gluon.scheduler 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et ai:
| This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
| Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <>
| License: LGPLv3 (

Background processes made simple

from __future__ import print_function

import socket
import os
import logging
import types
from functools import reduce
import datetime
import re
import sys
from json import loads, dumps
import tempfile
import traceback
import threading
import multiprocessing
import time
import signal

from gluon import DAL, Field, IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_IN_SET, IS_NOT_IN_DB, IS_EMPTY_OR
from gluon import IS_INT_IN_RANGE, IS_DATETIME, IS_IN_DB
from gluon.utils import web2py_uuid
from gluon._compat import Queue, long, iteritems, PY2, to_bytes, string_types, integer_types
from import Storage

USAGE = """
## Example

For any existing application myapp

Create File: myapp/models/ ======
from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler

def demo1(*args, **vars):
    print('you passed args=%s and vars=%s' % (args, vars))
    return 'done!'

def demo2():

scheduler = Scheduler(db, dict(demo1=demo1, demo2=demo2))
## run worker nodes with:

   cd web2py
   python -K myapp
   python gluon/ -u sqlite://storage.sqlite \
                             -f applications/myapp/databases/ \
(-h for info)
python -h

## schedule jobs using

## monitor scheduled jobs

## view completed jobs

## view workers


IDENTIFIER = "%s#%s" % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid())

logger = logging.getLogger('web2py.scheduler.%s' % IDENTIFIER)

CLEAROUT = '!clear!'
RESULTINFILE = 'result_in_file:'

CALLABLETYPES = (types.LambdaType, types.FunctionType,
                 types.MethodType, types.BuiltinMethodType)

