gluon.main 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

| This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
| Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <>
| License: LGPLv3 (

The gluon wsgi application

if False:
    from . import import_all  # DO NOT REMOVE PART OF FREEZE PROCESS
import gc

import os
import re
import copy
import sys
import time
import datetime
import signal
import socket
import random
import string

from gluon._compat import Cookie, urllib_quote
# from thread import allocate_lock

from gluon.fileutils import abspath, read_file, write_file, create_missing_folders, create_missing_app_folders, \
from gluon.settings import global_settings
from gluon.utils import web2py_uuid, unlocalised_http_header_date
from gluon.globals import current

#  Remarks:
#  calling script has inserted path to script directory into sys.path
#  applications_parent (path to applications/, site-packages/ etc)
#  defaults to that directory set sys.path to
#  ("", gluon_parent/site-packages, gluon_parent, ...)
#  this is wrong:
#  web2py_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
#  because we do not want the path to this file which may be
#  gluon_parent is the directory containing gluon,, logging.conf
#  and the handlers.
#  applications_parent (web2py_path) is the directory containing applications/
#  and
#  The two are identical unless web2py_path is changed via the -f folder option
#  main.web2py_path is the same as applications_parent (for backward compatibility)

web2py_path = global_settings.applications_parent  # backward compatibility


# set up logging for subsequent imports
import logging.config

# do not need fancy graphical loggers when served by handler
# (e.g. apache + mod_wsgi), speed up execution
if not global_settings.web2py_runtime_handler:
    # attention!, the import Tkinter in messageboxhandler, changes locale ...
    import gluon.messageboxhandler
    # This needed to prevent exception on Python 2.5:
    # NameError: name 'gluon' is not defined
    # See
    logging.gluon = gluon
    # so we must restore it! Thanks ozancag
    import locale
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, "C")  # IMPORTANT, web2py requires locale "C"

except:  # fails on GAE or when logfile is missing
logger = logging.getLogger("web2py")

exists = os.path.exists
pjoin = os.path.join

from gluon.restricted import RestrictedError
from gluon.http import HTTP, redirect
from gluon.globals import Request, Response, Session
from gluon.compileapp import build_environment, run_models_in, \
    run_controller_in, run_view_in
from gluon.contenttype import contenttype
from pydal.base import BaseAdapter
from gluon.validators import CRYPT
from gluon.html import URL, xmlescape
from gluon.utils import is_valid_ip_address, getipaddrinfo
from gluon.rewrite import load as load_routes, url_in, THREAD_LOCAL as rwthread, \
    try_rewrite_on_error, fixup_missing_path_info
from gluon import newcron

__all__ = ['wsgibase', 'save_password', 'appfactory', 'HttpServer']

requests = 0    # gc timer

# Security Checks: validate URL and session_id here,
# accept_language is validated in languages

    version_info = read_file(pjoin(global_settings.gluon_parent, 'VERSION'))
    web2py_version = global_settings.web2py_version = version_info.split()[-1].strip()
    raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine web2py version")

# do not need rocket nor HttpServer when served by handler
# (e.g. apache + mod_wsgi), speed up execution and save memory
if not global_settings.web2py_runtime_handler:
    from gluon import rocket


HTTPS_SCHEMES = set(('https', 'HTTPS'))

# pattern used to match client IP address
REGEX_CLIENT = re.compile(r'[\w:]+(\.\w+)*')

def get_client(env):
    Guesses the client address from the environment variables

