gluon.sqlhtml 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

| This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
| Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <>
| License: LGPLv3 (


- SQLFORM: provide a form for a table (with/without record)
- SQLTABLE: provides a table for a set of records
- form_factory: provides a SQLFORM for an non-db backed table


import datetime
import re
import copy

import os
from gluon._compat import StringIO,unichr, urllib_quote, iteritems, basestring, long, integer_types, unicodeT, to_native, to_unicode, urlencode
from gluon.http import HTTP, redirect
from gluon.html import XmlComponent, truncate_string
from gluon.html import XML, SPAN, TAG, A, DIV, CAT, UL, LI, TEXTAREA, BR, IMG
from gluon.html import TABLE, THEAD, TBODY, TR, TD, TH, STYLE, SCRIPT
from pydal.base import DEFAULT
from pydal.objects import Table, Row, Expression, Field, Set, Rows
from pydal.adapters.base import CALLABLETYPES
from pydal.helpers.methods import smart_query, bar_encode, _repr_ref, merge_tablemaps
from pydal.helpers.classes import Reference, SQLCustomType
from pydal.default_validators import default_validators
from import Storage
from gluon.utils import md5_hash
from gluon.validators import IS_EMPTY_OR, IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_LIST_OF, IS_DATE
from gluon.validators import IS_DATETIME, IS_INT_IN_RANGE, IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE
from gluon.validators import IS_STRONG

import gluon.serializers as serializers
from gluon.globals import current
from functools import reduce

    import gluon.settings as settings
except ImportError:
    settings = {}

REGEX_WIDGET_CLASS = re.compile(r'^\w*')

[文档]def add_class(a, b): return a + ' ' + b if a else b
[文档]def count_expected_args(f): if hasattr(f,'func_code'): # python 2 n = f.func_code.co_argcount - len(f.func_defaults or []) if getattr(f, 'im_self', None): n -= 1 elif hasattr(f, '__code__'): # python 3 n = f.__code__.co_argcount - len(f.__defaults__ or []) if getattr(f, '__self__', None): n -= 1 else: # doh! n = 1 return n
[文档]def represent(field, value, record): f = field.represent if not callable(f): return str(value) n = count_expected_args(f) if n == 1: return f(value) elif n == 2: return f(value, record) else: raise RuntimeError("field representation must take 1 or 2 args")
[文档]class CacheRepresenter(object): def __init__(self): self.cache = {} def __call__(self, field, value, row): cache = self.cache if field not in cache: cache[field] = {} try: nvalue = cache[field][value] except KeyError: try: nvalue = field.represent(value, row) except KeyError: try: nvalue = field.represent(value, row[field.tablename]) except KeyError: nvalue = None if isinstance(field.represent, _repr_ref): # BKR ISSUE/2312 20200422 cache[field][value] = nvalue return nvalue
[文档]def safe_int(x, i=0): try: return int(x) except (ValueError, TypeError): return i
[文档]def safe_float(x): try: return float(x) except (ValueError, TypeError): return 0
[文档]def show_if(cond): if not cond: return None base = "%s_%s" % (cond.first.tablename, if ((cond.op.__name__ == 'eq' and cond.second is True) or (cond.op.__name__ == 'ne' and cond.second is False)): return base, ":checked" if ((cond.op.__name__ == 'eq' and cond.second is False) or (cond.op.__name__ == 'ne' and cond.second is True)): return base, ":not(:checked)" if cond.op.__name__ == 'eq': return base, "[value='%s']" % cond.second if cond.op.__name__ == 'ne': return base, "[value!='%s']" % cond.second if cond.op.__name__ == 'contains': return base, "[value~='%s']" % cond.second if cond.op.__name__ == 'belongs': if isinstance(cond.second, set): cond.second = list(cond.second) if isinstance(cond.second, (list, tuple)): return base, ','.join("[value='%s']" % (v) for v in cond.second) raise RuntimeError("Not Implemented Error")
[文档]def pluralize(singular, rules=None): if rules is None: global PLURALIZE_RULES if PLURALIZE_RULES is None: PLURALIZE_RULES = [ (re.compile('child$'), re.compile('child$'), 'children'), (re.compile('oot$'), re.compile('oot$'), 'eet'), (re.compile('ooth$'), re.compile('ooth$'), 'eeth'), (re.compile('l[eo]af$'), re.compile('l([eo])af$'), 'l\\1aves'), (re.compile('sis$'), re.compile('sis$'), 'ses'), (re.compile('man$'), re.compile('man$'), 'men'), (re.compile('ife$'), re.compile('ife$'), 'ives'), (re.compile('eau$'), re.compile('eau$'), 'eaux'), (re.compile('lf$'), re.compile('lf$'), 'lves'), (re.compile('[sxz]$'), re.compile('$'), 'es'), (re.compile('[^aeioudgkprt]h$'), re.compile('$'), 'es'), (re.compile('(qu|[^aeiou])y$'), re.compile('y$'), 'ies'), (re.compile('$'), re.compile('$'), 's'), ] rules = PLURALIZE_RULES for line in rules: re_search, re_sub, replace = line plural = and re_sub.sub(replace, singular) if plural: return plural
[文档]class FormWidget(object): """ Helper for SQLFORM to generate form input fields (widget), related to the fieldtype """ _class = 'generic-widget' @classmethod def _attributes(cls, field, widget_attributes, **attributes): """ Helper to build a common set of attributes Args: field: the field involved, some attributes are derived from this widget_attributes: widget related attributes attributes: any other supplied attributes """ attr = dict( _id='%s_%s' % (field.tablename,, _class=cls._class or REGEX_WIDGET_CLASS.match(str(field.type)).group(),, requires=field.requires, ) if getattr(field, 'show_if', None): trigger, cond = show_if(field.show_if) attr['_data-show-trigger'] = trigger attr['_data-show-if'] = cond attr.update(widget_attributes) attr.update(attributes) return attr
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates the widget for the field. When serialized, will provide an INPUT tag: - id = tablename_fieldname - class = field.type - name = fieldname Args: field: the field needing the widget value: value attributes: any other attributes to be applied """ raise NotImplementedError
[文档]class StringWidget(FormWidget): _class = 'string'
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates an INPUT text tag. see also: `FormWidget.widget` """ default = dict( _type='text', value=(value is not None and str(value)) or '', ) attr = cls._attributes(field, default, **attributes) return INPUT(**attr)
[文档]class IntegerWidget(StringWidget): _class = 'integer'
[文档]class DoubleWidget(StringWidget): _class = 'double'
[文档]class DecimalWidget(StringWidget): _class = 'decimal'
[文档]class TimeWidget(StringWidget): _class = 'time'
[文档]class DateWidget(StringWidget): _class = 'date'
[文档]class DatetimeWidget(StringWidget): _class = 'datetime'
[文档]class TextWidget(FormWidget): _class = 'text'
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates a TEXTAREA tag. see also: `FormWidget.widget` """ default = dict(value=value) attr = cls._attributes(field, default, **attributes) return TEXTAREA(**attr)
[文档]class JSONWidget(FormWidget): _class = 'json'
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates a TEXTAREA for JSON notation. see also: `FormWidget.widget` """ if not isinstance(value, basestring): if value is not None: value = serializers.json(value) default = dict(value=value) attr = cls._attributes(field, default, **attributes) return TEXTAREA(**attr)
[文档]class BooleanWidget(FormWidget): _class = 'boolean'
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates an INPUT checkbox tag. see also: `FormWidget.widget` """ default = dict(_type='checkbox', value=value) attr = cls._attributes(field, default, **attributes) return INPUT(**attr)
[文档]class OptionsWidget(FormWidget):
[文档] @staticmethod def has_options(field): """ Checks if the field has selectable options Args: field: the field needing checking Returns: True if the field has options """ return hasattr(field.requires, 'options')
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates a SELECT tag, including OPTIONs (only 1 option allowed) see also: `FormWidget.widget` """ default = dict(value=value) attr = cls._attributes(field, default, **attributes) requires = field.requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] if requires: if hasattr(requires[0], 'options'): options = requires[0].options() else: raise SyntaxError( 'widget cannot determine options of %s' % field) opts = [OPTION(v, _value=k) for (k, v) in options] return SELECT(*opts, **attr)
[文档]class ListWidget(StringWidget):
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): _id = '%s_%s' % (field.tablename, _name = if field.type == 'list:integer': _class = 'integer' else: _class = 'string' requires = field.requires if isinstance( field.requires, (IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_LIST_OF)) else None if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] nvalue = value or [''] items = [LI(INPUT(_id=_id, _class=_class, _name=_name, value=v, hideerror=k < len(nvalue) - 1, requires=requires), **attributes) for (k, v) in enumerate(nvalue)] attributes['_id'] = _id + '_grow_input' attributes['_style'] = 'list-style:none' attributes['_class'] = 'w2p_list' return UL(*items, **attributes)
[文档]class MultipleOptionsWidget(OptionsWidget):
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, size=5, **attributes): """ Generates a SELECT tag, including OPTIONs (multiple options allowed) see also: `FormWidget.widget` Args: size: optional param (default=5) to indicate how many rows must be shown """ attributes.update(_size=size, _multiple=True) return OptionsWidget.widget(field, value, **attributes)
[文档]class RadioWidget(OptionsWidget):
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates a TABLE tag, including INPUT radios (only 1 option allowed) see also: `FormWidget.widget` """ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = str(value[0]) else: value = str(value) attr = cls._attributes(field, {}, **attributes) attr['_class'] = add_class(attr.get('_class'), 'web2py_radiowidget') requires = field.requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] if requires: if hasattr(requires[0], 'options'): options = requires[0].options() else: raise SyntaxError('widget cannot determine options of %s' % field) options = [(k, v) for k, v in options if str(v)] opts = [] cols = attributes.get('cols', 1) totals = len(options) mods = totals % cols rows = totals // cols if mods: rows += 1 # widget style wrappers = dict( table=(TABLE, TR, TD), ul=(DIV, UL, LI), divs=(DIV, DIV, DIV) ) parent, child, inner = wrappers[attributes.get('style', 'table')] for r_index in range(rows): tds = [] for k, v in options[r_index * cols:(r_index + 1) * cols]: checked = {'_checked': 'checked'} if k == value else {} tds.append(inner(INPUT(_type='radio', _id='%s%s' % (, k),, requires=attr.get('requires', None), hideerror=True, _value=k, value=value, **checked), LABEL(v, _for='%s%s' % (, k)))) opts.append(child(tds)) if opts: opts.append( INPUT(requires=attr.get('requires', None), _style="display:none;", _disabled="disabled",, hideerror=False)) return parent(*opts, **attr)
[文档]class CheckboxesWidget(OptionsWidget):
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates a TABLE tag, including INPUT checkboxes (multiple allowed) see also: `FormWidget.widget` """ # was values = re.compile('[\w\-:]+').findall(str(value)) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): values = [str(v) for v in value] else: values = [str(value)] attr = cls._attributes(field, {}, **attributes) attr['_class'] = add_class(attr.get('_class'), 'web2py_checkboxeswidget') label = attr.get('label', True) requires = field.requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] if requires and hasattr(requires[0], 'options'): options = requires[0].options() else: raise SyntaxError('widget cannot determine options of %s' % field) options = [(k, v) for k, v in options if k != ''] opts = [] cols = attributes.get('cols', 1) totals = len(options) mods = totals % cols rows = totals // cols if mods: rows += 1 # widget style wrappers = dict( table=(TABLE, TR, TD), ul=(DIV, UL, LI), divs=(DIV, DIV, DIV) ) parent, child, inner = wrappers[attributes.get('style', 'table')] for r_index in range(rows): tds = [] for k, v in options[r_index * cols:(r_index + 1) * cols]: if k in values: r_value = k else: r_value = [] tds.append(inner(INPUT(_type='checkbox', _id='%s%s' % (, k),, requires=attr.get('requires', None), hideerror=True, _value=k, value=r_value), LABEL(v, _for='%s%s' % (, k)) if label else '')) opts.append(child(tds)) if opts: opts.append( INPUT(requires=attr.get('requires', None), _style="display:none;", _disabled="disabled",, hideerror=False)) return parent(*opts, **attr)
[文档]class PasswordWidget(FormWidget): _class = 'password'
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes): """ Generates a INPUT password tag. If a value is present it will be shown as a number of '*', not related to the length of the actual value. see also: `FormWidget.widget` """ # detect if attached a IS_STRONG with entropy default = dict( _type='password', _value=(value and DEFAULT_PASSWORD_DISPLAY) or '', ) attr = cls._attributes(field, default, **attributes) # deal with entropy check! requires = field.requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] is_strong = [r for r in requires if isinstance(r, IS_STRONG)] if is_strong: attr['_data-w2p_entropy'] = is_strong[0].entropy if is_strong[0].entropy else "null" # end entropy check output = INPUT(**attr) return output
[文档]class UploadWidget(FormWidget): _class = 'upload' DEFAULT_WIDTH = '150px' ID_DELETE_SUFFIX = '__delete' GENERIC_DESCRIPTION = 'file ## download' DELETE_FILE = 'delete'
