
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

| This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
| Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <>
| License: LGPLv3 (

Auth, Mail, PluginManager and various utilities

import base64
from functools import reduce
from gluon._compat import pickle, thread, urllib2, Cookie, StringIO, urlencode
from gluon._compat import configparser, MIMEBase, MIMEMultipart, MIMEText, Header
from gluon._compat import Encoders, Charset, long, urllib_quote, iteritems
from gluon._compat import to_bytes, to_native, add_charset, string_types
from gluon._compat import charset_QP, basestring, unicodeT, to_unicode
from gluon._compat import urllib2, urlopen
import datetime
import logging
import sys
import glob
import os
import re
import time
import fnmatch
import traceback
import smtplib
import email.utils
import random
import hmac
import hashlib
import json

from email import message_from_string

from gluon.authapi import AuthAPI
from gluon.contenttype import contenttype
from import Storage, StorageList, Settings, Messages
from gluon.utils import web2py_uuid, compare
from gluon.fileutils import read_file, check_credentials
from gluon import *
from gluon.contrib.autolinks import expand_one
from gluon.contrib.markmin.markmin2html import replace_at_urls
from gluon.contrib.markmin.markmin2html import replace_autolinks
from gluon.contrib.markmin.markmin2html import replace_components
from pydal.objects import Row, Set, Query

import gluon.serializers as serializers

Table = DAL.Table
Field = DAL.Field

__all__ = ['Mail', 'Auth', 'Recaptcha2', 'Crud', 'Service', 'Wiki',
           'PluginManager', 'fetch', 'geocode', 'reverse_geocode', 'prettydate']

# mind there are two loggers here (logger and crud.settings.logger)!
logger = logging.getLogger("web2py")

DEFAULT = lambda: None

def getarg(position, default=None):
    args = current.request.args
    if position < 0 and len(args) >= -position:
        return args[position]
    elif position >= 0 and len(args) > position:
        return args[position]
        return default

def callback(actions, form, tablename=None):
    if actions:
        if tablename and isinstance(actions, dict):
            actions = actions.get(tablename, [])
        if not isinstance(actions, (list, tuple)):
            actions = [actions]
        [action(form) for action in actions]

def validators(*a):
    b = []
    for item in a:
        if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
            b = b + list(item)
    return b

def call_or_redirect(f, *args):
    if callable(f):

def replace_id(url, form):
    if url:
        url = url.replace('[id]', str(
        if url[0] == '/' or url[:4] == 'http':
            return url
    return URL(url)