[文档]class Task(object): """Defines a "task" object that gets passed from the main thread to the executor's one """ def __init__(self, app, function, timeout, args='[]', vars='{}', **kwargs): logger.debug(' new task allocated: %s.%s', app, function) = app self.function = function self.timeout = timeout self.args = args # json self.vars = vars # json self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __str__(self): return '<Task: %s>' % self.function
[文档]class TaskReport(object): """Defines a "task report" object that gets passed from the executor's thread to the main one """ def __init__(self, status, result=None, output=None, tb=None): logger.debug(' new task report: %s', status) if tb: logger.debug(' traceback: %s', tb) else: logger.debug(' result: %s', result) self.status = status self.result = result self.output = output self.tb = tb def __str__(self): return '<TaskReport: %s>' % self.status
[文档]class JobGraph(object): """Experimental: dependencies amongs tasks.""" def __init__(self, db, job_name): self.job_name = job_name or 'job_0' self.db = db
[文档] def add_deps(self, task_parent, task_child): """Create a dependency between task_parent and task_child.""" self.db.scheduler_task_deps.insert(task_parent=task_parent, task_child=task_child, job_name=self.job_name)
[文档] def validate(self, job_name=None): """Validate if all tasks job_name can be completed. Checks if there are no mutual dependencies among tasks. Commits at the end if successfull, or it rollbacks the entire transaction. Handle with care! """ db = self.db sd = db.scheduler_task_deps if job_name: q = sd.job_name == job_name else: q = edges = db(q).select() nested_dict = {} for row in edges: k = row.task_parent if k in nested_dict: nested_dict[k].add(row.task_child) else: nested_dict[k] = set((row.task_child,)) try: rtn = [] for k, v in nested_dict.items(): v.discard(k) # Ignore self dependencies extra_items_in_deps = reduce(set.union, nested_dict.values()) - set(nested_dict.keys()) nested_dict.update(dict((item, set()) for item in extra_items_in_deps)) while True: ordered = set(item for item, dep in nested_dict.items() if not dep) if not ordered: break rtn.append(ordered) nested_dict = dict( (item, (dep - ordered)) for item, dep in nested_dict.items() if item not in ordered ) assert not nested_dict, "A cyclic dependency exists amongst %r" % nested_dict db.commit() return rtn except Exception: db.rollback() return None
[文档]class CronParser(object): def __init__(self, cronline, base=None): self.cronline = cronline self.sched = base or self.task = None @staticmethod def _rangetolist(s, period='min'): if s.startswith('*'): if period == 'min': s = s.replace('*', '0-59', 1) elif period == 'hr': s = s.replace('*', '0-23', 1) elif period == 'dom': s = s.replace('*', '1-31', 1) elif period == 'mon': s = s.replace('*', '1-12', 1) elif period == 'dow': s = s.replace('*', '0-6', 1) match = re.match(r'(\d+)-(\d+)/(\d+)', s) if match: max_ = int( + 1 step_ = int( else: match = re.match(r'(\d+)/(\d+)', s) if match: ranges_max = dict(min=59, hr=23, mon=12, dom=31, dow=7) max_ = ranges_max[period] + 1 step_ = int( if match: min_ = int( retval = list(range(min_, max_, step_)) else: retval = [] return retval @staticmethod def _sanitycheck(values, period): if period == 'min': check = all(0 <= i <= 59 for i in values) elif period == 'hr': check = all(0 <= i <= 23 for i in values) elif period == 'dom': domrange = list(range(1, 32)) + ['l'] check = all(i in domrange for i in values) elif period == 'mon': check = all(1 <= i <= 12 for i in values) elif period == 'dow': check = all(0 <= i <= 7 for i in values) return check def _parse(self): line = self.cronline.lower() task = {} if line.startswith('@yearly'): line = line.replace('@yearly', '0 0 1 1 *') elif line.startswith('@annually'): line = line.replace('@annually', '0 0 1 1 *') elif line.startswith('@monthly'): line = line.replace('@monthly', '0 0 1 * *') elif line.startswith('@weekly'): line = line.replace('@weekly', '0 0 * * 0') elif line.startswith('@daily'): line = line.replace('@daily', '0 0 * * *') elif line.startswith('@midnight'): line = line.replace('@midnight', '0 0 * * *') elif line.startswith('@hourly'): line = line.replace('@hourly', '0 * * * *') params = line.strip().split() if len(params) < 5: raise ValueError('Invalid cron line (too short)') elif len(params) > 5: raise ValueError('Invalid cron line (too long)') daysofweek = {'sun': 0, 'mon': 1, 'tue': 2, 'wed': 3, 'thu': 4, 'fri': 5, 'sat': 6} monthsofyear = {'jan': 1, 'feb': 2, 'mar': 3, 'apr': 4, 'may': 5, 'jun': 6, 'jul': 7, 'aug': 8, 'sep': 9, 'oct': 10, 'nov': 11, 'dec': 12} for (s, i) in zip(params, ('min', 'hr', 'dom', 'mon', 'dow')): if s != '*': task[i] = [] vals = s.split(',') for val in vals: if i == 'dow': refdict = daysofweek elif i == 'mon': refdict = monthsofyear if i in ('dow', 'mon') and '-' in val and '/' not in val: isnum = val.split('-')[0].isdigit() if isnum: val = '%s/1' % val else: val = '-'.join([str(refdict.get(v, '')) for v in val.split('-')]) if '-' in val and '/' not in val: val = '%s/1' % val if '/' in val: task[i] += self._rangetolist(val, i) elif val.isdigit(): task[i].append(int(val)) elif i in ('dow', 'mon'): if val in refdict: task[i].append(refdict[val]) elif i == 'dom' and val == 'l': task[i].append(val) if not task[i]: raise ValueError('Invalid cron value (%s)' % s) if not self._sanitycheck(task[i], i): raise ValueError('Invalid cron value (%s)' % s) task[i] = sorted(task[i]) self.task = task @staticmethod def _get_next_dow(sched, task): task_dow = [a % 7 for a in task['dow']] while sched.isoweekday() % 7 not in task_dow: sched += datetime.timedelta(days=1) return sched @staticmethod def _get_next_dom(sched, task): if task['dom'] == ['l']: # instead of calendar.isleap try: last_feb = 29, 2, last_feb) except ValueError: last_feb = 28 lastdayofmonth = [ 31, last_feb, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ] task_dom = [lastdayofmonth[sched.month - 1]] else: task_dom = task['dom'] while not in task_dom: sched += datetime.timedelta(days=1) return sched @staticmethod def _get_next_mon(sched, task): while sched.month not in task['mon']: if sched.month < 12: sched = sched.replace(month=sched.month + 1) else: sched = sched.replace(month=1, year=sched.year + 1) return sched @staticmethod def _getnext_hhmm(sched, task, add_to=True): if add_to: sched += datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) if 'min' in task: while sched.minute not in task['min']: sched += datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) if 'hr' in task and sched.hour not in task['hr']: while sched.hour not in task['hr']: sched += datetime.timedelta(hours=1) return sched def _getnext_date(self, sched, task): if 'dow' in task and 'dom' in task: dow = self._get_next_dow(sched, task) dom = self._get_next_dom(sched, task) sched = min(dow, dom) elif 'dow' in task: sched = self._get_next_dow(sched, task) elif 'dom' in task: sched = self._get_next_dom(sched, task) if 'mon' in task: sched = self._get_next_mon(sched, task) return sched.replace(hour=0, minute=0)