[文档] @classmethod def widget(cls, field, value, download_url=None, **attributes): """ generates a INPUT file tag. Optionally provides an A link to the file, including a checkbox so the file can be deleted. All is wrapped in a DIV. see also: `FormWidget.widget` Args: field: the field value: the field value download_url: url for the file download (default = None) """ default = dict(_type='file', ) attr = cls._attributes(field, default, **attributes) inp = INPUT(**attr) if download_url and value: if callable(download_url): url = download_url(value) else: url = download_url + '/' + value (br, image) = ('', '') if UploadWidget.is_image(value): br = BR() image = IMG(_src=url, _width=cls.DEFAULT_WIDTH) requires = attr["requires"] if requires == [] or isinstance(requires, IS_EMPTY_OR): inp = DIV(inp, SPAN('[', A(current.T( UploadWidget.GENERIC_DESCRIPTION), _href=url), '|', INPUT(_type='checkbox', + cls.ID_DELETE_SUFFIX, + cls.ID_DELETE_SUFFIX), LABEL(current.T(cls.DELETE_FILE), + cls.ID_DELETE_SUFFIX, _style='display:inline'), ']', _style='white-space:nowrap'), br, image) else: inp = DIV(inp, SPAN('[', A(current.T(cls.GENERIC_DESCRIPTION), _href=url), ']', _style='white-space:nowrap'), br, image) return inp
[文档] @classmethod def represent(cls, field, value, download_url=None): """ How to represent the file: - with download url and if it is an image: <A href=...><IMG ...></A> - otherwise with download url: <A href=...>file</A> - otherwise: file Args: field: the field value: the field value download_url: url for the file download (default = None) """ inp = current.T(cls.GENERIC_DESCRIPTION) if download_url and value: if callable(download_url): url = download_url(value) else: url = download_url + '/' + value if cls.is_image(value): inp = IMG(_src=url, _width=cls.DEFAULT_WIDTH) inp = A(inp, _href=url) return inp
[文档] @staticmethod def is_image(value): """ Tries to check if the filename provided references to an image Checking is based on filename extension. Currently recognized: gif, png, jp(e)g, bmp Args: value: filename """ extension = value.split('.')[-1].lower() if extension in ['gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp']: return True return False
[文档]class AutocompleteWidget(object): _class = 'string' def __init__(self, request, field, id_field=None, db=None, orderby=None, limitby=(0, 10), distinct=False, keyword='_autocomplete_%(tablename)s_%(fieldname)s', min_length=2, help_fields=None, help_string=None, at_beginning=True, default_var='ac', user_signature=True, hash_vars=False): self.help_fields = help_fields or [] self.help_string = help_string if self.help_fields and not self.help_string: self.help_string = ' '.join('%%(%s)s' % for f in self.help_fields) self.request = request self.keyword = keyword % dict(tablename=field.tablename, self.db = db or field._db self.orderby = orderby self.limitby = limitby self.distinct = distinct self.min_length = min_length self.at_beginning = at_beginning self.fields = [field] if id_field: self.is_reference = True self.fields.append(id_field) else: self.is_reference = False if hasattr(request, 'application'): urlvars = copy.copy(request.vars) urlvars[default_var] = 1 self.url = URL(args=request.args, vars=urlvars, user_signature=user_signature, hash_vars=hash_vars) self.run_callback = True else: self.url = request self.run_callback = False
[文档] def callback(self): if self.keyword in self.request.vars: field = self.fields[0] kword = self.request.vars[self.keyword] if isinstance(field, Field.Virtual): records = [] table_rows = self.db(self.db[field.tablename]).select(orderby=self.orderby) count = self.limitby[1] if self.limitby else -1 for row in table_rows: if self.at_beginning: if row[].lower().startswith(kword): count -= 1 records.append(row) else: if kword in row[].lower(): count -= 1 records.append(row) if count == 0: break if self.limitby and self.limitby[0]: records = records[self.limitby[0]:] rows = Rows(self.db, records, table_rows.colnames, compact=table_rows.compact) elif settings and settings.global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae: rows = self.db(field.__ge__(kword) & field.__lt__(kword + '\ufffd') ).select(orderby=self.orderby, limitby=self.limitby, *(self.fields + self.help_fields)) elif self.at_beginning: rows = self.db( + '%', case_sensitive=False) ).select(orderby=self.orderby, limitby=self.limitby, distinct=self.distinct, *(self.fields + self.help_fields)) else: rows = self.db(field.contains(kword, case_sensitive=False) ).select(orderby=self.orderby, limitby=self.limitby, distinct=self.distinct, *(self.fields + self.help_fields)) if rows: if self.is_reference: id_field = self.fields[1] if self.help_fields: options = [ OPTION( self.help_string % dict( [(, s[]) for h in self.fields[:1] + self.help_fields]), _value=s[], _selected=(k == 0)) for k, s in enumerate(rows) ] else: options = [OPTION( s[], _value=s[], _selected=(k == 0)) for k, s in enumerate(rows)] raise HTTP( 200, SELECT(_id=self.keyword, _class='autocomplete', _size=len(rows), _multiple=(len(rows) == 1), *options).xml()) else: raise HTTP( 200, SELECT(_id=self.keyword, _class='autocomplete', _size=len(rows), _multiple=(len(rows) == 1), *[OPTION(s[], _selected=(k == 0)) for k, s in enumerate(rows)]).xml()) else: raise HTTP(200, '')
def __call__(self, field, value, **attributes): if self.run_callback: self.callback() default = dict( _type='text', value=(value is not None and str(value)) or '', ) attr = StringWidget._attributes(field, default, **attributes) div_id = self.keyword + '_div' attr['_autocomplete'] = 'off' if self.is_reference: key2 = self.keyword + '_aux' key3 = self.keyword + '_auto' attr['_class'] = 'string' name = attr['_name'] if 'requires' in attr: del attr['requires'] attr['_name'] = key2 value = attr['value'] if isinstance(self.fields[0], Field.Virtual): record = None table_rows = self.db(self.db[self.fields[0].tablename]).select(orderby=self.orderby) for row in table_rows: if == value: record = row break else: record = self.db( self.fields[1] == value).select(self.fields[0]).first() attr['value'] = record and record[self.fields[0].name] attr['_onblur'] = "jQuery('#%(div_id)s').delay(500).fadeOut('slow');" % \ dict(div_id=div_id, u='F' + self.keyword) js = """ (function($) { function doit(e_) { $('#%(key3)s').val(''); var e=e_.which?e_.which:e_.keyCode; function %(u)s(){ $('#%(id)s').val($('#%(key)s option:selected').text()); $('#%(key3)s').val($('#%(key)s option:selected').val()) }; if(e==39) %(u)s(); else if(e==40) { if($('#%(key)s option:selected').next().length) $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected',null).next().attr('selected','selected'); %(u)s(); } else if(e==38) { if($('#%(key)s option:selected').prev().length) $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected',null).prev().attr('selected','selected'); %(u)s(); } else if($('#%(id)s').val().length>=%(min_length)s) $.get('%(url)s&%(key)s='+encodeURIComponent($('#%(id)s').val()), function(data){ if(data=='')$('#%(key3)s').val(''); else{ $('#%(id)s').next('.error').hide(); $('#%(div_id)s').html(data).show().focus(); $('#%(div_id)s select').css('width',$('#%(id)s').css('width')); $('#%(key3)s').val($('#%(key)s option:selected').val()); $('#%(key)s').change(%(u)s).click(%(u)s); }; }); else $('#%(div_id)s').fadeOut('slow'); } var tmr = null; $("#%(id)s").on('keyup focus',function(e) { if (tmr) clearTimeout(tmr); if($('#%(id)s').val().length>=%(min_length)s) { tmr = setTimeout(function() { tmr = null; doit(e); }, 300); } }); })(jQuery)""".replace('\n', '').replace(' ' * 4, '') % \ dict(url=self.url, min_length=self.min_length, key=self.keyword, id=attr['_id'], key2=key2, key3=key3, name=name, div_id=div_id, u='F' + self.keyword) return CAT(INPUT(**attr), INPUT(_type='hidden', _id=key3, _value=value, _name=name, requires=field.requires), SCRIPT(js), DIV(_id=div_id, _style='position:absolute;')) else: attr['_name'] = attr['_onblur'] = "jQuery('#%(div_id)s').delay(500).fadeOut('slow');" % \ dict(div_id=div_id, u='F' + self.keyword) js = """ (function($) { function doit(e_) { var e=e_.which?e_.which:e_.keyCode; function %(u)s(){ $('#%(id)s').val($('#%(key)s option:selected').val()) }; if(e==39) %(u)s(); else if(e==40) { if($('#%(key)s option:selected').next().length) $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected',null).next().attr('selected','selected'); %(u)s(); } else if(e==38) { if($('#%(key)s option:selected').prev().length) $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected',null).prev().attr('selected','selected'); %(u)s(); } else if($('#%(id)s').val().length>=%(min_length)s) $.get('%(url)s&%(key)s='+encodeURIComponent($('#%(id)s').val()), function(data){ $('#%(id)s').next('.error').hide(); $('#%(div_id)s').html(data).show().focus(); $('#%(div_id)s select').css('width',$('#%(id)s').css('width')); $('#%(key)s').change(%(u)s).click(%(u)s); } ); else $('#%(div_id)s').fadeOut('slow'); } var tmr = null; $("#%(id)s").on('keyup focus',function(e) { if (tmr) clearTimeout(tmr); if($('#%(id)s').val().length>=%(min_length)s) { tmr = setTimeout(function() { tmr = null; doit(e); }, 300); } }); })(jQuery)""".replace('\n', '').replace(' ' * 4, '') % \ dict(url=self.url, min_length=self.min_length, key=self.keyword, id=attr['_id'], div_id=div_id, u='F' + self.keyword) return CAT(INPUT(**attr), SCRIPT(js), DIV(_id=div_id, _style='position:absolute;'))
[文档]def formstyle_table3cols(form, fields): """ 3 column table - default """ table = TABLE() for id, label, controls, help in fields: _help = TD(help, _class='w2p_fc') _controls = TD(controls, _class='w2p_fw') _label = TD(label, _class='w2p_fl') table.append(TR(_label, _controls, _help, _id=id)) return table
[文档]def formstyle_table2cols(form, fields): """ 2 column table """ table = TABLE() for id, label, controls, help in fields: _help = TD(help, _class='w2p_fc', _width='50%') _controls = TD(controls, _class='w2p_fw', _colspan='2') _label = TD(label, _class='w2p_fl', _width='50%') table.append(TR(_label, _help, _id=id + '1', _class='w2p_even even')) table.append(TR(_controls, _id=id + '2', _class='w2p_even odd')) return table
[文档]def formstyle_divs(form, fields): """ divs only """ table = FIELDSET() for id, label, controls, help in fields: _help = DIV(help, _class='w2p_fc') _controls = DIV(controls, _class='w2p_fw') _label = DIV(label, _class='w2p_fl') table.append(DIV(_label, _controls, _help, _id=id)) return table
[文档]def formstyle_inline(form, fields): """ divs only, but inline """ if len(fields) != 2: raise RuntimeError("Not possible") id, label, controls, help = fields[0] submit_button = fields[1][2] return CAT(DIV(controls, _style='display:inline'), submit_button)
[文档]def formstyle_ul(form, fields): """ unordered list """ table = UL() for id, label, controls, help in fields: _help = DIV(help, _class='w2p_fc') _controls = DIV(controls, _class='w2p_fw') _label = DIV(label, _class='w2p_fl') table.append(LI(_label, _controls, _help, _id=id)) return table
[文档]def formstyle_bootstrap(form, fields): """ bootstrap 2.3.x format form layout """ form.add_class('form-horizontal') parent = FIELDSET() for id, label, controls, help in fields: # wrappers _help = SPAN(help, _class='help-block') # embed _help into _controls _controls = DIV(controls, _help, _class='controls') # submit unflag by default _submit = False if isinstance(controls, INPUT): controls.add_class('span4') if controls['_type'] == 'submit': # flag submit button _submit = True controls['_class'] = 'btn btn-primary' if controls['_type'] == 'file': controls['_class'] = 'input-file' # For password fields, which are wrapped in a CAT object. if isinstance(controls, CAT) and isinstance(controls[0], INPUT): controls[0].add_class('span4') if isinstance(controls, SELECT): controls.add_class('span4') if isinstance(controls, TEXTAREA): controls.add_class('span4') if isinstance(label, LABEL): label['_class'] = add_class(label.get('_class'), 'control-label') if _submit: # submit button has unwrapped label and controls, different class parent.append(DIV(label, controls, _class='form-actions', _id=id)) # unflag submit (possible side effect) _submit = False else: # unwrapped label parent.append(DIV(label, _controls, _class='control-group', _id=id)) return parent
[文档]def formstyle_bootstrap3_stacked(form, fields): """ bootstrap 3 format form layout Note: Experimental! """ parent = CAT() for id, label, controls, help in fields: # wrappers _help = SPAN(help, _class='help-block') # embed _help into _controls _controls = CAT(controls, _help) if isinstance(controls, INPUT): if controls['_type'] == 'submit': controls.add_class('btn btn-primary') if controls['_type'] == 'button': controls.add_class('btn btn-default') elif controls['_type'] == 'file': controls.add_class('input-file') elif controls['_type'] in ('text', 'password'): controls.add_class('form-control') elif controls['_type'] == 'checkbox': label['_for'] = None label.insert(0, controls) label.insert(0, ' ') _controls = DIV(label, _help, _class="checkbox") label = '' elif isinstance(controls, (SELECT, TEXTAREA)): controls.add_class('form-control') elif isinstance(controls, SPAN): _controls = P(controls.components) elif isinstance(controls, UL): for e in controls.elements("input"): e.add_class('form-control') elif isinstance(controls, CAT) and isinstance(controls[0], INPUT): controls[0].add_class('form-control') if isinstance(label, LABEL): label['_class'] = add_class(label.get('_class'), 'control-label') parent.append(DIV(label, _controls, _class='form-group', _id=id)) return parent