[文档]class Mail(object): """ Class for configuring and sending emails with alternative text / html body, multiple attachments and encryption support Works with SMTP and Google App Engine. Args: server: SMTP server address in address:port notation sender: sender email address login: sender login name and password in login:password notation or None if no authentication is required tls: enables/disables encryption (True by default) In Google App Engine use :: server='gae' For sake of backward compatibility all fields are optional and default to None, however, to be able to send emails at least server and sender must be specified. They are available under following fields:: mail.settings.server mail.settings.sender mail.settings.login mail.settings.timeout = 60 # seconds (default) When server is 'logging', email is logged but not sent (debug mode) Optionally you can use PGP encryption or X509:: mail.settings.cipher_type = None mail.settings.gpg_home = None mail.settings.sign = True mail.settings.sign_passphrase = None mail.settings.encrypt = True mail.settings.x509_sign_keyfile = None mail.settings.x509_sign_certfile = None mail.settings.x509_sign_chainfile = None mail.settings.x509_nocerts = False mail.settings.x509_crypt_certfiles = None cipher_type : None gpg - need a python-pyme package and gpgme lib x509 - smime gpg_home : you can set a GNUPGHOME environment variable to specify home of gnupg sign : sign the message (True or False) sign_passphrase : passphrase for key signing encrypt : encrypt the message (True or False). It defaults to True ... x509 only ... x509_sign_keyfile : the signers private key filename or string containing the key. (PEM format) x509_sign_certfile: the signers certificate filename or string containing the cert. (PEM format) x509_sign_chainfile: sets the optional all-in-one file where you can assemble the certificates of Certification Authorities (CA) which form the certificate chain of email certificate. It can be a string containing the certs to. (PEM format) x509_nocerts : if True then no attached certificate in mail x509_crypt_certfiles: the certificates file or strings to encrypt the messages with can be a file name / string or a list of file names / strings (PEM format) Examples: Create Mail object with authentication data for remote server:: mail = Mail('', '', 'me:password') Notice for GAE users: attachments have an automatic content_id='attachment-i' where i is progressive number in this way the can be referenced from the HTML as <img src="cid:attachment-0" /> etc. """
[文档] class Attachment(MIMEBase): """ Email attachment Args: payload: path to file or file-like object with read() method filename: name of the attachment stored in message; if set to None, it will be fetched from payload path; file-like object payload must have explicit filename specified content_id: id of the attachment; automatically contained within `<` and `>` content_type: content type of the attachment; if set to None, it will be fetched from filename using gluon.contenttype module encoding: encoding of all strings passed to this function (except attachment body) Content ID is used to identify attachments within the html body; in example, attached image with content ID 'photo' may be used in html message as a source of img tag `<img src="cid:photo" />`. Example:: Create attachment from text file:: attachment = Mail.Attachment('/path/to/file.txt') Content-Type: text/plain MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SOMEBASE64CONTENT= Create attachment from image file with custom filename and cid:: attachment = Mail.Attachment('/path/to/file.png', filename='photo.png', content_id='photo') Content-Type: image/png MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="photo.png" Content-Id: <photo> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SOMEOTHERBASE64CONTENT= """ def __init__( self, payload, filename=None, content_id=None, content_type=None, encoding='utf-8'): if isinstance(payload, str): if filename is None: filename = os.path.basename(payload) payload = read_file(payload, 'rb') else: if filename is None: raise Exception('Missing attachment name') payload = if content_type is None: content_type = contenttype(filename) self.my_filename = filename self.my_payload = payload MIMEBase.__init__(self, *content_type.split('/', 1)) self.set_payload(payload) self.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename) if content_id is not None: self['Content-Id'] = '<%s>' % to_native(content_id, encoding) Encoders.encode_base64(self)
def __init__(self, server=None, sender=None, login=None, tls=True): settings = self.settings = Settings() settings.server = server settings.sender = sender settings.login = login settings.tls = tls settings.timeout = 5 # seconds settings.hostname = None settings.ssl = False settings.cipher_type = None settings.gpg_home = None settings.sign = True settings.sign_passphrase = None settings.encrypt = True settings.x509_sign_keyfile = None settings.x509_sign_certfile = None settings.x509_sign_chainfile = None settings.x509_nocerts = False settings.x509_crypt_certfiles = None settings.debug = False settings.lock_keys = True self.result = {} self.error = None
[文档] def send(self, to, subject='[no subject]', message='[no message]', attachments=None, cc=None, bcc=None, reply_to=None, sender=None, encoding='utf-8', raw=False, headers={}, from_address=None, cipher_type=None, sign=None, sign_passphrase=None, encrypt=None, x509_sign_keyfile=None, x509_sign_chainfile=None, x509_sign_certfile=None, x509_crypt_certfiles=None, x509_nocerts=None ): """ Sends an email using data specified in constructor Args: to: list or tuple of receiver addresses; will also accept single object subject: subject of the email message: email body text; depends on type of passed object: - if 2-list or 2-tuple is passed: first element will be source of plain text while second of html text; - otherwise: object will be the only source of plain text and html source will be set to None If text or html source is: - None: content part will be ignored, - string: content part will be set to it, - file-like object: content part will be fetched from it using it's read() method attachments: list or tuple of Mail.Attachment objects; will also accept single object cc: list or tuple of carbon copy receiver addresses; will also accept single object bcc: list or tuple of blind carbon copy receiver addresses; will also accept single object reply_to: address to which reply should be composed encoding: encoding of all strings passed to this method (including message bodies) headers: dictionary of headers to refine the headers just before sending mail, e.g. `{'X-Mailer' : 'web2py mailer'}` from_address: address to appear in the 'From:' header, this is not the envelope sender. If not specified the sender will be used cipher_type : gpg - need a python-pyme package and gpgme lib x509 - smime gpg_home : you can set a GNUPGHOME environment variable to specify home of gnupg sign : sign the message (True or False) sign_passphrase : passphrase for key signing encrypt : encrypt the message (True or False). It defaults to True. ... x509 only ... x509_sign_keyfile : the signers private key filename or string containing the key. (PEM format) x509_sign_certfile: the signers certificate filename or string containing the cert. (PEM format) x509_sign_chainfile: sets the optional all-in-one file where you can assemble the certificates of Certification Authorities (CA) which form the certificate chain of email certificate. It can be a string containing the certs to. (PEM format) x509_nocerts : if True then no attached certificate in mail x509_crypt_certfiles: the certificates file or strings to encrypt the messages with can be a file name / string or a list of file names / strings (PEM format) Examples: Send plain text message to single address:: mail.send('', 'Message subject', 'Plain text body of the message') Send html message to single address:: mail.send('', 'Message subject', '<html>Plain text body of the message</html>') Send text and html message to three addresses (two in cc):: mail.send('', 'Message subject', ('Plain text body', '<html>html body</html>'), cc=['', '']) Send html only message with image attachment available from the message by 'photo' content id:: mail.send('', 'Message subject', (None, '<html><img src="cid:photo" /></html>'), Mail.Attachment('/path/to/photo.jpg' content_id='photo')) Send email with two attachments and no body text:: mail.send(', 'Message subject', None, [Mail.Attachment('/path/to/fist.file'), Mail.Attachment('/path/to/second.file')]) Returns: True on success, False on failure. Before return, method updates two object's fields: - self.result: return value of smtplib.SMTP.sendmail() or GAE's mail.send_mail() method - self.error: Exception message or None if above was successful """ # We don't want to use base64 encoding for unicode mail add_charset('utf-8', charset_QP, charset_QP, 'utf-8') def encode_header(key): if [c for c in key if 32 > ord(c) or ord(c) > 127]: return Header(key.encode('utf-8'), 'utf-8') else: return key # encoded or raw text def encoded_or_raw(text): if raw: text = encode_header(text) return text sender = sender or self.settings.sender if not isinstance(self.settings.server, str): raise Exception('Server address not specified') if not isinstance(sender, str): raise Exception('Sender address not specified') if not raw and attachments: # Use multipart/mixed if there is attachments payload_in = MIMEMultipart('mixed') elif raw: # no encoding configuration for raw messages if not isinstance(message, basestring): message = if isinstance(message, unicodeT): text = message.encode('utf-8') elif not encoding == 'utf-8': text = message.decode(encoding).encode('utf-8') else: text = message # No charset passed to avoid transport encoding # NOTE: some unicode encoded strings will produce # unreadable mail contents. payload_in = MIMEText(text) if to: if not isinstance(to, (list, tuple)): to = [to] else: raise Exception('Target receiver address not specified') if reply_to: if not isinstance(reply_to, (list, tuple)): reply_to = [reply_to] if cc: if not isinstance(cc, (list, tuple)): cc = [cc] if bcc: if not isinstance(bcc, (list, tuple)): bcc = [bcc] if message is None: text = html = None elif isinstance(message, (list, tuple)): text, html = message elif message.strip().startswith('<html') and \ message.strip().endswith('</html>'): text = self.settings.server == 'gae' and message or None html = message else: text = message html = None if (text is not None or html is not None) and (not raw): if text is not None: if not isinstance(text, basestring): text = if isinstance(text, unicodeT): text = text.encode('utf-8') elif not encoding == 'utf-8': text = text.decode(encoding).encode('utf-8') if html is not None: if not isinstance(html, basestring): html = if isinstance(html, unicodeT): html = html.encode('utf-8') elif not encoding == 'utf-8': html = html.decode(encoding).encode('utf-8') # Construct mime part only if needed if text is not None and html: # We have text and html we need multipart/alternative attachment = MIMEMultipart('alternative') attachment.attach(MIMEText(text, _charset='utf-8')) attachment.attach(MIMEText(html, 'html', _charset='utf-8')) elif text is not None: attachment = MIMEText(text, _charset='utf-8') elif html: attachment = MIMEText(html, 'html', _charset='utf-8') if attachments: # If there is attachments put text and html into # multipart/mixed payload_in.attach(attachment) else: # No attachments no multipart/mixed payload_in = attachment if (attachments is None) or raw: pass elif isinstance(attachments, (list, tuple)): for attachment in attachments: payload_in.attach(attachment) else: payload_in.attach(attachments) attachments = [attachments] ####################################################### # CIPHER # ####################################################### cipher_type = cipher_type or self.settings.cipher_type sign = sign if sign is not None else self.settings.sign sign_passphrase = sign_passphrase or self.settings.sign_passphrase encrypt = encrypt if encrypt is not None else self.settings.encrypt ####################################################### # GPGME # ####################################################### if cipher_type == 'gpg': if self.settings.gpg_home: # Set GNUPGHOME environment variable to set home of gnupg import os os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = self.settings.gpg_home if not sign and not encrypt: self.error = "No sign and no encrypt is set but cipher type to gpg" return False # need a python-pyme package and gpgme lib from pyme import core, errors from pyme.constants.sig import mode ############################################ # sign # ############################################ if sign: import string core.check_version(None) pin = string.replace(payload_in.as_string(), '\n', '\r\n') plain = core.Data(pin) sig = core.Data() c = core.Context() c.set_armor(1) c.signers_clear() # search for signing key for From: for sigkey in c.op_keylist_all(sender, 1): if sigkey.can_sign: c.signers_add(sigkey) if not c.signers_enum(0): self.error = 'No key for signing [%s]' % sender return False c.set_passphrase_cb(lambda x, y, z: sign_passphrase) try: # make a signature c.op_sign(plain, sig, mode.DETACH), 0) # make it part of the email payload = MIMEMultipart('signed', boundary=None, _subparts=None, **dict(micalg="pgp-sha1", protocol="application/pgp-signature")) # insert the origin payload payload.attach(payload_in) # insert the detached signature p = MIMEBase("application", 'pgp-signature') p.set_payload( payload.attach(p) # it's just a trick to handle the no encryption case payload_in = payload except errors.GPGMEError as ex: self.error = "GPG error: %s" % ex.getstring() return False ############################################ # encrypt # ############################################ if encrypt: core.check_version(None) plain = core.Data(payload_in.as_string()) cipher = core.Data() c = core.Context() c.set_armor(1) # collect the public keys for encryption recipients = [] rec = to[:] if cc: rec.extend(cc) if bcc: rec.extend(bcc) for addr in rec: c.op_keylist_start(addr, 0) r = c.op_keylist_next() if r is None: self.error = 'No key for [%s]' % addr return False recipients.append(r) try: # make the encryption c.op_encrypt(recipients, 1, plain, cipher), 0) # make it a part of the email payload = MIMEMultipart('encrypted', boundary=None, _subparts=None, **dict(protocol="application/pgp-encrypted")) p = MIMEBase("application", 'pgp-encrypted') p.set_payload("Version: 1\r\n") payload.attach(p) p = MIMEBase("application", 'octet-stream') p.set_payload( payload.attach(p) except errors.GPGMEError as ex: self.error = "GPG error: %s" % ex.getstring() return False ####################################################### # X.509 # ####################################################### elif cipher_type == 'x509': if not sign and not encrypt: self.error = "No sign and no encrypt is set but cipher type to x509" return False import os x509_sign_keyfile = x509_sign_keyfile or self.settings.x509_sign_keyfile x509_sign_chainfile = x509_sign_chainfile or self.settings.x509_sign_chainfile x509_sign_certfile = x509_sign_certfile or self.settings.x509_sign_certfile or \ x509_sign_keyfile or self.settings.x509_sign_certfile # crypt certfiles could be a string or a list x509_crypt_certfiles = x509_crypt_certfiles or self.settings.x509_crypt_certfiles x509_nocerts = x509_nocerts or\ self.settings.x509_nocerts # need m2crypto try: from M2Crypto import BIO, SMIME, X509 except Exception as e: self.error = "Can't load M2Crypto module" return False msg_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(payload_in.as_string()) s = SMIME.SMIME() # SIGN if sign: # key for signing try: keyfile_bio = BIO.openfile(x509_sign_keyfile)\ if os.path.isfile(x509_sign_keyfile)\ else BIO.MemoryBuffer(x509_sign_keyfile) sign_certfile_bio = BIO.openfile(x509_sign_certfile)\ if os.path.isfile(x509_sign_certfile)\ else BIO.MemoryBuffer(x509_sign_certfile) s.load_key_bio(keyfile_bio, sign_certfile_bio, callback=lambda x: sign_passphrase) if x509_sign_chainfile: sk = X509.X509_Stack() chain = X509.load_cert(x509_sign_chainfile)\ if os.path.isfile(x509_sign_chainfile)\ else X509.load_cert_string(x509_sign_chainfile) sk.push(chain) s.set_x509_stack(sk) except Exception as e: self.error = "Something went wrong on certificate / private key loading: <%s>" % str(e) return False try: if x509_nocerts: flags = SMIME.PKCS7_NOCERTS else: flags = 0 if not encrypt: flags += SMIME.PKCS7_DETACHED p7 = s.sign(msg_bio, flags=flags) msg_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(payload_in.as_string( )) # Recreate coz sign() has consumed it. except Exception as e: self.error = "Something went wrong on signing: <%s> %s" % ( str(e), str(flags)) return False # ENCRYPT if encrypt: try: sk = X509.X509_Stack() if not isinstance(x509_crypt_certfiles, (list, tuple)): x509_crypt_certfiles = [x509_crypt_certfiles] # make an encryption cert's stack for crypt_certfile in x509_crypt_certfiles: certfile = X509.load_cert(crypt_certfile)\ if os.path.isfile(crypt_certfile)\ else X509.load_cert_string(crypt_certfile) sk.push(certfile) s.set_x509_stack(sk) s.set_cipher(SMIME.Cipher('des_ede3_cbc')) tmp_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer() if sign: s.write(tmp_bio, p7) else: tmp_bio.write(payload_in.as_string()) p7 = s.encrypt(tmp_bio) except Exception as e: self.error = "Something went wrong on encrypting: <%s>" % str(e) return False # Final stage in sign and encryption out = BIO.MemoryBuffer() if encrypt: s.write(out, p7) else: if sign: s.write(out, p7, msg_bio, SMIME.PKCS7_DETACHED) else: out.write('\r\n') out.write(payload_in.as_string()) out.close() st = str( payload = message_from_string(st) else: # no cryptography process as usual payload = payload_in if from_address: payload['From'] = encoded_or_raw(to_unicode(from_address, encoding)) else: payload['From'] = encoded_or_raw(to_unicode(sender, encoding)) origTo = to[:] if to: payload['To'] = encoded_or_raw(to_unicode(', '.join(to), encoding)) if reply_to: payload['Reply-To'] = encoded_or_raw(to_unicode(', '.join(reply_to), encoding)) if cc: payload['Cc'] = encoded_or_raw(to_unicode(', '.join(cc), encoding)) to.extend(cc) if bcc: to.extend(bcc) payload['Subject'] = encoded_or_raw(to_unicode(subject, encoding)) payload['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate() for k, v in iteritems(headers): payload[k] = encoded_or_raw(to_unicode(v, encoding)) result = {} try: if self.settings.server == 'logging': entry = 'email not sent\n%s\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s\n%s\n' % \ ('-' * 40, sender, ', '.join(to), subject, text or html, '-' * 40) logger.warning(entry) elif self.settings.server.startswith('logging:'): entry = 'email not sent\n%s\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s\n%s\n' % \ ('-' * 40, sender, ', '.join(to), subject, text or html, '-' * 40) open(self.settings.server[8:], 'a').write(entry) elif self.settings.server == 'gae': xcc = dict() if cc: xcc['cc'] = cc if bcc: xcc['bcc'] = bcc if reply_to: xcc['reply_to'] = reply_to from google.appengine.api import mail attachments = attachments and [mail.Attachment( a.my_filename, a.my_payload, content_id='<attachment-%s>' % k ) for k, a in enumerate(attachments) if not raw] if attachments: result = mail.send_mail( sender=sender, to=origTo, subject=to_unicode(subject, encoding), body=to_unicode(text or '', encoding), html=html, attachments=attachments, **xcc) elif html and (not raw): result = mail.send_mail( sender=sender, to=origTo, subject=to_unicode(subject, encoding), body=to_unicode(text or '', encoding), html=html, **xcc) else: result = mail.send_mail( sender=sender, to=origTo, subject=to_unicode(subject, encoding), body=to_unicode(text or '', encoding), **xcc) elif self.settings.server == 'aws': import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError client = boto3.client('ses') try: raw = {'Data': payload.as_string()} response = client.send_raw_email(RawMessage=raw, Source=sender, Destinations=to) return True except ClientError as e: # we should log this error: # print e.response['Error']['Message'] return False else: smtp_args = self.settings.server.split(':') kwargs = dict(timeout=self.settings.timeout) func = smtplib.SMTP_SSL if self.settings.ssl else smtplib.SMTP server = func(*smtp_args, **kwargs) try: if self.settings.tls and not self.settings.ssl: server.ehlo(self.settings.hostname) server.starttls() server.ehlo(self.settings.hostname) if self.settings.login: server.login(*self.settings.login.split(':', 1)) result = server.sendmail(sender, to, payload.as_string()) finally: # do not want to hide errors raising some exception here try: server.quit() except smtplib.SMTPException: # ensure to close any socket with SMTP server try: server.close() except Exception: pass except Exception as e: logger.warning('Mail.send failure:%s' % e) self.result = result self.error = e return False self.result = result self.error = None return True
[文档]class Recaptcha2(DIV): """ Experimental: Creates a DIV holding the newer Recaptcha from Google (v2) Args: request : the request. If not passed, uses current request public_key : the public key Google gave you private_key : the private key Google gave you error_message : the error message to show if verification fails label : the label to use options (dict) : takes these parameters - hl - theme - type - tabindex - callback - expired-callback see for docs about those comment : the comment Examples: Use as:: form = FORM(Recaptcha2(public_key='...', private_key='...')) or:: form = SQLFORM(...) form.append(Recaptcha2(public_key='...', private_key='...')) to protect the login page instead, use:: from import Recaptcha2 auth.settings.captcha = Recaptcha2(request, public_key='...', private_key='...') """ API_URI = '' VERIFY_SERVER = '' def __init__(self, request=None, public_key='', private_key='', error_message='invalid', label='Verify:', options=None, comment='', ): request = request or current.request self.request_vars = request and request.vars or current.request.vars self.remote_addr = request.env.remote_addr self.public_key = public_key self.private_key = private_key self.errors = Storage() self.error_message = error_message self.components = [] self.attributes = {} self.label = label self.options = options or {} self.comment = comment def _validate(self): recaptcha_response_field = self.request_vars.pop('g-recaptcha-response', None) remoteip = self.remote_addr if not recaptcha_response_field: self.errors['captcha'] = self.error_message return False params = urlencode({ 'secret': self.private_key, 'remoteip': remoteip, 'response': recaptcha_response_field, }).encode('utf-8') request = urllib2.Request( url=self.VERIFY_SERVER, data=to_bytes(params), headers={'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-agent': 'reCAPTCHA Python'}) httpresp = urlopen(request) content = httpresp.close() try: response_dict = json.loads(to_native(content)) except: self.errors['captcha'] = self.error_message return False if response_dict.get('success', False): self.request_vars.captcha = '' return True else: self.errors['captcha'] = self.error_message return False
[文档] def xml(self): api_uri = self.API_URI hl = self.options.pop('hl', None) if hl: api_uri = self.API_URI + '?hl=%s' % hl public_key = self.public_key self.options['sitekey'] = public_key captcha = DIV( SCRIPT(_src=api_uri, _async='', _defer=''), DIV(_class="g-recaptcha", data=self.options), TAG.noscript(XML(""" <div style="width: 302px; height: 352px;"> <div style="width: 302px; height: 352px; position: relative;"> <div style="width: 302px; height: 352px; position: absolute;"> <iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width: 302px; height:352px; border-style: none;"> </iframe> </div> <div style="width: 250px; height: 80px; position: absolute; border-style: none; bottom: 21px; left: 25px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; right: 25px;"> <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response" style="width: 250px; height: 80px; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; resize: none;" value=""> </textarea> </div> </div> </div>""" % dict(public_key=public_key)) ) ) if not self.errors.captcha: return XML(captcha).xml() else: captcha.append(DIV(self.errors['captcha'], _class='error')) return XML(captcha).xml()