[文档] def next(self): """Get next date according to specs.""" if not self.task: self._parse() task = self.task sched = self.sched x = 0 while x < 1000: # avoid potential max recursions x += 1 try: next_date = self._getnext_date(sched, task) except (ValueError, OverflowError) as e: raise ValueError('Invalid cron expression (%s)' % e) if > # we rolled date, check for valid hhmm sched = self._getnext_hhmm(next_date, task, False) break else: # same date, get next hhmm sched_time = self._getnext_hhmm(sched, task, True) if > # we rolled date again :( sched = sched_time else: sched = sched_time break else: raise ValueError('Potential bug found, please submit your ' 'cron expression to the authors') self.sched = sched return sched
def __iter__(self): """Support iteration.""" return self __next__ = next
# the two functions below deal with simplejson decoding as unicode, # esp for the dict decode and subsequent usage as function Keyword arguments # unicode variable names won't work! # borrowed from def _decode_list(lst): if not PY2: return lst newlist = [] for i in lst: if isinstance(i, string_types): i = to_bytes(i) elif isinstance(i, list): i = _decode_list(i) newlist.append(i) return newlist def _decode_dict(dct): if not PY2: return dct newdict = {} for k, v in iteritems(dct): k = to_bytes(k) if isinstance(v, string_types): v = to_bytes(v) elif isinstance(v, list): v = _decode_list(v) newdict[k] = v return newdict
[文档]def executor(retq, task, outq): """The function used to execute tasks in the background process.""" logger.debug(' task started') class LogOutput(object): """Facility to log output at intervals.""" def __init__(self, out_queue): self.out_queue = out_queue self.stdout = sys.stdout self.written = False sys.stdout = self def close(self): sys.stdout = self.stdout if self.written: # see "Joining processes that use queues" section in # # self.out_queue.cancel_join_thread() def flush(self): pass def write(self, data): self.out_queue.put(data) self.written = True W2P_TASK = Storage({ 'id': task.task_id, 'uuid': task.uuid, 'run_id': task.run_id }) stdout = LogOutput(outq) try: if from import env, parse_path_info from gluon import current ## FIXME: why temporarily change the log level of the root logger? #level = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() #logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARN) # support for like 'app/controller' (a, c, f) = parse_path_info( _env = env(a=a, c=c, import_models=True, extra_request={'is_scheduler': True}) #logging.getLogger().setLevel(level) f = task.function functions = current._scheduler.tasks if functions: _function = functions.get(f) else: # look into env _function = _env.get(f) if not isinstance(_function, CALLABLETYPES): raise NameError( "name '%s' not found in scheduler's environment" % f) # Inject W2P_TASK into environment _env.update({'W2P_TASK': W2P_TASK}) # Inject W2P_TASK into current current.W2P_TASK = W2P_TASK globals().update(_env) args = _decode_list(loads(task.args)) vars = loads(task.vars, object_hook=_decode_dict) result = dumps(_function(*args, **vars)) else: # for testing purpose only result = eval(task.function)( *loads(task.args, object_hook=_decode_dict), **loads(task.vars, object_hook=_decode_dict)) if len(result) >= 1024: fd, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.w2p_sched') with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as f: f.write(result) result = RESULTINFILE + temp_path retq.put(TaskReport('COMPLETED', result=result)) except: tb = traceback.format_exc() retq.put(TaskReport('FAILED', tb=tb)) finally: stdout.close()
[文档]class IS_CRONLINE(object): """ Validates cronline """ def __init__(self, error_message=None): self.error_message = error_message def __call__(self, value, record_id=None): recur = CronParser(value, try: return (value, None) except ValueError as e: if not self.error_message: return (value, e) return (value, self.error_message)
[文档]class TYPE(object): """ Validator that checks whether field is valid json and validates its type. Used for `args` and `vars` of the scheduler_task table """ def __init__(self, myclass=list, parse=False): self.myclass = myclass self.parse = parse def __call__(self, value, record_id=None): from gluon import current try: obj = loads(value) except: return (value, current.T('invalid json')) else: if isinstance(obj, self.myclass): if self.parse: return (obj, None) else: return (value, None) else: return (value, current.T('Not of type: %s') % self.myclass)
[文档]class Scheduler(threading.Thread): """Scheduler object Args: db: DAL connection where Scheduler will create its tables tasks(dict): either a dict containing name-->func or None. If None, functions will be searched in the environment migrate(bool): turn migration on/off for the Scheduler's tables worker_name(str): force worker_name to identify each process. Leave it to None to autoassign a name (hostname#pid) group_names(list): process tasks belonging to this group defaults to ['main'] if nothing gets passed heartbeat(int): how many seconds the worker sleeps between one execution and the following one. Indirectly sets how many seconds will pass between checks for new tasks max_empty_runs(int): how many loops are allowed to pass without processing any tasks before exiting the process. 0 to keep always the process alive discard_results(bool): Scheduler stores executions's details into the scheduler_run table. By default, only if there is a result the details are kept. Turning this to True means discarding results even for tasks that return something utc_time(bool): do all datetime calculations assuming UTC as the timezone. Remember to pass `start_time` and `stop_time` to tasks accordingly use_spawn(bool): use spawn for subprocess (only useable with python3) """ def __init__(self, db, tasks=None, migrate=True, worker_name=None, group_names=None, heartbeat=HEARTBEAT, max_empty_runs=0, discard_results=False, utc_time=False, use_spawn=False): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.process = None # the background process self.process_queues = (None, None) self.have_heartbeat = True # set to False to kill self.empty_runs = 0 self.db = db self.db_thread = None self.tasks = tasks self.group_names = group_names or ['main'] self.heartbeat = heartbeat self.worker_name = worker_name or IDENTIFIER self.max_empty_runs = max_empty_runs self.discard_results = discard_results self.is_a_ticker = False self.do_assign_tasks = False self.greedy = False self.utc_time = utc_time self.w_stats_lock = threading.RLock() self.w_stats = Storage( dict( status=RUNNING, sleep=heartbeat, total=0, errors=0, empty_runs=0, queue=0, distribution=None, workers=0) ) # dict holding statistics from gluon import current current._scheduler = self self.define_tables(db, migrate=migrate) self.use_spawn = use_spawn