[文档]def formstyle_bootstrap3_inline_factory(col_label_size=3): """ bootstrap 3 horizontal form layout Note: Experimental! """ def _inner(form, fields): form.add_class('form-horizontal') label_col_class = "col-sm-%d" % col_label_size col_class = "col-sm-%d" % (12 - col_label_size) offset_class = "col-sm-offset-%d" % col_label_size parent = CAT() for id, label, controls, help in fields: # wrappers _help = SPAN(help, _class='help-block') # embed _help into _controls _controls = DIV(controls, _help, _class="%s" % (col_class)) if isinstance(controls, INPUT): if controls['_type'] == 'submit': controls.add_class('btn btn-primary') _controls = DIV(controls, _class="%s %s" % (col_class, offset_class)) if controls['_type'] == 'button': controls.add_class('btn btn-default') elif controls['_type'] == 'file': controls.add_class('input-file') elif controls['_type'] in ('text', 'password'): controls.add_class('form-control') elif controls['_type'] == 'checkbox': label['_for'] = None label.insert(0, controls) label.insert(1, ' ') _controls = DIV(DIV(label, _help, _class="checkbox"), _class="%s %s" % (offset_class, col_class)) label = '' elif isinstance(controls, (SELECT, TEXTAREA)): controls.add_class('form-control') elif isinstance(controls, SPAN): _controls = P(controls.components, _class="form-control-static %s" % col_class) elif isinstance(controls, UL): for e in controls.elements("input"): e.add_class('form-control') elif isinstance(controls, CAT) and isinstance(controls[0], INPUT): controls[0].add_class('form-control') if isinstance(label, LABEL): label['_class'] = add_class(label.get('_class'), 'control-label %s' % label_col_class) parent.append(DIV(label, _controls, _class='form-group', _id=id)) return parent return _inner
# bootstrap 4
[文档]def formstyle_bootstrap4_stacked(form, fields): """ bootstrap 4 format form layout Note: Experimental! """ parent = CAT() for id, label, controls, help in fields: # wrappers _help = SPAN(help, _class='help-block') # embed _help into _controls _controls = CAT(controls, _help) if isinstance(controls, INPUT): if controls['_type'] == 'submit': controls.add_class('btn btn-primary') if controls['_type'] == 'button': controls.add_class('btn btn-secondary') elif controls['_type'] == 'file': controls.add_class('form-control-file') elif controls['_type'] in ('text', 'password'): controls.add_class('form-control') elif controls['_type'] == 'checkbox' or controls['_type'] == 'radio': controls.add_class('form-check-input') label['_for'] = None label.add_class('form-check-label') label.insert(0, controls) label.insert(0, ' ') _controls = DIV(label, _help, _class="form-check") label = '' elif isinstance(controls, (SELECT, TEXTAREA)): controls.add_class('form-control') elif isinstance(controls, SPAN): _controls = P(controls.components) elif isinstance(controls, UL): for e in controls.elements("input"): e.add_class('form-control') elif isinstance(controls, CAT) and isinstance(controls[0], INPUT): controls[0].add_class('form-control') if isinstance(label, LABEL): label['_class'] = add_class(label.get('_class'), 'form-control-label') parent.append(DIV(label, _controls, _class='form-group', _id=id)) return parent
[文档]def formstyle_bootstrap4_inline_factory(col_label_size=3): """ bootstrap 4 horizontal form layout Note: Experimental! """ def _inner(form, fields): label_col_class = "col-sm-%d" % col_label_size col_class = "col-sm-%d" % (12 - col_label_size) offset_class = "col-sm-offset-%d" % col_label_size parent = CAT() for id, label, controls, help in fields: # wrappers _help = SPAN(help, _class='help-block') # embed _help into _controls _controls = DIV(controls, _help, _class="%s" % (col_class)) if isinstance(controls, INPUT): if controls['_type'] == 'submit': controls.add_class('btn btn-primary') _controls = DIV(controls, _class="%s %s" % (col_class, offset_class)) if controls['_type'] == 'button': controls.add_class('btn btn-secondary') elif controls['_type'] == 'file': controls.add_class('input-file') elif controls['_type'] in ('text', 'password'): controls.add_class('form-control') elif controls['_type'] == 'checkbox' or controls['_type'] == 'radio': controls.add_class('form-check-input') label.add_class('form-check-label') label.insert(0, controls) #label.insert(0, ' ') _controls = DIV(DIV(label, _help, _class="form-check"), _class="%s" % col_class) label = DIV(_class="sm-hidden %s" % label_col_class) elif isinstance(controls, (SELECT, TEXTAREA)): controls.add_class('form-control') elif isinstance(controls, SPAN): _controls = P(controls.components, _class="form-control-plaintext %s" % col_class) elif isinstance(controls, UL): for e in controls.elements("input"): e.add_class('form-control') elif isinstance(controls, CAT) and isinstance(controls[0], INPUT): controls[0].add_class('form-control') if isinstance(label, LABEL): label['_class'] = add_class(label.get('_class'), 'form-control-label %s' % label_col_class) parent.append(DIV(label, _controls, _class='form-group row', _id=id)) return parent return _inner
[文档]class SQLFORM(FORM): """ SQLFORM is used to map a table (and a current record) into an HTML form. Given a Table like db.table Generates an insert form:: SQLFORM(db.table) Generates an update form:: record=db.table[some_id] SQLFORM(db.table, record) Generates an update with a delete button:: SQLFORM(db.table, record, deletable=True) Args: table: `Table` object record: either an int if the `id` is an int, or the record fetched from the table deletable: adds the delete checkbox linkto: the URL of a controller/function to access referencedby records upload: the URL of a controller/function to download an uploaded file fields: a list of fields that should be placed in the form, default is all. labels: a dictionary with labels for each field, keys are the field names. col3: a dictionary with content for an optional third column (right of each field). keys are field names. submit_button: text to show in the submit button delete_label: text to show next to the delete checkbox showid: shows the id of the record readonly: doesn't allow for any modification comments: show comments (stored in `col3` or in Field definition) ignore_rw: overrides readable/writable attributes record_id: used to create session key against CSRF formstyle: what to use to generate the form layout buttons: override buttons as you please (will be also stored in `form.custom.submit`) separator: character as separator between labels and inputs any named optional attribute is passed to the <form> tag for example _class, _id, _style, _action, _method, etc. """ # usability improvements proposal by fpp - 4 May 2008 : # - correct labels (for points to field id, not field name) # - add label for delete checkbox # - add translatable label for record ID # - add third column to right of fields, populated from the col3 dict widgets = Storage( string=StringWidget, text=TextWidget, json=JSONWidget, password=PasswordWidget, integer=IntegerWidget, double=DoubleWidget, decimal=DecimalWidget, time=TimeWidget, date=DateWidget, datetime=DatetimeWidget, upload=UploadWidget, boolean=BooleanWidget, blob=None, options=OptionsWidget, multiple=MultipleOptionsWidget, radio=RadioWidget, checkboxes=CheckboxesWidget, autocomplete=AutocompleteWidget, list=ListWidget, ) formstyles = Storage( table3cols=formstyle_table3cols, table2cols=formstyle_table2cols, divs=formstyle_divs, ul=formstyle_ul, bootstrap=formstyle_bootstrap, bootstrap3_stacked=formstyle_bootstrap3_stacked, bootstrap3_inline=formstyle_bootstrap3_inline_factory(3), bootstrap4_stacked=formstyle_bootstrap4_stacked, bootstrap4_inline=formstyle_bootstrap4_inline_factory(3), inline=formstyle_inline, ) FIELDNAME_REQUEST_DELETE = 'delete_this_record' FIELDKEY_DELETE_RECORD = 'delete_record' ID_LABEL_SUFFIX = '__label' ID_ROW_SUFFIX = '__row'
[文档] def assert_status(self, status, request_vars): if not status and self.record and self.errors: # if there are errors in update mode # and some errors refers to an already uploaded file # delete error if # - user not trying to upload a new file # - there is existing file and user is not trying to delete it # this is because removing the file may not pass validation for key in list(self.errors): if key in self.table \ and self.table[key].type == 'upload' \ and request_vars.get(key, None) in (None, '') \ and self.record[key] \ and not key + UploadWidget.ID_DELETE_SUFFIX in request_vars: del self.errors[key] if not self.errors: status = True return status
def __init__( self, table, record=None, deletable=False, linkto=None, upload=None, fields=None, labels=None, col3={}, submit_button='Submit', delete_label='Check to delete', showid=True, readonly=False, comments=True, keepopts=[], ignore_rw=False, record_id=None, formstyle=None, buttons=['submit'], separator=None, extra_fields=None, **attributes ): T = current.T self.ignore_rw = ignore_rw self.formstyle = formstyle or current.response.formstyle self.readonly = readonly # Default dbio setting self.detect_record_change = None nbsp = XML('&nbsp;') # Firefox2 does not display fields with blanks FORM.__init__(self, *[], **attributes) ofields = fields keyed = hasattr(table, '_primarykey') # for backward compatibility # if no fields are provided, build it from the provided table # will only use writable or readable fields, unless forced to ignore if fields is None: if not readonly: if not record: # create form should only show writable fields fields = [ for f in table if (ignore_rw or f.writable or (f.readable and f.default)) and not f.compute] else: # update form should also show readable fields and computed fields (but in reaodnly mode) fields = [ for f in table if (ignore_rw or f.writable or f.readable)] else: # read only form should show all readable fields fields = [ for f in table if (ignore_rw or f.readable)] self.fields = fields # make sure we have an id if self.fields[0] != table.fields[0] and \ isinstance(table, Table) and not keyed: self.fields.insert(0, table.fields[0]) self.table = table # try to retrieve the indicated record using its id # otherwise ignore it if record and isinstance(record, (int, long, str, unicodeT)): if not str(record).isdigit(): raise HTTP(404, "Object not found") record = table._db(table._id == record).select().first() if not record: raise HTTP(404, "Object not found") self.record = record if keyed: self.record_id = dict([(k, record and str(record[k]) or None) for k in table._primarykey]) else: self.record_id = record_id self.field_parent = {} xfields = [] self.custom = Storage() self.custom.dspval = Storage() self.custom.inpval = Storage() self.custom.label = Storage() self.custom.comment = Storage() self.custom.widget = Storage() self.custom.linkto = Storage() # default id field name if not keyed: self.id_field_name = else: self.id_field_name = table._primarykey[0] # only works if one key sep = current.response.form_label_separator if separator is None else separator extra_fields = extra_fields or [] self.extra_fields = {} for extra_field in extra_fields: if not in self.fields: self.fields.append( self.extra_fields[] = extra_field extra_field.db = table._db extra_field.table = table extra_field.tablename = table._tablename if extra_field.requires == DEFAULT: extra_field.requires = default_validators(table._db, extra_field) for fieldname in self.fields: if fieldname.find('.') >= 0: continue field = (self.table[fieldname] if fieldname in self.table.fields else self.extra_fields[fieldname]) comment = None if comments: comment = col3.get(fieldname, field.comment) if comment is None: comment = '' self.custom.comment[fieldname] = comment if labels is not None and fieldname in labels: label = labels[fieldname] else: label = field.label self.custom.label[fieldname] = label field_id = '%s_%s' % (table._tablename, fieldname) label = LABEL(label, label and sep, _for=field_id, _id=field_id + SQLFORM.ID_LABEL_SUFFIX) cond = readonly or field.compute or \ (not ignore_rw and not field.writable and field.readable) if cond: label['_class'] = 'readonly' else: label['_class'] = '' row_id = field_id + SQLFORM.ID_ROW_SUFFIX if field.type == 'id': = nbsp = '' widget = '' # store the id field name (for legacy databases) self.id_field_name = if record: if showid and in record and field.readable: v = record[] widget = SPAN(v, _id=field_id) = str(v) xfields.append((row_id, label, widget, comment)) self.record_id = str(record[]) = widget continue if readonly and not ignore_rw and not field.readable: continue if record and fieldname not in [ for x in extra_fields]: default = record[fieldname] else: default = field.default if isinstance(default, CALLABLETYPES): default = default() if default is not None and not cond: default = field.formatter(default) dspval = default inpval = default if cond: if field.represent: inp = represent(field, default, record) elif field.type in ['blob']: continue elif field.type == 'upload': inp = UploadWidget.represent(field, default, upload) elif field.type == 'boolean': inp = self.widgets.boolean.widget( field, default, _disabled=True) elif isinstance(field.type, SQLCustomType) and callable(field.type.represent): # SQLCustomType has a represent, use it inp = field.type.represent(default, record) else: inp = field.formatter(default) if getattr(field, 'show_if', None): if not isinstance(inp, XmlComponent): # Create a container for string represents inp = DIV(inp, _id='%s_%s' % (field.tablename, trigger, cond = show_if(field.show_if) inp['_data-show-trigger'] = trigger inp['_data-show-if'] = cond elif field.type == 'upload': if field.widget: inp = field.widget(field, default, upload) else: inp = self.widgets.upload.widget(field, default, upload) elif field.widget: inp = field.widget(field, default) elif field.type == 'boolean': inp = self.widgets.boolean.widget(field, default) if default: inpval = 'checked' else: inpval = '' elif OptionsWidget.has_options(field): if not field.requires.multiple: inp = self.widgets.options.widget(field, default) else: inp = self.widgets.multiple.widget(field, default) if fieldname in keepopts: inpval = CAT(*inp.components) elif field.type.startswith('list:'): inp = self.widgets.list.widget(field, default) elif field.type == 'text': inp = self.widgets.text.widget(field, default) elif field.type == 'password': inp = self.widgets.password.widget(field, default) if self.record: dspval = DEFAULT_PASSWORD_DISPLAY else: dspval = '' elif field.type == 'blob': continue elif isinstance(field.type, SQLCustomType) and callable(field.type.widget): # SQLCustomType has a widget, use it inp = field.type.widget(field, default) else: field_type = REGEX_WIDGET_CLASS.match(str(field.type)).group() field_type = field_type in self.widgets and field_type or 'string' inp = self.widgets[field_type].widget(field, default) xfields.append((row_id, label, inp, comment)) self.custom.dspval[fieldname] = dspval if (dspval is not None) else nbsp self.custom.inpval[fieldname] = inpval if inpval is not None else '' self.custom.widget[fieldname] = inp # if a record is provided and found, as is linkto # build a link if record and linkto: db = linkto.split('/')[-1] for rfld in table._referenced_by: if keyed: query = urllib_quote('%s.