tablib.core 源代码


    This module implements the central Tablib objects.

    :copyright: (c) 2016 by Kenneth Reitz. 2019 Jazzband.
    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import copy
from operator import itemgetter

from tablib.exceptions import (
from tablib.formats import registry
from tablib.utils import normalize_input

__title__ = 'tablib'
__author__ = 'Kenneth Reitz'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2017 Kenneth Reitz. 2019 Jazzband.'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

class Row:
    """Internal Row object. Mainly used for filtering."""

    __slots__ = ['_row', 'tags']

    def __init__(self, row=(), tags=()):
        self._row = list(row)
        self.tags = list(tags)

    def __iter__(self):
        return (col for col in self._row)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._row)

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self._row)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self._row[i]

    def __setitem__(self, i, value):
        self._row[i] = value

    def __delitem__(self, i):
        del self._row[i]

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self._row, self.tags

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self._row, self.tags = state

    def rpush(self, value):
        self.insert(len(self._row), value)

    def lpush(self, value):
        self.insert(0, value)

    def append(self, value):

    def insert(self, index, value):
        self._row.insert(index, value)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return (item in self._row)

    def tuple(self):
        """Tuple representation of :class:`Row`."""
        return tuple(self._row)

    def list(self):
        """List representation of :class:`Row`."""
        return list(self._row)

    def has_tag(self, tag):
        """Returns true if current row contains tag."""

        if tag is None:
            return False
        elif isinstance(tag, str):
            return (tag in self.tags)
            return bool(len(set(tag) & set(self.tags)))