[文档] def execute(self, task): """Start the background process. Args: task : a `Task` object Returns: a `TaskReport` object """ outq = None retq = None if (self.use_spawn and not PY2): ctx = multiprocessing.get_context('spawn') outq = ctx.Queue() retq = ctx.Queue(maxsize=1) self.process = p = ctx.Process(target=executor, args=(retq, task, outq)) else: outq = multiprocessing.Queue() retq = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=1) self.process = p = \ multiprocessing.Process(target=executor, args=(retq, task, outq)) self.process_queues = (retq, outq) logger.debug(' task starting') p.start() start = time.time() if task.sync_output > 0: run_timeout = task.sync_output else: run_timeout = task.timeout task_output = tout = '' try: while p.is_alive() and (not task.timeout or time.time() - start < task.timeout): # NOTE: try always to empty the out queue before # the child process is joined, # see "Joining processes that use queues" section in # # while True: try: tout += outq.get(timeout=2) except Queue.Empty: break if tout: logger.debug(' partial output: "%s"', tout) if CLEAROUT in tout: task_output = tout[ tout.rfind(CLEAROUT) + len(CLEAROUT):] else: task_output += tout try: db = self.db db( == task.run_id).update(run_output=task_output) db.commit() tout = '' logger.debug(' partial output saved') except Exception: logger.exception(' error while saving partial output') task_output = task_output[:-len(tout)] p.join(timeout=run_timeout) except: logger.exception(' task stopped by general exception') self.terminate_process() tr = TaskReport(STOPPED) else: if p.is_alive(): logger.debug(' task timeout') self.terminate_process(flush_ret=False) try: # we try to get a traceback here tr = retq.get(timeout=2) # NOTE: risky after terminate tr.status = TIMEOUT tr.output = task_output except Queue.Empty: tr = TaskReport(TIMEOUT) else: try: tr = retq.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: logger.debug(' task stopped') tr = TaskReport(STOPPED) else: logger.debug(' task completed or failed') result = tr.result if result and result.startswith(RESULTINFILE): temp_path = result.replace(RESULTINFILE, '', 1) with open(temp_path) as f: tr.result = os.unlink(temp_path) tr.output = task_output return tr
_terminate_process_lock = threading.RLock()
[文档] def terminate_process(self, flush_out=True, flush_ret=True): """Terminate any running tasks (internal use only)""" if self.process is not None: # must synchronize since we are called by main and heartbeat thread with self._terminate_process_lock: if flush_out: queue = self.process_queues[1] while not queue.empty(): # NOTE: empty() is not reliable try: queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: pass if flush_ret: queue = self.process_queues[0] while not queue.empty(): try: queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: pass logger.debug('terminating process') try: # NOTE: terminate should not be called when using shared # resources, see "Avoid terminating processes" # section in # # self.process.terminate() # NOTE: calling join after a terminate is risky, # as explained in "Avoid terminating processes" # section this can lead to a deadlock self.process.join() finally: self.process = None
[文档] def die(self): """Forces termination of the worker process along with any running task"""'die!') self.have_heartbeat = False self.terminate_process()
[文档] def give_up(self): """Waits for any running task to be executed, then exits the worker process"""'Giving up as soon as possible!') self.have_heartbeat = False
[文档] def run(self): """This is executed by the heartbeat thread""" counter = 0 while self.have_heartbeat: self.send_heartbeat(counter) counter += 1
[文档] def start_heartbeats(self): self.start()
def __get_migrate(self, tablename, migrate=True): if migrate is False: return False elif migrate is True: return True elif isinstance(migrate, str): return "%s%s.table" % (migrate, tablename) return True
[文档] def now(self): """Shortcut that fetches current time based on UTC preferences.""" return self.utc_time and datetime.datetime.utcnow() or
[文档] def set_requirements(self, scheduler_task): """Called to set defaults for lazy_tables connections.""" from gluon import current if hasattr(current, 'request'): scheduler_task.application_name.default = '%s/%s' % ( current.request.application, current.request.controller )
[文档] def define_tables(self, db, migrate): """Define Scheduler tables structure.""" from pydal.base import DEFAULT logger.debug('defining tables (migrate=%s)', migrate) now = db.define_table( 'scheduler_task', Field('application_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), default=None, writable=False), Field('task_name', default=None), Field('group_name', default='main'), Field('status', requires=IS_IN_SET(TASK_STATUS), default=QUEUED, writable=False), Field('broadcast', 'boolean', default=False), Field('function_name', requires=IS_IN_SET(sorted(self.tasks.keys())) if self.tasks else DEFAULT), Field('uuid', length=255, requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'scheduler_task.uuid'), unique=True, default=web2py_uuid), Field('args', 'text', default='[]', requires=TYPE(list)), Field('vars', 'text', default='{}', requires=TYPE(dict)), Field('enabled', 'boolean', default=True), Field('start_time', 'datetime', default=now, requires=IS_DATETIME()), Field('next_run_time', 'datetime', default=now), Field('stop_time', 'datetime'), Field('repeats', 'integer', default=1, comment="0=unlimited", requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), Field('retry_failed', 'integer', default=0, comment="-1=unlimited", requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(-1, None)), Field('period', 'integer', default=60, comment='seconds', requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), Field('prevent_drift', 'boolean', default=False, comment='Exact start_times between runs'), Field('cronline', default=None, comment='Discard "period", use this cron expr instead', requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_CRONLINE())), Field('timeout', 'integer', default=60, comment='seconds', requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(1, None)), Field('sync_output', 'integer', default=0, comment="update output every n sec: 0=never", requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, None)), Field('times_run', 'integer', default=0, writable=False), Field('times_failed', 'integer', default=0, writable=False), Field('last_run_time', 'datetime', writable=False, readable=False), Field('assigned_worker_name', default='', writable=False), on_define=self.set_requirements, migrate=self.