%s==%s' % ( db, rfld, record[rfld.type[10:].split('.')[1]])) else: query = urllib_quote( '%s.%s==%s' % (db, rfld, record[self.id_field_name])) lname = olname = '%s.%s' % (rfld.tablename, if ofields and olname not in ofields: continue if labels and lname in labels: lname = labels[lname] widget = A(lname, _class='reference', _href='%s/%s?query=%s' % (linkto, rfld.tablename, query)) xfields.append( (olname.replace('.', '__') + SQLFORM.ID_ROW_SUFFIX, '', widget, col3.get(olname, ''))) self.custom.linkto[olname.replace('.', '__')] = widget # </block> # when deletable, add delete? checkbox self.custom.delete = self.custom.deletable = '' if record and deletable: # add secondary css class for cascade delete warning css = 'delete' for f in self.table.fields: on_del = self.table[f].ondelete if isinstance(on_del, str) and 'cascade' in on_del.lower(): css += ' cascade_delete' break widget = INPUT(_type='checkbox', _class=css, _id=self.FIELDKEY_DELETE_RECORD, _name=self.FIELDNAME_REQUEST_DELETE, ) xfields.append( (self.FIELDKEY_DELETE_RECORD + SQLFORM.ID_ROW_SUFFIX, LABEL( T(delete_label), sep, _for=self.FIELDKEY_DELETE_RECORD, _id=self.FIELDKEY_DELETE_RECORD + SQLFORM.ID_LABEL_SUFFIX), widget, col3.get(self.FIELDKEY_DELETE_RECORD, ''))) self.custom.delete = self.custom.deletable = widget # when writable, add submit button self.custom.submit = '' if not readonly: if 'submit' in buttons: widget = self.custom.submit = INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T(submit_button)) elif buttons: widget = self.custom.submit = DIV(*buttons) if self.custom.submit: xfields.append(('submit_record' + SQLFORM.ID_ROW_SUFFIX, '', widget, col3.get('submit_button', ''))) # if a record is provided and found # make sure it's id is stored in the form if record: if not self['hidden']: self['hidden'] = {} if not keyed: self['hidden']['id'] = record[] (begin, end) = self._xml() self.custom.begin = XML("<%s %s>" % (self.tag, to_native(begin))) self.custom.end = XML("%s</%s>" % (to_native(end), self.tag)) table = self.createform(xfields) self.components = [table]
[文档] def createform(self, xfields): formstyle = self.formstyle if isinstance(formstyle, basestring): if formstyle in SQLFORM.formstyles: formstyle = SQLFORM.formstyles[formstyle] else: raise RuntimeError('formstyle not found') if callable(formstyle): try: table = formstyle(self, xfields) for id, a, b, c in xfields: self.field_parent[id] = getattr(b, 'parent', None) \ if isinstance(b, XmlComponent) else None except TypeError: # backward compatibility, 4 argument function is the old style table = TABLE() for id, a, b, c in xfields: newrows = formstyle(id, a, b, c) self.field_parent[id] = getattr(b, 'parent', None) \ if isinstance(b, XmlComponent) else None if type(newrows).__name__ != "tuple": newrows = [newrows] for newrow in newrows: table.append(newrow) else: raise RuntimeError('formstyle not supported') return table
[文档] def accepts( self, request_vars, session=None, formname='%(tablename)s/%(record_id)s', keepvalues=None, onvalidation=None, dbio=True, hideerror=False, detect_record_change=False, **kwargs ): """ Similar to `FORM.accepts` but also does insert, update or delete in DAL. If detect_record_change is `True` then: - `form.record_changed = False` (record is properly validated/submitted) - `form.record_changed = True` (record cannot be submitted because changed) If detect_record_change == False then: - `form.record_changed = None` """ if keepvalues is None: keepvalues = True if self.record else False if self.readonly: self.deleted = False return False if request_vars.__class__.__name__ == 'Request': request_vars = request_vars.post_vars keyed = hasattr(self.table, '_primarykey') # implement logic to detect whether record exist but has been modified # server side self.record_changed = None self.detect_record_change = detect_record_change if self.detect_record_change: if self.record: self.record_changed = False serialized = '|'.join( str(self.record[k]) for k in self.table.fields()) self.record_hash = md5_hash(serialized) # logic to deal with record_id for keyed tables if self.record: if keyed: formname_id = '.'.join(str(self.record[k]) for k in self.table._primarykey if hasattr(self.record, k)) record_id = dict((k, request_vars.get(k, None)) for k in self.table._primarykey) else: (formname_id, record_id) = (self.record[self.id_field_name], request_vars.get('id', None)) keepvalues = True else: if keyed: formname_id = 'create' record_id = dict([(k, None) for k in self.table._primarykey]) else: (formname_id, record_id) = ('create', None) if not keyed and isinstance(record_id, (list, tuple)): record_id = record_id[0] if formname: formname = formname % dict(tablename=self.table._tablename, record_id=formname_id) # ## THIS IS FOR UNIQUE RECORDS, read IS_NOT_IN_DB for fieldname in self.fields: field = (self.table[fieldname] if fieldname in self.table.fields else self.extra_fields[fieldname]) requires = field.requires or [] if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] [item.set_self_id(self.record_id) for item in requires if hasattr(item, 'set_self_id') and self.record_id] # ## END fields = {} for key in self.vars: fields[key] = self.vars[key] ret = FORM.accepts( self, request_vars, session, formname, keepvalues, onvalidation, hideerror=hideerror, **kwargs ) self.deleted = request_vars.get(self.FIELDNAME_REQUEST_DELETE, False) self.custom.end = CAT(self.hidden_fields(), self.custom.end) delete_exception = self.record_id and self.errors and self.deleted if self.record_changed and self.detect_record_change: message_onchange = \ kwargs.setdefault("message_onchange", current.T("A record change was detected. " + "Consecutive update self-submissions " + "are not allowed. Try re-submitting or " + "refreshing the form page.")) if message_onchange is not None: current.response.flash = message_onchange return ret elif (not ret) and (not delete_exception): # delete_exception is true when user tries to delete a record # that does not pass validation, yet it should be deleted for fieldname in self.fields: field = (self.table[fieldname] if fieldname in self.table.fields else self.extra_fields[fieldname]) # this is a workaround! widgets should always have default not None! if not field.widget and field.type.startswith('list:') and \ not OptionsWidget.has_options(field): field.widget = self.widgets.list.widget if field.widget == self.widgets.list.widget and fieldname in request_vars: if fieldname in self.request_vars: value = self.request_vars[fieldname] elif self.record: value = self.record[fieldname] else: value = field.default row_id = '%s_%s%s' % ( self.table, fieldname, SQLFORM.ID_ROW_SUFFIX) widget = field.widget(field, value) parent = self.field_parent[row_id] if parent: parent.components = [widget] if self.errors.get(fieldname): parent._traverse(False, hideerror) self.custom.widget[fieldname] = widget self.accepted = ret return ret if self.record_id: if str(record_id) != str(self.record_id): raise SyntaxError('user is tampering with form\'s record_id: ' '%s != %s' % (record_id, self.record_id)) if record_id and dbio and not keyed: = self.record[self.id_field_name] if self.deleted and self.custom.deletable: if dbio: if keyed: qry = reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, [self.table[k] == record_id[k] for k in self.table._primarykey]) else: qry = self.table._id == self.record[self.id_field_name] self.table._db(qry).delete() self.errors.clear() for component in self.elements('input, select, textarea'): component['_disabled'] = True self.accepted = True return True for fieldname in self.fields: if fieldname not in self.table.fields: continue if not self.ignore_rw and not self.table[fieldname].writable: # this happens because FORM has no knowledge of writable # and thinks that a missing boolean field is a None if self.table[fieldname].type == 'boolean' and \ self.vars.get(fieldname, True) is None: del self.vars[fieldname] continue field = self.table[fieldname] if field.type == 'id' or field.compute: continue if field.type == 'boolean': if self.vars.get(fieldname, False): self.vars[fieldname] = fields[fieldname] = True else: self.vars[fieldname] = fields[fieldname] = False elif field.type == 'password' and self.record\ and request_vars.get(fieldname, None) == DEFAULT_PASSWORD_DISPLAY: continue # do not update if password was not changed elif field.type == 'upload': f = self.vars[fieldname] fd = '%s__delete' % fieldname if f == '' or f is None: if self.vars.get(fd, False): f = self.table[fieldname].default or '' fields[fieldname] = f elif self.record: if self.record[fieldname]: fields[fieldname] = self.record[fieldname] else: f = self.table[fieldname].default or '' fields[fieldname] = f else: f = self.table[fieldname].default or '' fields[fieldname] = f self.vars[fieldname] = fields[fieldname] if not f: continue else: f = os.path.join( current.request.folder, os.path.normpath(f)) source_file = open(f, 'rb') original_filename = os.path.split(f)[1] elif hasattr(f, 'file'): (source_file, original_filename) = (f.file, f.filename) elif isinstance(f, (str, unicodeT)): # do not know why this happens, it should not (source_file, original_filename) = \ (StringIO(f), 'file.txt') else: # this should never happen, why does it happen? # print 'f=', repr(f) continue newfilename =, original_filename, field.uploadfolder) # this line was for backward compatibility but problematic # self.vars['%s_newfilename' % fieldname] = newfilename fields[fieldname] = newfilename if isinstance(field.uploadfield, str): fields[field.uploadfield] = # proposed by Hamdy (accept?) do we need fields at this point? self.vars[fieldname] = fields[fieldname] continue elif fieldname in self.vars: fields[fieldname] = self.vars[fieldname] elif field.default is None and field.type != 'blob': self.errors[fieldname] = 'no data' self.accepted = False return False value = fields.get(fieldname, None) if field.type == 'list:string': if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): fields[fieldname] = value and [value] or [] elif isinstance(field.type, str) and field.type.startswith('list:'): if not isinstance(value, list): fields[fieldname] = [safe_int( x) for x in (value and [value] or [])] elif field.type == 'integer': fields[fieldname] = safe_int(value, None) elif field.type.startswith('reference'): if isinstance(self.table, Table) and not keyed: fields[fieldname] = safe_int(value, None) elif field.type == 'double': if value is not None: fields[fieldname] = safe_float(value) for fieldname in self.vars: if fieldname != 'id' and fieldname in self.table.fields\ and fieldname not in fields and not fieldname\ in request_vars: fields[fieldname] = self.vars[fieldname] if dbio: for fieldname in self.extra_fields: if fieldname in fields: del fields[fieldname] if 'delete_this_record' in fields: # this should never happen but seems to happen to some del fields['delete_this_record'] for field in self.table: if not in fields and field.writable is False \ and field.update is None and field.compute is None: if record_id and self.record: fields[] = self.record[] elif not self.table[].default is None: fields[] = self.table[].default if keyed: if reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, record_id.values()): # if record_id if fields: qry = reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, [self.table[k] == self.record[k] for k in self.table._primarykey]) self.table._db(qry).update(**fields) else: pk = self.table.insert(**fields) if pk: self.vars.update(pk) else: ret = False elif self.table._db._uri: if record_id: = self.record[self.id_field_name] if fields: self.table._db(self.table._id == self.record[ self.id_field_name]).update(**fields) else: = self.table.insert(**fields) self.accepted = ret return ret
AUTOTYPES = { type(''): ('string', None), type(''): ('string',None), type(True): ('boolean', None), type(1): ('integer', IS_INT_IN_RANGE(-1e12, +1e12)), type(1.0): ('double', IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE()), type([]): ('list:string', None), type( ('date', IS_DATE()), type( ('datetime', IS_DATETIME()) }
[文档] @staticmethod def dictform(dictionary, **kwargs): fields = [] for key, value in sorted(dictionary.items()): t, requires = SQLFORM.AUTOTYPES.get(type(value), (None, None)) if t: fields.append(Field(key, t, requires=requires, default=value)) return SQLFORM.factory(*fields, **kwargs)