[文档] class Dataset: """The :class:`Dataset` object is the heart of Tablib. It provides all core functionality. Usually you create a :class:`Dataset` instance in your main module, and append rows as you collect data. :: data = tablib.Dataset() data.headers = ('name', 'age') for (name, age) in some_collector(): data.append((name, age)) Setting columns is similar. The column data length must equal the current height of the data and headers must be set. :: data = tablib.Dataset() data.headers = ('first_name', 'last_name') data.append(('John', 'Adams')) data.append(('George', 'Washington')) data.append_col((90, 67), header='age') You can also set rows and headers upon instantiation. This is useful if dealing with dozens or hundreds of :class:`Dataset` objects. :: headers = ('first_name', 'last_name') data = [('John', 'Adams'), ('George', 'Washington')] data = tablib.Dataset(*data, headers=headers) :param \\*args: (optional) list of rows to populate Dataset :param headers: (optional) list strings for Dataset header row :param title: (optional) string to use as title of the Dataset .. admonition:: Format Attributes Definition If you look at the code, the various output/import formats are not defined within the :class:`Dataset` object. To add support for a new format, see :ref:`Adding New Formats <newformats>`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._data = list(Row(arg) for arg in args) self.__headers = None # ('title', index) tuples self._separators = [] # (column, callback) tuples self._formatters = [] self.headers = kwargs.get('headers') self.title = kwargs.get('title') def __len__(self): return self.height def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): if key in self.headers: pos = self.headers.index(key) # get 'key' index from each data return [row[pos] for row in self._data] else: raise KeyError else: _results = self._data[key] if isinstance(_results, Row): return _results.tuple else: return [result.tuple for result in _results] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._validate(value) self._data[key] = Row(value) def __delitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): if key in self.headers: pos = self.headers.index(key) del self.headers[pos] for i, row in enumerate(self._data): del row[pos] self._data[i] = row else: raise KeyError else: del self._data[key] def __repr__(self): try: return '<%s dataset>' % (self.title.lower()) except AttributeError: return '<dataset object>' def __str__(self): result = [] # Add str representation of headers. if self.__headers: result.append([str(h) for h in self.__headers]) # Add str representation of rows. result.extend(list(map(str, row)) for row in self._data) lens = [list(map(len, row)) for row in result] field_lens = list(map(max, zip(*lens))) # delimiter between header and data if self.__headers: result.insert(1, ['-' * length for length in field_lens]) format_string = '|'.join('{%s:%s}' % item for item in enumerate(field_lens)) return '\n'.join(format_string.format(*row) for row in result) # --------- # Internals # --------- def _get_in_format(self, fmt_key, **kwargs): return registry.get_format(fmt_key).export_set(self, **kwargs) def _set_in_format(self, fmt_key, in_stream, **kwargs): in_stream = normalize_input(in_stream) return registry.get_format(fmt_key).import_set(self, in_stream, **kwargs) def _validate(self, row=None, col=None, safety=False): """Assures size of every row in dataset is of proper proportions.""" if row: is_valid = (len(row) == self.width) if self.width else True elif col: if len(col) < 1: is_valid = True else: is_valid = (len(col) == self.height) if self.height else True else: is_valid = all(len(x) == self.width for x in self._data) if is_valid: return True else: if not safety: raise InvalidDimensions return False def _package(self, dicts=True, ordered=True): """Packages Dataset into lists of dictionaries for transmission.""" # TODO: Dicts default to false? _data = list(self._data) if ordered: dict_pack = OrderedDict else: dict_pack = dict # Execute formatters if self._formatters: for row_i, row in enumerate(_data): for col, callback in self._formatters: try: if col is None: for j, c in enumerate(row): _data[row_i][j] = callback(c) else: _data[row_i][col] = callback(row[col]) except IndexError: raise InvalidDatasetIndex if self.headers: if dicts: data = [dict_pack(list(zip(self.headers, data_row))) for data_row in _data] else: data = [list(self.headers)] + list(_data) else: data = [list(row) for row in _data] return data def _get_headers(self): """An *optional* list of strings to be used for header rows and attribute names. This must be set manually. The given list length must equal :attr:`Dataset.width`. """ return self.__headers def _set_headers(self, collection): """Validating headers setter.""" self._validate(collection) if collection: try: self.__headers = list(collection) except TypeError: raise TypeError else: self.