__get_migrate('scheduler_task', migrate), format='(%(id)s) %(task_name)s') db.define_table( 'scheduler_run', Field('task_id', 'reference scheduler_task'), Field('status', requires=IS_IN_SET(RUN_STATUS)), Field('start_time', 'datetime'), Field('stop_time', 'datetime'), Field('run_output', 'text'), Field('run_result', 'text'), Field('traceback', 'text'), Field('worker_name', default=self.worker_name), migrate=self.__get_migrate('scheduler_run', migrate) ) db.define_table( 'scheduler_worker', Field('worker_name', length=255, unique=True), Field('first_heartbeat', 'datetime'), Field('last_heartbeat', 'datetime'), Field('status', requires=IS_IN_SET(WORKER_STATUS)), Field('is_ticker', 'boolean', default=False, writable=False), Field('group_names', 'list:string', default=self.group_names), Field('worker_stats', 'json'), migrate=self.__get_migrate('scheduler_worker', migrate) ) db.define_table( 'scheduler_task_deps', Field('job_name', default='job_0'), Field('task_parent', 'integer', requires=IS_IN_DB(db, '', '%(task_name)s') ), Field('task_child', 'reference scheduler_task'), Field('can_visit', 'boolean', default=False), migrate=self.__get_migrate('scheduler_task_deps', migrate) ) if migrate is not False: db.commit()
[文档] def loop(self, worker_name=None): """Main loop. This works basically as a neverending loop that: - checks if the worker is ready to process tasks (is not DISABLED) - pops a task from the queue - if there is a task: - spawns the executor background process - waits for the process to be finished - sleeps `heartbeat` seconds - if there is not a task: - checks for max_empty_runs - sleeps `heartbeat` seconds """ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, stack_frame: sys.exit(1)) try: self.start_heartbeats() while self.have_heartbeat: with self.w_stats_lock: is_disabled = self.w_stats.status == DISABLED if is_disabled: logger.debug('Someone stopped me, sleeping until better' ' times come (%s)', self.w_stats.sleep) self.sleep() continue logger.debug('looping...') if self.is_a_ticker and self.do_assign_tasks: # I'm a ticker, and 5 loops passed without # reassigning tasks, let's do that self.wrapped_assign_tasks() task = self.wrapped_pop_task() if task: with self.w_stats_lock: self.w_stats.empty_runs = 0 self.w_stats.status = RUNNING += 1 self.wrapped_report_task(task, self.execute(task)) with self.w_stats_lock: if not self.w_stats.status == DISABLED: self.w_stats.status = ACTIVE else: with self.w_stats_lock: self.w_stats.empty_runs += 1 if self.max_empty_runs != 0: logger.debug('empty runs %s/%s', self.w_stats.empty_runs, self.max_empty_runs) if self.w_stats.empty_runs >= self.max_empty_runs: 'empty runs limit reached, killing myself') self.die() if self.is_a_ticker and self.greedy: # there could be other tasks ready to be assigned'TICKER: greedy loop') self.wrapped_assign_tasks() logger.debug('sleeping...') self.sleep() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):'catched') self.die()
[文档] def wrapped_pop_task(self): """Commodity function to call `pop_task` and trap exceptions. If an exception is raised, assume it happened because of database contention and retries `pop_task` after 0.5 seconds """ db = self.db db.commit() # for MySQL only; FIXME: Niphlod, still needed? could avoid when not MySQL? for x in range(10): try: return self.pop_task() except Exception: logger.exception(' error popping tasks') self.w_stats.errors += 1 db.rollback() time.sleep(0.5)
[文档] def pop_task(self): """Grab a task ready to be executed from the queue.""" now = db = self.db st = db.scheduler_task grabbed = db( (st.assigned_worker_name == self.worker_name) & (st.status == ASSIGNED) ) task =, 1), orderby=st.next_run_time).first() if task: # none will touch my task! task.update_record(status=RUNNING, last_run_time=now) db.commit() logger.debug(' work to do %s', else:'nothing to do') return None if task.cronline: cron_recur = CronParser(task.cronline, now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)) next_run_time = elif not task.prevent_drift: next_run_time = task.last_run_time + datetime.timedelta( seconds=task.period ) else: # calc next_run_time based on available slots # see #1191 next_run_time = task.start_time secondspassed = (now - next_run_time).total_seconds() times = secondspassed // task.period + 1 next_run_time += datetime.timedelta(seconds=task.period * times) times_run = task.times_run + 1 if times_run < task.repeats or task.repeats == 0: # need to run (repeating task) run_again = True else: # no need to run again run_again = False run_id = 0 while not self.discard_results: # FIXME: forever? logger.debug(' new scheduler_run record') try: run_id = db.scheduler_run.insert(, status=RUNNING, start_time=now, worker_name=self.worker_name) db.commit() break except Exception: logger.exception(' error inserting scheduler_run') db.rollback() time.sleep(0.5)'new task %(id)s "%(task_name)s"' ' %(application_name)s.%(function_name)s' % task) return Task( app=task.application_name, function=task.function_name, timeout=task.timeout, args=task.args, # in json vars=task.vars, # in json, run_id=run_id, run_again=run_again, next_run_time=next_run_time, times_run=times_run, stop_time=task.stop_time, retry_failed=task.retry_failed, times_failed=task.times_failed, sync_output=task.sync_output, uuid=task.uuid)
[文档] def wrapped_report_task(self, task, task_report): """Commodity function to call `report_task` and trap exceptions. If an exception is raised, assume it happened because of database contention and retries `pop_task` after 0.5 seconds """ db = self.db while True: # FIXME: forever? try: self.report_task(task, task_report) db.commit() break except Exception: logger.exception(' error storing result') db.rollback() time.sleep(0.5)