[文档] @staticmethod def smartdictform(session, name, filename=None, query=None, **kwargs): if query: session[name] = query.db(query).select().first().as_dict() elif os.path.exists(filename): env = {'datetime': datetime} session[name] = eval(open(filename).read(), {}, env) form = SQLFORM.dictform(session[name]) if form.process().accepted: session[name].update(form.vars) if query: query.db(query).update(**form.vars) else: open(filename, 'w').write(repr(session[name])) return form
[文档] @staticmethod def factory(*fields, **attributes): """ Generates a SQLFORM for the given fields. Internally will build a non-database based data model to hold the fields. """ # this is here to avoid circular references from gluon.dal import DAL # Define a table name, this way it can be logical to our CSS. # And if you switch from using SQLFORM to SQLFORM.factory # your same css definitions will still apply. table_name = attributes.get('table_name', 'no_table') # So it won't interfere with DAL.define_table if 'table_name' in attributes: del attributes['table_name'] # Clone fields, while passing tables straight through fields_with_clones = [f.clone() if isinstance(f, Field) else f for f in fields] dummy_dal = DAL(None) dummy_dal.validators_method = lambda f: default_validators(dummy_dal, f) # See return SQLFORM(dummy_dal.define_table(table_name, *fields_with_clones), **attributes)
[文档] @staticmethod def build_query(fields, keywords): request = current.request if isinstance(keywords, (tuple, list)): keywords = keywords[0] request.vars.keywords = keywords key = keywords.strip() if key and not '"' in key: SEARCHABLE_TYPES = ('string', 'text', 'list:string') sfields = [field for field in fields if field.type in SEARCHABLE_TYPES] if settings.global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae: return reduce(lambda a,b: a|b, [field.contains(key) for field in sfields]) else: if not (sfields and key and key.split()): return fields[0].table return reduce(lambda a,b:a&b,[ reduce(lambda a,b: a|b, [ field.contains(k) for field in sfields] ) for k in key.split()]) # from!topic/web2py/hKe6lI25Bv4 # needs testing... #words = key.split(' ') if key else [] #filters = [] #for field in fields: # if field.type in SEARCHABLE_TYPES: # all_words_filters = [] # for word in words: # all_words_filters.append(field.contains(word)) # filters.append(reduce(lambda a, b: (a & b), all_words_filters)) #parts = filters else: return smart_query(fields, key)
[文档] @staticmethod def search_menu(fields, search_options=None, prefix='w2p' ): T = current.T panel_id = '%s_query_panel' % prefix fields_id = '%s_query_fields' % prefix keywords_id = '%s_keywords' % prefix field_id = '%s_field' % prefix value_id = '%s_value' % prefix search_options = search_options or { 'string': ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', 'starts with', 'contains', 'in', 'not in'], 'text': ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', 'starts with', 'contains', 'in', 'not in'], 'date': ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'time': ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'datetime': ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'integer': ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', 'in', 'not in'], 'double': ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'id': ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', 'in', 'not in'], 'reference': ['=', '!='], 'boolean': ['=', '!=']} if fields[0]._db._adapter.dbengine == 'google:datastore': search_options['string'] = ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='] search_options['text'] = ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='] search_options['list:string'] = ['contains'] search_options['list:integer'] = ['contains'] search_options['list:reference'] = ['contains'] criteria = [] selectfields = [] for field in fields: name = str(field).replace('.', '-') # treat ftype 'decimal' as 'double' # (this fixes problems but needs refactoring! if isinstance(field.type, SQLCustomType): ftype = field.type.type.split(' ')[0] else: ftype = field.type.split(' ')[0] if ftype.startswith('decimal'): ftype = 'double' elif ftype == 'bigint': ftype = 'integer' elif ftype.startswith('big-'): ftype = ftype[4:] # end options = search_options.get(ftype, None) if options: label = isinstance( field.label, str) and T(field.label) or field.label selectfields.append(OPTION(label, _value=str(field))) # At web2py level SQLCustomType field values are treated as normal web2py types if isinstance(field.type, SQLCustomType): field_type = field.type.type else: field_type = field.type operators = SELECT(*[OPTION(T(option), _value=option) for option in options], _class='form-control') _id = "%s_%s" % (value_id, name) if field_type in ['boolean', 'double', 'time', 'integer']: widget_ = SQLFORM.widgets[field_type] value_input = widget_.widget(field, field.default, _id=_id, _class=widget_._class + ' form-control') elif field_type == 'date': iso_format = {'_data-w2p_date_format': '%Y-%m-%d'} widget_ = value_input = widget_.widget(field, field.default, _id=_id, _class=widget_._class + ' form-control', **iso_format) elif field_type == 'datetime': iso_format = {'_data-w2p_datetime_format': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'} widget_ = SQLFORM.widgets.datetime value_input = widget_.widget(field, field.default, _id=_id, _class=widget_._class + ' form-control', **iso_format) elif (field_type.startswith('integer') or field_type.startswith('reference ') or field_type.startswith('list:integer') or field_type.startswith('list:reference ')): widget_ = SQLFORM.widgets.integer value_input = widget_.widget( field, field.default, _id=_id, _class=widget_._class + ' form-control') else: value_input = INPUT( _type='text', _id=_id, _class="%s %s" % ((field_type or ''), 'form-control')) if hasattr(field.requires, 'options'): value_input = SELECT( *[OPTION(v, _value=k) for k, v in field.requires.options()], _class='form-control', **dict(_id=_id)) new_button = INPUT( _type="button", _value=T('New Search'), _class="btn btn-default", _title=T('Start building a new search'), _onclick="%s_build_query('new','%s')" % (prefix, field)) and_button = INPUT( _type="button", _value=T('+ And'), _class="btn btn-default", _title=T('Add this to the search as an AND term'), _onclick="%s_build_query('and','%s')" % (prefix, field)) or_button = INPUT( _type="button", _value=T('+ Or'), _class="btn btn-default", _title=T('Add this to the search as an OR term'), _onclick="%s_build_query('or','%s')" % (prefix, field)) close_button = INPUT( _type="button", _value=T('Close'), _class="btn btn-default", _onclick="jQuery('#%s').slideUp()" % panel_id) criteria.append(DIV( operators, value_input, new_button, and_button, or_button, close_button, _id='%s_%s' % (field_id, name), _class='w2p_query_row', _style='display:none')) criteria.insert(0, SELECT( _id=fields_id, _onchange="jQuery('.w2p_query_row').hide();jQuery('#%s_'+jQuery('#%s').val().replace('.','-')).show();" % (field_id, fields_id), _style='float:left', _class='form-control', *selectfields)) fadd = SCRIPT(""" jQuery('#%(fields_id)s input,#%(fields_id)s select').css( 'width','auto'); jQuery(function(){web2py_ajax_fields('#%(fields_id)s');}); function %(prefix)s_build_query(aggregator,a) { var b=a.replace('.','-'); var option = jQuery('#%(field_id)s_'+b+' select').val(); var value; var $value_item = jQuery('#%(value_id)s_'+b); if ($':checkbox')){ if ($':checked')) value = 'True'; else value = 'False'; } else { value = $value_item.val().replace('"','\\\\"')} var s=a+' '+option+' "'+value+'"'; var k=jQuery('#%(keywords_id)s'); var v=k.val(); if(aggregator=='new') k.val(s); else k.val((v?(v+' '+ aggregator +' '):'')+s); } """ % dict( prefix=prefix, fields_id=fields_id, keywords_id=keywords_id, field_id=field_id, value_id=value_id ) ) return CAT( DIV(_id=panel_id, _style="display:none;", *criteria), fadd)
[文档] @staticmethod def grid(query, fields=None, field_id=None, left=None, headers={}, orderby=None, groupby=None, searchable=True, sortable=True, paginate=20, deletable=True, editable=True, details=True, selectable=None, create=True, csv=True, links=None, links_in_grid=True, upload='<default>', args=[], user_signature=True, maxtextlengths={}, maxtextlength=20, onvalidation=None, onfailure=None, oncreate=None, onupdate=None, ondelete=None, sorter_icons=(XML('&#x25B2;'), XML('&#x25BC;')), ui = 'web2py', showbuttontext=True, _class="web2py_grid", formname='web2py_grid', search_widget='default', advanced_search=True, ignore_rw = False, formstyle = None, exportclasses = None, formargs={}, createargs={}, editargs={}, viewargs={}, selectable_submit_button='Submit', buttons_placement = 'right', links_placement = 'right', noconfirm=False, cache_count=None, client_side_delete=False, ignore_common_filters=None, auto_pagination=True, use_cursor=False, represent_none=None, showblobs=False): dbset = None formstyle = formstyle or current.response.formstyle if isinstance(query, Set): query = query.query # jQuery UI ThemeRoller classes (empty if ui is disabled) if ui == 'jquery-ui': ui = dict(widget='ui-widget', header='ui-widget-header', content='ui-widget-content', default='ui-state-default', cornerall='ui-corner-all', cornertop='ui-corner-top', cornerbottom='ui-corner-bottom', button='ui-button-text-icon-primary', buttontext='ui-button-text', buttonadd='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick', buttonback='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w', buttonexport='ui-icon ui-icon-transferthick-e-w', buttondelete='ui-icon ui-icon-trash', buttonedit='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil', buttontable='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e', buttonview='ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin', ) elif ui == 'web2py': ui = dict(widget='', header='', content='', default='', cornerall='', cornertop='', cornerbottom='', button='button btn btn-default btn-secondary', buttontext='buttontext button', buttonadd='icon plus icon-plus glyphicon glyphicon-plus', buttonback='icon arrowleft icon-arrow-left glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left', buttonexport='icon downarrow icon-download glyphicon glyphicon-download', buttondelete='icon trash icon-trash glyphicon glyphicon-trash', buttonedit='icon pen icon-pencil glyphicon glyphicon-pencil', buttontable='icon rightarrow icon-arrow-right glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right', buttonview='icon magnifier icon-zoom-in glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-in' ) elif not isinstance(ui, dict): raise RuntimeError('SQLFORM.grid ui argument must be a dictionary') db = query._db T = current.T request = current.request session = current.session response = current.response logged = session.auth and session.auth.user wenabled = (not user_signature or logged) and not groupby create = wenabled and create editable = wenabled and editable deletable = wenabled and deletable details = not groupby and details rows = None # see issue 1980. Basically we can have keywords in get_vars # (i.e. when the search term is propagated through page=2&keywords=abc) # but if there is keywords in post_vars (i.e. POSTing a search request) # the one in get_vars should be replaced by the new one keywords = '' if 'keywords' in request.post_vars: keywords = request.post_vars.keywords elif 'keywords' in request.get_vars: keywords = request.get_vars.keywords def fetch_count(dbset): ##FIXME for google:datastore cache_count is ignored ## if it's not an integer if cache_count is None or isinstance(cache_count, tuple): if groupby: c = 'count(*) AS count_all' nrows = db.executesql( 'select count(*) from (%s) _tmp;' % dbset._select(c, left=left, cacheable=True, groupby=groupby, cache=cache_count)[:-1])[0][0] elif left: c = 'count(*)' nrows =, left=left, cacheable=True, cache=cache_count).first()[c] elif dbset._db._adapter.dbengine == 'google:datastore': # if we don't set a limit, this can timeout for a large table nrows = dbset.db._adapter.count(dbset.query, limit=1000) else: nrows = dbset.count(cache=cache_count) elif isinstance(cache_count, integer_types): nrows = cache_count elif callable(cache_count): nrows = cache_count(dbset, request.vars) else: nrows = 0 return nrows def fix_orderby(orderby): if not auto_pagination: return orderby # enforce always an ORDER clause to avoid # pagination errors. field_id is needed anyhow, # is unique and usually indexed. See issue #679 if not orderby: orderby = field_id elif isinstance(orderby, list): orderby = reduce(lambda a,b: a|b, orderby) elif isinstance(orderby, Field) and orderby is not field_id: # here we're with an ASC order on a field stored as orderby orderby = orderby | field_id elif (isinstance(orderby, Expression) and orderby.first and orderby.first is not field_id): # here we're with a DESC order on a field stored as orderby.first orderby = orderby | field_id return orderby def url(**b): b['args'] = args + b.get('args', []) localvars = request.get_vars.copy() localvars.update(b.get('vars', {})) # avoid empty keywords in vars if localvars.get('keywords') == '': del localvars['keywords'] # avoid propagating order=None in vars if localvars.get('order') == 'None': del localvars['order'] b['vars'] = localvars b['hash_vars'] = False b['user_signature'] = user_signature return URL(**b) def url2(**b): b['args'] = request.args + b.get('args', []) localvars = request.get_vars.copy() localvars.update(b.get('vars', {})) b['vars'] = localvars b['hash_vars'] = False b['user_signature'] = user_signature return URL(**b) referrer = session.get('_web2py_grid_referrer_' + formname, url()) # if not user_signature every action is accessible # else forbid access unless # - url is based url # - url has valid signature (vars are not signed, only path_info) # = url does not contain 'create','delete','edit' (readonly) if user_signature: if not ('/'.join(map(str,args)) == '/'.join(map(str,request.args)) or URL.verify(request, user_signature=user_signature, hash_vars=False) or (request.args(len(args)) == 'view' and not logged)): session.flash = T('not authorized') redirect(referrer) def gridbutton(buttonclass='buttonadd', buttontext=T('Add'), buttonurl=url(args=[]), callback=None, delete=None, noconfirm=None, title=None): if showbuttontext: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), CAT(' '), SPAN(T(buttontext), _title=title or T(buttontext), _class=ui.get('buttontext')), _href=buttonurl, callback=callback, delete=delete, noconfirm=noconfirm, _class=ui.get('button'), cid=request.cid) else: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), _href=buttonurl, callback=callback, delete=delete, noconfirm=noconfirm, _title=title or T(buttontext), _class=ui.get('button'), cid=request.cid) dbset = db(query, ignore_common_filters=ignore_common_filters) tablenames = db._adapter.tables(dbset.query) if left is not None: if not isinstance(left, (list, tuple)): left = [left] for join in left: tablenames = merge_tablemaps(tablenames, db._adapter.tables(join)) tables = [db[tablename] for tablename in tablenames] if fields: columns = [f for f in fields if f.tablename in tablenames and f.listable] else: fields = [] columns = [] filter1 = lambda f: isinstance(f, Field) and (f.type!