__headers = None headers = property(_get_headers, _set_headers) def _get_dict(self): """A native Python representation of the :class:`Dataset` object. If headers have been set, a list of Python dictionaries will be returned. If no headers have been set, a list of tuples (rows) will be returned instead. A dataset object can also be imported by setting the `Dataset.dict` attribute: :: data = tablib.Dataset() data.dict = [{'age': 90, 'first_name': 'Kenneth', 'last_name': 'Reitz'}] """ return self._package() def _set_dict(self, pickle): """A native Python representation of the Dataset object. If headers have been set, a list of Python dictionaries will be returned. If no headers have been set, a list of tuples (rows) will be returned instead. A dataset object can also be imported by setting the :attr:`Dataset.dict` attribute. :: data = tablib.Dataset() data.dict = [{'age': 90, 'first_name': 'Kenneth', 'last_name': 'Reitz'}] """ error_details = ( "Please check format documentation " "" ) if not pickle: return if not isinstance(pickle, list): # sometimes pickle is a dict and len(pickle) returns True. # since we access index 0 we should check if the type is list raise UnsupportedFormat(error_details) # if list of rows if isinstance(pickle[0], list): self.wipe() for row in pickle: self.append(Row(row)) # if list of objects elif isinstance(pickle[0], dict): self.wipe() self.headers = list(pickle[0].keys()) for row in pickle: self.append(Row(list(row.values()))) else: raise UnsupportedFormat(error_details) dict = property(_get_dict, _set_dict) def _clean_col(self, col): """Prepares the given column for insert/append.""" col = list(col) if self.headers: header = [col.pop(0)] else: header = [] if len(col) == 1 and hasattr(col[0], '__call__'): col = list(map(col[0], self._data)) col = tuple(header + col) return col @property def height(self): """The number of rows currently in the :class:`Dataset`. Cannot be directly modified. """ return len(self._data) @property def width(self): """The number of columns currently in the :class:`Dataset`. Cannot be directly modified. """ try: return len(self._data[0]) except IndexError: try: return len(self.headers) except TypeError: return 0
[文档] def load(self, in_stream, format=None, **kwargs): """ Import `in_stream` to the :class:`Dataset` object using the `format`. `in_stream` can be a file-like object, a string, or a bytestring. :param \\*\\*kwargs: (optional) custom configuration to the format `import_set`. """ stream = normalize_input(in_stream) if not format: format = detect_format(stream) fmt = registry.get_format(format) if not hasattr(fmt, 'import_set'): raise UnsupportedFormat(f'Format {format} cannot be imported.') if not import_set: raise UnsupportedFormat(f'Format {format} cannot be imported.') fmt.import_set(self, stream, **kwargs) return self
[文档] def export(self, format, **kwargs): """ Export :class:`Dataset` object to `format`. :param \\*\\*kwargs: (optional) custom configuration to the format `export_set`. """ fmt = registry.get_format(format) if not hasattr(fmt, 'export_set'): raise UnsupportedFormat(f'Format {format} cannot be exported.') return fmt.export_set(self, **kwargs)
# ---- # Rows # ----
[文档] def insert(self, index, row, tags=()): """Inserts a row to the :class:`Dataset` at the given index. Rows inserted must be the correct size (height or width). The default behaviour is to insert the given row to the :class:`Dataset` object at the given index. """ self._validate(row) self._data.insert(index, Row(row, tags=tags))
[文档] def rpush(self, row, tags=()): """Adds a row to the end of the :class:`Dataset`. See :method:`Dataset.insert` for additional documentation. """ self.insert(self.height, row=row, tags=tags)
[文档] def lpush(self, row, tags=()): """Adds a row to the top of the :class:`Dataset`. See :method:`Dataset.insert` for additional documentation. """ self.insert(0, row=row, tags=tags)
[文档] def append(self, row, tags=()): """Adds a row to the :class:`Dataset`. See :method:`Dataset.insert` for additional documentation. """ self.rpush(row, tags)
[文档] def extend(self, rows, tags=()): """Adds a list of rows to the :class:`Dataset` using :method:`Dataset.append` """ for row in rows: self.append(row, tags)
[文档] def lpop(self): """Removes and returns the first row of the :class:`Dataset`.""" cache = self[0] del self[0] return cache
[文档] def rpop(self): """Removes and returns the last row of the :class:`Dataset`.""" cache = self[-1] del self[-1] return cache
[文档] def pop(self): """Removes and returns the last row of the :class:`Dataset`.""" return self.rpop()
# ------- # Columns # -------
[文档] def insert_col(self, index, col=None, header=None): """Inserts a column to the :class:`Dataset` at the given index. Columns inserted must be the correct height. You can also insert a column of a single callable object, which will add a new column with the return values of the callable each as an item in the column. :: data.append_col(col=random.randint) If inserting a column, and :attr:`Dataset.headers` is set, the header attribute must be set, and will be considered the header for that row. See :ref:`dyncols` for an in-depth example. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 If inserting a column, and :attr:`Dataset.headers` is set, the header attribute must be set, and will be considered the header for that row. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 If inserting a row, you can add :ref:`tags <tags>` to the row you are inserting. This gives you the ability to :method:`filter <Dataset.filter>` your :class:`Dataset` later. """ if col is None: col = [] # Callable Columns... if hasattr(col, '__call__'): col = list(map(col, self._data)) col = self._clean_col(col) self._validate(col=col) if self.headers: # pop the first item off, add to headers if not header: raise HeadersNeeded() # corner case - if header is set without data elif header and self.height == 0 and len(col): raise InvalidDimensions self.headers.insert(index, header) if self.height and self.width: for i, row in enumerate(self._data): row.insert(index, col[i]) self._data[i] = row else: self._data = [Row([row]) for row in col]