# this should only be used for captcha and perhaps not even for that def addrow(form, a, b, c, style, _id, position=-1): if style == "divs": form[0].insert(position, DIV(DIV(LABEL(a), _class='w2p_fl'), DIV(b, _class='w2p_fw'), DIV(c, _class='w2p_fc'), _id=_id)) elif style == "table2cols": form[0].insert(position, TR(TD(LABEL(a), _class='w2p_fl'), TD(c, _class='w2p_fc'))) form[0].insert(position + 1, TR(TD(b, _class='w2p_fw'), _colspan=2, _id=_id)) elif style == "ul": form[0].insert(position, LI(DIV(LABEL(a), _class='w2p_fl'), DIV(b, _class='w2p_fw'), DIV(c, _class='w2p_fc'), _id=_id)) elif style == "bootstrap": form[0].insert(position, DIV(LABEL(a, _class='control-label'), DIV(b, SPAN(c, _class='inline-help'), _class='controls'), _class='control-group', _id=_id)) elif style in ("bootstrap3_inline", "bootstrap4_inline"): form[0].insert(position, DIV(LABEL(a, _class='control-label col-sm-3'), DIV(b, SPAN(c, _class='help-block'), _class='col-sm-9'), _class='form-group row', _id=_id)) elif style in ("bootstrap3_stacked", "bootstrap4_stacked"): form[0].insert(position, DIV(LABEL(a, _class='control-label'), b, SPAN(c, _class='help-block'), _class='form-group row', _id=_id)) else: form[0].insert(position, TR(TD(LABEL(a), _class='w2p_fl'), TD(b, _class='w2p_fw'), TD(c, _class='w2p_fc'), _id=_id)) class AuthJWT(object): """ Experimental! Args: - secret_key: the secret. Without salting, an attacker knowing this can impersonate any user - algorithm : uses as they are in the JWT specs, HS256, HS384 or HS512 basically means signing with HMAC with a 256, 284 or 512bit hash - verify_expiration : verifies the expiration checking the exp claim - leeway: allow n seconds of skew when checking for token expiration - expiration : how many seconds a token may be valid - allow_refresh: enable the machinery to get a refreshed token passing a not-already-expired token - refresh_expiration_delta: to avoid continous refresh of the token - header_prefix : self-explanatory. "JWT" and "Bearer" seems to be the emerging standards - jwt_add_header: a dict holding additional mappings to the header. by default only alg and typ are filled - user_param: the name of the parameter holding the username when requesting a token. Can be useful, e.g, for email-based authentication, with "email" as a parameter - pass_param: same as above, but for the password - realm: self-explanatory - salt: can be static or a function that takes the payload as an argument. Example: def mysalt(payload): return payload['hmac_key'].split('-')[0] - additional_payload: can be a dict to merge with the payload or a function that takes the payload as input and returns the modified payload Example: def myadditional_payload(payload): payload['my_name_is'] = 'bond,james bond' return payload - before_authorization: can be a callable that takes the deserialized token (a dict) as input. Gets called right after signature verification but before the actual authorization takes place. It may be use to cast the extra auth_user fields to their actual types. You can raise with HTTP a proper error message Example: def mybefore_authorization(tokend): if not tokend['my_name_is'] == 'bond,james bond': raise HTTP(400, 'Invalid JWT my_name_is claim') - max_header_length: check max length to avoid load()ing unusually large tokens (could mean crafted, e.g. in a DDoS.) Basic Usage: in models (or the controller needing it) myjwt = AuthJWT(auth, secret_key='secret') in the controller issuing tokens def login_and_take_token(): return myjwt.jwt_token_manager() A call then to /app/controller/login_and_take_token with username and password returns the token A call to /app/controller/login_and_take_token with the original token returns the refreshed token To protect a function with JWT @myjwt.allows_jwt() @auth.requires_login() def protected(): return '%s$%s' % (, auth.user_id) To inject optional auth info into the action with JWT @myjwt.allows_jwt() def unprotected(): if auth.user: return '%s$%s' % (, auth.user_id) return "No auth info!" """ def __init__(self, auth, secret_key, algorithm='HS256', verify_expiration=True, leeway=30, expiration=60 * 5, allow_refresh=True, refresh_expiration_delta=60 * 60, header_prefix='Bearer', jwt_add_header=None, user_param='username', pass_param='password', realm='Login required', salt=None, additional_payload=None, before_authorization=None, max_header_length=4 * 1024, ): self.secret_key = secret_key self.auth = auth self.algorithm = algorithm if self.algorithm not in ('HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512'): raise NotImplementedError('Algorithm %s not allowed' % algorithm) self.verify_expiration = verify_expiration self.leeway = leeway self.expiration = expiration self.allow_refresh = allow_refresh self.refresh_expiration_delta = refresh_expiration_delta self.header_prefix = header_prefix self.jwt_add_header = jwt_add_header or {} base_header = {'alg': self.algorithm, 'typ': 'JWT'} for k, v in iteritems(self.jwt_add_header): base_header[k] = v self.cached_b64h = self.jwt_b64e(json.dumps(base_header)) digestmod_mapping = { 'HS256': hashlib.sha256, 'HS384': hashlib.sha384, 'HS512': hashlib.sha512 } self.digestmod = digestmod_mapping[algorithm] self.user_param = user_param self.pass_param = pass_param self.realm = realm self.salt = salt self.additional_payload = additional_payload self.before_authorization = before_authorization self.max_header_length = max_header_length self.recvd_token = None @staticmethod def jwt_b64e(string): string = to_bytes(string) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(string).strip(b'=') @staticmethod def jwt_b64d(string): """base64 decodes a single bytestring (and is tolerant to getting called with a unicode string). The result is also a bytestring. """ string = to_bytes(string, 'ascii', 'ignore') return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(string + b'=' * (-len(string) % 4)) def generate_token(self, payload): secret = to_bytes(self.secret_key) if self.salt: if callable(self.salt): secret = "%s$%s" % (secret, self.salt(payload)) else: secret = "%s$%s" % (secret, self.salt) if isinstance(secret, unicodeT): secret = secret.encode('ascii', 'ignore') b64h = self.cached_b64h b64p = self.jwt_b64e(serializers.json(payload)) jbody = b64h + b'.' + b64p mauth =, msg=jbody, digestmod=self.digestmod) jsign = self.jwt_b64e(mauth.digest()) return to_native(jbody + b'.' + jsign) def verify_signature(self, body, signature, secret): mauth =, msg=body, digestmod=self.digestmod) return compare(self.jwt_b64e(mauth.digest()), signature) def load_token(self, token): token = to_bytes(token, 'utf-8', 'strict') body, sig = token.rsplit(b'.', 1) b64h, b64b = body.split(b'.', 1) if b64h != self.cached_b64h: # header not the same raise HTTP(400, 'Invalid JWT Header') secret = self.secret_key tokend = serializers.loads_json(to_native(self.jwt_b64d(b64b))) if self.salt: if callable(self.salt): secret = "%s$%s" % (secret, self.salt(tokend)) else: secret = "%s$%s" % (secret, self.salt) secret = to_bytes(secret, 'ascii', 'ignore') if not self.verify_signature(body, sig, secret): # signature verification failed raise HTTP(400, 'Token signature is invalid') if self.verify_expiration: now = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timetuple()) if tokend['exp'] + self.leeway < now: raise HTTP(400, 'Token is expired') if callable(self.before_authorization): self.before_authorization(tokend) return tokend def serialize_auth_session(self, session_auth): """ As bad as it sounds, as long as this is rarely used (vs using the token) this is the faster method, even if we ditch session in jwt_token_manager(). We (mis)use the heavy default auth mechanism to avoid any further computation, while sticking to a somewhat-stable Auth API. """ # TODO: Check the following comment # is the following safe or should we use # calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timetuple()) # result seem to be the same (seconds since epoch, in UTC) now = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timetuple()) expires = now + self.expiration payload = dict( hmac_key=session_auth['hmac_key'], user_groups=session_auth['user_groups'], user=session_auth['user'].as_dict(), iat=now, exp=expires ) return payload def refresh_token(self, orig_payload): now = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timetuple()) if self.verify_expiration: orig_exp = orig_payload['exp'] if orig_exp + self.leeway < now: # token already expired, can't be used for refresh raise HTTP(400, 'Token already expired') orig_iat = orig_payload.get('orig_iat') or orig_payload['iat'] if orig_iat + self.refresh_expiration_delta < now: # refreshed too long ago raise HTTP(400, 'Token issued too long ago') expires = now + self.expiration orig_payload.update( orig_iat=orig_iat, iat=now, exp=expires, hmac_key=web2py_uuid() ) self.alter_payload(orig_payload) return orig_payload def alter_payload(self, payload): if self.additional_payload: if callable(self.additional_payload): payload = self.additional_payload(payload) elif isinstance(self.additional_payload, dict): payload.update(self.additional_payload) return payload def jwt_token_manager(self, token_param='_token'): """ The part that issues (and refreshes) tokens. Used in a controller, given myjwt is the istantiated class, as @myjwt.allow_jwt(required=False, verify_expiration=False) def api_auth(): return myjwt.jwt_token_manager() Then, a call to /app/c/api_auth with username and password returns a token, while /app/c/api_auth with the current token issues another token (expired, but within grace time) """ request = current.request response = current.response session = current.session # forget and unlock response session.forget(response) valid_user = None ret = None token = None try: token = self.recvd_token or self.get_jwt_token_from_request(token_param) except HTTP: pass if token: if not self.allow_refresh: raise HTTP(403, 'Refreshing token is not allowed') tokend = self.load_token(token) # verification can fail here refreshed = self.refresh_token(tokend) ret = {'token': self.generate_token(refreshed)} elif self.user_param in request.vars and self.pass_param in request.vars: username = request.vars[self.user_param] password = request.vars[self.pass_param] valid_user = self.auth.login_bare(username, password) else: valid_user = self.auth.user self.auth.login_user(valid_user) if valid_user: payload = self.serialize_auth_session(session.auth) self.alter_payload(payload) ret = {'token': self.generate_token(payload)} elif ret is None: raise HTTP(401, 'Not Authorized - need to be logged in, to pass a token ' 'for refresh or username and password for login', **{'WWW-Authenticate': 'JWT realm="%s"' % self.realm}) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return serializers.json(ret) def inject_token(self, tokend): """ The real deal, not touching the db but still logging-in the user """ self.auth.user = Storage(tokend['user']) self.auth.user_groups = tokend['user_groups'] self.auth.hmac_key = tokend['hmac_key'] def get_jwt_token_from_request(self, token_param='_token'): """ The method that extracts and validates the token, either from the header or the _token var token_param: request.vars attribute with the token used only if the http authorization header is not present. """ token = None token_in_header = current.request.env.http_authorization if token_in_header: parts = token_in_header.split() if parts[0].lower() != self.header_prefix.lower(): raise HTTP(400, 'Invalid JWT header') elif len(parts) == 1: raise HTTP(400, 'Invalid JWT header, missing token') elif len(parts) > 2: raise HTTP(400, 'Invalid JWT header, token contains spaces') token = parts[1] else: token = current.request.vars.get(token_param) if token is None: raise HTTP(400, 'JWT header not found and JWT parameter {} missing in request'.format(token_param)) self.recvd_token = token return token def allows_jwt(self, otherwise=None, required=True, verify_expiration=True, token_param='_token'): """ The decorator that takes care of injecting auth info in the decorated action. Works w/o resorting to session. Args: required: the token is mandatory (either in request.var._token or in the HTTP hearder Authorization Bearer) verify_expiration: allows to bypass expiration check. Useful to manage token renewal. token_param: request.vars attribute with the token used only if the http authorization header is not present (default: "_token"). """ def decorator(action): def f(*args, **kwargs): try: token = self.get_jwt_token_from_request(token_param=token_param) except HTTP as e: if required: raise e token = None if token and len(token) < self.max_header_length: old_verify_expiration = self.verify_expiration try: self.verify_expiration = verify_expiration tokend = self.load_token(token) except ValueError: raise HTTP(400, 'Invalid JWT header, wrong token format') finally: self.verify_expiration = old_verify_expiration self.inject_token(tokend) return action(*args, **kwargs) f.__doc__ = action.__doc__ f.__name__ = action.__name__ f.__dict__.update(action.__dict__) return f return decorator
[文档]class Auth(AuthAPI): default_settings = dict(AuthAPI.default_settings, allow_basic_login=False, allow_basic_login_only=False, allow_delete_accounts=False, alternate_requires_registration=False, auth_manager_role=None, auth_two_factor_enabled=False, auth_two_factor_tries_left=3, bulk_register_enabled=False, captcha=None, cas_maps=None, client_side=True, formstyle=None, hideerror=False, label_separator=None, login_after_password_change=True, login_after_registration=False, login_captcha=None, login_specify_error=False, long_expiration=3600 * 30 * 24, # one month mailer=None, manager_actions={}, multi_login=False, on_failed_authentication=lambda x: redirect(x), pre_registration_div=None, prevent_open_redirect_attacks=True, prevent_password_reset_attacks=True, profile_fields=None, register_captcha=None, register_fields=None, register_verify_password=True, remember_me_form=True, reset_password_requires_verification=False, retrieve_password_captcha=None, retrieve_username_captcha=None, showid=False, table_cas=None, table_cas_name='auth_cas', table_event=None, table_group=None, table_membership=None, table_permission=None, table_token_name='auth_token', table_user=None, two_factor_authentication_group=None, update_fields=['email'], wiki=Settings() ) # ## these are messages that can be customized default_messages = dict(AuthAPI.default_messages, access_denied='Insufficient privileges', bulk_invite_body='You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete ' 'the process', bulk_invite_subject='Invitation to join %(site)s', delete_label='Check to delete', email_sent='Email sent', email_verified='Email verified', function_disabled='Function disabled', impersonate_log='User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s', invalid_reset_password='Invalid reset password', invalid_two_factor_code='Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.', is_empty="Cannot be empty", label_client_ip='Client IP', label_description='Description', label_email='E-mail', label_first_name='First name', label_group_id='Group ID', label_last_name='Last name', label_name='Name', label_origin='Origin', label_password='Password', label_record_id='Record ID', label_registration_id='Registration identifier', label_registration_key='Registration key', label_remember_me="Remember me (for 30 days)", label_reset_password_key='Reset Password key', label_role='Role', label_table_name='Object or table name', label_time_stamp='Timestamp', label_two_factor='Authentication code', label_user_id='User ID', label_username='Username', login_button='Log In', login_disabled='Login disabled by administrator', new_password='New password', new_password_sent='A new password was emailed to you', old_password='Old password', password_change_button='Change password', password_reset_button='Request reset password', profile_save_button='Apply changes', register_button='Sign Up', reset_password='Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password', reset_password_log='User %(id)s Password reset', reset_password_subject='Password reset', retrieve_password='Your password is: %(password)s', retrieve_password_log='User %(id)s Password retrieved', retrieve_password_subject='Password retrieve', retrieve_two_factor_code='Your temporary login code is {0}', retrieve_two_factor_code_subject='Two-step Login Authentication Code', retrieve_username='Your username is: %(username)s', retrieve_username_log='User %(id)s Username retrieved', retrieve_username_subject='Username retrieve', submit_button='Submit', two_factor_comment='This code was emailed to you and is required for login.', unable_send_email='Unable to send email', username_sent='Your username was emailed to you', verify_email='Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email', verify_email_log='User %(id)s Verification email sent', verify_email_subject='Email verification', verify_password='Verify Password', verify_password_comment='please input your password again' ) """ Class for authentication, authorization, role based access control. Includes: - registration and profile - login and logout - username and password retrieval - event logging - role creation and assignment - user defined group/role based permission Args: environment: is there for legacy but unused (awful) db: has to be the database where to create tables for authentication mailer: `Mail(...)` or None (no mailer) or True (make a mailer) hmac_key: can be a hmac_key or hmac_key=Auth.get_or_create_key() controller: (where is the user action?) cas_provider: (delegate authentication to the URL, CAS2) Authentication Example:: from gluon.contrib.utils import * mail=Mail() mail.settings.server='' mail.settings.sender='' mail.settings.login='username:password' auth=Auth(db) auth.settings.mailer=mail # auth.settings....=... auth.define_tables() def authentication(): return dict(form=auth()) Exposes: - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/login` - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/logout` - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/register` - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/verify_email` - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/retrieve_username` - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/retrieve_password` - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/reset_password` - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/profile` - `http://.../{application}/{controller}/authentication/change_password` On registration a group with is created and user is given membership of this group. You can create a group with:: group_id=auth.add_group('Manager', 'can access the manage action') auth.add_permission(group_id, 'access to manage') Here "access to manage" is just a user defined string. You can give access to a user:: auth.add_membership(group_id, user_id) If user id is omitted, the logged in user is assumed Then you can decorate any action:: @auth.requires_permission('access to manage') def manage(): return dict() You can restrict a permission to a specific table:: auth.add_permission(group_id, 'edit', db.sometable) @auth.requires_permission('edit', db.sometable) Or to a specific record:: auth.add_permission(group_id, 'edit', db.sometable, 45) @auth.requires_permission('edit', db.sometable, 45) If authorization is not granted calls:: auth.settings.on_failed_authorization Other options:: auth.settings.mailer=None auth.settings.expiration=3600 # seconds ... ### these are messages that can be customized ... """
[文档] @staticmethod def get_or_create_key(filename=None, alg='sha512'): request = current.request if not filename: filename = os.path.join(request.folder, 'private', 'auth.key') if os.path.exists(filename): key = open(filename, 'r').read().strip() else: key = alg + ':' + web2py_uuid() open(filename, 'w').write(key) return key
[文档] def url(self, f=None, args=None, vars=None, scheme=False): if args is None: args = [] if vars is None: vars = {} host = scheme and return URL(c=self.settings.controller, f=f, args=args, vars=vars, scheme=scheme, host=host)
[文档] def here(self): return URL(args=current.request.args, vars=current.request.get_vars)
[文档] def select_host(self, host, host_names=None): """ checks that host is valid, i.e. in the list of glob host_names if the host is missing, then is it selects the first entry from host_names read more here: """ if host: if host_names: for item in host_names: if fnmatch.fnmatch(host, item): break else: raise HTTP(403, "Invalid Hostname") elif host_names: host = host_names[0] else: host = 'localhost' return host
def __init__(self, environment=None, db=None, mailer=True, hmac_key=None, controller='default', function='user', cas_provider=None, signature=True, secure=False, csrf_prevention=True, propagate_extension=None, url_index=None, jwt=None, host_names=None): # next two lines for backward compatibility if not db and environment and isinstance(environment, DAL): db = environment self.db = db self.environment = current self.csrf_prevention = csrf_prevention request = current.request session = current.session auth = session.auth self.user_groups = auth and auth.user_groups or {} if secure: request.requires_https() now = # if we have auth info # if not expired it, used it # if expired, clear the session # else, only clear auth info in the session if auth: delta = datetime.timedelta(days=0, seconds=auth.expiration) if auth.last_visit and auth.last_visit + delta > now: self.user = auth.user # this is a trick to speed up sessions to avoid many writes if (now - auth.last_visit).seconds > (auth.expiration // 10): auth.last_visit = now else: self.user = None if session.auth: del session.auth session.renew(clear_session=True) else: self.user = None if session.auth: del session.auth # ## what happens after login? url_index = url_index or URL(controller, 'index') url_login = URL(controller, function, args='login', extension=propagate_extension) # ## what happens after registration? settings = self.settings = Settings() settings.update(Auth.default_settings) host = self.select_host(request.env.http_host, host_names) settings.update( cas_domains=[host], enable_tokens=False, cas_provider=cas_provider, cas_actions=dict(login='login', validate='validate', servicevalidate='serviceValidate', proxyvalidate='proxyValidate', logout='logout'), cas_create_user=True, extra_fields={}, actions_disabled=[], controller=controller, function=function, login_url=url_login, logged_url=URL(controller, function, args='profile'), download_url=URL(controller, 'download'), mailer=(mailer is True) and Mail() or mailer, on_failed_authorization=URL(controller, function, args='not_authorized'), login_next=url_index, login_onvalidation=[], login_onaccept=[], login_onfail=[], login_methods=[self], login_form=self, logout_next=url_index, logout_onlogout=None, register_next=url_index, register_onvalidation=[], register_onaccept=[], verify_email_next=url_login, verify_email_onaccept=[], profile_next=url_index, profile_onvalidation=[], profile_onaccept=[], retrieve_username_next=url_index, retrieve_password_next=url_index, request_reset_password_next=url_login, reset_password_next=url_index, change_password_next=url_index, change_password_onvalidation=[], change_password_onaccept=[], retrieve_password_onvalidation=[], request_reset_password_onvalidation=[], request_reset_password_onaccept=[], reset_password_onvalidation=[], reset_password_onaccept=[], hmac_key=hmac_key, formstyle=current.response.formstyle, label_separator=current.response.form_label_separator, two_factor_methods=[], two_factor_onvalidation=[], host=host, ) settings.lock_keys = True # ## these are messages that can be customized messages = self.messages = Messages(current.T) messages.update(Auth.default_messages) messages.update(ajax_failed_authentication= DIV(H4('NOT AUTHORIZED'), 'Please ', A('login', _href=self.settings.login_url + ('?_next=' + urllib_quote(current.request.env.http_web2py_component_location)) if current.request.env.http_web2py_component_location else ''), ' to view this content.', _class='not-authorized alert alert-block')) messages.lock_keys = True # for "remember me" option response = current.response if auth and auth.remember_me: # when user wants to be logged in for longer response.session_cookie_expires = auth.expiration if signature: self.define_signature() else: self.signature = None self.jwt_handler = jwt and AuthJWT(self, **jwt)
[文档] def get_vars_next(self): next = current.request.vars._next host = current.request.env.http_host if isinstance(next, (list, tuple)): next = next[0] if next and self.settings.prevent_open_redirect_attacks: return self.prevent_open_redirect(next, host) return next or None
[文档] @staticmethod def prevent_open_redirect(next, host): # Prevent an attacker from adding an arbitrary url after the # _next variable in the request. if next: parts = next.split('/') if ':' not in parts[0] and parts[:2] != ['', '']: return next elif len(parts) > 2 and parts[0].endswith(':') and parts[1:3] == ['', host]: return next return None
[文档] def table_cas(self): return self.db[self.settings.table_cas_name]
[文档] def table_token(self): return self.db[self.settings.table_token_name]
def _HTTP(self, *a, **b): """ only used in lambda: self._HTTP(404) """ raise HTTP(*a, **b) def __call__(self): """ Example: Use as:: def authentication(): return dict(form=auth()) """ request = current.request args = request.args if not args: redirect(self.url(args='login', vars=request.vars)) elif args[0] in self.settings.actions_disabled: raise HTTP(404) if args[0] in ('login', 'logout', 'register', 'verify_email', 'retrieve_username', 'retrieve_password', 'reset_password', 'request_reset_password', 'change_password', 'profile', 'groups', 'impersonate', 'not_authorized', 'confirm_registration', 'bulk_register', 'manage_tokens', 'jwt'): if len(request.args) >= 2 and args[0] == 'impersonate': return getattr(self, args[0])(request.args[1]) else: return getattr(self, args[0])() elif args[0] == 'cas' and not self.settings.cas_provider: if args(1) == self.settings.cas_actions['login']: return self.cas_login(version=2) elif args(1) == self.settings.cas_actions['validate']: return self.cas_validate(version=1) elif args(1) == self.settings.cas_actions['servicevalidate']: return self.cas_validate(version=2, proxy=False) elif args(1) == self.settings.cas_actions['proxyvalidate']: return self.cas_validate(version=2, proxy=True) elif (args(1) == 'p3' and args(2) == self.settings.cas_actions['servicevalidate']): return self.cas_validate(version=3, proxy=False) elif (args(1) == 'p3' and args(2) == self.settings.cas_actions['proxyvalidate']): return self.cas_validate(version=3, proxy=True) elif args(1) == self.settings.cas_actions['logout']: return self.logout(next=request.vars.service or DEFAULT) else: raise HTTP(404)