='blob' or showblobs) filter2 = lambda f: isinstance(f, Field) and f.readable and f.listable for table in tables: fields += list(filter(filter1, table)) columns += list(filter(filter2, table)) for k, f in iteritems(table): if not k.startswith('_'): if isinstance(f, Field.Virtual) and f.readable: f.tablename = table._tablename fields.append(f) columns.append(f) if not field_id: if groupby is None: field_id = tables[0]._id elif groupby and isinstance(groupby, Field): # take the field passed as groupby field_id = groupby elif groupby and isinstance(groupby, Expression): # take the first groupby field field_id = groupby.first while not(isinstance(field_id, Field)): # Navigate to the first Field of the expression field_id = field_id.first table = field_id.table tablename = table._tablename if not any(str(f) == str(field_id) for f in fields): fields = [f for f in fields] + [field_id] if upload == '<default>': upload = lambda filename: url(args=['download', filename]) if request.args(-2) == 'download': stream =, db) raise HTTP(200, stream, **response.headers) def buttons(edit=False, view=False, record=None): buttons = DIV(gridbutton('buttonback', 'Back', referrer), _class='form_header row_buttons %(header)s %(cornertop)s' % ui) if edit and (not callable(edit) or edit(record)): args = ['edit', table._tablename, request.args[-1]] buttons.append(gridbutton('buttonedit', 'Edit', url(args=args))) if view: args = ['view', table._tablename, request.args[-1]] buttons.append(gridbutton('buttonview', 'View', url(args=args))) if record and links: for link in links: if isinstance(link, dict): buttons.append(link['body'](record)) elif link(record): buttons.append(link(record)) return buttons def linsert(lst, i, x): """Internal use only: inserts x list into lst at i pos:: a = [1, 2] linsert(a, 1, [0, 3]) a = [1, 0, 3, 2] """ lst[i:i] = x formfooter = DIV( _class='form_footer row_buttons %(header)s %(cornerbottom)s' % ui) create_form = update_form = view_form = search_form = None if create and request.args(-2) == 'new': table = db[request.args[-1]] sqlformargs = dict(ignore_rw=ignore_rw, formstyle=formstyle, _class='web2py_form') sqlformargs.update(formargs) sqlformargs.update(createargs) create_form = SQLFORM(table, **sqlformargs) create_form.process(formname=formname, next=referrer, onvalidation=onvalidation, onfailure=onfailure, onsuccess=oncreate) res = DIV(buttons(), create_form, formfooter, _class=_class) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form res.rows = None return res elif details and request.args(-3) == 'view': table = db[request.args[-2]] record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(referrer) if represent_none is not None: for field in record.keys(): if record[field] is None: record[field] = represent_none sqlformargs = dict(upload=upload, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, formstyle=formstyle, readonly=True, _class='web2py_form') sqlformargs.update(formargs) sqlformargs.update(viewargs) view_form = SQLFORM(table, record, **sqlformargs) res = DIV(buttons(edit=editable, record=record), view_form, formfooter, _class=_class) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form res.rows = None return res elif editable and request.args(-3) == 'edit': table = db[request.args[-2]] record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) deletable_ = deletable(record) \ if callable(deletable) else deletable sqlformargs = dict(upload=upload, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, formstyle=formstyle, deletable=deletable_, _class='web2py_form', submit_button=T('Submit'), delete_label=T('Check to delete')) sqlformargs.update(formargs) sqlformargs.update(editargs) update_form = SQLFORM(table, record, **sqlformargs) update_form.process( formname=formname, onvalidation=onvalidation, onfailure=onfailure, onsuccess=onupdate, next=referrer) res = DIV(buttons(view=details, record=record), update_form, formfooter, _class=_class) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form res.rows = None return res elif deletable and request.args(-3) == 'delete': table = db[request.args[-2]] if not callable(deletable): if ondelete: ondelete(table, request.args[-1]) db(table[] == request.args[-1]).delete() else: record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) if deletable(record): if ondelete: ondelete(table, request.args[-1]) db(table[] == request.args[-1]).delete() if request.ajax: # this means javascript is enabled, so we don't need to do # a redirect if not client_side_delete: # if it's an ajax request and we don't need to reload the # entire page, let's just inform that there have been no # exceptions and don't regenerate the grid raise HTTP(200) else: # if it's requested that the grid gets reloaded on delete # on ajax, the redirect should be on the original location newloc = request.env.http_web2py_component_location redirect(newloc, client_side=client_side_delete) else: # we need to do a redirect because javascript is not enabled redirect(referrer, client_side=client_side_delete) exportManager = dict( csv_with_hidden_cols=(ExporterCSV_hidden, 'CSV (hidden cols)', T('Comma-separated export including columns not shown; fields from other tables are exported as raw values for faster export')), csv=(ExporterCSV, 'CSV', T('Comma-separated export of visible columns. Fields from other tables are exported as they appear on-screen but this may be slow for many rows')), xml=(ExporterXML, 'XML', T('XML export of columns shown')), html=(ExporterHTML, 'HTML', T('HTML export of visible columns')), json=(ExporterJSON, 'JSON', T('JSON export of visible columns')), tsv_with_hidden_cols=(ExporterTSV_hidden, 'TSV (Spreadsheets, hidden cols)', T('Spreadsheet-optimised export of tab-separated content including hidden columns. May be slow')), tsv=(ExporterTSV, 'TSV (Spreadsheets)', T('Spreadsheet-optimised export of tab-separated content, visible columns only. May be slow.'))) if exportclasses is not None: """ remember: allow to set exportclasses=dict(csv=False, csv_with_hidden_cols=False) to disable the csv format """ exportManager.update(exportclasses) export_type = request.vars._export_type if export_type: order = request.vars.order or '' if sortable: if order: otablename, ofieldname = order.split('~')[-1].split('.', 1) sort_field = db[otablename][ofieldname] orderby = sort_field if order[:1] != '~' else ~sort_field orderby = fix_orderby(orderby) # expcolumns start with the visible columns, which # includes visible virtual fields expcolumns = [str(f) for f in columns] selectable_columns = [str(f) for f in columns if not isinstance(f, Field.Virtual)] if export_type.endswith('with_hidden_cols'): for table in tables: for field in table: if field.readable and field.tablename in tablenames: if not str(field) in expcolumns: expcolumns.append(str(field)) if not(isinstance(field, Field.Virtual)): selectable_columns.append(str(field)) # look for virtual fields not displayed (and virtual method # fields to be added here?) for (field_name, field) in iteritems(table): if isinstance(field, Field.Virtual) and not str(field) in expcolumns: expcolumns.append(str(field)) expcolumns = ['"%s"' % '"."'.join(f.split('.')) for f in expcolumns] if export_type in exportManager and exportManager[export_type]: if keywords: try: # the query should be constructed using searchable # fields but not virtual fields is_searchable = lambda f: f.readable and not isinstance(f, Field.Virtual) and f.searchable sfields = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [list(filter(is_searchable, t)) for t in tables]) # use custom_query using searchable if callable(searchable): dbset = dbset(searchable(sfields, keywords)) else: dbset = dbset(SQLFORM.build_query( sfields, keywords)) rows =, orderby=orderby, cacheable=True, *selectable_columns) except Exception as e: response.flash = T('Internal Error') rows = [] else: rows =, orderby=orderby, cacheable=True, *selectable_columns) value = exportManager[export_type] clazz = value[0] if hasattr(value, '__getitem__') else value # expcolumns is all cols to be exported including virtual fields rows.colnames = expcolumns oExp = clazz(rows) export_filename = \ request.vars.get('_export_filename') or 'rows' filename = '.'.join((export_filename, oExp.file_ext)) response.headers['Content-Type'] = oExp.content_type response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \ 'attachment;filename=' + filename + ';' raise HTTP(200, oExp.export(), **response.headers) elif request.vars.records and not isinstance( request.vars.records, list): request.vars.records = [request.vars.records] elif not request.vars.records: request.vars.records = [] session['_web2py_grid_referrer_' + formname] = url2(vars=request.get_vars) console = DIV(_class='web2py_console %(header)s %(cornertop)s' % ui) error = None if create: add = gridbutton( buttonclass='buttonadd', buttontext=T('Add Record'), title=T("Add record to database"), buttonurl=url(args=['new', tablename])) if not searchable: console.append(add) else: add = '' if searchable: sfields = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [[f for f in t if f.readable and f.searchable] for t in tables]) if isinstance(search_widget, dict): search_widget = search_widget[tablename] if search_widget == 'default': prefix = formname == 'web2py_grid' and 'w2p' or 'w2p_%s' % formname search_menu = SQLFORM.search_menu(sfields, prefix=prefix) spanel_id = '%s_query_fields' % prefix sfields_id = '%s_query_panel' % prefix skeywords_id = '%s_keywords' % prefix # hidden fields to preserve keywords in url after the submit hidden_fields = [INPUT(_type='hidden', _value=v, _name=k) for k, v in request.get_vars.items() if k not in ['keywords', 'page']] search_widget = lambda sfield, url: CAT(FORM( INPUT(_name='keywords', _value=keywords, _id=skeywords_id, _class='form-control', _onfocus="jQuery('#%s').change();jQuery('#%s').slideDown();" % (spanel_id, sfields_id) if advanced_search else '' ), INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('Search'), _class="btn btn-default btn-secondary"), INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('Clear'), _class="btn btn-default btn-secondary", _onclick="jQuery('#%s').val('');" % skeywords_id), *hidden_fields, _method="GET", _action=url), search_menu) # TODO vars from the url should be removed, they are not used by the submit form = search_widget and search_widget(sfields, url()) or '' console.append(add) console.append(form) if keywords: try: if callable(searchable): subquery = searchable(sfields, keywords) else: subquery = SQLFORM.build_query(sfields, keywords) except RuntimeError: subquery = None error = T('Invalid query') else: subquery = None else: subquery = None if subquery: dbset = dbset(subquery) try: nrows = fetch_count(dbset) except: nrows = 0 error = T('Unsupported query') order = request.vars.order or '' asc_icon, desc_icon = sorter_icons if sortable: if order: otablename, ofieldname = order.split('~')[-1].split('.', 1) sort_field = db[otablename][ofieldname] orderby = sort_field if order[:1] != '~' else ~sort_field headcols = [] if selectable: headcols.append(TH(_class=ui.get('default'))) for field in columns: if not field.readable: continue key = str(field) header = headers.get(key, field.label or key) if sortable and not isinstance(field, Field.Virtual): marker = '' inverted = field.type in ('date', 'datetime', 'time') if key == order.lstrip('~'): if inverted: if key == order: marker = asc_icon else: key, marker = order[1:], desc_icon else: if key == order: key, marker = '~' + order, asc_icon else: marker = desc_icon elif inverted and key == str(field): key = '~' + key header = A(header, marker, _href=url(vars=dict( keywords=keywords, order=key)), cid=request.cid) headcols.append(TH(header, _class=ui.get('default'))) toadd = [] left_cols = 0 right_cols = 0 if links and links_in_grid: for link in links: if isinstance(link, dict): toadd.append(TH(link['header'], _class=ui.get('default'))) if links_placement in ['right', 'both']: headcols.extend(toadd) right_cols += len(toadd) if links_placement in ['left', 'both']: linsert(headcols, 0, toadd) left_cols += len(toadd) # Include extra column for buttons if needed. include_buttons_column = ( details or editable or deletable or (links and links_in_grid and not all([isinstance(link, dict) for link in links]))) if include_buttons_column: if buttons_placement in ['right', 'both']: headcols.append(TH(_class=ui.get('default', ''))) right_cols += 1 if buttons_placement in ['left', 'both']: headcols.insert(0, TH(_class=ui.get('default', ''))) left_cols += 1 head = TR(*headcols, **dict(_class=ui.get('header'))) cursor = True # figure out what page we are on to setup the limitby if paginate and dbset._db._adapter.dbengine == 'google:datastore' and use_cursor: cursor = request.vars.cursor or True limitby = (0, paginate) page = safe_int( or 1, 1) - 1 elif paginate and paginate < nrows: page = safe_int( or 1, 1) - 1 limitby = (paginate * page, paginate * (page + 1)) else: limitby = None orderby = fix_orderby(orderby) try: table_fields = [field for field in fields if (field.tablename in tablenames and not(isinstance(field, Field.Virtual)))] if dbset._db._adapter.dbengine == 'google:datastore' and use_cursor: rows =, orderby=orderby, groupby=groupby, limitby=limitby, reusecursor=cursor, cacheable=True, *table_fields) next_cursor = dbset._db.get('_lastcursor', None) else: rows =, orderby=orderby, groupby=groupby, limitby=limitby, cacheable=True, *table_fields) next_cursor = None except SyntaxError: rows = None next_cursor = None error = T("Query Not Supported") except Exception as e: rows = None next_cursor = None error = T("Query Not Supported: %s") % e message = error if not message and nrows: if dbset._db._adapter.dbengine == 'google:datastore' and nrows >= 1000: message = T('at least %(nrows)s records found') % dict(nrows=nrows) else: message = T('%(nrows)s records found') % dict(nrows=nrows) console.append(DIV(message or '', _class='web2py_counter')) paginator = UL() if paginate and dbset._db._adapter.dbengine == 'google:datastore' and use_cursor: # this means we may have a large table with an unknown number of rows. page = safe_int( or 1, 1) - 1 paginator.append(LI('page %s' % (page + 1))) if next_cursor: d = dict(page=page + 2, cursor=next_cursor) if order: d['order'] = order # see issue 1980, also at the top of the definition # if keyworkds is in request.vars, we don't need to # copy over the keywords parameter in the links for pagination if 'keywords' in request.vars and not keywords: d['keywords'] = '' elif keywords: d['keywords'] = keywords paginator.append(LI( A('next', _href=url(vars=d), cid=request.cid))) elif paginate and paginate < nrows: npages, reminder = divmod(nrows, paginate) if reminder: npages += 1 page = safe_int( or 1, 1) - 1 def self_link(name, p): d = dict(page=p + 1) if order: d['order'] = order # see issue 1980, also at the top of the definition # if keyworkds is in request.vars, we don't need to # copy over the keywords parameter in the links for pagination if 'keywords' in request.vars and not keywords: d['keywords'] = '' elif keywords: d['keywords'] = keywords return A(name, _href=url(vars=d), cid=request.cid) NPAGES = 5 # window is 2*NPAGES if page > NPAGES + 1: paginator.append(LI(self_link('<<', 0))) if page > NPAGES: paginator.append(LI(self_link('<', page - 1))) pages = list(range(max(0, page - NPAGES), min(page + NPAGES, npages))) for p in pages: if p == page: paginator.append(LI(A(p + 1, _onclick='return false'), _class='current')) else: paginator.append(LI(self_link(p + 1, p))) if page < npages - NPAGES: paginator.append(LI(self_link('>', page + 1))) if page < npages - NPAGES - 1: paginator.append(LI(self_link('>>', npages - 1))) else: limitby = None if rows: cols = [COL(_id=str(c).replace('.', '-'), data={'column': left_cols + i + 1}) for i, c in enumerate(columns)] cols = [COL(data={'column': i + 1}) for i in range(left_cols)] + \ cols + \ [COL(data={'column': left_cols + len(cols) + i + 1}) for i in range(right_cols)] htmltable = TABLE(COLGROUP(*cols), THEAD(head)) tbody = TBODY() numrec = 0 repr_cache = CacheRepresenter() for row in rows: trcols = [] id = row[field_id] if selectable: trcols.append( INPUT(_type="checkbox", _name="records", _value=id, value=request.vars.records)) for field in columns: if not field.readable: continue elif field.type == 'blob' and not showblobs: continue if isinstance(field, Field.Virtual): try: # fast path, works for joins value = row[field.tablename][] except KeyError: value = dbset.db[field.tablename][row[field_id]][] else: value = row[str(field)] maxlength = maxtextlengths.get(str(field), maxtextlength) if field.represent: if field.type.startswith('reference'): nvalue = repr_cache(field, value, row) else: try: nvalue = field.represent(value, row) except KeyError: try: nvalue = field.represent(value, row[field.tablename]) except KeyError: nvalue = None value = nvalue elif field.type == 'boolean': value = INPUT(_type="checkbox", _checked=value, _disabled=True) elif field.type == 'upload': if value: if callable(upload): value = A( T('file'), _href=upload(value)) elif upload: value = A(T('file'), _href='%s/%s' % (upload, value)) else: value = '' elif isinstance(field.type, SQLCustomType) and callable(field.type.represent): # SQLCustomType has a represent, use it value = field.type.represent(value, row) if isinstance(value, str): value = truncate_string(value, maxlength) elif not isinstance(value, XmlComponent): value = field.formatter(value) if value is None: value = represent_none trcols.append(TD(value)) row_buttons = TD(_class='row_buttons', _nowrap=True) if links and links_in_grid: toadd = [] for link in links: if isinstance(link, dict): toadd.append(TD(link['body'](row))) else: if link(row): row_buttons.append(link(row)) if links_placement in ['right', 'both']: trcols.extend(toadd) if links_placement in ['left', 'both']: linsert(trcols, 0, toadd) if include_buttons_column: if details and (not callable(details) or details(row)): row_buttons.append(gridbutton( 'buttonview', 'View', url(args=['view', tablename, id]))) if editable and (not callable(editable) or editable(row)): row_buttons.append(gridbutton( 'buttonedit', 'Edit', url(args=['edit', tablename, id]))) if deletable and (not callable(deletable) or deletable(row)): row_buttons.append(gridbutton( 'buttondelete', 'Delete', url(args=['delete', tablename, id]), callback=url(args=['delete', tablename, id]), noconfirm=noconfirm, delete='tr')) if buttons_placement in ['right', 'both']: trcols.append(row_buttons) if buttons_placement in ['left', 'both']: trcols.insert(0, row_buttons) if numrec % 2 == 1: classtr = 'w2p_even even' else: classtr = 'w2p_odd odd' numrec += 1 if id: rid = id if callable(rid): # can this ever be callable? rid = rid(row) tr = TR(*trcols, **dict( _id=rid, _class='%s %s' % (classtr, 'with_id'))) else: tr = TR(*trcols, **dict(_class=classtr)) tbody.append(tr) htmltable.append(tbody) htmltable = DIV( htmltable, _class='web2py_htmltable', _style='width:100%;overflow-x:auto;-ms-overflow-x:scroll') if selectable: if not callable(selectable): # now expect that selectable and related parameters are # iterator (list, tuple, etc) inputs = [] for i, submit_info in enumerate(selectable): submit_text = submit_info[0] submit_class = submit_info[2] if len(submit_info) > 2 else '' input_ctrl = INPUT(_type="submit", _name='submit_%d' % i, _value=T(submit_text)) input_ctrl.add_class(submit_class) inputs.append(input_ctrl) else: inputs = [INPUT(_type="submit", _value=T(selectable_submit_button))] if formstyle == 'bootstrap': # add space between buttons htmltable = FORM(htmltable, DIV(_class='form-actions', *inputs)) elif not callable(formstyle) and 'bootstrap' in formstyle: # Same for bootstrap 3 & 4 htmltable = FORM(htmltable, DIV(_class='form-group web2py_table_selectable_actions', *inputs)) else: htmltable = FORM(htmltable, *inputs) if htmltable.process(formname=formname).accepted: htmltable.vars.records = htmltable.vars.records or [] htmltable.vars.records = htmltable.vars.records if isinstance(htmltable.vars.records, list) else [htmltable.vars.records] records = [int(r) for r in htmltable.vars.records] if not callable(selectable): for i, submit_info in enumerate(selectable): submit_callback = submit_info[1] if htmltable.vars.get('submit_%d' % i, False): submit_callback(records) break else: selectable(records) redirect(referrer) else: htmltable = DIV(T('No records found')) if csv and nrows: export_links = [] for k, v in sorted(exportManager.items()): if not v: continue if hasattr(v, "__getitem__"): label = v[1] title = v[2] if len(v) > 2 else label else: label = title = k link = url2(vars=dict( order=request.vars.order or '', _export_type=k, keywords=keywords)) export_links.append(A(T(label), _href=link, _title=title, _class='btn btn-default btn-secondary')) export_menu = \ DIV(T('Export:'), _class="w2p_export_menu", *export_links) else: export_menu = None res = DIV(console, DIV(htmltable, _class="web2py_table"), _class='%s %s' % (_class, ui.get('widget'))) if paginator.components: res.append( DIV(paginator, _class="web2py_paginator %(header)s %(cornerbottom)s" % ui)) if export_menu: res.append(export_menu) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form res.rows = rows res.dbset = dbset return res
[文档] @staticmethod def smartgrid(table, constraints=None, linked_tables=None, links=None, links_in_grid=True, args=None, user_signature=True, divider=2*unichr(160) + '>' + 2*unichr(160), breadcrumbs_class='', **kwargs): """ Builds a system of SQLFORM.grid(s) between any referenced tables Args: table: main table constraints(dict): `{'table':query}` that limits which records can be accessible links(dict): like `{'tablename':[lambda row: A(....), ...]}` that will add buttons when table tablename is displayed linked_tables(list): list of tables to be linked Example: given you defined a model as:: db.define_table('person', Field('name'), format='%(name)s') db.define_table('dog', Field('name'), Field('owner', db.person), format='%(name)s') db.define_table('comment', Field('body'), Field('dog', if db(db.person).isempty(): from gluon.contrib.populate import populate populate(db.person, 300) populate(, 300) populate(db.comment, 1000) in a controller, you can do:: @auth.requires_login() def index(): form=SQLFORM.smartgrid(db[request.args(0) or 'person']) return dict(form=form) """ request = current.request T = current.T if args is None: args = [] def url(**b): b['args'] = request.args[:nargs] + b.get('args', []) b['hash_vars'] = False b['user_signature'] = user_signature return URL(**b) db = table._db breadcrumbs = [] if request.args(len(args)) != table._tablename: request.args[:] = args + [table._tablename] if links is None: links = {} if constraints is None: constraints = {} field = name = None def format(table, row): if not row: return T('Unknown') elif isinstance(table._format, str): return table._format % row elif callable(table._format): return table._format(row) else: return '#' + str( def plural(table): return table._plural or pluralize(table._singular.lower()).capitalize() try: nargs = len(args) + 1 previous_tablename = table._tablename previous_fieldname = previous_id = None while len(request.args) > nargs: key = request.args(nargs) if '.' in key: id = request.args(nargs + 1) tablename, fieldname = key.split('.', 1) table = db[tablename] field = table[fieldname] field.default = id referee = field.type[10:] if referee != previous_tablename: raise HTTP(400) cond = constraints.get(referee, None) if cond: record = db( db[referee]._id == id)(cond).select().first() else: record = db[referee](id) if previous_id: if record[previous_fieldname] != int(previous_id): raise HTTP(400) previous_tablename = tablename previous_fieldname = fieldname previous_id = id name = format(db[referee], record) breadcrumbs.append( LI(A(T(plural(db[referee])), cid=request.cid, _href=url()), SPAN(divider, _class='divider'), _class='w2p_grid_breadcrumb_elem')) if kwargs.get('details', True): breadcrumbs.append( LI(A(name, cid=request.cid, _href=url(args=['view', referee, id])), SPAN(divider, _class='divider'), _class='w2p_grid_breadcrumb_elem')) nargs += 2 else: break if nargs > len(args) + 1: query = (field == id) # cjk # if isinstance(linked_tables, dict): # linked_tables = linked_tables.get(table._tablename, []) if linked_tables is None or referee in linked_tables: field.represent = (lambda id, r=None, referee=referee, rep=field.represent: A(callable(rep) and rep(id) or id, cid=request.cid, _href=url(args=['view', referee, id]))) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): redirect(URL(args=table._tablename)) if nargs == len(args) + 1: query = table._db._adapter.id_query(table) # filter out data info for displayed table if table._tablename in constraints: query = query & constraints[table._tablename] if isinstance(links, dict): links = links.get(table._tablename, []) for key in ('fields', 'field_id', 'left', 'headers', 'orderby', 'groupby', 'searchable', 'sortable', 'paginate', 'deletable', 'editable', 'details', 'selectable', 'create', 'csv', 'upload', 'maxtextlengths', 'maxtextlength', 'onvalidation', 'onfailure', 'oncreate', 'onupdate', 'ondelete', 'sorter_icons', 'ui', 'showbuttontext', '_class', 'formname', 'search_widget', 'advanced_search', 'ignore_rw', 'formstyle', 'exportclasses', 'formargs', 'createargs', 'editargs', 'viewargs', 'selectable_submit_button', 'buttons_placement', 'links_placement', 'noconfirm', 'cache_count', 'client_side_delete', 'ignore_common_filters', 'auto_pagination', 'use_cursor' ): if isinstance(kwargs.get(key, None), dict): if