    First tries 'http_x_forwarded_for', secondly 'remote_addr'
    if all fails, assume '' or '::1' (running locally)
    eget = env.get
    m ='http_x_forwarded_for', ''))
    client = m and
    if client in (None, '', 'unknown'):
        m ='remote_addr', ''))
        if m:
            client =
        elif env.http_host.startswith('['):  # IPv6
            client = '::1'
            client = ''  # IPv4
    if not is_valid_ip_address(client):
        raise HTTP(400, "Bad Request (request.client=%s)" % client)
    return client

def serve_controller(request, response, session):
    This function is used to generate a dynamic page.
    It first runs all models, then runs the function in the controller,
    and then tries to render the output using a view/template.
    this function must run from the [application] folder.
    A typical example would be the call to the url
    /[application]/[controller]/[function] that would result in a call
    to [function]() in applications/[application]/[controller].py
    rendered by applications/[application]/views/[controller]/[function].html

    # ##################################################
    # build environment for controller and view
    # ##################################################

    environment = build_environment(request, response, session)

    # set default view, controller can override it

    response.view = '%s/%s.%s' % (request.controller,

    # also, make sure the flash is passed through
    # ##################################################
    # process models, controller and view (if required)
    # ##################################################

    response._view_environment = copy.copy(environment)
    page = run_controller_in(request.controller, request.function, environment)
    if isinstance(page, dict):
        response._vars = page
        page = run_view_in(response._view_environment)

    if not request.env.web2py_disable_garbage_collect:
        # logic to garbage collect after exec, not always, once every 100 requests
        global requests
        requests = ('requests' in globals()) and (requests + 1) % 100 or 0
        if not requests:
        # end garbage collection logic

    # ##################################################
    # set default headers it not set
    # ##################################################

    default_headers = [
        ('Content-Type', contenttype('.' + request.extension)),
         'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'),
        ('Expires', unlocalised_http_header_date(time.gmtime())),
        ('Pragma', 'no-cache')]
    for key, value in default_headers:
        response.headers.setdefault(key, value)

    raise HTTP(response.status, page, **response.headers)

class LazyWSGI(object):
    def __init__(self, environ, request, response):
        self.wsgi_environ = environ
        self.request = request
        self.response = response

    def environ(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_environ'):
            new_environ = self.wsgi_environ
            new_environ['wsgi.input'] = self.request.body
            new_environ['wsgi.version'] = 1
            self._environ = new_environ
        return self._environ

    def start_response(self, status='200', headers=[], exec_info=None):
        in controller you can use:

        - request.wsgi.environ
        - request.wsgi.start_response

        to call third party WSGI applications
        self.response.status = int(str(status).split(' ', 1)[0])
        self.response.headers = dict(headers)
        return lambda *args, **kargs: \
            self.response.write(escape=False, *args, **kargs)

    def middleware(self, *middleware_apps):
        In you controller use::

            @request.wsgi.middleware(middleware1, middleware2, ...)

        to decorate actions with WSGI middleware. actions must return strings.
        uses a simulated environment so it may have weird behavior in some cases
        def middleware(f):
            def app(environ, start_response):
                data = f()
                if isinstance(data, list):
                    return data
                return [data]
            for item in middleware_apps:
                app = item(app)

            def caller(app):
                return app(self.environ, self.start_response)
            return lambda caller=caller, app=app: caller(app)
        return middleware