[文档] def navbar(self, prefix='Welcome', action=None, separators=(' [ ', ' | ', ' ] '), user_identifier=DEFAULT, referrer_actions=DEFAULT, mode='default'): """ Navbar with support for more templates This uses some code from the old navbar. Args: mode: see options for list of """ items = [] # Hold all menu items in a list = '' # The final T = current.T referrer_actions = [] if not referrer_actions else referrer_actions if not action: action = self.url(self.settings.function) request = current.request if URL() == action: next = '' else: next = '?_next=' + urllib_quote(URL(args=request.args, vars=request.get_vars)) href = lambda function: \ '%s/%s%s' % (action, function, next if referrer_actions is DEFAULT or function in referrer_actions else '') if isinstance(prefix, str): prefix = T(prefix) if prefix: prefix = prefix.strip() + ' ' def Anr(*a, **b): b['_rel'] = 'nofollow' return A(*a, **b) if self.user_id: # User is logged in logout_next = self.settings.logout_next items.append({'name': T('Log Out'), 'href': '%s/logout?_next=%s' % (action, urllib_quote(logout_next)), 'icon': 'icon-off'}) if 'profile' not in self.settings.actions_disabled: items.append({'name': T('Profile'), 'href': href('profile'), 'icon': 'icon-user'}) if 'change_password' not in self.settings.actions_disabled: items.append({'name': T('Password'), 'href': href('change_password'), 'icon': 'icon-lock'}) if user_identifier is DEFAULT: user_identifier = '%(first_name)s' if callable(user_identifier): user_identifier = user_identifier(self.user) elif ((isinstance(user_identifier, str) or type(user_identifier).__name__ == 'lazyT') and'%\(.+\)s', user_identifier)): user_identifier = user_identifier % self.user if not user_identifier: user_identifier = '' else: # User is not logged in items.append({'name': T('Log In'), 'href': href('login'), 'icon': 'icon-off'}) if 'register' not in self.settings.actions_disabled: items.append({'name': T('Sign Up'), 'href': href('register'), 'icon': 'icon-user'}) if 'request_reset_password' not in self.settings.actions_disabled: items.append({'name': T('Lost password?'), 'href': href('request_reset_password'), 'icon': 'icon-lock'}) if self.settings.use_username and 'retrieve_username' not in self.settings.actions_disabled: items.append({'name': T('Forgot username?'), 'href': href('retrieve_username'), 'icon': 'icon-edit'}) def menu(): # For inclusion in MENU = [(items[0]['name'], False, items[0]['href'], [])] del items[0] for item in items:[0][3].append((item['name'], False, item['href'])) def bootstrap3(): # Default web2py scaffolding def rename(icon): return icon + ' ' + icon.replace('icon', 'glyphicon') = UL(LI(Anr(I(_class=rename('icon ' + items[0]['icon'])), ' ' + items[0]['name'], _href=items[0]['href'])), _class='dropdown-menu') del items[0] for item in items:, LI(Anr(I(_class=rename('icon ' + item['icon'])), ' ' + item['name'], _href=item['href']))), LI('', _class='divider')) if self.user_id: = LI(Anr(prefix, user_identifier, _href='#', _class="dropdown-toggle", data={'toggle': 'dropdown'}),, _class='dropdown') else: = LI(Anr(T('Log In'), _href='#', _class="dropdown-toggle", data={'toggle': 'dropdown'}),, _class='dropdown') def bare(): """ In order to do advanced customization we only need the prefix, the user_identifier and the href attribute of items Examples: Use as:: # in module from gluon import * def navbar(auth_navbar): bar = auth_navbar user = bar["user"] if not user: btn_login = A(current.T("Login"), _href=bar["login"], _class="btn btn-success", _rel="nofollow") btn_register = A(current.T("Sign up"), _href=bar["register"], _class="btn btn-primary", _rel="nofollow") return DIV(btn_register, btn_login, _class="btn-group") else: toggletext = "%s back %s" % (bar["prefix"], user) toggle = A(toggletext, _href="#", _class="dropdown-toggle", _rel="nofollow", **{"_data-toggle": "dropdown"}) li_profile = LI(A(I(_class="icon-user"), ' ', current.T("Account details"), _href=bar["profile"], _rel="nofollow")) li_custom = LI(A(I(_class="icon-book"), ' ', current.T("My Agenda"), _href="#", rel="nofollow")) li_logout = LI(A(I(_class="icon-off"), ' ', current.T("logout"), _href=bar["logout"], _rel="nofollow")) dropdown = UL(li_profile, li_custom, LI('', _class="divider"), li_logout, _class="dropdown-menu", _role="menu") return LI(toggle, dropdown, _class="dropdown") # in models import custom_layout as custom # in layout.html <ul id="navbar" class="nav pull-right"> {{='auth' in globals() and \ custom.navbar(auth.navbar(mode='bare')) or ''}}</ul> """ bare = {'prefix': prefix, 'user': user_identifier if self.user_id else None} for i in items: if i['name'] == T('Log In'): k = 'login' elif i['name'] == T('Sign Up'): k = 'register' elif i['name'] == T('Lost password?'): k = 'request_reset_password' elif i['name'] == T('Forgot username?'): k = 'retrieve_username' elif i['name'] == T('Log Out'): k = 'logout' elif i['name'] == T('Profile'): k = 'profile' elif i['name'] == T('Password'): k = 'change_password' bare[k] = i['href'] = bare options = {'asmenu': menu, 'dropdown': bootstrap3, 'bare': bare } # Define custom modes. if mode in options and callable(options[mode]): options[mode]() else: s1, s2, s3 = separators if self.user_id: = SPAN(prefix, user_identifier, s1, Anr(items[0]['name'], _href=items[0]['href']), s3, _class='auth_navbar') else: = SPAN(s1, Anr(items[0]['name'], _href=items[0]['href']), s3, _class='auth_navbar') for item in items[1:]:, s2), Anr(item['name'], _href=item['href'])) return
[文档] def enable_record_versioning(self, tables, archive_db=None, archive_names='%(tablename)s_archive', current_record='current_record', current_record_label=None): """ Used to enable full record versioning (including auth tables):: auth = Auth(db) auth.define_tables(signature=True) # define our own tables db.define_table('mything',Field('name'),auth.signature) auth.enable_record_versioning(tables=db) tables can be the db (all table) or a list of tables. only tables with modified_by and modified_on fiels (as created by auth.signature) will have versioning. Old record versions will be in table 'mything_archive' automatically defined. when you enable enable_record_versioning, records are never deleted but marked with is_active=False. enable_record_versioning enables a common_filter for every table that filters out records with is_active = False Note: If you use auth.enable_record_versioning, do not use auth.archive or you will end up with duplicates. auth.archive does explicitly what enable_record_versioning does automatically. """ current_record_label = current_record_label or current.T( current_record.replace('_', ' ').title()) for table in tables: fieldnames = table.fields() if 'id' in fieldnames and 'modified_on' in fieldnames and current_record not in fieldnames: table._enable_record_versioning(archive_db=archive_db, archive_name=archive_names, current_record=current_record, current_record_label=current_record_label)
[文档] def define_tables(self, username=None, signature=None, enable_tokens=False, migrate=None, fake_migrate=None): """ To be called unless tables are defined manually Examples: Use as:: # defines all needed tables and table files # 'myprefix_auth_user.table', ... auth.define_tables(migrate='myprefix_') # defines all needed tables without migration/table files auth.define_tables(migrate=False) """ db = self.db if migrate is None: migrate = db._migrate if fake_migrate is None: fake_migrate = db._fake_migrate settings = self.settings settings.enable_tokens = enable_tokens signature_list = \ super(Auth, self).define_tables(username, signature, migrate, fake_migrate)._table_signature_list now = reference_table_user = 'reference %s' % settings.table_user_name if settings.cas_domains: if settings.table_cas_name not in db.tables: db.define_table( settings.table_cas_name, Field('user_id', reference_table_user, default=None, label=self.messages.label_user_id), Field('created_on', 'datetime', default=now), Field('service', requires=IS_URL()), Field('ticket'), Field('renew', 'boolean', default=False), *settings.extra_fields.get(settings.table_cas_name, []), **dict( migrate=self._get_migrate( settings.table_cas_name, migrate), fake_migrate=fake_migrate)) if settings.enable_tokens: extra_fields = settings.extra_fields.get( settings.table_token_name, []) + signature_list if settings.table_token_name not in db.tables: db.define_table( settings.table_token_name, Field('user_id', reference_table_user, default=None, label=self.messages.label_user_id), Field('expires_on', 'datetime', default=datetime.datetime(2999, 12, 31)), Field('token', writable=False, default=web2py_uuid, unique=True), *extra_fields, **dict(migrate=self._get_migrate(settings.table_token_name, migrate), fake_migrate=fake_migrate)) if not db._lazy_tables: settings.table_user = db[settings.table_user_name] settings.table_group = db[settings.table_group_name] settings.table_membership = db[settings.table_membership_name] settings.table_permission = db[settings.table_permission_name] settings.table_event = db[settings.table_event_name] if settings.cas_domains: settings.table_cas = db[settings.table_cas_name] if settings.cas_provider: # THIS IS NOT LAZY settings.actions_disabled = \ ['profile', 'register', 'change_password', 'request_reset_password', 'retrieve_username'] from gluon.contrib.login_methods.cas_auth import CasAuth maps = settings.cas_maps if not maps: table_user = self.table_user() maps = dict((name, lambda v, n=name: v.get(n, None)) for name in table_user.fields if name != 'id' and table_user[name].readable) maps['registration_id'] = \ lambda v, p=settings.cas_provider: '%s/%s' % (p, v['user']) actions = [settings.cas_actions['login'], settings.cas_actions['servicevalidate'], settings.cas_actions['logout']] settings.login_form = CasAuth( casversion=2, urlbase=settings.cas_provider, actions=actions, maps=maps) return self
[文档] def get_or_create_user(self, keys, update_fields=['email'], login=True, get=True): """ Used for alternate login methods: If the user exists already then password is updated. If the user doesn't yet exist, then they are created. """ table_user = self.table_user() create_user = self.settings.cas_create_user user = None checks = [] # make a guess about who this user is guess_fields = ['registration_id', 'username', 'email'] if self.settings.login_userfield: guess_fields.append(self.settings.login_userfield) for fieldname in guess_fields: if fieldname in table_user.fields() and \ keys.get(fieldname, None): checks.append(fieldname) value = keys[fieldname] user = table_user(**{fieldname: value}) if user: break if not checks: return None if 'registration_id' not in keys: keys['registration_id'] = keys[checks[0]] # if we think we found the user but registration_id does not match, # make new user if 'registration_id' in checks \ and user \ and user.registration_id \ and ('registration_id' not in keys or user.registration_id != str(keys['registration_id'])): user = None # THINK MORE ABOUT THIS? DO WE TRUST OPENID PROVIDER? if user: if not get: # added for register_bare to avoid overwriting users return None update_keys = dict(registration_id=keys['registration_id']) for key in update_fields: if key in keys: update_keys[key] = keys[key] user.update_record(**update_keys) elif checks: if create_user is False: # Remove current open session a send message self.logout(next=None, onlogout=None, log=None) raise HTTP(403, "Forbidden. User need to be created first.") if 'first_name' not in keys and 'first_name' in table_user.fields: guess = keys.get('email', 'anonymous').split('@')[0] keys['first_name'] = keys.get('username', guess) vars = table_user._filter_fields(keys) user_id = table_user.insert(**vars) user = table_user[user_id] if self.settings.create_user_groups: group_id = self.add_group(self.settings.create_user_groups % user) self.add_membership(group_id, user_id) if self.settings.everybody_group_id: self.add_membership(self.settings.everybody_group_id, user_id) if login: self.user = user if self.settings.register_onaccept: callback(self.settings.register_onaccept, Storage(vars=user)) return user
[文档] def basic(self, basic_auth_realm=False): """ Performs basic login. Args: basic_auth_realm: optional basic http authentication realm. Can take str or unicode or function or callable or boolean. reads current.request.env.http_authorization and returns basic_allowed,basic_accepted,user. if basic_auth_realm is defined is a callable it's return value is used to set the basic authentication realm, if it's a string its content is used instead. Otherwise basic authentication realm is set to the application name. If basic_auth_realm is None or False (the default) the behavior is to skip sending any challenge. """ if not self.settings.allow_basic_login: return (False, False, False) basic = current.request.env.http_authorization if basic_auth_realm: if callable(basic_auth_realm): basic_auth_realm = basic_auth_realm() elif isinstance(basic_auth_realm, string_types): basic_realm = to_unicode(basic_auth_realm) elif basic_auth_realm is True: basic_realm = '' + current.request.application http_401 = HTTP(401, 'Not Authorized', **{'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="' + basic_realm + '"'}) if not basic or not basic[:6].lower() == 'basic ': if basic_auth_realm: raise http_401 return (True, False, False) (username, sep, password) = base64.b64decode(basic[6:]).partition(b':') is_valid_user = sep and self.login_bare(username, password) if not is_valid_user and basic_auth_realm: raise http_401 return (True, True, is_valid_user)
def _get_login_settings(self): table_user = self.table_user() userfield = self.settings.login_userfield or ('username' \ if self.settings.login_userfield or 'username' \ in table_user.fields else 'email') passfield = self.settings.password_field return Storage({'table_user': table_user, 'userfield': userfield, 'passfield': passfield})
[文档] def login_bare(self, username, password): """ Logins user as specified by username (or email) and password """ settings = self._get_login_settings() user = settings.table_user(**{settings.userfield: username}) if user and user.get(settings.passfield, False): password = settings.table_user[ settings.passfield].validate(password)[0] if ((user.registration_key is None or not user.registration_key.strip()) and password == user[settings.passfield]): self.login_user(user) return user else: # user not in database try other login methods for login_method in self.settings.login_methods: if login_method != self and login_method(username, password): self.user = user return user return False
[文档] def register_bare(self, **fields): """ Registers a user as specified by username (or email) and a raw password. """ settings = self._get_login_settings() # users can register_bare even if no password is provided, # in this case they will have to reset their password to login if fields.get(settings.passfield): fields[settings.passfield] = \ settings.table_user[settings.passfield].validate(fields[settings.passfield], None)[0] if not fields.get(settings.userfield): raise ValueError('register_bare: userfield not provided or invalid') user = self.get_or_create_user(fields, login=False, get=False, update_fields=self.settings.update_fields) if not user: # get or create did not create a user (it ignores duplicate records) return False return user
[文档] def cas_login(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, version=2, ): request = current.request response = current.response session = current.session db, table = self.db, self.table_cas() session._cas_service = request.vars.service or session._cas_service if request.env.http_host not in self.settings.cas_domains or \ not session._cas_service: raise HTTP(403, 'not authorized') def allow_access(interactivelogin=False): row = table(service=session._cas_service, if row: ticket = row.ticket else: ticket = 'ST-' + web2py_uuid() table.insert(service=session._cas_service,, ticket=ticket,, renew=interactivelogin) service = session._cas_service query_sep = '&' if '?' in service else '?' del session._cas_service if 'warn' in request.vars and not interactivelogin: response.headers[ 'refresh'] = "5;URL=%s" % service + query_sep + "ticket=" + ticket return A("Continue to %s" % service, _href=service + query_sep + "ticket=" + ticket) else: redirect(service + query_sep + "ticket=" + ticket) if self.is_logged_in() and 'renew' not in request.vars: return allow_access() elif not self.is_logged_in() and 'gateway' in request.vars: redirect(session._cas_service) def cas_onaccept(form, onaccept=onaccept): if onaccept is not DEFAULT: onaccept(form) return allow_access(interactivelogin=True) return self.login(next, onvalidation, cas_onaccept, log)
[文档] def cas_validate(self, version=2, proxy=False): request = current.request db, table = self.db, self.table_cas() current.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text' ticket = request.vars.ticket renew = 'renew' in request.vars row = table(ticket=ticket) success = False if row: userfield = self.settings.login_userfield or 'username' \ if 'username' in table.fields else 'email' # If ticket is a service Ticket and RENEW flag respected if ticket[0:3] == 'ST-' and \ not ((row.renew and renew) ^ renew): user = self.table_user()(row.user_id) row.delete_record() success = True def build_response(body): xml_body = to_native(TAG['cas:serviceResponse']( body, **{'_xmlns:cas': ''}).xml()) return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' + xml_body if success: if version == 1: message = 'yes\n%s' % user[userfield] elif version == 3: username = user.get('username', user[userfield]) message = build_response( TAG['cas:authenticationSuccess']( TAG['cas:user'](username), TAG['cas:attributes']( *[TAG['cas:' +](user[]) for field in self.table_user() if field.readable]))) else: # assume version 2 username = user.get('username', user[userfield]) message = build_response( TAG['cas:authenticationSuccess']( TAG['cas:user'](username), *[TAG['cas:' +](user[]) for field in self.table_user() if field.readable])) else: if version == 1: message = 'no\n' elif row: message = build_response(TAG['cas:authenticationFailure']()) else: message = build_response( TAG['cas:authenticationFailure']( 'Ticket %s not recognized' % ticket, _code='INVALID TICKET')) raise HTTP(200, message)
def _reset_two_factor_auth(self, session): """ When two-step authentication is enabled, this function is used to clear the session after successfully completing second challenge or when the maximum number of tries allowed has expired. """ session.auth_two_factor_user = None session.auth_two_factor = None session.auth_two_factor_enabled = False # Set the number of attempts. It should be more than 1. session.auth_two_factor_tries_left = self.settings.auth_two_factor_tries_left
[文档] def when_is_logged_in_bypass_next_in_url(self, next, session): """ This function should be use when someone want to avoid asking for user credentials when loaded page contains "user/login?_next=NEXT_COMPONENT" in the URL is refresh but user is already authenticated. """ if self.is_logged_in(): if next == session._auth_next: del session._auth_next redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side)
[文档] def login(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a login form """ settings = self.settings request = current.request response = current.response session = current.session # use session for federated login snext = self.get_vars_next() if snext: session._auth_next = snext elif session._auth_next: snext = session._auth_next # pass if next is DEFAULT: # important for security next = settings.login_next if callable(next): next = next() user_next = snext if user_next: external = user_next.split('://') if external[0].lower() in ['http', 'https', 'ftp']: host_next = user_next.split('//', 1)[-1].split('/')[0] if host_next in settings.cas_domains: next = user_next else: next = user_next # Avoid asking unnecessary user credentials when user is logged in self.when_is_logged_in_bypass_next_in_url(next=next, session=session) # Moved here to avoid unnecessary execution in case of redirection to next in case of logged in user table_user = self.table_user() if 'username' in table_user.fields or \ not settings.login_email_validate: tmpvalidator = IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=self.messages.is_empty) if not settings.username_case_sensitive: tmpvalidator = [IS_LOWER(), tmpvalidator] else: tmpvalidator = IS_EMAIL(error_message=self.messages.invalid_email) if not settings.email_case_sensitive: tmpvalidator = [IS_LOWER(), tmpvalidator] passfield = settings.password_field try: table_user[passfield].requires[-1].min_length = 0 except: pass if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = settings.login_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = settings.login_onaccept if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['login_log'] onfail = settings.login_onfail user = None # default # Setup the default field used for the form multi_login = False if self.settings.login_userfield: username = self.settings.login_userfield else: if 'username' in table_user.fields: username = 'username' else: username = 'email' if self.settings.multi_login: multi_login = True old_requires = table_user[username].requires table_user[username].requires = tmpvalidator # If two-factor authentication is enabled, and the maximum # number of tries allowed is used up, reset the session to # pre-login state with two-factor auth if session.auth_two_factor_enabled and session.auth_two_factor_tries_left < 1: # Exceeded maximum allowed tries for this code. Require user to enter # username and password again. user = None accepted_form = False self._reset_two_factor_auth(session) # Redirect to the default 'next' page without logging # in. If that page requires login, user will be redirected # back to the main login form redirect(next, client_side=settings.client_side) # Before showing the default login form, check whether # we are already on the second step of two-step authentication. # If we are, then skip this login form and use the form for the # second challenge instead. # Note to devs: The code inside the if-block is unchanged from the # previous version of this file, other than for indentation inside # to put it inside the if-block if session.auth_two_factor_user is None: if settings.remember_me_form: extra_fields = [ Field('remember_me', 'boolean', default=False, label=self.messages.label_remember_me)] else: extra_fields = [] # do we use our own login form, or from a central source? if settings.login_form == self: form = SQLFORM(table_user, fields=[username, passfield], hidden=dict(_next=next), showid=settings.showid, submit_button=self.messages.login_button, delete_label=self.messages.delete_label, formstyle=settings.formstyle, separator=settings.label_separator, extra_fields=extra_fields, ) captcha = settings.login_captcha or \ (settings.login_captcha is not False and settings.captcha) if captcha: addrow(form, captcha.label, captcha, captcha.comment, settings.formstyle, 'captcha__row') accepted_form = False specific_error = self.messages.invalid_user if form.accepts(request, session if self.csrf_prevention else None, formname='login', dbio=False, onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=settings.hideerror): accepted_form = True # check for username in db entered_username = form.vars[username] if multi_login and '@' in entered_username: # if '@' in username check for email, not username user = table_user(email=entered_username) else: user = table_user(**{username: entered_username}) if user: # user in db, check if registration pending or disabled specific_error = self.messages.invalid_password temp_user = user if (temp_user.registration_key or '').startswith('pending'): response.flash = self.messages.registration_pending return form elif temp_user.registration_key in ('disabled', 'blocked'): response.flash = self.messages.login_disabled return form elif (temp_user.registration_key is not None and temp_user.registration_key.strip()): response.flash = \ self.messages.registration_verifying return form # try alternate logins 1st as these have the # current version of the password user = None for login_method in settings.login_methods: if login_method != self and \ login_method(request.vars[username], request.vars[passfield]): if self not in settings.login_methods: # do not store password in db form.vars[passfield] = None user = self.get_or_create_user( form.vars, settings.update_fields) break if not user: # alternates have failed, maybe because service inaccessible if settings.login_methods[0] == self: # try logging in locally using cached credentials if form.vars.get(passfield, '') == temp_user[passfield]: # success user = temp_user else: # user not in db if not settings.alternate_requires_registration: # we're allowed to auto-register users from external systems for login_method in settings.login_methods: if login_method != self and \ login_method(request.vars[username], request.vars[passfield]): if self not in settings.login_methods: # do not store password in db form.vars[passfield] = None user = self.get_or_create_user( form.vars, settings.update_fields) break if not user: self.log_event(self.messages['login_failed_log'], request.post_vars) # invalid login session.flash = specific_error if self.settings.login_specify_error else self.messages.invalid_login callback(onfail, None) redirect(self.url(args=request.args, vars=request.get_vars),client_side=settings.client_side) else: # use a central authentication server cas = settings.login_form cas_user = cas.get_user() if cas_user: cas_user[passfield] = None user = self.get_or_create_user( table_user._filter_fields(cas_user), settings.update_fields) elif hasattr(cas, 'login_form'): return cas.login_form() else: # we need to pass through login again before going on next = self.url(settings.function, args='login') redirect(cas.login_url(next), client_side=settings.client_side) # Extra login logic for two-factor authentication ################################################# # If the 'user' variable has a value, this means that the first # authentication step was successful (i.e. user provided correct # username and password at the first challenge). # Check if this user is signed up for two-factor authentication # If auth.settings.auth_two_factor_enabled it will enable two factor # for all the app. Another way to anble two factor is that the user # must be part of a group that is called auth.settings.two_factor_authentication_group if user and self.settings.auth_two_factor_enabled is True: session.auth_two_factor_enabled = True elif user and self.settings.two_factor_authentication_group: role = self.settings.two_factor_authentication_group session.auth_two_factor_enabled = self.has_membership(, role=role) # challenge if session.auth_two_factor_enabled: form = SQLFORM.factory( Field('authentication_code', label=self.messages.label_two_factor, required=True, comment=self.messages.two_factor_comment), hidden=dict(_next=next), formstyle=settings.formstyle, separator=settings.label_separator ) # accepted_form is used by some default web2py code later in the # function that handles running specified functions before redirect # Set it to False until the challenge form is accepted. accepted_form = False # Handle the case when a user has submitted the login/password # form successfully, and the password has been validated, but # the two-factor