table._tablename in kwargs[key]: kwargs[key] = kwargs[key][table._tablename] elif '*' in kwargs[key]: kwargs[key] = kwargs[key]['*'] else: del kwargs[key] check = {} id_field_name = for rfield in table._referenced_by: check[rfield.tablename] = \ check.get(rfield.tablename, []) + [] if linked_tables is None: linked_tables = db.tables() if isinstance(linked_tables, dict): linked_tables = linked_tables.get(table._tablename, []) linked = [] if linked_tables: for item in linked_tables: tb = None if isinstance(item, Table) and item._tablename in check: tablename = item._tablename linked_fieldnames = check[tablename] tb = item elif isinstance(item, str) and item in check: tablename = item linked_fieldnames = check[item] tb = db[item] elif isinstance(item, Field) and in check.get(item._tablename, []): tablename = item._tablename linked_fieldnames = [] tb = item.table else: linked_fieldnames = [] if tb: multiple_links = len(linked_fieldnames) > 1 for fieldname in linked_fieldnames: t = T(plural(tb)) if not multiple_links else \ T("%s(%s)" % (plural(tb), fieldname)) args0 = tablename + '.' + fieldname linked.append( lambda row, t=t, nargs=nargs, args0=args0: A(SPAN(t), cid=request.cid, _href=url( args=[args0, row[id_field_name]]))) links += linked grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, args=request.args[:nargs], links=links, links_in_grid=links_in_grid, user_signature=user_signature, **kwargs) if isinstance(grid, DIV): header = plural(table) next = grid.create_form or grid.update_form or grid.view_form breadcrumbs.append(LI( A(T(header), cid=request.cid, _href=url()), SPAN(divider, _class='divider') if next else '', _class='active w2p_grid_breadcrumb_elem')) if grid.create_form: header = T('New %(entity)s') % dict(entity=table._singular) elif grid.update_form: header = T('Edit %(entity)s') % dict( entity=format(grid.update_form.table, grid.update_form.record)) elif grid.view_form: header = T('View %(entity)s') % dict( entity=format(grid.view_form.table, grid.view_form.record)) if next: breadcrumbs.append(LI( A(T(header), cid=request.cid, _href=url()), _class='active w2p_grid_breadcrumb_elem')) grid.insert( 0, DIV(UL(*breadcrumbs, **{'_class': breadcrumbs_class}), _class='web2py_breadcrumbs')) return grid
[文档]class SQLTABLE(TABLE): """ Given with a Rows object, as returned by a `db().select()`, generates an html table with the rows. Args: sqlrows : the `Rows` object linkto: URL (or lambda to generate a URL) to edit individual records upload: URL to download uploaded files orderby: Add an orderby link to column headers. query: Query string to support orderby headers. headers: dictionary of headers to headers redefinions headers can also be a string to generate the headers from data for now only headers="fieldname:capitalize", headers="labels" and headers=None are supported truncate: length at which to truncate text in table cells. Defaults to 16 characters. columns: a list or dict contaning the names of the columns to be shown Defaults to all th_link: base link to support orderby headers extracolumns: a list of dicts selectid: The id you want to select renderstyle: Boolean render the style with the table cid: use this cid for all links colgroup: #FIXME Extracolumns example :: [{'label':A('Extra', _href='#'), 'class': '', #class name of the header 'width':'', #width in pixels or % 'content':lambda row, rc: A('Edit', _href='edit/%s', 'selected': False #agregate class selected to this column}] """ REGEX_ALIAS_MATCH = '^(.*) AS (.*)$' def __init__(self, sqlrows, linkto=None, upload=None, orderby=None, query='', headers={}, truncate=16, columns=None, th_link='', extracolumns=None, selectid=None, renderstyle=False, cid=None, colgroup=False, **attributes ): TABLE.__init__(self, **attributes) self.components = [] self.attributes = attributes self.sqlrows = sqlrows (components, row) = (self.components, []) if not sqlrows: return fieldlist = sqlrows.colnames_fields fieldmap = dict(zip(sqlrows.colnames, fieldlist)) if columns: tablenames = [] for colname, field in fieldmap.items(): if isinstance(field, (Field, Field.Virtual)): tablenames.append(field.tablename) elif isinstance(field, Expression): tablenames.append(field._table._tablename) for tablename in set(tablenames): table = sqlrows.db[tablename] fieldmap.update((("%s.%s" % (tablename,, f) for f in table._virtual_fields + table._virtual_methods)) else: columns = list(sqlrows.colnames) field_types = (Field, Field.Virtual, Field.Method) header_func = { 'fieldname:capitalize': lambda f:'_', ' ').title(), 'labels': lambda f: f.label } if isinstance(headers, str) and headers in header_func: make_name = header_func[headers] headers = {} for c in columns: f = fieldmap.get(c) if isinstance(f, field_types): headers[c] = make_name(f) else: headers[c] = re.sub(self.REGEX_ALIAS_MATCH, r'\2', c) if colgroup: cols = [COL(_id=c.replace('.', '-'), data={'column': i + 1}) for i, c in enumerate(columns)] if extracolumns: cols += [COL(data={'column': len(cols) + i + 1}) for i, c in enumerate(extracolumns)] components.append(COLGROUP(*cols)) if headers is None: headers = {} else: for c in columns: # new implement dict c = str(c) if isinstance(headers.get(c, c), dict): coldict = headers.get(c, c) attrcol = dict() if coldict['width'] != "": attrcol.update(_width=coldict['width']) if coldict['class'] != "": attrcol.update(_class=coldict['class']) row.append(TH(coldict['label'], **attrcol)) elif orderby: link = th_link + '?orderby=' + c if query: link += '&query=' + query row.append(TH(A(headers.get(c, c), _href=link, cid=cid))) else: row.append(TH(headers.get(c, re.sub(self.REGEX_ALIAS_MATCH, r'\2', c)))) if extracolumns: # new implement dict for c in extracolumns: attrcol = dict() if c['width'] != "": attrcol.update(_width=c['width']) if c['class'] != "": attrcol.update(_class=c['class']) row.append(TH(c['label'], **attrcol)) components.append(THEAD(TR(*row))) tbody = [] repr_cache = {} for (rc, record) in enumerate(sqlrows): row = [] if rc % 2 == 1: _class = 'w2p_even even' else: _class = 'w2p_odd odd' if selectid is not None: # new implement if record.get('id') == selectid: _class += ' rowselected' for colname in columns: field = fieldmap.get(colname) if not isinstance(field, field_types): if "_extra" in record and colname in record._extra: r = record._extra[colname] row.append(TD(r)) continue else: raise KeyError( "Column %s not found (SQLTABLE)" % colname) # Virtual fields don't have parent table name... tablename = colname.split('.', 1)[0] fieldname = if tablename in record \ and isinstance(record, Row) \ and isinstance(record[tablename], Row): r = record[tablename][fieldname] elif fieldname in record: r = record[fieldname] else: raise SyntaxError('something wrong in Rows object') r_old = r if not field or isinstance(field, (Field.Virtual, Field.Lazy)): pass elif linkto and field.type == 'id': try: href = linkto(r, 'table', tablename) except TypeError: href = '%s/%s/%s' % (linkto, tablename, r_old) r = A(r, _href=href) elif isinstance(field.type, str) and field.type.startswith('reference'): if linkto: ref = field.type[10:] try: href = linkto(r, 'reference', ref) except TypeError: href = '%s/%s/%s' % (linkto, ref, r_old) if ref.find('.') >= 0: tref, fref = ref.split('.') if hasattr(sqlrows.db[tref], '_primarykey'): href = '%s/%s?%s' % (linkto, tref, urlencode({fref: r})) r = A(represent(field, r, record), _href=str(href)) elif field.represent: if field not in repr_cache: repr_cache[field] = {} if r not in repr_cache[field]: repr_cache[field][r] = represent(field, r, record) r = repr_cache[field][r] elif linkto and hasattr(field._table, '_primarykey')\ and fieldname in field._table._primarykey: # have to test this with multi-key tables key = urlencode(dict([ ((tablename in record and isinstance(record, Row) and isinstance(record[tablename], Row)) and (k, record[tablename][k])) or (k, record[k]) for k in field._table._primarykey])) r = A(r, _href='%s/%s?%s' % (linkto, tablename, key)) elif isinstance(field.type, str) and field.type.startswith('list:'): r = represent(field, r or [], record) elif field.represent: r = represent(field, r, record) elif field.type == 'blob' and r: r = 'DATA' elif field.type == 'upload': if upload and r: r = A(current.T('file'), _href='%s/%s' % (upload, r)) elif r: r = current.T('file') else: r = '' elif field.type in ['string', 'text']: r = str(field.formatter(r)) truncate_by = truncate if headers != {}: # new implement dict if isinstance(headers[colname], dict): if isinstance(headers[colname]['truncate'], int): truncate_by = headers[colname]['truncate'] if truncate_by is not None: r = truncate_string(r, truncate_by) attrcol = dict() # new implement dict if headers != {}: if isinstance(headers[colname], dict): colclass = headers[colname]['class'] if headers[colname]['selected']: colclass = str(headers[colname] ['class'] + " colselected").strip() if colclass != "": attrcol.update(_class=colclass) row.append(TD(r, **attrcol)) if extracolumns: # new implement dict for c in extracolumns: attrcol = dict() colclass = c['class'] if c['selected']: colclass = str(c['class'] + " colselected").strip() if colclass != "": attrcol.update(_class=colclass) contentfunc = c['content'] row.append(TD(contentfunc(record, rc), **attrcol)) tbody.append(TR(_class=_class, *row)) if renderstyle: components.append(STYLE( components.append(TBODY(*tbody))
[文档] def style(self): css = """ table tbody tr.w2p_odd { background-color: #DFD; } table tbody tr.w2p_even { background-color: #EFE; } table tbody tr.rowselected { background-color: #FDD; } table tbody tr td.colselected { background-color: #FDD; } table tbody tr:hover { background: #DDF; } """ return css
form_factory = SQLFORM.factory # for backward compatibility, deprecated
[文档]class ExportClass(object): label = None file_ext = None content_type = None def __init__(self, rows): self.rows = rows
[文档] def represented(self): def none_exception(value): """ Returns a cleaned up value that can be used for csv export: - unicode text is encoded as such - None values are replaced with the given representation (default <NULL>) """ if value is None: return '<NULL>' elif isinstance(value, unicodeT): return value.encode('utf8') elif isinstance(value, Reference): return int(value) elif hasattr(value, 'isoformat'): return value.isoformat()[:19].replace('T', ' ') elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # for type='list:..' return bar_encode(value) return value represented = [] repr_cache = {} for record in self.rows: row = [] for col in self.rows.colnames: if not self.rows.db._adapter.REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(col): row.append(record._extra[col]) else: # The grid code modifies rows.colnames, adding double quotes # around the table and field names -- so they must be removed here. (t, f) = [name.strip('"') for name in col.split('.')] field = self.rows.db[t][f] if isinstance(record.get(t, None), (Row, dict)): value = record[t][f] else: value = record[f] if field.type == 'blob' and value is not None: value = '' elif field.represent: if field.type.startswith('reference'): if field not in repr_cache: repr_cache[field] = {} if value not in repr_cache[field]: repr_cache[field][value] = field.represent(value, record) value = repr_cache[field][value] else: value = field.represent(value, record) row.append(none_exception(value)) represented.append(row) return represented
[文档] def export(self): raise NotImplementedError
[文档]class ExporterTSV(ExportClass): # TSV, represent == True label = 'TSV' file_ext = "tsv" content_type = "text/tab-separated-values" def __init__(self, rows): ExportClass.__init__(self, rows)
[文档] def export(self): # export TSV with field.represent if self.rows: s = StringIO() self.rows.export_to_csv_file(s, represent=True,delimiter='\t',newline='\n') return s.getvalue() else: return None
[文档]class ExporterTSV_hidden(ExportClass): label = 'TSV' file_ext = "tsv" content_type = "text/tab-separated-values" def __init__(self, rows): ExportClass.__init__(self, rows)
[文档] def export(self): if self.rows: s = StringIO() self.rows.export_to_csv_file(s,delimiter='\t',newline='\n') return s.getvalue() else: return None
[文档]class ExporterCSV(ExportClass): # CSV, represent == True label = 'CSV' file_ext = "csv" content_type = "text/csv" def __init__(self, rows): ExportClass.__init__(self, rows)
[文档] def export(self): # export CSV with field.represent if self.rows: s = StringIO() self.rows.export_to_csv_file(s, represent=True) return s.getvalue() else: return None
[文档]class ExporterCSV_hidden(ExportClass): # pure csv, no represent. label = 'CSV' file_ext = "csv" content_type = "text/csv" def __init__(self, rows): ExportClass.__init__(self, rows)
[文档] def export(self): if self.rows: return self.rows.as_csv() else: return ''
[文档]class ExporterHTML(ExportClass): label = 'HTML' file_ext = "html" content_type = "text/html" def __init__(self, rows): ExportClass.__init__(self, rows)
[文档] def export(self): table = SQLTABLE(self.rows, truncate=None) if self.rows else '' return '<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />\n</head>\n<body>\n%s\n</body>\n</html>' % (table or '')
[文档]class ExporterXML(ExportClass): label = 'XML' file_ext = "xml" content_type = "text/xml" def __init__(self, rows): ExportClass.__init__(self, rows)
[文档] def export(self): if self.rows: return self.rows.as_xml() else: return '<rows></rows>'
[文档]class ExporterJSON(ExportClass): label = 'JSON' file_ext = "json" content_type = "application/json" def __init__(self, rows): ExportClass.__init__(self, rows)
[文档] def export(self): if self.rows: return self.rows.as_json() else: return 'null'