[文档]def wsgibase(environ, responder): """ The gluon wsgi application. The first function called when a page is requested (static or dynamic). It can be called by paste.httpserver or by apache mod_wsgi (or any WSGI-compatible server). - fills request with info - the environment variables, replacing '.' with '_' - adds web2py path and version info - compensates for fcgi missing path_info and query_string - validates the path in url The url path must be either: 1. for static pages: - /<application>/static/<file> 2. for dynamic pages: - /<application>[/<controller>[/<function>[/<sub>]]][.<extension>] The naming conventions are: - application, controller, function and extension may only contain `[a-zA-Z0-9_]` - file and sub may also contain '-', '=', '.' and '/' """ eget = environ.get current.__dict__.clear() request = Request(environ) response = Response() session = Session() env = request.env # env.web2py_path = global_settings.applications_parent env.web2py_version = web2py_version # env.update(global_settings) static_file = False http_response = None try: try: try: # ################################################## # handle fcgi missing path_info and query_string # select rewrite parameters # rewrite incoming URL # parse rewritten header variables # parse rewritten URL # serve file if static # ################################################## fixup_missing_path_info(environ) (static_file, version, environ) = url_in(request, environ) response.status = env.web2py_status_code or response.status if static_file: if eget('QUERY_STRING', '').startswith('attachment'): response.headers['Content-Disposition'] \ = 'attachment' if version: response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=315360000' response.headers[ 'Expires'] = 'Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT', request=request) # ################################################## # fill in request items # ################################################## app = request.application # must go after url_in! if not global_settings.local_hosts: local_hosts = set(['', '::ffff:', '::1']) if not global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae: try: fqdn = socket.getfqdn() local_hosts.add(socket.gethostname()) local_hosts.add(fqdn) local_hosts.update([ addrinfo[4][0] for addrinfo in getipaddrinfo(fqdn)]) if env.server_name: local_hosts.add(env.server_name) local_hosts.update([ addrinfo[4][0] for addrinfo in getipaddrinfo(env.server_name)]) except (socket.gaierror, TypeError): pass global_settings.local_hosts = list(local_hosts) else: local_hosts = global_settings.local_hosts client = get_client(env) x_req_with = str(env.http_x_requested_with).lower() request.update( client=client, folder=abspath('applications', app), ajax=x_req_with == 'xmlhttprequest', cid=env.http_web2py_component_element, is_local=(env.remote_addr in local_hosts and client == env.remote_addr), is_shell=False, is_scheduler=False, is_https=env.wsgi_url_scheme in HTTPS_SCHEMES or request.env.http_x_forwarded_proto in HTTPS_SCHEMES or env.https == 'on' ) request.url = environ['PATH_INFO'] # ################################################## # access the requested application # ################################################## disabled = pjoin(request.folder, 'DISABLED') if not exists(request.folder): if app == rwthread.routes.default_application \ and app != 'welcome': redirect(URL('welcome', 'default', 'index')) elif rwthread.routes.error_handler: _handler = rwthread.routes.error_handler redirect(URL(_handler['application'], _handler['controller'], _handler['function'], args=app)) else: raise HTTP(404, rwthread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request', web2py_error='invalid application') elif not request.is_local and exists(disabled): five0three = os.path.join(request.folder, 'static', '503.html') if os.path.exists(five0three): raise HTTP(503, open(five0three, 'r').read()) else: raise HTTP(503, "<html><body><h1>Temporarily down for maintenance</h1></body></html>") # ################################################## # build missing folders # ################################################## create_missing_app_folders(request) # ################################################## # get the GET and POST data # ################################################## # parse_get_post_vars(request, environ) # ################################################## # expose wsgi hooks for convenience # ################################################## request.wsgi = LazyWSGI(environ, request, response) # ################################################## # load cookies # ################################################## if env.http_cookie: for single_cookie in env.http_cookie.split(';'): single_cookie = single_cookie.strip() if single_cookie: try: request.cookies.load(single_cookie) except Cookie.CookieError: pass # single invalid cookie ignore # ################################################## # try load session or create new session file # ################################################## if not env.web2py_disable_session: session.connect(request, response) # ################################################## # run controller # ################################################## if global_settings.debugging and app != "admin": import gluon.debug # activate the debugger gluon.debug.dbg.do_debug(mainpyfile=request.folder) serve_controller(request, response, session) except HTTP as hr: http_response = hr if static_file: return, env=env) if request.body: request.body.close() if hasattr(current, 'request'): # ################################################## # on success, try store session in database # ################################################## if not env.web2py_disable_session: session._try_store_in_db(request, response) # ################################################## # on success, commit database # ################################################## if response.do_not_commit is True: BaseAdapter.close_all_instances(None) elif response.custom_commit: BaseAdapter.close_all_instances(response.custom_commit) else: BaseAdapter.close_all_instances('commit') # ################################################## # if session not in db try store session on filesystem # this must be done after trying to commit database! # ################################################## if not env.web2py_disable_session: session._try_store_in_cookie_or_file(request, response) # Set header so client can distinguish component requests. if request.cid: http_response.headers.setdefault( 'web2py-component-content', 'replace') if request.ajax: if response.flash: http_response.headers['web2py-component-flash'] = \ urllib_quote(xmlescape(response.flash).replace(b'\n', b'')) if response.js: http_response.headers['web2py-component-command'] = \ urllib_quote(response.js.replace('\n', '')) # ################################################## # store cookies in headers # ################################################## session._fixup_before_save() http_response.cookies2headers(response.cookies) ticket = None except RestrictedError as e: if request.body: request.body.close() # ################################################## # on application error, rollback database # ################################################## # log tickets before rollback if not in DB if not request.tickets_db: ticket = e.log(request) or 'unknown' # rollback if response._custom_rollback: response._custom_rollback() else: BaseAdapter.close_all_instances('rollback') # if tickets in db, reconnect and store it in db if request.tickets_db: ticket = e.log(request) or 'unknown' http_response = \ HTTP(500, rwthread.routes.error_message_ticket % dict(ticket=ticket), web2py_error='ticket %s' % ticket) except: if request.body: request.body.close() # ################################################## # on application error, rollback database # ################################################## try: if response._custom_rollback: response._custom_rollback() else: BaseAdapter.close_all_instances('rollback') except: pass e = RestrictedError('Framework', '', '', locals()) ticket = e.log(request) or 'unrecoverable' http_response = \ HTTP(500, rwthread.routes.error_message_ticket % dict(ticket=ticket), web2py_error='ticket %s' % ticket) finally: if response and hasattr(response, 'session_file') \ and response.session_file: response.session_file.close() session._unlock(response) http_response, new_environ = try_rewrite_on_error( http_response, request, environ, ticket) if not http_response: return wsgibase(new_environ, responder) if global_settings.web2py_crontype == 'soft': cmd_opts = global_settings.cmd_options newcron.softcron(global_settings.applications_parent, apps=cmd_opts and cmd_opts.crontabs) return, env=env)
[文档]def save_password(password, port): """ Used by main() to save the password in the file. """ password_file = abspath('' % port) if password == '<random>': # make up a new password chars = string.letters + string.digits password = ''.join([random.choice(chars) for _ in range(8)]) cpassword = CRYPT()(password)[0] print('******************* IMPORTANT!!! ************************') print('your admin password is "%s"' % password) print('*********************************************************') elif password == '<recycle>': # reuse the current password if any if exists(password_file): return else: password = '' elif password.startswith('<pam_user:'): # use the pam password for specified user cpassword = password[1:-1] else: # use provided password cpassword = CRYPT()(password)[0] fp = open(password_file, 'w') if password: fp.write('password="%s"\n' % cpassword) else: fp.write('password=None\n') fp.close()