[文档] def report_task(self, task, task_report): """Take care of storing the result according to preferences. Deals with logic for repeating tasks. """ now = db = self.db st = db.scheduler_task sr = db.scheduler_run if not self.discard_results: if task_report.result != 'null' or task_report.tb: # result is 'null' as a string if task completed # if it's stopped it's None as NoneType, so we record # the STOPPED "run" anyway logger.debug(' recording task report in db (%s)', task_report.status) db( == task.run_id).update( status=task_report.status, stop_time=now, run_result=task_report.result, run_output=task_report.output, traceback=task_report.tb) else: logger.debug(' deleting task report in db because of no result') db( == task.run_id).delete() # if there is a stop_time and the following run would exceed it is_expired = (task.stop_time and task.next_run_time > task.stop_time or False) status = (task.run_again and is_expired and EXPIRED or task.run_again and not is_expired and QUEUED or COMPLETED) if task_report.status == COMPLETED: d = dict(status=status, next_run_time=task.next_run_time, times_run=task.times_run, times_failed=0 ) db( == task.task_id).update(**d) if status == COMPLETED: self.update_dependencies(task.task_id) else: st_mapping = {'FAILED': 'FAILED', 'TIMEOUT': 'TIMEOUT', 'STOPPED': 'FAILED'}[task_report.status] status = (task.retry_failed and task.times_failed < task.retry_failed and QUEUED or task.retry_failed == -1 and QUEUED or st_mapping) db( == task.task_id).update( times_failed=st.times_failed + 1, next_run_time=task.next_run_time, status=status )'task completed (%s)', task_report.status)
[文档] def update_dependencies(self, task_id): """Unblock execution paths for Jobs.""" db = self.db db(db.scheduler_task_deps.task_child == task_id).update(can_visit=True)
[文档] def adj_hibernation(self): """Used to increase the "sleep" interval for DISABLED workers.""" with self.w_stats_lock: if self.w_stats.status == DISABLED: wk_st = self.w_stats.sleep hibernation = wk_st + HEARTBEAT if wk_st < MAXHIBERNATION else MAXHIBERNATION self.w_stats.sleep = hibernation
[文档] def send_heartbeat(self, counter): """Coordination among available workers. It: - sends the heartbeat - elects a ticker among available workers (the only process that effectively dispatch tasks to workers) - deals with worker's statuses - does "housecleaning" for dead workers - triggers tasks assignment to workers """ if self.db_thread: # BKR 20180612 check if connection still works try: self.db_thread(self.db_thread.scheduler_worker).count() except self.db_thread._adapter.connection.OperationalError: # if not -> throw away self.db_thread and force reconnect self.db_thread = None if not self.db_thread: logger.debug('thread building own DAL object') self.db_thread = DAL( self.db._uri, folder=self.db._adapter.folder, decode_credentials=True) self.define_tables(self.db_thread, migrate=False) try: now = db = self.db_thread sw = db.scheduler_worker st = db.scheduler_task # record heartbeat row = db(sw.worker_name == self.worker_name).select().first() with self.w_stats_lock: if not row: sw.insert(status=ACTIVE, worker_name=self.worker_name, first_heartbeat=now, last_heartbeat=now, group_names=self.group_names, worker_stats=self.w_stats) self.w_stats.status = ACTIVE self.w_stats.sleep = self.heartbeat backed_status = ACTIVE else: backed_status = row.status if backed_status == DISABLED: # keep sleeping self.w_stats.status = DISABLED logger.debug('........recording heartbeat (DISABLED)') db(sw.worker_name == self.worker_name).update( last_heartbeat=now, worker_stats=self.w_stats) elif backed_status == TERMINATE: self.w_stats.status = TERMINATE logger.debug("Waiting to terminate the current task") self.give_up() elif backed_status == KILL: self.w_stats.status = KILL self.die() return else: if backed_status == STOP_TASK:'Asked to kill the current task') self.terminate_process() logger.debug('........recording heartbeat (%s)', self.w_stats.status) db(sw.worker_name == self.worker_name).update( last_heartbeat=now, status=ACTIVE, worker_stats=self.w_stats) self.w_stats.sleep = self.heartbeat # re-activating the process if self.w_stats.status != RUNNING: self.w_stats.status = ACTIVE self.do_assign_tasks = False if counter % 5 == 0 or backed_status == PICK: try: # delete dead workers expiration = now - datetime.timedelta( seconds=self.heartbeat * 3) departure = now - datetime.timedelta( seconds=self.heartbeat * 3 * 15) logger.debug( ' freeing workers that have not sent heartbeat') dead_workers = db( ((sw.last_heartbeat < expiration) & (sw.status == ACTIVE)) | ((sw.last_heartbeat < departure) & (sw.status != ACTIVE)) ) dead_workers_name = dead_workers._select(sw.worker_name) db( (st.assigned_worker_name.belongs(dead_workers_name)) & (st.status == RUNNING) ).update(assigned_worker_name='', status=QUEUED) dead_workers.delete() try: self.is_a_ticker = self.being_a_ticker() except: logger.exception('Error coordinating TICKER') with self.w_stats_lock: if self.w_stats.status == ACTIVE: self.do_assign_tasks = True except: logger.exception('Error cleaning up') db.commit() except: logger.exception('Error retrieving status') db.rollback() self.adj_hibernation() self.sleep()
[文档] def being_a_ticker(self): """Elect a TICKER process that assigns tasks to available workers. Does its best to elect a worker that is not busy processing other tasks to allow a proper distribution of tasks among all active workers ASAP """ db = self.db_thread sw = db.scheduler_worker my_name = self.worker_name all_active = db( (sw.worker_name != my_name) & (sw.status == ACTIVE) ).select(sw.is_ticker, sw.worker_name) ticker = all_active.find(lambda row: row.is_ticker is True).first() with self.w_stats_lock: not_busy = self.w_stats.status == ACTIVE if not ticker: # if no other tickers are around if not_busy: # only if I'm not busy db(sw.worker_name == my_name).update(is_ticker=True) db(sw.worker_name != my_name).update(is_ticker=False)"TICKER: I'm a ticker") else: # I'm busy if len(all_active) >= 1: # so I'll "downgrade" myself to a "poor worker" db(sw.worker_name == my_name).update(is_ticker=False) else: not_busy = True db.commit() return not_busy else: "%s is a ticker, I'm a poor worker" % ticker.worker_name) return False
[文档] def wrapped_assign_tasks(self): """Commodity function to call `assign_tasks` and trap exceptions. If an exception is raised, assume it happened because of database contention and retries `assign_task` after 0.5 seconds """ logger.debug('Assigning tasks...') db = self.db db.commit() # for MySQL only; FIXME: Niphlod, still needed? could avoid when not MySQL? for x in range(10): try: self.assign_tasks() db.commit() logger.debug('Tasks assigned...') break except Exception: logger.exception('TICKER: error assigning tasks') self.w_stats.errors += 1 db.rollback() time.sleep(0.5)