form has not been displayed or validated yet. if session.auth_two_factor_user is None and user is not None: session.auth_two_factor_user = user # store the validated user and associate with this session session.auth_two_factor = random.randint(100000, 999999) session.auth_two_factor_tries_left = self.settings.auth_two_factor_tries_left # Set the way we generate the code or we send the code. For example using SMS... two_factor_methods = self.settings.two_factor_methods if not two_factor_methods: # TODO: Add some error checking to handle cases where email cannot be sent self.settings.mailer.send(, subject=self.messages.retrieve_two_factor_code_subject, message=self.messages.retrieve_two_factor_code.format(session.auth_two_factor)) else: # Check for all method. It is possible to have multiples for two_factor_method in two_factor_methods: try: # By default we use session.auth_two_factor generated before. session.auth_two_factor = two_factor_method(user, session.auth_two_factor) except: pass else: break if form.accepts(request, session if self.csrf_prevention else None, formname='login', dbio=False, onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=settings.hideerror): accepted_form = True """ The lists is executed after form validation for each of the corresponding action. For example, in your model: In your models copy and paste: # Before define tables, we add some extra field to auth_user auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'] = [ Field('motp_secret', 'password', length=512, default='', label='MOTP Secret'), Field('motp_pin', 'string', length=128, default='', label='MOTP PIN')] OFFSET = 60 # Be sure is the same in your OTP Client # Set session.auth_two_factor to None. Because the code is generated by external app. # This will avoid to use the default setting and send a code by email. def _set_two_factor(user, auth_two_factor): return None def verify_otp(user, otp): import time from hashlib import md5 epoch_time = int(time.time()) time_start = int(str(epoch_time - OFFSET)[:-1]) time_end = int(str(epoch_time + OFFSET)[:-1]) for t in range(time_start - 1, time_end + 1): to_hash = str(t) + user.motp_secret + user.motp_pin hash = md5(to_hash).hexdigest()[:6] if otp == hash: return hash auth.settings.auth_two_factor_enabled = True auth.messages.two_factor_comment = "Verify your OTP Client for the code." auth.settings.two_factor_methods = [lambda user, auth_two_factor: _set_two_factor(user, auth_two_factor)] auth.settings.two_factor_onvalidation = [lambda user, otp: verify_otp(user, otp)] """ if self.settings.two_factor_onvalidation: for two_factor_onvalidation in self.settings.two_factor_onvalidation: try: session.auth_two_factor = \ two_factor_onvalidation(session.auth_two_factor_user, form.vars['authentication_code']) except: pass else: break if form.vars['authentication_code'] == str(session.auth_two_factor): # Handle the case when the two-factor form has been successfully validated # and the user was previously stored (the current user should be None because # in this case, the previous username/password login form should not be displayed. # This will allow the code after the 2-factor authentication block to proceed as # normal. if user is None or user == session.auth_two_factor_user: user = session.auth_two_factor_user # For security, because the username stored in the # session somehow does not match the just validated # user. Should not be possible without session stealing # which is hard with SSL. elif user != session.auth_two_factor_user: user = None # Either way, the user and code associated with this session should # be removed. This handles cases where the session login may have # expired but browser window is open, so the old session key and # session usernamem will still exist self._reset_two_factor_auth(session) else: session.auth_two_factor_tries_left -= 1 # If the number of retries are higher than auth_two_factor_tries_left # Require user to enter username and password again. if session.auth_two_factor_enabled and session.auth_two_factor_tries_left < 1: # Exceeded maximum allowed tries for this code. Require user to enter # username and password again. user = None accepted_form = False self._reset_two_factor_auth(session) # Redirect to the default 'next' page without logging # in. If that page requires login, user will be redirected # back to the main login form redirect(next, client_side=settings.client_side) response.flash = self.messages.invalid_two_factor_code.format(session.auth_two_factor_tries_left) return form else: return form # End login logic for two-factor authentication # process authenticated users if user: user = Row(table_user._filter_fields(user, id=True)) # process authenticated users # user wants to be logged in for longer self.login_user(user) session.auth.expiration = \ request.post_vars.remember_me and \ settings.long_expiration or \ settings.expiration session.auth.remember_me = 'remember_me' in request.post_vars self.log_event(log, user) session.flash = self.messages.logged_in # how to continue if settings.login_form == self: if accepted_form: callback(onaccept, form) if next == session._auth_next: session._auth_next = None next = replace_id(next, form) redirect(next, client_side=settings.client_side) table_user[username].requires = old_requires return form elif user: callback(onaccept, None) if next == session._auth_next: del session._auth_next redirect(next, client_side=settings.client_side)
[文档] def logout(self, next=DEFAULT, onlogout=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT): """ Logouts and redirects to login """ # Clear out 2-step authentication information if user logs # out. This information is also cleared on successful login. self._reset_two_factor_auth(current.session) if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.logout_next if onlogout is DEFAULT: onlogout = self.settings.logout_onlogout if onlogout: onlogout(self.user) if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['logout_log'] if self.user: self.log_event(log, self.user) if self.settings.login_form != self: cas = self.settings.login_form cas_user = cas.get_user() if cas_user: next = cas.logout_url(next) current.session.auth = None self.user = None if self.settings.renew_session_onlogout: current.session.renew(clear_session=not self.settings.keep_session_onlogout) current.session.flash = self.messages.logged_out if next is not None: redirect(next)
[文档] def logout_bare(self): self.logout(next=None, onlogout=None, log=None)
[文档] def register(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a registration form """ table_user = self.table_user() request = current.request response = current.response session = current.session if self.is_logged_in(): redirect(self.settings.logged_url, client_side=self.settings.client_side) if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.register_next if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.register_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.register_onaccept if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['register_log'] table_user = self.table_user() if self.settings.login_userfield: username = self.settings.login_userfield elif 'username' in table_user.fields: username = 'username' else: username = 'email' # Ensure the username field is unique. unique_validator = IS_NOT_IN_DB(self.db, table_user[username]) if not table_user[username].requires: table_user[username].requires = unique_validator elif isinstance(table_user[username].requires, (list, tuple)): if not any([isinstance(validator, IS_NOT_IN_DB) for validator in table_user[username].requires]): if isinstance(table_user[username].requires, list): table_user[username].requires.append(unique_validator) else: table_user[username].requires += (unique_validator, ) elif not isinstance(table_user[username].requires, IS_NOT_IN_DB): table_user[username].requires = [table_user[username].requires, unique_validator] passfield = self.settings.password_field formstyle = self.settings.formstyle try: # Make sure we have our original minimum length as other auth forms change it table_user[passfield].requires[-1].min_length = self.settings.password_min_length except: pass if self.settings.register_verify_password: if self.settings.register_fields is None: self.settings.register_fields = [ for f in table_user if f.writable and not f.compute] k = self.settings.register_fields.index(passfield) self.settings.register_fields.insert(k + 1, "password_two") extra_fields = [ Field("password_two", "password", requires=IS_EQUAL_TO(request.post_vars.get(passfield, None), error_message=self.messages.mismatched_password), label=current.T("Confirm Password"))] else: extra_fields = [] form = SQLFORM(table_user, fields=self.settings.register_fields, hidden=dict(_next=next), showid=self.settings.showid, submit_button=self.messages.register_button, delete_label=self.messages.delete_label, formstyle=formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator, extra_fields=extra_fields ) captcha = self.settings.register_captcha or self.settings.captcha if captcha: addrow(form, captcha.label, captcha, captcha.comment, self.settings.formstyle, 'captcha__row') # Add a message if specified if self.settings.pre_registration_div: addrow(form, '', DIV(_id="pre-reg", *self.settings.pre_registration_div), '', formstyle, '') key = web2py_uuid() if self.settings.registration_requires_approval: key = 'pending-' + key table_user.registration_key.default = key if form.accepts(request, session if self.csrf_prevention else None, formname='register', onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=self.settings.hideerror): description = self.messages.group_description % form.vars if self.settings.create_user_groups: group_id = self.add_group(self.settings.create_user_groups % form.vars, description) self.add_membership(group_id, if self.settings.everybody_group_id: self.add_membership(self.settings.everybody_group_id, if self.settings.registration_requires_verification: link = self.url( self.settings.function, args=('verify_email', key), scheme=True) d = dict(form.vars) d.update(dict(key=key, link=link, username=form.vars[username], firstname=form.vars['firstname'], lastname=form.vars['lastname'])) if not (self.settings.mailer and self.settings.mailer.send(, subject=self.messages.verify_email_subject, message=self.messages.verify_email % d)): self.db.rollback() response.flash = self.messages.unable_send_email return form session.flash = self.messages.email_sent if self.settings.registration_requires_approval and \ not self.settings.registration_requires_verification: table_user[] = dict(registration_key='pending') session.flash = self.messages.registration_pending elif (not self.settings.registration_requires_verification or self.settings.login_after_registration): if not self.settings.registration_requires_verification: table_user[] = dict(registration_key='') session.flash = self.messages.registration_successful user = table_user(**{username: form.vars[username]}) self.login_user(user) session.flash = self.messages.logged_in self.log_event(log, form.vars) callback(onaccept, form) if not next: next = self.url(args=request.args) else: next = replace_id(next, form) redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) return form
[文档] def verify_email(self, next=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Action used to verify the registration email """ key = getarg(-1) table_user = self.table_user() user = table_user(registration_key=key) if not user: redirect(self.settings.login_url) if self.settings.registration_requires_approval: user.update_record(registration_key='pending') current.session.flash = self.messages.registration_pending else: user.update_record(registration_key='') current.session.flash = self.messages.email_verified # make sure session has same user.registrato_key as db record if current.session.auth and current.session.auth.user: current.session.auth.user.registration_key = user.registration_key if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['verify_email_log'] if next is DEFAULT: next = self.settings.verify_email_next if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.verify_email_onaccept self.log_event(log, user) callback(onaccept, user) redirect(next)
[文档] def retrieve_username(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a form to retrieve the user username (only if there is a username field) """ table_user = self.table_user() if 'username' not in table_user.fields: raise HTTP(404) request = current.request response = current.response session = current.session captcha = self.settings.retrieve_username_captcha or \ (self.settings.retrieve_username_captcha is not False and self.settings.captcha) if not self.settings.mailer: response.flash = self.messages.function_disabled return '' if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.retrieve_username_next if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.retrieve_username_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.retrieve_username_onaccept if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['retrieve_username_log'] old_requires = = [IS_IN_DB(self.db,, error_message=self.messages.invalid_email)] form = SQLFORM(table_user, fields=['email'], hidden=dict(_next=next), showid=self.settings.showid, submit_button=self.messages.submit_button, delete_label=self.messages.delete_label, formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator ) if captcha: addrow(form, captcha.label, captcha, captcha.comment, self.settings.formstyle, 'captcha__row') if form.accepts(request, session if self.csrf_prevention else None, formname='retrieve_username', dbio=False, onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=self.settings.hideerror): users = table_user._db( == if not users: current.session.flash = \ self.messages.invalid_email redirect(self.url(args=request.args)) username = ', '.join(u.username for u in users) self.settings.mailer.send(, subject=self.messages.retrieve_username_subject, message=self.messages.retrieve_username % dict(username=username)) session.flash = self.messages.email_sent for user in users: self.log_event(log, user) callback(onaccept, form) if not next: next = self.url(args=request.args) else: next = replace_id(next, form) redirect(next) = old_requires return form
[文档] def random_password(self): import string import random password = '' specials = r'!#$*' for i in range(0, 3): password += random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) password += random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) password += random.choice(string.digits) password += random.choice(specials) return ''.join(random.sample(password, len(password)))
[文档] def reset_password_deprecated(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a form to reset the user password (deprecated) """ table_user = self.table_user() request = current.request response = current.response session = current.session if not self.settings.mailer: response.flash = self.messages.function_disabled return '' if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.retrieve_password_next if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.retrieve_password_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.retrieve_password_onaccept if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['retrieve_password_log'] old_requires = = [IS_IN_DB(self.db,, error_message=self.messages.invalid_email)] form = SQLFORM(table_user, fields=['email'], hidden=dict(_next=next), showid=self.settings.showid, submit_button=self.messages.submit_button, delete_label=self.messages.delete_label, formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator ) if form.accepts(request, session if self.csrf_prevention else None, formname='retrieve_password', dbio=False, onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=self.settings.hideerror): user = table_user( if not user: current.session.flash = \ self.messages.invalid_email redirect(self.url(args=request.args)) key = user.registration_key if key in ('pending', 'disabled', 'blocked') or (key or '').startswith('pending'): current.session.flash = \ self.messages.registration_pending redirect(self.url(args=request.args)) password = self.random_password() passfield = self.settings.password_field d = { passfield: str(table_user[passfield].validate(password)[0]), 'registration_key': '' } user.update_record(**d) if self.settings.mailer and \ self.settings.mailer.send(, subject=self.messages.retrieve_password_subject, message=self.messages.retrieve_password % dict(password=password)): session.flash = self.messages.email_sent else: session.flash = self.messages.unable_send_email self.log_event(log, user) callback(onaccept, form) if not next: next = self.url(args=request.args) else: next = replace_id(next, form) redirect(next) = old_requires return form
[文档] def confirm_registration(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a form to confirm user registration """ table_user = self.table_user() request = current.request # response = current.response session = current.session if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.reset_password_next if self.settings.prevent_password_reset_attacks: key = request.vars.key if not key and len(request.args) > 1: key = request.args[-1] if key: session._reset_password_key = key if next: redirect_vars = {'_next': next} else: redirect_vars = {} redirect(self.url(args='confirm_registration', vars=redirect_vars)) else: key = session._reset_password_key else: key = request.vars.key or getarg(-1) try: t0 = int(key.split('-')[0]) if time.time() - t0 > 60 * 60 * 24: raise Exception user = table_user(reset_password_key=key) if not user: raise Exception except Exception as e: session.flash = self.messages.invalid_reset_password redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) passfield = self.settings.password_field form = SQLFORM.factory( Field('first_name', label='First Name', required=True), Field('last_name', label='Last Name', required=True), Field('new_password', 'password', label=self.messages.new_password, requires=self.table_user()[passfield].requires), Field('new_password2', 'password', label=self.messages.verify_password, requires=[IS_EXPR('value==%s' % repr(request.vars.new_password), self.messages.mismatched_password)]), submit_button='Confirm Registration', hidden=dict(_next=next), formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator ) if form.process().accepted: user.update_record( **{passfield: str(form.vars.new_password), 'first_name': str(form.vars.first_name), 'last_name': str(form.vars.last_name), 'registration_key': '', 'reset_password_key': ''}) session.flash = self.messages.password_changed if self.settings.login_after_password_change: self.login_user(user) redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) return form
[文档] def email_registration(self, subject, body, user): """ Sends and email invitation to a user informing they have been registered with the application """ reset_password_key = str(int(time.time())) + '-' + web2py_uuid() link = self.url(self.settings.function, args=('confirm_registration',), vars={'key': reset_password_key}, scheme=True) d = dict(user) d.update(dict(key=reset_password_key, link=link, site=current.request.env.http_host)) if self.settings.mailer and self.settings.mailer.send(, subject=subject % d, message=body % d): user.update_record(reset_password_key=reset_password_key) return True return False
[文档] def bulk_register(self, max_emails=100): """ Creates a form for ther user to send invites to other users to join """ if not self.user: redirect(self.settings.login_url) if not self.settings.bulk_register_enabled: return HTTP(404) form = SQLFORM.factory( Field('subject', 'string', default=self.messages.bulk_invite_subject, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), Field('emails', 'text', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), Field('message', 'text', default=self.messages.bulk_invite_body, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), formstyle=self.settings.formstyle) if form.process().accepted: emails = re.compile('[^\s\'"@<>,;:]+\@[^\s\'"@<>,;:]+').findall(form.vars.emails) # send the invitations emails_sent = [] emails_fail = [] emails_exist = [] for email in emails[:max_emails]: if self.table_user()(email=email): emails_exist.append(email) else: user = self.register_bare(email=email) if self.email_registration(form.vars.subject, form.vars.message, user): emails_sent.append(email) else: emails_fail.append(email) emails_fail += emails[max_emails:] form = DIV(H4('Emails sent'), UL(*[A(x, _href='mailto:' + x) for x in emails_sent]), H4('Emails failed'), UL(*[A(x, _href='mailto:' + x) for x in emails_fail]), H4('Emails existing'), UL(*[A(x, _href='mailto:' + x) for x in emails_exist])) return form
[文档] def manage_tokens(self): if not self.user: redirect(self.settings.login_url) table_token = self.table_token() table_token.user_id.writable = False table_token.user_id.default = table_token.token.writable = False if current.request.args(1) == 'new': table_token.token.readable = False form = SQLFORM.grid(table_token, args=['manage_tokens']) return form
[文档] def reset_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a form to reset the user password """ table_user = self.table_user() request = current.request # response = current.response session = current.session if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.reset_password_next if self.settings.prevent_password_reset_attacks: key = request.vars.key if key: session._reset_password_key = key redirect(self.url(args='reset_password')) else: key = session._reset_password_key else: key = request.vars.key try: t0 = int(key.split('-')[0]) if time.time() - t0 > 60 * 60 * 24: raise Exception user = table_user(reset_password_key=key) if not user: raise Exception except Exception: session.flash = self.messages.invalid_reset_password redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) key = user.registration_key if key in ('pending', 'disabled', 'blocked') or (key or '').startswith('pending'): session.flash = self.messages.registration_pending redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.reset_password_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.reset_password_onaccept passfield = self.settings.password_field form = SQLFORM.factory( Field('new_password', 'password', label=self.messages.new_password, requires=self.table_user()[passfield].requires), Field('new_password2', 'password', label=self.messages.verify_password, requires=[IS_EXPR('value==%s' % repr(request.vars.new_password), self.messages.mismatched_password)]), submit_button=self.messages.password_reset_button, hidden=dict(_next=next), formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator ) if form.accepts(request, session, onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=self.settings.hideerror): user.update_record( **{passfield: str(form.vars.new_password), 'registration_key': '', 'reset_password_key': ''}) session.flash = self.messages.password_changed if self.settings.login_after_password_change: self.login_user(user) callback(onaccept, form) redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) return form
[文档] def request_reset_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a form to reset the user password """ table_user = self.table_user() request = current.request response = current.response session = current.session captcha = self.settings.retrieve_password_captcha or \ (self.settings.retrieve_password_captcha is not False and self.settings.captcha) if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.request_reset_password_next if not self.settings.mailer: response.flash = self.messages.function_disabled return '' if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.request_reset_password_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.request_reset_password_onaccept if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['reset_password_log'] userfield = self.settings.login_userfield or 'username' \ if self.settings.login_userfield or 'username' \ in table_user.fields else 'email' if userfield == 'email': = [ IS_EMAIL(error_message=self.messages.invalid_email), IS_IN_DB(self.db,, error_message=self.messages.invalid_email)] if not self.settings.email_case_sensitive:, IS_LOWER()) elif userfield == 'username': table_user.username.requires = [ IS_IN_DB(self.db, table_user.username, error_message=self.messages.invalid_username)] if not self.settings.username_case_sensitive: table_user.username.requires.insert(0, IS_LOWER()) form = SQLFORM(table_user, fields=[userfield], hidden=dict(_next=next), showid=self.settings.showid, submit_button=self.messages.password_reset_button, delete_label=self.messages.delete_label, formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator ) if captcha: addrow(form, captcha.label, captcha, captcha.comment, self.settings.formstyle, 'captcha__row') if form.accepts(request, session if self.csrf_prevention else None, formname='reset_password', dbio=False, onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=self.settings.hideerror): user = table_user(**{userfield: form.vars.get(userfield)}) key = user.registration_key if not user: session.flash = self.messages['invalid_%s' % userfield] redirect(self.url(args=request.args), client_side=self.settings.client_side) elif key in ('pending', 'disabled', 'blocked') or (key or '').startswith('pending'): session.flash = self.messages.registration_pending redirect(self.url(args=request.args), client_side=self.settings.client_side) if self.email_reset_password(user): session.flash = self.messages.email_sent else: session.flash = self.messages.unable_send_email self.log_event(log, user) callback(onaccept, form) if not next: next = self.url(args=request.args) else: next = replace_id(next, form) redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) # old_requires = return form
[文档] def email_reset_password(self, user): reset_password_key = str(int(time.time())) + '-' + web2py_uuid() link = self.url(self.settings.function, args=('reset_password',), vars={'key': reset_password_key}, scheme=True) d = dict(user) d.update(dict(key=reset_password_key, link=link)) if self.settings.mailer and self.settings.mailer.send(, subject=self.messages.reset_password_subject, message=self.messages.reset_password % d): user.update_record(reset_password_key=reset_password_key) return True return False
