'> Київ <type 'str'> лимонад <type 'str'> ложка <type 'str'> Матриця <type 'str'> проба <type 'str'> тест <type 'unicode'> шовк <type 'str'> Юляся <type 'str'> яблуко <type 'str'> >>> a=Utf8("中文字") >>> L=list(a) >>> L ['中', '文', '字'] >>> a="".join(L) >>> print a 中文字 >>> type(a) <type 'str'> >>> a="中文字" # standard str type >>> L=list(a) >>> L ['\\xe4', '\\xb8', '\\xad', '\\xe6', '\\x96', '\\x87', '\\xe5', '\\xad', '\\x97'] >>> from string import maketrans >>> str_tab=maketrans('PRobe','12345') >>> unicode_tab={ord(u'П'):ord(u'Ж'), ... ord(u'Р') : u'Ш', ... ord(Utf8('о')) : None, # utf8.ord() is used ... ord('б') : None, # -//-//- ... ord(u'а') : u"中文字", ... ord(u'Є') : Utf8('•').decode(), # only unicode type is supported ... } >>> s.translate(unicode_tab).translate(str_tab, deletechars=' ') 'ЖШ中文字•12345' """ import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("UTF-8") import doctest print("DOCTESTS STARTED...") doctest.testmod() print("DOCTESTS FINISHED") doctests()