[文档] def assign_tasks(self): """Assign task to workers, that can then pop them from the queue. Deals with group_name(s) logic, in order to assign linearly tasks to available workers for those groups """ now = db = self.db sw = db.scheduler_worker st = db.scheduler_task sd = db.scheduler_task_deps all_workers = db(sw.status == ACTIVE).select() # build workers as dict of groups wkgroups = {} for w in all_workers: if w.worker_stats['status'] == 'RUNNING': continue group_names = w.group_names for gname in group_names: if gname not in wkgroups: wkgroups[gname] = dict( workers=[{'name': w.worker_name, 'c': 0}]) else: wkgroups[gname]['workers'].append( {'name': w.worker_name, 'c': 0}) # set queued tasks that expired between "runs" (i.e., you turned off # the scheduler): then it wasn't expired, but now it is db( (st.status.belongs((QUEUED, ASSIGNED))) & (st.stop_time < now) ).update(status=EXPIRED) # calculate dependencies deps_with_no_deps = db( (sd.can_visit == False) & (~sd.task_child.belongs( db(sd.can_visit == False)._select(sd.task_parent) ) ) )._select(sd.task_child) no_deps = db( (st.status.belongs((QUEUED, ASSIGNED))) & ( ( == None) | ( ) )._select(, distinct=True, left=sd.on( ( == sd.task_parent) & (sd.can_visit == False) ) ) all_available = db( (st.status.belongs((QUEUED, ASSIGNED))) & (st.next_run_time <= now) & (st.enabled == True) & ( ) limit = len(all_workers) * (50 / (len(wkgroups) or 1)) # if there are a moltitude of tasks, let's figure out a maximum of # tasks per worker. This can be further tuned with some added # intelligence (like esteeming how many tasks will a worker complete # before the ticker reassign them around, but the gain is quite small # 50 is a sweet spot also for fast tasks, with sane heartbeat values # NB: ticker reassign tasks every 5 cycles, so if a worker completes # its 50 tasks in less than heartbeat*5 seconds, # it won't pick new tasks until heartbeat*5 seconds pass. # If a worker is currently elaborating a long task, its tasks needs to # be reassigned to other workers # this shuffles up things a bit, in order to give a task equal chances # to be executed # let's freeze it up db.commit() tnum = 0 for group in wkgroups.keys(): tasks = all_available(st.group_name == group).select( limitby=(0, limit), orderby=st.next_run_time) # let's break up the queue evenly among workers for task in tasks: tnum += 1 gname = task.group_name ws = wkgroups.get(gname) if ws: if task.broadcast: for worker in ws['workers']: new_task = db.scheduler_task.insert( application_name = task.application_name, task_name = task.task_name, group_name = task.group_name, status = ASSIGNED, broadcast = False, function_name = task.function_name, args = task.args, start_time = now, repeats = 1, retry_failed = task.retry_failed, sync_output = task.sync_output, assigned_worker_name = worker['name']) if task.period: next_run_time = now+datetime.timedelta(seconds=task.period) else: # must be cronline cron_recur = CronParser(task.cronline, now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)) next_run_time = db( ==, next_run_time=next_run_time, last_run_time=now) db.commit() else: counter = 0 myw = 0 for i, w in enumerate(ws['workers']): if w['c'] < counter: myw = i counter = w['c'] assigned_wn = wkgroups[gname]['workers'][myw]['name'] d = dict( status=ASSIGNED, assigned_worker_name=assigned_wn ) db( ( == & (st.status.belongs((QUEUED, ASSIGNED))) ).update(**d) wkgroups[gname]['workers'][myw]['c'] += 1 db.commit() # I didn't report tasks but I'm working nonetheless!!!! with self.w_stats_lock: if tnum > 0: self.w_stats.empty_runs = 0 self.w_stats.queue = tnum self.w_stats.distribution = wkgroups self.w_stats.workers = len(all_workers) # I'll be greedy only if tasks assigned are equal to the limit # (meaning there could be others ready to be assigned) self.greedy = tnum >= limit'TICKER: workers are %s', len(all_workers))'TICKER: tasks are %s', tnum)
[文档] def sleep(self): """Calculate the number of seconds to sleep.""" time.sleep(self.w_stats.sleep)
# should only sleep until next available task
[文档] def set_worker_status(self, group_names=None, action=ACTIVE, exclude=None, limit=None, worker_name=None): """Internal function to set worker's status.""" db = self.db ws = db.scheduler_worker if not group_names: group_names = self.group_names elif isinstance(group_names, str): group_names = [group_names] if worker_name: db(ws.worker_name == worker_name).update(status=action) return exclusion = exclude and exclude.append(action) or [action] if not limit: for group in group_names: db( (ws.group_names.contains(group)) & (~ws.status.belongs(exclusion)) ).update(status=action) else: for group in group_names: workers = db((ws.group_names.contains(group)) & (~ws.status.belongs(exclusion)) )._select(, limitby=(0, limit)) db(
[文档] def disable(self, group_names=None, limit=None, worker_name=None): """Set DISABLED on the workers processing `group_names` tasks. A DISABLED worker will be kept alive but it won't be able to process any waiting tasks, essentially putting it to sleep. By default, all group_names of Scheduler's instantation are selected """ self.set_worker_status( group_names=group_names, action=DISABLED, exclude=[DISABLED, KILL, TERMINATE], limit=limit)
[文档] def resume(self, group_names=None, limit=None, worker_name=None): """Wakes a worker up (it will be able to process queued tasks)""" self.set_worker_status( group_names=group_names, action=ACTIVE, exclude=[KILL, TERMINATE], limit=limit)
[文档] def terminate(self, group_names=None, limit=None, worker_name=None): """Sets TERMINATE as worker status. The worker will wait for any currently running tasks to be executed and then it will exit gracefully """ self.set_worker_status( group_names=group_names, action=TERMINATE, exclude=[KILL], limit=limit)
[文档] def kill(self, group_names=None, limit=None, worker_name=None): """Sets KILL as worker status. The worker will be killed even if it's processing a task.""" self.set_worker_status( group_names=group_names, action=KILL, limit=limit)