[文档] def retrieve_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): if self.settings.reset_password_requires_verification: return self.request_reset_password(next, onvalidation, onaccept, log) else: return self.reset_password_deprecated(next, onvalidation, onaccept, log)
[文档] def change_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a form that lets the user change password """ if not self.is_logged_in(): redirect(self.settings.login_url, client_side=self.settings.client_side) # Go to external link to change the password if self.settings.login_form != self: cas = self.settings.login_form # To prevent error if change_password_url function is not defined in alternate login if hasattr(cas, 'change_password_url'): next = cas.change_password_url(next) if next is not None: redirect(next) db = self.db table_user = self.table_user() s = db( == request = current.request session = current.session if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.change_password_next if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.change_password_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.change_password_onaccept if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['change_password_log'] passfield = self.settings.password_field requires = table_user[passfield].requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] requires = [t for t in requires if isinstance(t, CRYPT)] if requires: requires[0] = CRYPT(**requires[0].__dict__) # Copy the existing CRYPT attributes requires[0].min_length = 0 # But do not enforce minimum length for the old password form = SQLFORM.factory( Field('old_password', 'password', requires=requires, label=self.messages.old_password), Field('new_password', 'password', label=self.messages.new_password, requires=table_user[passfield].requires), Field('new_password2', 'password', label=self.messages.verify_password, requires=[IS_EXPR('value==%s' % repr(request.vars.new_password), self.messages.mismatched_password)]), submit_button=self.messages.password_change_button, hidden=dict(_next=next), formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator ) if form.accepts(request, session, formname='change_password', onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=self.settings.hideerror): current_user =, 1), orderby_on_limitby=False).first() if not form.vars['old_password'] == current_user[passfield]: form.errors['old_password'] = self.messages.invalid_password else: d = {passfield: str(form.vars.new_password)} s.update(**d) session.flash = self.messages.password_changed self.log_event(log, self.user) callback(onaccept, form) if not next: next = self.url(args=request.args) else: next = replace_id(next, form) redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) return form
[文档] def profile(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, ): """ Returns a form that lets the user change his/her profile """ table_user = self.table_user() if not self.is_logged_in(): redirect(self.settings.login_url, client_side=self.settings.client_side) passfield = self.settings.password_field table_user[passfield].writable = False table_user['email'].writable = False request = current.request session = current.session if next is DEFAULT: next = self.get_vars_next() or self.settings.profile_next if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.profile_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.profile_onaccept if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['profile_log'] form = SQLFORM( table_user,, fields=self.settings.profile_fields, hidden=dict(_next=next), showid=self.settings.showid, submit_button=self.messages.profile_save_button, delete_label=self.messages.delete_label, upload=self.settings.download_url, formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator, deletable=self.settings.allow_delete_accounts, ) if form.accepts(request, session, formname='profile', onvalidation=onvalidation, hideerror=self.settings.hideerror): extra_fields = self.settings.extra_fields.get(self.settings.table_user_name, []) if not form.deleted: if any(f.compute for f in extra_fields): user = table_user[] self._update_session_user(user) self.update_groups() else: self.user.update(table_user._filter_fields(form.vars)) session.flash = self.messages.profile_updated self.log_event(log, self.user) callback(onaccept, form) if form.deleted: return self.logout() if not next: next = self.url(args=request.args) else: next = replace_id(next, form) redirect(next, client_side=self.settings.client_side) return form
[文档] def run_login_onaccept(self): onaccept = self.settings.login_onaccept if onaccept: form = Storage(dict(vars=self.user)) if not isinstance(onaccept, (list, tuple)): onaccept = [onaccept] for callback in onaccept: callback(form)
[文档] def jwt(self): """ To use JWT authentication: 1) instantiate auth with:: auth = Auth(db, jwt = {'secret_key':'secret'}) where 'secret' is your own secret string. 2) Decorate functions that require login but should accept the JWT token credentials:: @auth.allows_jwt() @auth.requires_login() def myapi(): return 'hello %s' % Notice jwt is allowed but not required. if user is logged in, myapi is accessible. 3) Use it! Now API users can obtain a token with http://.../app/default/user/jwt?username=...&password=.... (returns json object with a token attribute) API users can refresh an existing token with http://.../app/default/user/jwt?token=... they can authenticate themselves when calling http:/.../myapi by injecting a header Authorization: Bearer <the jwt token> Any additional attributes in the jwt argument of Auth() below:: auth = Auth(db, jwt = {...}) are passed to the constructor of class AuthJWT. Look there for documentation. """ if not self.jwt_handler: raise HTTP(401, "Not authorized") else: rtn = self.jwt_handler.jwt_token_manager() raise HTTP(200, rtn, cookies=None, **current.response.headers)
[文档] def is_impersonating(self): return self.is_logged_in() and 'impersonator' in current.session.auth
[文档] def impersonate(self, user_id=DEFAULT): """ To use this make a POST to `http://..../impersonate request.post_vars.user_id=<id>` Set request.post_vars.user_id to 0 to restore original user. requires impersonator is logged in and:: has_permission('impersonate', 'auth_user', user_id) """ request = current.request session = current.session auth = session.auth table_user = self.table_user() if not self.is_logged_in(): raise HTTP(401, "Not Authorized") current_id = requested_id = user_id user = None if user_id is DEFAULT: user_id = current.request.post_vars.user_id if user_id and user_id != and user_id != '0': if not self.has_permission('impersonate', self.table_user(), user_id): raise HTTP(403, "Forbidden") user = table_user(user_id) if not user: raise HTTP(401, "Not Authorized") auth.impersonator = pickle.dumps(session, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) auth.user.update( table_user._filter_fields(user, True)) self.user = auth.user self.update_groups() log = self.messages['impersonate_log'] self.log_event(log, dict(id=current_id, self.run_login_onaccept() elif user_id in (0, '0'): if self.is_impersonating(): session.clear() session.update(pickle.loads(auth.impersonator)) self.user = session.auth.user self.update_groups() self.run_login_onaccept() return None if requested_id is DEFAULT and not request.post_vars: return SQLFORM.factory(Field('user_id', 'integer')) elif not user: return None else: return SQLFORM(table_user,, readonly=True)
[文档] def groups(self): """ Displays the groups and their roles for the logged in user """ if not self.is_logged_in(): redirect(self.settings.login_url) table_membership = self.table_membership() memberships = self.db( table_membership.user_id == table = TABLE() for membership in memberships: table_group = self.table_group() groups = self.db( == membership.group_id).select() if groups: group = groups[0] table.append(TR(H3(group.role, '(%s)' % table.append(TR(P(group.description))) if not memberships: return None return table
[文档] def not_authorized(self): """ You can change the view for this page to make it look as you like """ if current.request.ajax: raise HTTP(403, 'ACCESS DENIED') return self.messages.access_denied
[文档] def allows_jwt(self, otherwise=None): if not self.jwt_handler: raise HTTP(401, "Not authorized") else: return self.jwt_handler.allows_jwt(otherwise=otherwise)
[文档] def requires(self, condition, requires_login=True, otherwise=None): """ Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in """ def decorator(action): def f(*a, **b): basic_allowed, basic_accepted, user = self.basic() user = user or self.user login_required = requires_login if callable(login_required): login_required = login_required() if login_required: if not user: if current.request.ajax: raise HTTP(401, self.messages.ajax_failed_authentication) elif otherwise is not None: if callable(otherwise): return otherwise() redirect(otherwise) elif self.settings.allow_basic_login_only or \ basic_accepted or current.request.is_restful: raise HTTP(403, "Not authorized") else: next = current.session.flash = current.response.flash return call_or_redirect(self.settings.on_failed_authentication, self.settings.login_url + '?_next=' + urllib_quote(next)) if callable(condition): flag = condition() else: flag = condition if not flag: current.session.flash = self.messages.access_denied return call_or_redirect( self.settings.on_failed_authorization) return action(*a, **b) f.__doc__ = action.__doc__ f.__name__ = action.__name__ f.__dict__.update(action.__dict__) return f return decorator
[文档] def requires_login(self, otherwise=None): """ Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in """ return self.requires(True, otherwise=otherwise)
[文档] def requires_login_or_token(self, otherwise=None): if self.settings.enable_tokens is True: user = None request = current.request token = request.env.http_web2py_user_token or request.vars._token table_token = self.table_token() table_user = self.table_user() from gluon.settings import global_settings if global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae: row = table_token(token=token) if row: user = table_user(row.user_id) else: row = self.db(table_token.token == token)( == table_token.user_id).select().first() if row: user = row[table_user._tablename] if user: self.login_user(user) return self.requires(True, otherwise=otherwise)
[文档] def requires_membership(self, role=None, group_id=None, otherwise=None): """ Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id. If role is provided instead of group_id then the group_id is calculated. """ def has_membership(self=self, group_id=group_id, role=role): return self.has_membership(group_id=group_id, role=role) return self.requires(has_membership, otherwise=otherwise)
[文档] def requires_permission(self, name, table_name='', record_id=0, otherwise=None): """ Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of any group (role) that has 'name' access to 'table_name', 'record_id'. """ def has_permission(self=self, name=name, table_name=table_name, record_id=record_id): return self.has_permission(name, table_name, record_id) return self.requires(has_permission, otherwise=otherwise)
[文档] def requires_signature(self, otherwise=None, hash_vars=True, hash_extension=True): """ Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id. If role is provided instead of group_id then the group_id is calculated. """ def verify(): return URL.verify(current.request, user_signature=True, hash_vars=hash_vars, hash_extension=True) return self.requires(verify, otherwise)
[文档] def accessible_query(self, name, table, user_id=None): """ Returns a query with all accessible records for user_id or the current logged in user this method does not work on GAE because uses JOIN and IN Example: Use as:: db(auth.accessible_query('read', db.mytable)).select(db.mytable.ALL) """ if not user_id: user_id = self.user_id db = self.db if isinstance(table, str) and table in self.db.tables(): table = self.db[table] elif isinstance(table, (Set, Query)): # experimental: build a chained query for all tables if isinstance(table, Set): cquery = table.query else: cquery = table tablenames = db._adapter.tables(cquery) for tablename in tablenames: cquery &= self.accessible_query(name, tablename, user_id=user_id) return cquery if not isinstance(table, str) and \ self.has_permission(name, table, 0, user_id): return > 0 membership = self.table_membership() permission = self.table_permission() query = db(membership.user_id == user_id) (membership.group_id == permission.group_id) ( == name) (permission.table_name == table) ._select(permission.record_id)) if self.settings.everybody_group_id: query |= db(permission.group_id == self.settings.everybody_group_id) ( == name) (permission.table_name == table) ._select(permission.record_id)) return query
[文档] @staticmethod def archive(form, archive_table=None, current_record='current_record', archive_current=False, fields=None): """ If you have a table (db.mytable) that needs full revision history you can just do:: form = crud.update(db.mytable, myrecord, onaccept=auth.archive) or:: form = SQLFORM(db.mytable, myrecord).process(onaccept=auth.archive) crud.archive will define a new table "mytable_archive" and store a copy of the current record (if archive_current=True) or a copy of the previous record (if archive_current=False) in the newly created table including a reference to the current record. fields allows to specify extra fields that need to be archived. If you want to access such table you need to define it yourself in a model:: db.define_table('mytable_archive', Field('current_record', db.mytable), db.mytable) Notice such table includes all fields of db.mytable plus one: current_record. crud.archive does not timestamp the stored record unless your original table has a fields like:: db.define_table(..., Field('saved_on', 'datetime',,, writable=False), Field('saved_by', auth.user, default=auth.user_id, update=auth.user_id, writable=False), there is nothing special about these fields since they are filled before the record is archived. If you want to change the archive table name and the name of the reference field you can do, for example:: db.define_table('myhistory', Field('parent_record', db.mytable), db.mytable) and use it as:: form = crud.update(db.mytable, myrecord, onaccept=lambda form:crud.archive(form, archive_table=db.myhistory, current_record='parent_record')) """ if not archive_current and not form.record: return None table = form.table if not archive_table: archive_table_name = '%s_archive' % table if archive_table_name not in table._db: table._db.define_table( archive_table_name, Field(current_record, table), *[field.clone(unique=False) for field in table]) archive_table = table._db[archive_table_name] new_record = {current_record:} for fieldname in archive_table.fields: if fieldname not in ['id', current_record]: if archive_current and fieldname in form.vars: new_record[fieldname] = form.vars[fieldname] elif form.record and fieldname in form.record: new_record[fieldname] = form.record[fieldname] if fields: new_record.update(fields) id = archive_table.insert(**new_record) return id
[文档] def wiki(self, slug=None, env=None, render='markmin', manage_permissions=False, force_prefix='', restrict_search=False, resolve=True, extra=None, menu_groups=None, templates=None, migrate=True, controller=None, function=None, force_render=False, groups=None): if controller and function: resolve = False if not hasattr(self, '_wiki'): self._wiki = Wiki(self, render=render, manage_permissions=manage_permissions, force_prefix=force_prefix, restrict_search=restrict_search, env=env, extra=extra or {}, menu_groups=menu_groups, templates=templates, migrate=migrate, controller=controller, function=function, groups=groups) else: self._wiki.settings.extra = extra or {} self._wiki.env.update(env or {}) # if resolve is set to True, process request as wiki call # resolve=False allows initial setup without wiki redirection wiki = None if resolve: if slug: wiki =, force_render) if isinstance(wiki, dict) and 'content' in wiki: # We don't want to return a dict object, just the wiki wiki = wiki['content'] else: wiki = self._wiki() if isinstance(wiki, basestring): wiki = XML(wiki) return wiki
[文档] def wikimenu(self): """To be used in for app wide wiki menus""" if (hasattr(self, "_wiki") and self._wiki.settings.controller and self._wiki.settings.function): self._wiki.automenu()
[文档]class Crud(object): # pragma: no cover default_messages = dict( submit_button='Submit', delete_label='Check to delete', record_created='Record Created', record_updated='Record Updated', record_deleted='Record Deleted', update_log='Record %(id)s updated', create_log='Record %(id)s created', read_log='Record %(id)s read', delete_log='Record %(id)s deleted', )
[文档] def url(self, f=None, args=None, vars=None): """ This should point to the controller that exposes download and crud """ if args is None: args = [] if vars is None: vars = {} return URL(c=self.settings.controller, f=f, args=args, vars=vars)
def __init__(self, environment, db=None, controller='default'): self.db = db if not db and environment and isinstance(environment, DAL): self.db = environment elif not db: raise SyntaxError("must pass db as first or second argument") self.environment = current settings = self.settings = Settings() settings.auth = None settings.logger = None settings.create_next = None settings.update_next = None settings.controller = controller settings.delete_next = self.url() settings.download_url = self.url('download') settings.create_onvalidation = StorageList() settings.update_onvalidation = StorageList() settings.delete_onvalidation = StorageList() settings.create_onaccept = StorageList() settings.update_onaccept = StorageList() settings.update_ondelete = StorageList() settings.delete_onaccept = StorageList() settings.update_deletable = True settings.showid = False settings.keepvalues = False settings.create_captcha = None settings.update_captcha = None settings.captcha = None settings.formstyle = 'table3cols' settings.label_separator = ': ' settings.hideerror = False settings.detect_record_change = True settings.hmac_key = None settings.lock_keys = True messages = self.messages = Messages(current.T) messages.update(Crud.default_messages) messages.lock_keys = True def __call__(self): args = current.request.args if len(args) < 1: raise HTTP(404) elif args[0] == 'tables': return self.tables() elif len(args) > 1 and not args(1) in self.db.tables: raise HTTP(404) table = self.db[args(1)] if args[0] == 'create': return self.create(table) elif args[0] == 'select': return, linkto=self.url(args='read')) elif args[0] == 'search': form, rows =, linkto=self.url(args='read')) return DIV(form, SQLTABLE(rows)) elif args[0] == 'read': return, args(2)) elif args[0] == 'update': return self.update(table, args(2)) elif args[0] == 'delete': return self.delete(table, args(2)) else: raise HTTP(404)
[文档] def log_event(self, message, vars): if self.settings.logger: self.settings.logger.log_event(message, vars, origin='crud')
[文档] def has_permission(self, name, table, record=0): if not self.settings.auth: return True try: record_id = except: record_id = record return self.settings.auth.has_permission(name, str(table), record_id)
[文档] def tables(self): return TABLE(*[TR(A(name, _href=self.url(args=('select', name)))) for name in self.db.tables])
[文档] @staticmethod def archive(form, archive_table=None, current_record='current_record'): return Auth.archive(form, archive_table=archive_table, current_record=current_record)
[文档] def update(self, table, record, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, ondelete=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, message=DEFAULT, deletable=DEFAULT, formname=DEFAULT, **attributes ): if not (isinstance(table, Table) or table in self.db.tables) \ or (isinstance(record, str) and not str(record).isdigit()): raise HTTP(404) if not isinstance(table, Table): table = self.db[table] try: record_id = except: record_id = record or 0 if record_id and not self.has_permission('update', table, record_id): redirect(self.settings.auth.settings.on_failed_authorization) if not record_id and not self.has_permission('create', table, record_id): redirect(self.settings.auth.settings.on_failed_authorization) request = current.request response = current.response session = current.session if request.extension == 'json' and request.vars.json: request.vars.update(json.loads(request.vars.json)) if next is DEFAULT: next = request.get_vars._next \ or request.post_vars._next \ or self.settings.update_next if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.update_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.update_onaccept if ondelete is DEFAULT: ondelete = self.settings.update_ondelete if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['update_log'] if deletable is DEFAULT: deletable = self.settings.update_deletable if message is DEFAULT: message = self.messages.record_updated if 'hidden' not in attributes: attributes['hidden'] = {} attributes['hidden']['_next'] = next form = SQLFORM( table, record, showid=self.settings.showid, submit_button=self.messages.submit_button, delete_label=self.messages.delete_label, deletable=deletable, upload=self.settings.download_url, formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator, **attributes # contains hidden ) self.accepted = False self.deleted = False captcha = self.settings.update_captcha or self.settings.captcha if record and captcha: addrow(form, captcha.label, captcha, captcha.comment, self.settings.formstyle, 'captcha__row') captcha = self.settings.create_captcha or self.settings.captcha if not record and captcha: addrow(form, captcha.label, captcha, captcha.comment, self.settings.formstyle, 'captcha__row') if request.extension not in ('html', 'load'): (_session, _formname) = (None, None) else: (_session, _formname) = ( session, '%s/%s' % (table._tablename, form.record_id)) if formname is not DEFAULT: _formname = formname keepvalues = self.settings.keepvalues if request.vars.delete_this_record: keepvalues = False if isinstance(onvalidation, StorageList): onvalidation = onvalidation.get(table._tablename, []) if form.accepts(request, _session, formname=_formname, onvalidation=onvalidation, keepvalues=keepvalues, hideerror=self.settings.hideerror, detect_record_change=self.settings.detect_record_change): self.accepted = True response.flash = message if log: self.log_event(log, form.vars) if request.vars.delete_this_record: self.deleted = True message = self.messages.record_deleted callback(ondelete, form, table._tablename) response.flash = message callback(onaccept, form, table._tablename) if request.extension not in ('html', 'load'): raise HTTP(200, 'RECORD CREATED/UPDATED') if isinstance(next, (list, tuple)): # fix issue with 2.6 next = next[0] if next: # Only redirect when explicit next = replace_id(next, form) session.flash = response.flash redirect(next) elif request.extension not in ('html', 'load'): raise HTTP(401, serializers.json(dict(errors=form.errors))) return form
[文档] def create(self, table, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, message=DEFAULT, formname=DEFAULT, **attributes ): if next is DEFAULT: next = self.settings.create_next if onvalidation is DEFAULT: onvalidation = self.settings.create_onvalidation if onaccept is DEFAULT: onaccept = self.settings.create_onaccept if log is DEFAULT: log = self.messages['create_log'] if message is DEFAULT: message = self.messages.record_created return self.update(table, None, next=next, onvalidation=onvalidation, onaccept=onaccept, log=log, message=message, deletable=False, formname=formname, **attributes )
[文档] def read(self, table, record): if not (isinstance(table, Table) or table in self.db.tables) \ or (isinstance(record, str) and not str(record).isdigit()): raise HTTP(404) if not isinstance(table, Table): table = self.db[table] if not self.has_permission('read', table, record): redirect(self.settings.auth.settings.on_failed_authorization) form = SQLFORM( table, record, readonly=True, comments=False, upload=self.settings.download_url, showid=self.settings.showid, formstyle=self.settings.formstyle, separator=self.settings.label_separator ) if current.request.extension not in ('html', 'load'): return table._filter_fields(form.record, id=True) return form
[文档] def delete(self, table, record_id, next=DEFAULT, message=DEFAULT, ): if not (isinstance(table, Table) or table in self.db.tables): raise HTTP(404) if not isinstance(table, Table): table = self.db[table] if not self.has_permission('delete', table, record_id): redirect(self.settings.auth.settings.on_failed_authorization) request = current.request session = current.session if next is DEFAULT: next = request.get_vars._next \ or request.post_vars._next \ or self.settings.delete_next if message is DEFAULT: message = self.messages.record_deleted record = table[record_id] if record: callback(self.settings.delete_onvalidation, record) del table[record_id] callback(self.settings.delete_onaccept, record, table._tablename) session.flash = message redirect(next)
[文档] def rows(self, table, query=None, fields=None, orderby=None, limitby=None, ): if not (isinstance(table, Table) or table in self.db.tables): raise HTTP(404) if not self.has_permission('select', table): redirect(self.settings.auth.settings.on_failed_authorization) # if record_id and not self.has_permission('select', table): # redirect(self.settings.auth.settings.on_failed_authorization) if not isinstance(table, Table): table = self.db[table] if not query: query = > 0 if not fields: fields = [field for field in table if field.readable] else: fields = [table[f] if isinstance(f, str) else f for f in fields] rows = self.db(query).select(*fields, **dict(orderby=orderby, limitby=limitby)) return rows