[文档]def appfactory(wsgiapp=wsgibase, logfilename='httpserver.log', profiler_dir=None, profilerfilename=None): """ generates a wsgi application that does logging and profiling and calls wsgibase Args: wsgiapp: the base application logfilename: where to store apache-compatible requests log profiler_dir: where to store profile files """ if profilerfilename is not None: raise BaseException("Deprecated API") if profiler_dir: profiler_dir = abspath(profiler_dir) logger.warn('profiler is on. will use dir %s', profiler_dir) if not os.path.isdir(profiler_dir): try: os.makedirs(profiler_dir) except: raise BaseException("Can't create dir %s" % profiler_dir) filepath = pjoin(profiler_dir, 'wtest') try: filehandle = open(filepath, 'w') filehandle.close() os.unlink(filepath) except IOError: raise BaseException("Unable to write to dir %s" % profiler_dir) def app_with_logging(environ, responder): """ a wsgi app that does logging and profiling and calls wsgibase """ status_headers = [] def responder2(s, h): """ wsgi responder app """ status_headers.append(s) status_headers.append(h) return responder(s, h) time_in = time.time() ret = [0] if not profiler_dir: ret[0] = wsgiapp(environ, responder2) else: import cProfile prof = cProfile.Profile() prof.enable() ret[0] = wsgiapp(environ, responder2) prof.disable() destfile = pjoin(profiler_dir, "" % web2py_uuid()) prof.dump_stats(destfile) try: line = '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %f\n' % ( environ['REMOTE_ADDR'],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), environ['REQUEST_METHOD'], environ['PATH_INFO'].replace(',', '%2C'), environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], (status_headers[0])[:3], time.time() - time_in, ) if not logfilename: sys.stdout.write(line) elif isinstance(logfilename, str): write_file(logfilename, line, 'a') else: logfilename.write(line) except: pass return ret[0] return app_with_logging
[文档]class HttpServer(object): """ the web2py web server (Rocket) """ def __init__( self, ip='', port=8000, password='', pid_filename='', log_filename='httpserver.log', profiler_dir=None, ssl_certificate=None, ssl_private_key=None, ssl_ca_certificate=None, min_threads=None, max_threads=None, server_name=None, request_queue_size=5, timeout=10, socket_timeout=1, shutdown_timeout=None, # Rocket does not use a shutdown timeout path=None, interfaces=None # Rocket is able to use several interfaces - must be list of socket-tuples as string ): """ starts the web server. """ if interfaces: # if interfaces is specified, it must be tested for rocket parameter correctness # not necessarily completely tested (e.g. content of tuples or ip-format) if isinstance(interfaces, list): for i in interfaces: if not isinstance(i, tuple): raise AttributeError("Wrong format for rocket interfaces parameter - see") else: raise AttributeError("Wrong format for rocket interfaces parameter - see") if path: # if a path is specified change the global variables so that web2py # runs from there instead of cwd or os.environ['web2py_path'] global web2py_path path = os.path.normpath(path) web2py_path = path global_settings.applications_parent = path os.chdir(path) load_routes() for p in (path, abspath('site-packages'), ""): add_path_first(p) if exists("logging.conf"): logging.config.fileConfig("logging.conf") save_password(password, port) self.pid_filename = pid_filename if not server_name: server_name = socket.gethostname()'starting web server...') rocket.SERVER_NAME = server_name rocket.SOCKET_TIMEOUT = socket_timeout sock_list = [ip, port] if not ssl_certificate or not ssl_private_key:'SSL is off') elif not rocket.has_ssl: logger.warning('Python "ssl" module unavailable. SSL is OFF') elif not exists(ssl_certificate): logger.warning('unable to open SSL certificate. SSL is OFF') elif not exists(ssl_private_key): logger.warning('unable to open SSL private key. SSL is OFF') else: sock_list.extend([ssl_private_key, ssl_certificate]) if ssl_ca_certificate: sock_list.append(ssl_ca_certificate)'SSL is ON') app_info = {'wsgi_app': appfactory(wsgibase, log_filename, profiler_dir)} self.server = rocket.Rocket(interfaces or tuple(sock_list), method='wsgi', app_info=app_info, min_threads=min_threads, max_threads=max_threads, queue_size=request_queue_size, timeout=timeout, handle_signals=False, )
[文档] def start(self): """ start the web server """ try: signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda a, b, s=self: s.stop()) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda a, b, s=self: s.stop()) except: pass write_file(self.pid_filename, str(os.getpid())) self.server.start()
[文档] def stop(self, stoplogging=False): """ stop cron and the web server """ if global_settings.web2py_crontype == 'soft': try: newcron.stopcron() except: pass self.server.stop(stoplogging) try: os.unlink(self.pid_filename) except: pass