[文档] def queue_task(self, function, pargs=[], pvars={}, **kwargs): """ Queue tasks. This takes care of handling the validation of all parameters Args: function: the function (anything callable with a __name__) pargs: "raw" args to be passed to the function. Automatically jsonified. pvars: "raw" kwargs to be passed to the function. Automatically jsonified kwargs: all the parameters available (basically, every `scheduler_task` column). If args and vars are here, they should be jsonified already, and they will override pargs and pvars Returns: a dict just as a normal validate_and_insert(), plus a uuid key holding the uuid of the queued task. If validation is not passed ( i.e. some parameters are invalid) both id and uuid will be None, and you'll get an "error" dict holding the errors found. """ if hasattr(function, '__name__'): function = function.__name__ targs = 'args' in kwargs and kwargs.pop('args') or dumps(pargs) tvars = 'vars' in kwargs and kwargs.pop('vars') or dumps(pvars) tuuid = 'uuid' in kwargs and kwargs.pop('uuid') or web2py_uuid() tname = 'task_name' in kwargs and kwargs.pop('task_name') or function immediate = 'immediate' in kwargs and kwargs.pop('immediate') or None cronline = kwargs.get('cronline') kwargs.update( function_name=function, task_name=tname, args=targs, vars=tvars, uuid=tuuid, ) if cronline: try: start_time = kwargs.get('start_time', next_run_time = CronParser(cronline, start_time).next() kwargs.update(start_time=start_time, next_run_time=next_run_time) except Exception: pass if 'start_time' in kwargs and 'next_run_time' not in kwargs: kwargs.update(next_run_time=kwargs['start_time']) db = self.db rtn = db.scheduler_task.validate_and_insert(**kwargs) if not rtn.errors: rtn.uuid = tuuid if immediate: db( (db.scheduler_worker.is_ticker == True) ).update(status=PICK) else: rtn.uuid = None return rtn
[文档] def task_status(self, ref, output=False): """ Retrieves task status and optionally the result of the task Args: ref: can be - an integer : lookup will be done by - a string : lookup will be done by scheduler_task.uuid - a `Query` : lookup as you wish, e.g. :: db.scheduler_task.task_name == 'test1' output(bool): if `True`, fetch also the scheduler_run record Returns: a single Row object, for the last queued task. If output == True, returns also the last scheduler_run record. The scheduler_run record is fetched by a left join, so it can have all fields == None """ from pydal.objects import Query db = self.db sr = db.scheduler_run st = db.scheduler_task if isinstance(ref, integer_types): q = == ref elif isinstance(ref, str): q = st.uuid == ref elif isinstance(ref, Query): q = ref else: raise SyntaxError( "You can retrieve results only by id, uuid or Query") fields = [st.ALL] left = False orderby = if output: fields = st.ALL, sr.ALL left = sr.on(sr.task_id == orderby = | row = db(q).select( *fields, **dict(orderby=orderby, left=left, limitby=(0, 1)) ).first() if row and output: row.result = row.scheduler_run.run_result and \ loads(row.scheduler_run.run_result, object_hook=_decode_dict) or None return row
[文档] def stop_task(self, ref): """Shortcut for task termination. If the task is RUNNING it will terminate it, meaning that status will be set as FAILED. If the task is QUEUED, its stop_time will be set as to "now", the enabled flag will be set to False, and the status to STOPPED Args: ref: can be - an integer : lookup will be done by - a string : lookup will be done by scheduler_task.uuid Returns: - 1 if task was stopped (meaning an update has been done) - None if task was not found, or if task was not RUNNING or QUEUED Note: Experimental """ db = self.db st = db.scheduler_task sw = db.scheduler_worker if isinstance(ref, integer_types): q = == ref elif isinstance(ref, str): q = st.uuid == ref else: raise SyntaxError( "You can retrieve results only by id or uuid") task = db(q).select(, st.status, st.assigned_worker_name) task = task.first() rtn = None if not task: return rtn if task.status == 'RUNNING': q = sw.worker_name == task.assigned_worker_name rtn = db(q).update(status=STOP_TASK) elif task.status == 'QUEUED': rtn = db(q).update(, enabled=False, status=STOPPED) return rtn
[文档] def get_workers(self, only_ticker=False): """ Returns a dict holding `worker_name : {**columns}` representing all "registered" workers only_ticker returns only the workers running as a TICKER, if there are any """ db = self.db if only_ticker: workers = db(db.scheduler_worker.is_ticker == True).select() else: workers = db( all_workers = {} for row in workers: all_workers[row.worker_name] = Storage( status=row.status, first_heartbeat=row.first_heartbeat, last_heartbeat=row.last_heartbeat, group_names=row.group_names, is_ticker=row.is_ticker, worker_stats=row.worker_stats ) return all_workers
[文档]def main(): """ allows to run worker without python .... by simply:: python gluon/ """ import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-w", "--worker_name", dest="worker_name", default=None, help="start a worker with name") parser.add_option( "-b", "--heartbeat", dest="heartbeat", default=10, type='int', help="heartbeat time in seconds (default 10)") parser.add_option( "-L", "--logger_level", dest="logger_level", default=30, type='int', help="set debug output level (0-100, 0 means all, 100 means none;default is 30)") parser.add_option("-E", "--empty-runs", dest="max_empty_runs", type='int', default=0, help="max loops with no grabbed tasks permitted (0 for never check)") parser.add_option( "-g", "--group_names", dest="group_names", default='main', help="comma separated list of groups to be picked by the worker") parser.add_option( "-f", "--db_folder", dest="db_folder", default='/Users/mdipierro/web2py/applications/scheduler/databases', help="location of the dal database folder") parser.add_option( "-u", "--db_uri", dest="db_uri", default='sqlite://storage.sqlite', help="database URI string (web2py DAL syntax)") parser.add_option( "-t", "--tasks", dest="tasks", default=None, help="file containing task files, must define" + "tasks = {'task_name':(lambda: 'output')} or similar set of tasks") parser.add_option( "-U", "--utc-time", dest="utc_time", default=False, help="work with UTC timestamps" ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.tasks or not options.db_uri: print(USAGE) if options.tasks: path, filename = os.path.split(options.tasks) if filename.endswith('.py'): filename = filename[:-3] sys.path.append(path) print('importing tasks...') tasks = __import__(filename, globals(), locals(), [], -1).tasks print('tasks found: ' + ', '.join(list(tasks.keys()))) else: tasks = {} group_names = [x.strip() for x in options.group_names.split(',')] logging.getLogger().setLevel(options.logger_level) print('groups for this worker: ' + ', '.join(group_names)) print('connecting to database in folder: ' + options.db_folder or './') print('using URI: ' + options.db_uri) db = DAL(options.db_uri, folder=options.db_folder, decode_credentials=True) print('instantiating scheduler...') scheduler = Scheduler(db=db, worker_name=options.worker_name, tasks=tasks, migrate=True, group_names=group_names, heartbeat=options.heartbeat, max_empty_runs=options.max_empty_runs, utc_time=options.utc_time) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, stack_frame: sys.exit(1)) print('starting main worker loop...') scheduler.loop()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()