[文档] def select(self, table, query=None, fields=None, orderby=None, limitby=None, headers=None, **attr ): headers = headers or {} rows = self.rows(table, query, fields, orderby, limitby) if not rows: return None # Nicer than an empty table. if 'upload' not in attr: attr['upload'] = self.url('download') if current.request.extension not in ('html', 'load'): return rows.as_list() if not headers: if isinstance(table, str): table = self.db[table] headers = dict((str(k), k.label) for k in table) return SQLTABLE(rows, headers=headers, **attr)
[文档] def get_format(self, field): rtable = field._db[field.type[10:]] format = rtable.get('_format', None) if format and isinstance(format, str): return format[2:-2] return
[文档] def get_query(self, field, op, value, refsearch=False): try: if refsearch: format = self.get_format(field) if op == 'equals': if not refsearch: return field == value else: return lambda row: row[][format] == value elif op == 'not equal': if not refsearch: return field != value else: return lambda row: row[][format] != value elif op == 'greater than': if not refsearch: return field > value else: return lambda row: row[][format] > value elif op == 'less than': if not refsearch: return field < value else: return lambda row: row[][format] < value elif op == 'starts with': if not refsearch: return + '%') else: return lambda row: str(row[][format]).startswith(value) elif op == 'ends with': if not refsearch: return'%' + value) else: return lambda row: str(row[][format]).endswith(value) elif op == 'contains': if not refsearch: return'%' + value + '%') else: return lambda row: value in row[][format] except: return None
[文档] def search(self, *tables, **args): """ Creates a search form and its results for a table Examples: Use as:: form, results =, queries = ['equals', 'not equal', 'contains'], query_labels={'equals':'Equals', 'not equal':'Not equal'}, fields = ['id','children'], field_labels = { 'id':'ID','children':'Children'}, zero='Please choose', query = ( > 0)&( != 3) ) """ table = tables[0] fields = args.get('fields', table.fields) validate = args.get('validate', True) request = current.request db = self.db if not (isinstance(table, Table) or table in db.tables): raise HTTP(404) attributes = {} for key in ('orderby', 'groupby', 'left', 'distinct', 'limitby', 'cache'): if key in args: attributes[key] = args[key] tbl = TABLE() selected = [] refsearch = [] results = [] showall = args.get('showall', False) if showall: selected = fields chkall = args.get('chkall', False) if chkall: for f in fields: request.vars['chk%s' % f] = 'on' ops = args.get('queries', []) zero = args.get('zero', '') if not ops: ops = ['equals', 'not equal', 'greater than', 'less than', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'contains'] ops.insert(0, zero) query_labels = args.get('query_labels', {}) query = args.get('query', > 0) field_labels = args.get('field_labels', {}) for field in fields: field = table[field] if not field.readable: continue fieldname = chkval = request.vars.get('chk' + fieldname, None) txtval = request.vars.get('txt' + fieldname, None) opval = request.vars.get('op' + fieldname, None) row = TR(TD(INPUT(_type="checkbox", _name="chk" + fieldname, _disabled=(field.type == 'id'), value=(field.type == 'id' or chkval == 'on'))), TD(field_labels.get(fieldname, field.label)), TD(SELECT([OPTION(query_labels.get(op, op), _value=op) for op in ops], _name="op" + fieldname, value=opval)), TD(INPUT(_type="text", _name="txt" + fieldname, _value=txtval, _id='txt' + fieldname, _class=str(field.type)))) tbl.append(row) if request.post_vars and (chkval or field.type == 'id'): if txtval and opval != '': if field.type[0:10] == 'reference ': refsearch.append(self.get_query(field, opval, txtval, refsearch=True)) elif validate: value, error = field.validate(txtval) if not error: # TODO deal with 'starts with', 'ends with', 'contains' on GAE query &= self.get_query(field, opval, value) else: row[3].append(DIV(error, _class='error')) else: query &= self.get_query(field, opval, txtval) selected.append(field) form = FORM(tbl, INPUT(_type="submit")) if selected: try: results = db(query).select(*selected, **attributes) for r in refsearch: results = results.find(r) except: # TODO: hmmm, we should do better here results = None return form, results
[文档]def fetch(url, data=None, headers=None, cookie=Cookie.SimpleCookie(), user_agent='Mozilla/5.0'): headers = headers or {} if data is not None: data = urlencode(data) if user_agent: headers['User-agent'] = user_agent headers['Cookie'] = ' '.join( ['%s=%s;' % (c.key, c.value) for c in cookie.values()]) try: from google.appengine.api import urlfetch except ImportError: req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers) html = urlopen(req).read() else: method = ((data is None) and urlfetch.GET) or urlfetch.POST while url is not None: response = urlfetch.fetch(url=url, payload=data, method=method, headers=headers, allow_truncated=False, follow_redirects=False, deadline=10) # next request will be a get, so no need to send the data again data = None method = urlfetch.GET # load cookies from the response cookie.load(response.headers.get('set-cookie', '')) url = response.headers.get('location') html = response.content return html
regex_geocode = \ re.compile(r"""<geometry>[\W]*?<location>[\W]*?<lat>(?P<la>[^<]*)</lat>[\W]*?<lng>(?P<lo>[^<]*)</lng>[\W]*?</location>""")
[文档]def geocode(address): try: a = urllib_quote(address) txt = fetch('' % a) item = (la, lo) = (float('la')), float('lo'))) return (la, lo) except: return (0.0, 0.0)
[文档]def reverse_geocode(lat, lng, lang=None): """ Try to get an approximate address for a given latitude, longitude. """ if not lang: lang = current.T.accepted_language try: return json.loads(fetch(',%(lng)s&language=%(lang)s' % locals()))['results'][0]['formatted_address'] except: return ''
def universal_caller(f, *a, **b): c = f.__code__.co_argcount n = f.__code__.co_varnames[:c] defaults = f.__defaults__ or [] pos_args = n[0:-len(defaults)] named_args = n[-len(defaults):] arg_dict = {} # Fill the arg_dict with name and value for the submitted, positional values for pos_index, pos_val in enumerate(a[:c]): arg_dict[n[pos_index]] = pos_val # n[pos_index] is the name of the argument # There might be pos_args left, that are sent as named_values. Gather them as well. # If a argument already is populated with values we simply replaces them. for arg_name in pos_args[len(arg_dict):]: if arg_name in b: arg_dict[arg_name] = b[arg_name] if len(arg_dict) >= len(pos_args): # All the positional arguments is found. The function may now be called. # However, we need to update the arg_dict with the values from the named arguments as well. for arg_name in named_args: if arg_name in b: arg_dict[arg_name] = b[arg_name] return f(**arg_dict) # Raise an error, the function cannot be called. raise HTTP(404, "Object does not exist")
[文档]class Service(object): def __init__(self, environment=None, check_args=False): self.check_args = check_args self.run_procedures = {} self.csv_procedures = {} self.xml_procedures = {} self.rss_procedures = {} self.json_procedures = {} self.jsonrpc_procedures = {} self.jsonrpc2_procedures = {} self.xmlrpc_procedures = {} self.amfrpc_procedures = {} self.amfrpc3_procedures = {} self.soap_procedures = {}
[文档] def run(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() Then call it with:: wget http://..../app/default/call/run/myfunction?a=3&b=4 """ self.run_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def csv(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.csv def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() Then call it with:: wget http://..../app/default/call/csv/myfunction?a=3&b=4 """ self.csv_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def xml(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.xml def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() Then call it with:: wget http://..../app/default/call/xml/myfunction?a=3&b=4 """ self.xml_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def rss(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.rss def myfunction(): return dict(title=..., link=..., description=..., created_on=..., entries=[dict(title=..., link=..., description=..., created_on=...]) def call(): return service() Then call it with: wget http://..../app/default/call/rss/myfunction """ self.rss_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def json(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.json def myfunction(a, b): return [{a: b}] def call(): return service() Then call it with:; wget http://..../app/default/call/json/myfunction?a=hello&b=world """ self.json_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def jsonrpc(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.jsonrpc def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() Then call it with: wget http://..../app/default/call/jsonrpc/myfunction?a=hello&b=world """ self.jsonrpc_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def jsonrpc2(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.jsonrpc2 def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() Then call it with: wget --post-data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "myfunction", "params": {"a": 1, "b": 2}}' http://..../app/default/call/jsonrpc2 """ self.jsonrpc2_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def xmlrpc(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.xmlrpc def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() The call it with: wget http://..../app/default/call/xmlrpc/myfunction?a=hello&b=world """ self.xmlrpc_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def amfrpc(self, f): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.amfrpc def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() Then call it with:: wget http://..../app/default/call/amfrpc/myfunction?a=hello&b=world """ self.amfrpc_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f
[文档] def amfrpc3(self, domain='default'): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.amfrpc3('domain') def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() Then call it with: wget http://..../app/default/call/amfrpc3/myfunction?a=hello&b=world """ if not isinstance(domain, str): raise SyntaxError("AMF3 requires a domain for function") def _amfrpc3(f): if domain: self.amfrpc3_procedures[domain + '.' + f.__name__] = f else: self.amfrpc3_procedures[f.__name__] = f return f return _amfrpc3
[文档] def soap(self, name=None, returns=None, args=None, doc=None, response_element_name=None): """ Example: Use as:: service = Service() @service.soap('MyFunction',returns={'result':int},args={'a':int,'b':int,}) def myfunction(a, b): return a + b def call(): return service() Then call it with:: from gluon.contrib.pysimplesoap.client import SoapClient client = SoapClient(wsdl="http://..../app/default/call/soap?WSDL") response = client.MyFunction(a=1,b=2) return response['result'] It also exposes online generated documentation and xml example messages at `http://..../app/default/call/soap` """ def _soap(f): self.soap_procedures[name or f.__name__] = f, returns, args, doc, response_element_name return f return _soap
[文档] def serve_run(self, args=None): request = current.request if not args: args = request.args if args and args[0] in self.run_procedures: return str(self.call_service_function(self.run_procedures[args[0]], *args[1:], **dict(request.vars))) self.error()
[文档] def serve_csv(self, args=None): request = current.request response = current.response response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/x-csv' if not args: args = request.args def none_exception(value): if isinstance(value, unicodeT): return value.encode('utf8') if hasattr(value, 'isoformat'): return value.isoformat()[:19].replace('T', ' ') if value is None: return '<NULL>' return value if args and args[0] in self.csv_procedures: import types r = self.call_service_function(self.csv_procedures[args[0]], *args[1:], **dict(request.vars)) s = StringIO() if hasattr(r, 'export_to_csv_file'): r.export_to_csv_file(s) elif r and not isinstance(r, types.GeneratorType) and isinstance(r[0], (dict, Storage)): import csv writer = csv.writer(s) writer.writerow(list(r[0].keys())) for line in r: writer.writerow([none_exception(v) for v in line.values()]) else: import csv writer = csv.writer(s) for line in r: writer.writerow(line) return s.getvalue() self.error()
[文档] def serve_xml(self, args=None): request = current.request response = current.response response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml' if not args: args = request.args if args and args[0] in self.xml_procedures: s = self.call_service_function(self.xml_procedures[args[0]], *args[1:], **dict(request.vars)) if hasattr(s, 'as_list'): s = s.as_list() return serializers.xml(s, quote=False) self.error()
[文档] def serve_rss(self, args=None): request = current.request response = current.response if not args: args = request.args if args and args[0] in self.rss_procedures: feed = self.call_service_function(self.rss_procedures[args[0]], *args[1:], **dict(request.vars)) else: self.error() response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/rss+xml' return serializers.rss(feed)
[文档] def serve_json(self, args=None): request = current.request response = current.response response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if not args: args = request.args d = dict(request.vars) if args and args[0] in self.json_procedures: s = self.call_service_function(self.json_procedures[args[0]], *args[1:], **d) if hasattr(s, 'as_list'): s = s.as_list() return response.json(s) self.error()
[文档] class JsonRpcException(Exception): def __init__(self, code, info): jrpc_error = Service.jsonrpc_errors.get(code) if jrpc_error: self.message, self.description = jrpc_error self.code, = code, info
# jsonrpc 2.0 error types. records the following structure {code: (message,meaning)} jsonrpc_errors = { -32700: ("Parse error. Invalid JSON was received by the server.", "An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text."), -32600: ("Invalid Request", "The JSON sent is not a valid Request object."), -32601: ("Method not found", "The method does not exist / is not available."), -32602: ("Invalid params", "Invalid method parameter(s)."), -32603: ("Internal error", "Internal JSON-RPC error."), -32099: ("Server error", "Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors.")}
[文档] def serve_jsonrpc(self): def return_response(id, result): return serializers.json({'version': '1.1', 'id': id, 'result': result, 'error': None}) def return_error(id, code, message, data=None): error = {'name': 'JSONRPCError', 'code': code, 'message': message} if data is not None: error['data'] = data return serializers.json({'id': id, 'version': '1.1', 'error': error, }) request = current.request response = current.response response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' methods = self.jsonrpc_procedures data = json.loads( jsonrpc_2 = data.get('jsonrpc') if jsonrpc_2: # hand over to version 2 of the protocol return self.serve_jsonrpc2(data) id, method, params = data.get('id'), data.get('method'), data.get('params', []) if id is None: return return_error(0, 100, 'missing id') if method not in methods: return return_error(id, 100, 'method "%s" does not exist' % method) try: if isinstance(params, dict): s = methods[method](**params) else: s = methods[method](*params) if hasattr(s, 'as_list'): s = s.as_list() return return_response(id, s) except Service.JsonRpcException as e: return return_error(id, e.code, except: etype, eval, etb = sys.exc_info() message = '%s: %s' % (etype.__name__, eval) data = request.is_local and traceback.format_tb(etb) logger.warning('jsonrpc exception %s\n%s' % (message, traceback.format_tb(etb))) return return_error(id, 100, message, data)
[文档] def serve_jsonrpc2(self, data=None, batch_element=False): def return_response(id, result): if not must_respond: return None return serializers.json({'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': id, 'result': result}) def return_error(id, code, message=None, data=None): error = {'code': code} if code in Service.jsonrpc_errors: error['message'] = Service.jsonrpc_errors[code][0] error['data'] = Service.jsonrpc_errors[code][1] if message is not None: error['message'] = message if data is not None: error['data'] = data return serializers.json({'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': id, 'error': error}) def validate(data): """ Validate request as defined in: Args: data(str): The json object. Returns: - True -- if successful - False -- if no error should be reported (i.e. data is missing 'id' member) Raises: JsonRPCException """ iparms = set(data.keys()) mandatory_args = set(['jsonrpc', 'method']) missing_args = mandatory_args - iparms if missing_args: raise Service.JsonRpcException(-32600, 'Missing arguments %s.' % list(missing_args)) if data['jsonrpc'] != '2.0': raise Service.JsonRpcException(-32603, 'Unsupported jsonrpc version "%s"' % data['jsonrpc']) if 'id' not in iparms: return False return True request = current.request response = current.response if not data: response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' try: data = json.loads( except ValueError: # decoding error in json lib return return_error(None, -32700) # Batch handling if isinstance(data, list) and not batch_element: retlist = [] for c in data: retstr = self.serve_jsonrpc2(c, batch_element=True) if retstr: # do not add empty responses retlist.append(retstr) if len(retlist) == 0: # return nothing return '' else: return "[" + ','.join(retlist) + "]" methods = self.jsonrpc2_procedures methods.update(self.jsonrpc_procedures) try: must_respond = validate(data) except Service.JsonRpcException as e: return return_error(None, e.code, id, method, params = data.get('id'), data['method'], data.get('params', '') if method not in methods: return return_error(id, -32601, data='Method "%s" does not exist' % method) try: if isinstance(params, dict): s = methods[method](**params) else: s = methods[method](*params) if hasattr(s, 'as_list'): s = s.as_list() if must_respond: return return_response(id, s) else: return '' except HTTP as e: raise e except Service.JsonRpcException as e: return return_error(id, e.code, except: etype, eval, etb = sys.exc_info() data = '%s: %s\n' % (etype.__name__, eval) + str(request.is_local and traceback.format_tb(etb)) logger.warning('%s: %s\n%s' % (etype.__name__, eval, traceback.format_tb(etb))) return return_error(id, -32099, data=data)
[文档] def serve_xmlrpc(self): request = current.request response = current.response services = list(self.xmlrpc_procedures.values()) return response.xmlrpc(request, services)
[文档] def serve_amfrpc(self, version=0): try: import pyamf import pyamf.remoting.gateway except: return "pyamf not installed or not in Python sys.path" request = current.request response = current.response if version == 3: services = self.amfrpc3_procedures base_gateway = pyamf.remoting.gateway.BaseGateway(services) pyamf_request = pyamf.remoting.decode(request.body) else: services = self.amfrpc_procedures base_gateway = pyamf.remoting.gateway.BaseGateway(services) context = pyamf.get_context(pyamf.AMF0) pyamf_request = pyamf.remoting.decode(request.body, context) pyamf_response = pyamf.remoting.Envelope(pyamf_request.amfVersion) for name, message in pyamf_request: pyamf_response[name] = base_gateway.getProcessor(message)(message) response.headers['Content-Type'] = pyamf.remoting.CONTENT_TYPE if version == 3: return pyamf.remoting.encode(pyamf_response).getvalue() else: return pyamf.remoting.encode(pyamf_response, context).getvalue()
[文档] def serve_soap(self, version="1.1"): try: from gluon.contrib.pysimplesoap.server import SoapDispatcher except: return "pysimplesoap not installed in contrib" request = current.request response = current.response procedures = self.soap_procedures location = "%s://%s%s" % (request.env.wsgi_url_scheme, request.env.http_host, URL(r=request, f="call/soap", vars={})) namespace = 'namespace' in response and response.namespace or location documentation = response.description or '' dispatcher = SoapDispatcher( name=response.title, location=location, action=location, # SOAPAction namespace=namespace, prefix='pys', documentation=documentation, ns=True) for method, (function, returns, args, doc, resp_elem_name) in iteritems(procedures): dispatcher.register_function(method, function, returns, args, doc, resp_elem_name) if request.env.request_method == 'POST': fault = {} # Process normal Soap Operation response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml' xml = dispatcher.dispatch(, fault=fault) if fault: # May want to consider populating a ticket here... response.status = 500 # return the soap response return xml elif 'WSDL' in request.vars: # Return Web Service Description response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml' return dispatcher.wsdl() elif 'op' in request.vars: # Return method help webpage response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' method = request.vars['op'] sample_req_xml, sample_res_xml, doc = body = [H1("Welcome to Web2Py SOAP webservice gateway"), A("See all webservice operations", _href=URL(r=request, f="call/soap", vars={})), H2(method), P(doc), UL(LI("Location: %s" % dispatcher.location), LI("Namespace: %s" % dispatcher.namespace), LI("SoapAction: %s" % dispatcher.action), ), H3("Sample SOAP XML Request Message:"), CODE(sample_req_xml, language="xml"), H3("Sample SOAP XML Response Message:"), CODE(sample_res_xml, language="xml"), ] return {'body': body} else: # Return general help and method list webpage response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' body = [H1("Welcome to Web2Py SOAP webservice gateway"), P(response.description), P("The following operations are available"), A("See WSDL for webservice description", _href=URL(r=request, f="call/soap", vars={"WSDL": None})), UL([LI(A("%s: %s" % (method, doc or ''), _href=URL(r=request, f="call/soap", vars={'op': method}))) for method, doc in dispatcher.list_methods()]), ] return {'body': body}
def __call__(self): """ Registers services with:: service = Service() @service.rss @service.json @service.jsonrpc @service.xmlrpc @service.amfrpc @service.amfrpc3('domain') @service.soap('Method', returns={'Result':int}, args={'a':int,'b':int,}) Exposes services with:: def call(): return service() You can call services with:: http://..../app/default/call/run?[parameters] http://..../app/default/call/rss?[parameters] http://..../app/default/call/json?[parameters] http://..../app/default/call/jsonrpc http://..../app/default/call/xmlrpc http://..../app/default/call/amfrpc http://..../app/default/call/amfrpc3 http://..../app/default/call/soap """ request = current.request if len(request.args) < 1: raise HTTP(404, "Not Found") arg0 = request.args(0) if arg0 == 'run': return self.serve_run(request.args[1:]) elif arg0 == 'rss': return self.serve_rss(request.args[1:]) elif arg0 == 'csv': return self.serve_csv(request.args[1:]) elif arg0 == 'xml': return self.serve_xml(request.args[1:]) elif arg0 == 'json': return self.serve_json(request.args[1:]) elif arg0 == 'jsonrpc': return self.serve_jsonrpc() elif arg0 == 'jsonrpc2': return self.serve_jsonrpc2() elif arg0 == 'xmlrpc': return self.serve_xmlrpc() elif arg0 == 'amfrpc': return self.serve_amfrpc() elif arg0 == 'amfrpc3': return self.serve_amfrpc(3) elif arg0 == 'soap': return self.serve_soap() else: self.error()
[文档] def error(self): raise HTTP(404, "Object does not exist")
# we make this a method so that subclasses can override it if they want to do more specific argument-checking # but the default implmentation is the simplest: just pass the arguments we got, with no checking
[文档] def call_service_function(self, f, *a, **b): if self.check_args: return universal_caller(f, *a, **b) else: return f(*a, **b)
def completion(callback): """ Executes a task on completion of the called action. Example: Use as:: from import completion @completion(lambda d: def index(): return dict(message='hello') It logs the output of the function every time input is called. The argument of completion is executed in a new thread. """ def _completion(f): def __completion(*a, **b): d = None try: d = f(*a, **b) return d finally: thread.start_new_thread(callback, (d,)) return __completion return _completion
[文档]def prettydate(d, T=lambda x: x, utc=False): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if utc else if isinstance(d, datetime.datetime): dt = now - d elif isinstance(d, dt = - d elif not d: return '' else: return '[invalid date]' if dt.days < 0: suffix = ' from now' dt = -dt else: suffix = ' ago' if dt.days >= 2 * 365: return T('%d years' + suffix) % int(dt.days // 365) elif dt.days >= 365: return T('1 year' + suffix) elif dt.days >= 60: return T('%d months' + suffix) % int(dt.days // 30) elif dt.days >= 27: # 4 weeks ugly return T('1 month' + suffix) elif dt.days >= 14: return T('%d weeks' + suffix) % int(dt.days // 7) elif dt.days >= 7: return T('1 week' + suffix) elif dt.days > 1: return T('%d days' + suffix) % dt.days elif dt.days == 1: return T('1 day' + suffix) elif dt.seconds >= 2 * 60 * 60: return T('%d hours' + suffix) % int(dt.seconds // 3600) elif dt.seconds >= 60 * 60: return T('1 hour' + suffix) elif dt.seconds >= 2 * 60: return T('%d minutes' + suffix) % int(dt.seconds // 60) elif dt.seconds >= 60: return T('1 minute' + suffix) elif dt.seconds > 1: return T('%d seconds' + suffix) % dt.seconds elif dt.seconds == 1: return T('1 second' + suffix) else: return T('now')
def test_thread_separation(): def f(): c = PluginManager() lock1.acquire() lock2.acquire() c.x = 7 lock1.release() lock2.release() lock1 = thread.allocate_lock() lock2 = thread.allocate_lock() lock1.acquire() thread.start_new_thread(f, ()) a = PluginManager() a.x = 5 lock1.release() lock2.acquire() return a.x
[文档]class PluginManager(object): """ Plugin Manager is similar to a storage object but it is a single level singleton. This means that multiple instances within the same thread share the same attributes. Its constructor is also special. The first argument is the name of the plugin you are defining. The named arguments are parameters needed by the plugin with default values. If the parameters were previous defined, the old values are used. Example: in some general configuration file:: plugins = PluginManager() within the plugin model:: _ = PluginManager('me',param1=5,param2=6,param3=7) where the plugin is used:: >>> print( 3 >>> print( 6 >>> = 8 >>> print( 8 Here are some tests:: >>> a=PluginManager() >>> a.x=6 >>> b=PluginManager('check') >>> print(b.x) 6 >>> b=PluginManager() # reset settings >>> print(b.x) <Storage {}> >>> b.x=7 >>> print(a.x) 7 >>> a.y.z=8 >>> print(b.y.z) 8 >>> test_thread_separation() 5 >>> plugins=PluginManager('me',db='mydb') >>> print( mydb >>> print('me' in plugins) True >>> print( True """ instances = {} def __new__(cls, *a, **b): id = thread.get_ident() lock = thread.allocate_lock() try: lock.acquire() try: return cls.instances[id] except KeyError: instance = object.__new__(cls, *a, **b) cls.instances[id] = instance return instance finally: lock.release() def __init__(self, plugin=None, **defaults): if not plugin: self.__dict__.clear() settings = self.__getattr__(plugin) settings.installed = True settings.update( (k, v) for k, v in defaults.items() if k not in settings) def __getattr__(self, key): if key not in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key] = Storage() return self.__dict__[key]
[文档] def keys(self): return list(self.__dict__.keys())
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.__dict__
class Expose(object): def __init__(self, base=None, basename=None, extensions=None, allow_download=True, follow_symlink_out=False): """ Examples: Use as:: def static(): return dict(files=Expose()) or:: def static(): path = os.path.join(request.folder,'static','public') return dict(files=Expose(path,basename='public')) Args: extensions: an optional list of file extensions for filtering displayed files: e.g. `['.py', '.jpg']` allow_download: whether to allow downloading selected files follow_symlink_out: whether to follow symbolic links that points points outside of `base`. Warning: setting this to `True` might pose a security risk if you don't also have complete control over writing and file creation under `base`. """ self.follow_symlink_out = follow_symlink_out self.base = self.normalize_path( base or os.path.join(current.request.folder, 'static')) self.basename = basename or current.request.function self.base = base = os.path.realpath(base or os.path.join(current.request.folder, 'static')) basename = basename or current.request.function self.basename = basename if current.request.raw_args: self.args = [arg for arg in current.request.raw_args.split('/') if arg] else: self.args = [arg for arg in current.request.args if arg] filename = os.path.join(self.base, *self.args) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise HTTP(404, "FILE NOT FOUND") if not self.in_base(filename): raise HTTP(401, "NOT AUTHORIZED") if allow_download and not os.path.isdir(filename): current.response.headers['Content-Type'] = contenttype(filename) raise HTTP(200, open(filename, 'rb'), **current.response.headers) self.path = path = os.path.join(filename, '*') dirname_len = len(path) - 1 allowed = [f for f in sorted(glob.glob(path)) if not any([self.isprivate(f), self.issymlink_out(f)])] self.folders = [f[dirname_len:] for f in allowed if os.path.isdir(f)] self.filenames = [f[dirname_len:] for f in allowed if not os.path.isdir(f)] if 'README' in self.filenames: with open(os.path.join(filename, 'README')) as f: readme = self.paragraph = MARKMIN(readme) else: self.paragraph = None if extensions: self.filenames = [f for f in self.filenames if os.path.splitext(f)[-1] in extensions] def breadcrumbs(self, basename): path = [] span = SPAN() span.append(A(basename, _href=URL())) for arg in self.args: span.append('/') path.append(arg) span.append(A(arg, _href=URL(args='/'.join(path)))) return span def table_folders(self): if self.folders: return SPAN(H3('Folders'), TABLE(*[TR(TD(A(folder, _href=URL(args=self.args + [folder])))) for folder in self.folders], **dict(_class="table"))) return '' @staticmethod def __in_base(subdir, basedir, sep=os.path.sep): """True if subdir/ is under basedir/""" s = lambda f: '%s%s' % (f.rstrip(sep), sep) # f -> f/ # The trailing '/' is for the case of '/foobar' in_base of '/foo': # - becase '/foobar' starts with '/foo' # - but '/foobar/' doesn't start with '/foo/' return s(subdir).startswith(s(basedir)) def in_base(self, f): """True if f/ is under self.base/ Where f ans slef.base are normalized paths """ return self.__in_base(self.normalize_path(f), self.base) def normalize_path(self, f): if self.follow_symlink_out: return os.path.normpath(f) else: return os.path.realpath(f) def issymlink_out(self, f): """True if f is a symlink and is pointing outside of self.base""" return os.path.islink(f) and not self.in_base(f) @staticmethod def isprivate(f): # remove '/private' prefix to deal with symbolic links on OSX if f.startswith('/private/'): f = f[8:] return 'private' in f or f.startswith('.') or f.endswith('~') @staticmethod def isimage(f): return os.path.splitext(f)[-1].lower() in ( '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.tiff') def table_files(self, width=160): if self.filenames: return SPAN(H3('Files'), TABLE(*[TR(TD(A(f, _href=URL(args=self.args + [f]))), TD(IMG(_src=URL(args=self.args + [f]), _style='max-width:%spx' % width) if width and self.isimage(f) else '')) for f in self.filenames], **dict(_class="table"))) return '' def xml(self): return DIV( H2(self.breadcrumbs(self.basename)), self.paragraph or '', self.table_folders(), self.table_files()).xml()
[文档]class Wiki(object): everybody = 'everybody' rows_page = 25
[文档] def markmin_base(self, body): return MARKMIN(body, extra=self.settings.extra, url=True, environment=self.env, autolinks=lambda link: expand_one(link, {})).xml()
[文档] def render_tags(self, tags): return DIV( _class='w2p_wiki_tags', *[A(t.strip(), _href=URL(args='_search', vars=dict(q=t))) for t in tags or [] if t.strip()])
[文档] def markmin_render(self, page): return self.markmin_base(page.body) + self.render_tags(page.tags).xml()
[文档] def html_render(self, page): html = page.body # @///function -> http://..../function html = replace_at_urls(html, URL) # http://...jpg -> <img src="http://...jpg/> or embed html = replace_autolinks(html, lambda link: expand_one(link, {})) # @{component:name} -> <script>embed component name</script> html = replace_components(html, self.env) html = html + self.render_tags(page.tags).xml() return html
[文档] @staticmethod def component(text): """ In wiki docs allows `@{component:controller/function/args}` which renders as a `LOAD(..., ajax=True)` """ items = text.split('/') controller, function, args = items[0], items[1], items[2:] return LOAD(controller, function, args=args, ajax=True).xml()
[文档] def get_renderer(self): if isinstance(self.settings.render, basestring): r = getattr(self, "%s_render" % self.settings.render) elif callable(self.settings.render): r = self.settings.render elif isinstance(self.settings.render, dict): def custom_render(page): if page.render: if page.render in self.settings.render.keys(): my_render = self.settings.render[page.render] else: my_render = getattr(self, "%s_render" % page.render) else: my_render = self.markmin_render return my_render(page) r = custom_render else: raise ValueError( "Invalid render type %s" % type(self.settings.render)) return r
def __init__(self, auth, env=None, render='markmin', manage_permissions=False, force_prefix='', restrict_search=False, extra=None, menu_groups=None, templates=None, migrate=True, controller=None, function=None, groups=None): settings = self.settings = """ Args: render: - "markmin" - "html" - `<function>` : Sets a custom render function - `dict(html=<function>, markmin=...)`: dict(...) allows multiple custom render functions - "multiple" : Is the same as `{}`. It enables per-record formats using builtins """ engines = set(['markmin', 'html']) show_engine = False if render == "multiple": render = {} if isinstance(render, dict): [engines.add(key) for key in render] show_engine = True settings.render = render perms = settings.manage_permissions = manage_permissions settings.force_prefix = force_prefix settings.restrict_search = restrict_search settings.extra = extra or {} settings.menu_groups = menu_groups settings.templates = templates settings.controller = controller settings.function = function settings.groups = list(auth.user_groups.values()) \ if groups is None else groups db = auth.db self.env = env or {} self.env['component'] = Wiki.component self.auth = auth self.wiki_menu_items = None if self.auth.user: self.settings.force_prefix = force_prefix % self.auth.user else: self.settings.force_prefix = force_prefix = current.request.env.http_host table_definitions = [ ('wiki_page', { 'args': [ Field('slug', requires=[IS_SLUG(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'wiki_page.slug')], writable=False), Field('title', length=255, unique=True), Field('body', 'text', notnull=True), Field('tags', 'list:string'), Field('can_read', 'list:string', writable=perms, readable=perms, default=[Wiki.everybody]), Field('can_edit', 'list:string', writable=perms, readable=perms, default=[Wiki.everybody]), Field('changelog'), Field('html', 'text', compute=self.get_renderer(), readable=False, writable=False), Field('render', default="markmin", readable=show_engine, writable=show_engine, requires=IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_IN_SET(engines))), auth.signature], 'vars': {'format': '%(title)s', 'migrate': migrate}}), ('wiki_tag', { 'args': [ Field('name'), Field('wiki_page', 'reference wiki_page'), auth.signature], 'vars':{'format': '%(title)s', 'migrate': migrate}}), ('wiki_media', { 'args': [ Field('wiki_page', 'reference wiki_page'), Field('title', required=True), Field('filename', 'upload', required=True), auth.signature], 'vars': {'format': '%(title)s', 'migrate': migrate}}), ] # define only non-existent tables for key, value in table_definitions: args = [] if key not in db.tables(): # look for wiki_ extra fields in auth.settings extra_fields = auth.settings.extra_fields if extra_fields: if key in extra_fields: if extra_fields[key]: for field in extra_fields[key]: args.append(field) args += value['args'] db.define_table(key, *args, **value['vars']) if self.settings.templates is None and not self.settings.manage_permissions: self.settings.templates = \ db.wiki_page.tags.contains('template') & db.wiki_page.can_read.contains('everybody') def update_tags_insert(page, id, db=db): for tag in page.tags or []: tag = tag.strip().lower() if tag: db.wiki_tag.insert(name=tag, wiki_page=id) def update_tags_update(dbset, page, db=db): page =, 1)).first() db(db.wiki_tag.wiki_page == for tag in page.tags or []: tag = tag.strip().lower() if tag: db.wiki_tag.insert(name=tag, db.wiki_page._after_insert.append(update_tags_insert) db.wiki_page._after_update.append(update_tags_update) if (auth.user and check_credentials(current.request, gae_login=False) and 'wiki_editor' not in auth.user_groups.values() and self.settings.groups == list(auth.user_groups.values())): group = db.auth_group(role='wiki_editor') gid = if group else db.auth_group.insert( role='wiki_editor') auth.add_membership(gid) settings.lock_keys = True # WIKI ACCESS POLICY
[文档] def not_authorized(self, page=None): raise HTTP(401)
[文档] def can_read(self, page): if 'everybody' in page.can_read or not self.settings.manage_permissions: return True elif self.auth.user: groups = self.settings.groups if ('wiki_editor' in groups or set(groups).intersection(set(page.can_read + page.can_edit)) or page.created_by == return True return False
[文档] def can_edit(self, page=None): if not self.auth.user: redirect(self.auth.settings.login_url) groups = self.settings.groups return ('wiki_editor' in groups or (page is None and 'wiki_author' in groups) or page is not None and (set(groups).intersection(set(page.can_edit)) or page.created_by ==
[文档] def can_manage(self): if not self.auth.user: return False groups = self.settings.groups return 'wiki_editor' in groups
[文档] def can_see_menu(self): if self.auth.user: if self.settings.menu_groups is None: return True else: groups = self.settings.groups if any(t in self.settings.menu_groups for t in groups): return True return False
[文档] def automenu(self): """adds the menu if not present""" if (not self.wiki_menu_items and self.settings.controller and self.settings.function): self.wiki_menu_items =, self.settings.function) += self.wiki_menu_items
def __call__(self): request = current.request settings = self.settings settings.controller = settings.controller or request.controller settings.function = settings.function or request.function self.automenu() zero = request.args(0) or 'index' if zero and zero.isdigit(): return elif not zero or not zero.startswith('_'): return elif zero == '_edit': return self.edit(request.args(1) or 'index', request.args(2) or 0) elif zero == '_editmedia': return self.editmedia(request.args(1) or 'index') elif zero == '_create': return self.create() elif zero == '_pages': return self.pages() elif zero == '_search': return elif zero == '_recent': ipage = int( or 0) query = self.auth.db.wiki_page.created_by == request.args( 1, cast=int) return, orderby=~self.auth.db.wiki_page.created_on, limitby=(ipage * self.rows_page, (ipage + 1) * self.rows_page), ) elif zero == '_cloud': return elif zero == '_preview': return self.preview(self.get_renderer())
[文档] def first_paragraph(self, page): if not self.can_read(page): mm = (page.body or '').replace('\r', '') ps = [p for p in mm.split('\n\n') if not p.startswith('#') and p.strip()] if ps: return ps[0] return ''
[文档] def fix_hostname(self, body): return (body or '').replace('://HOSTNAME', '://%s' %
[文档] def read(self, slug, force_render=False): if slug in '_cloud': return elif slug in '_search': return page = self.auth.db.wiki_page(slug=slug) if page and (not self.can_read(page)): return self.not_authorized(page) if current.request.extension == 'html': if not page: url = URL(args=('_create', slug)) return dict(content=A('Create page "%s"' % slug, _href=url, _class="btn")) else: html = page.html if not force_render else self.get_renderer()(page) content = XML(self.fix_hostname(html)) return dict(title=page.title, slug=page.slug, page=page, content=content, tags=page.tags, created_on=page.created_on, modified_on=page.modified_on) elif current.request.extension == 'load': return self.fix_hostname(page.html) if page else '' else: if not page: raise HTTP(404) else: return dict(title=page.title, slug=page.slug, page=page, content=page.body, tags=page.tags, created_on=page.created_on, modified_on=page.modified_on)
[文档] def edit(self, slug, from_template=0): auth = self.auth db = auth.db page = db.wiki_page(slug=slug) if not self.can_edit(page): return self.not_authorized(page) title_guess = ' '.join(c.capitalize() for c in slug.split('-')) if not page: if not (self.can_manage() or slug.startswith(self.settings.force_prefix)): current.session.flash = 'slug must have "%s" prefix' \ % self.settings.force_prefix redirect(URL(args=('_create'))) db.wiki_page.can_read.default = [Wiki.everybody] db.wiki_page.can_edit.default = [auth.user_group_role()] db.wiki_page.title.default = title_guess db.wiki_page.slug.default = slug if slug == 'wiki-menu': db.wiki_page.body.default = \ '- Menu Item > @////index\n- - Submenu >' else: db.wiki_page.body.default = db( == from_template).select(db.wiki_page.body)[0].body \ if int(from_template) > 0 else '## %s\n\npage content' % title_guess vars = current.request.post_vars if vars.body: vars.body = vars.body.replace('://%s' %, '://HOSTNAME') form = SQLFORM(db.wiki_page, page, deletable=True, formstyle='table2cols', showid=False).process() if form.deleted: current.session.flash = 'page deleted' redirect(URL()) elif form.accepted: current.session.flash = 'page created' redirect(URL(args=slug)) script = """ jQuery(function() { if (!jQuery('#wiki_page_body').length) return; var pagecontent = jQuery('#wiki_page_body'); pagecontent.css('font-family', 'Monaco,Menlo,Consolas,"Courier New",monospace'); var prevbutton = jQuery('<button class="btn nopreview">Preview</button>'); var preview = jQuery('<div id="preview"></div>').hide(); var previewmedia = jQuery('<div id="previewmedia"></div>'); var form = pagecontent.closest('form'); preview.insertBefore(form); prevbutton.insertBefore(form); if(%(link_media)s) { var mediabutton = jQuery('<button class="btn nopreview">Media</button>'); mediabutton.insertBefore(form); previewmedia.insertBefore(form); { if (mediabutton.hasClass('nopreview')) { web2py_component('%(urlmedia)s', 'previewmedia'); } else { previewmedia.empty(); } mediabutton.toggleClass('nopreview'); }); } { e.preventDefault(); if (prevbutton.hasClass('nopreview')) { prevbutton.addClass('preview').removeClass( 'nopreview').html('Edit Source'); try{var wiki_render = jQuery('#wiki_page_render').val()} catch(e){var wiki_render = null;} web2py_ajax_page('post', \ '%(url)s', {body: jQuery('#wiki_page_body').val(), \ render: wiki_render}, 'preview'); form.fadeOut('fast', function() {preview.fadeIn()}); } else { prevbutton.addClass( 'nopreview').removeClass('preview').html('Preview'); preview.fadeOut('fast', function() {form.fadeIn()}); } }) }) """ % dict(url=URL(args=('_preview', slug)), link_media=('true' if page else 'false'), urlmedia=URL(extension='load', args=('_editmedia', slug), vars=dict(embedded=1))) return dict(content=TAG[''](form, SCRIPT(script)))
[文档] def editmedia(self, slug): auth = self.auth db = auth.db page = db.wiki_page(slug=slug) if not (page and self.can_edit(page)): return self.not_authorized(page) = lambda id, row: \ id if not row.filename else \ SPAN('@////%i/%s.%s' % (id, IS_SLUG.urlify(row.title.split('.')[0]), row.filename.split('.')[-1])) self.auth.db.wiki_media.wiki_page.default = self.auth.db.wiki_media.wiki_page.writable = False links = [] csv = True create = True if current.request.vars.embedded: script = "var c = jQuery('#wiki_page_body'); c.val(c.val() + jQuery('%s').text()); return false;" fragment = csv = False create = False links = [lambda row: A('copy into source', _href='#', _onclick=script % (fragment(, row)))] content = SQLFORM.grid( self.auth.db.wiki_media.wiki_page ==, orderby=self.auth.db.wiki_media.title, links=links, csv=csv, create=create, args=['_editmedia', slug], user_signature=False) return dict(content=content)
[文档] def create(self): if not self.can_edit(): return self.not_authorized() db = self.auth.db slugs = db( > 0).select(, db.wiki_page.slug) options = [OPTION(row.slug, for row in slugs] options.insert(0, OPTION('', _value='')) fields = [Field("slug", default=current.request.args(1) or self.settings.force_prefix, requires=(IS_SLUG(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, db.wiki_page.slug))), ] if self.settings.templates: fields.append( Field("from_template", "reference wiki_page", requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db(self.settings.templates), db.wiki_page._id, '%(slug)s')), comment=current.T("Choose Template or empty for new Page"))) form = SQLFORM.factory(*fields, **dict(_class="well")) form.element("[type=submit]").attributes["_value"] = \ current.T("Create Page from Slug") if form.process().accepted: form.vars.from_template = 0 if not form.vars.from_template else form.vars.from_template redirect(URL(args=('_edit', form.vars.slug, form.vars.from_template or 0))) # added param return dict(content=form)
[文档] def pages(self): if not self.can_manage(): return self.not_authorized() self.auth.db.wiki_page.slug.represent = lambda slug, row: SPAN( '@////%s' % slug) self.auth.db.wiki_page.title.represent = lambda title, row: \ A(title, _href=URL(args=row.slug)) wiki_table = self.auth.db.wiki_page content = SQLFORM.grid( wiki_table, fields=[wiki_table.slug, wiki_table.title, wiki_table.tags, wiki_table.can_read, wiki_table.can_edit], links=[ lambda row: A('edit', _href=URL(args=('_edit', row.slug)), _class='btn'), lambda row: A('media', _href=URL(args=('_editmedia', row.slug)), _class='btn')], details=False, editable=False, deletable=False, create=False, orderby=self.auth.db.wiki_page.title, args=['_pages'], user_signature=False) return dict(content=content)
[文档] def media(self, id): request, response, db = current.request, current.response, self.auth.db media = db.wiki_media(id) if media: if self.settings.manage_permissions: page = db.wiki_page(media.wiki_page) if not self.can_read(page): return self.not_authorized(page) request.args = [media.filename] m =, db) current.session.forget() # get rid of the cookie response.headers['Last-Modified'] = \ request.utcnow.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") if 'Content-Disposition' in response.headers: del response.headers['Content-Disposition'] response.headers['Pragma'] = 'cache' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private' return m else: raise HTTP(404)
[文档] def menu(self, controller='default', function='index'): db = self.auth.db request = current.request menu_page = db.wiki_page(slug='wiki-menu') menu = [] if menu_page: tree = {'': menu} regex = re.compile('[\r\n\t]*(?P<base>(\s*\-\s*)+)(?P<title>\w.*?)\s+\>\s+(?P<link>\S+)') for match in regex.finditer(self.fix_hostname(menu_page.body)): base ='base').replace(' ', '') title ='title') link ='link') title_page = None if link.startswith('@'): items = link[2:].split('/') if len(items) > 3: title_page = items[3] link = URL(a=items[0] or None, c=items[1] or controller, f=items[2] or function, args=items[3:]) parent = tree.get(base[1:], tree['']) subtree = [] tree[base] = subtree parent.append((current.T(title), request.args(0) == title_page, link, subtree)) if self.can_see_menu(): submenu = [] menu.append((current.T('[Wiki]'), None, None, submenu)) if URL() == URL(controller, function): if not str(request.args(0)).startswith('_'): slug = request.args(0) or 'index' mode = 1 elif request.args(0) == '_edit': slug = request.args(1) or 'index' mode = 2 elif request.args(0) == '_editmedia': slug = request.args(1) or 'index' mode = 3 else: mode = 0 if mode in (2, 3): submenu.append((current.T('View Page'), None, URL(controller, function, args=slug))) if mode in (1, 3): submenu.append((current.T('Edit Page'), None, URL(controller, function, args=('_edit', slug)))) if mode in (1, 2): submenu.append((current.T('Edit Page Media'), None, URL(controller, function, args=('_editmedia', slug)))) submenu.append((current.T('Create New Page'), None, URL(controller, function, args=('_create')))) # Moved next if to inside self.auth.user check if self.can_manage(): submenu.append((current.T('Manage Pages'), None, URL(controller, function, args=('_pages')))) submenu.append((current.T('Edit Menu'), None, URL(controller, function, args=('_edit', 'wiki-menu')))) # Also moved inside self.auth.user check submenu.append((current.T('Search Pages'), None, URL(controller, function, args=('_search')))) return menu
[文档] def search(self, tags=None, query=None, cloud=True, preview=True, limitby=(0, 100), orderby=None): if not self.can_search(): return self.not_authorized() request = current.request content = CAT() if tags is None and query is None: form = FORM(INPUT(_name='q', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), value=request.vars.q), INPUT(_type="submit", _value=current.T('Search')), _method='GET') content.append(DIV(form, _class='w2p_wiki_form')) if request.vars.q: tags = [v.strip() for v in request.vars.q.split(',')] tags = [v.lower() for v in tags if v] if tags or query is not None: db = self.auth.db count = db.wiki_tag.wiki_page.count() fields = [, db.wiki_page.slug, db.wiki_page.title, db.wiki_page.tags, db.wiki_page.can_read, db.wiki_page.can_edit] if preview: fields.append(db.wiki_page.body) if query is None: query = ( == db.wiki_tag.wiki_page) &\ ( query = query | db.wiki_page.title.contains(request.vars.q) if self.settings.restrict_search and not self.can_manage(): query = query & (db.wiki_page.created_by == self.auth.user_id) pages = db(query).select(count, *fields, **dict(orderby=orderby or ~count, groupby=reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, fields), distinct=True, limitby=limitby)) if request.extension in ('html', 'load'): if not pages: content.append(DIV(current.T("No results"), _class='w2p_wiki_form')) def link(t): return A(t, _href=URL(args='_search', vars=dict(q=t))) items = [DIV(H3(A(p.wiki_page.title, _href=URL( args=p.wiki_page.slug))), MARKMIN(self.first_paragraph(p.wiki_page)) if preview else '', DIV(_class='w2p_wiki_tags', *[link(t.strip()) for t in p.wiki_page.tags or [] if t.strip()]), _class='w2p_wiki_search_item') for p in pages] content.append(DIV(_class='w2p_wiki_pages', *items)) else: cloud = False content = [p.wiki_page.as_dict() for p in pages] elif cloud: content.append(['content']) if request.extension == 'load': return content return dict(content=content)
[文档] def cloud(self): db = self.auth.db count = db.wiki_tag.wiki_page.count(distinct=True) ids = db(db.wiki_tag).select(, count, distinct=True,, orderby=~count, limitby=(0, 20)) if ids: a, b = ids[0](count), ids[-1](count) def style(c): STYLE = 'padding:0 0.2em;line-height:%.2fem;font-size:%.2fem' size = (1.5 * (c - b) / max(a - b, 1) + 1.3) return STYLE % (1.3, size) items = [] for item in ids: items.append(A(, _style=style(item(count)), _href=URL(args='_search', vars=dict( items.append(' ') return dict(content=DIV(_class='w2p_cloud', *items))
[文档] def preview(self, render): request = current.request # FIXME: This is an ugly hack to ensure a default render # engine if not specified (with multiple render engines) if 'render' not in request.post_vars: request.post_vars.render = None return render(request.post_vars)
class Config(object): def __init__( self, filename, section, default_values={} ): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(default_values) if not self.config.has_section(section): self.config.add_section(section) self.section = section self.filename = filename def read(self): if not(isinstance(current.session['settings_%s' % self.section], dict)): settings = dict(self.config.items(self.section)) else: settings = current.session['settings_%s' % self.section] return settings def save(self, options): for option, value in options: self.config.set(self.section, option, value) try: self.config.write(open(self.filename, 'w')) result = True except: current.session['settings_%s' % self.section] = dict(self.config.items(self.section)) result = False return result if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()