[文档] def rpush_col(self, col, header=None): """Adds a column to the end of the :class:`Dataset`. See :method:`Dataset.insert` for additional documentation. """ self.insert_col(self.width, col, header=header)
[文档] def lpush_col(self, col, header=None): """Adds a column to the top of the :class:`Dataset`. See :method:`Dataset.insert` for additional documentation. """ self.insert_col(0, col, header=header)
[文档] def insert_separator(self, index, text='-'): """Adds a separator to :class:`Dataset` at given index.""" sep = (index, text) self._separators.append(sep)
[文档] def append_separator(self, text='-'): """Adds a :ref:`separator <separators>` to the :class:`Dataset`.""" # change offsets if headers are or aren't defined if not self.headers: index = self.height if self.height else 0 else: index = (self.height + 1) if self.height else 1 self.insert_separator(index, text)
[文档] def append_col(self, col, header=None): """Adds a column to the :class:`Dataset`. See :method:`Dataset.insert_col` for additional documentation. """ self.rpush_col(col, header)
[文档] def get_col(self, index): """Returns the column from the :class:`Dataset` at the given index.""" return [row[index] for row in self._data]
# ---- # Misc # ----
[文档] def add_formatter(self, col, handler): """Adds a formatter to the :class:`Dataset`. .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 :param col: column to. Accepts index int or header str. :param handler: reference to callback function to execute against each cell value. """ if isinstance(col, str): if col in self.headers: col = self.headers.index(col) # get 'key' index from each data else: raise KeyError if not col > self.width: self._formatters.append((col, handler)) else: raise InvalidDatasetIndex return True
[文档] def filter(self, tag): """Returns a new instance of the :class:`Dataset`, excluding any rows that do not contain the given :ref:`tags <tags>`. """ _dset = copy(self) _dset._data = [row for row in _dset._data if row.has_tag(tag)] return _dset
[文档] def sort(self, col, reverse=False): """Sort a :class:`Dataset` by a specific column, given string (for header) or integer (for column index). The order can be reversed by setting ``reverse`` to ``True``. Returns a new :class:`Dataset` instance where columns have been sorted. """ if isinstance(col, str): if not self.headers: raise HeadersNeeded _sorted = sorted(self.dict, key=itemgetter(col), reverse=reverse) _dset = Dataset(headers=self.headers, title=self.title) for item in _sorted: row = [item[key] for key in self.headers] _dset.append(row=row) else: if self.headers: col = self.headers[col] _sorted = sorted(self.dict, key=itemgetter(col), reverse=reverse) _dset = Dataset(headers=self.headers, title=self.title) for item in _sorted: if self.headers: row = [item[key] for key in self.headers] else: row = item _dset.append(row=row) return _dset
[文档] def transpose(self): """Transpose a :class:`Dataset`, turning rows into columns and vice versa, returning a new ``Dataset`` instance. The first row of the original instance becomes the new header row.""" # Don't transpose if there is no data if not self: return _dset = Dataset() # The first element of the headers stays in the headers, # it is our "hinge" on which we rotate the data new_headers = [self.headers[0]] + self[self.headers[0]] _dset.headers = new_headers for index, column in enumerate(self.headers): if column == self.headers[0]: # It's in the headers, so skip it continue # Adding the column name as now they're a regular column # Use `get_col(index)` in case there are repeated values row_data = [column] + self.get_col(index) row_data = Row(row_data) _dset.append(row=row_data) return _dset
[文档] def stack(self, other): """Stack two :class:`Dataset` instances together by joining at the row level, and return new combined ``Dataset`` instance.""" if not isinstance(other, Dataset): return if self.width != other.width: raise InvalidDimensions # Copy the source data _dset = copy(self) rows_to_stack = [row for row in _dset._data] other_rows = [row for row in other._data] rows_to_stack.extend(other_rows) _dset._data = rows_to_stack return _dset
[文档] def stack_cols(self, other): """Stack two :class:`Dataset` instances together by joining at the column level, and return a new combined ``Dataset`` instance. If either ``Dataset`` has headers set, than the other must as well.""" if not isinstance(other, Dataset): return if self.headers or other.headers: if not self.headers or not other.headers: raise HeadersNeeded if self.height != other.height: raise InvalidDimensions try: new_headers = self.headers + other.headers except TypeError: new_headers = None _dset = Dataset() for column in self.headers: _dset.append_col(col=self[column]) for column in other.headers: _dset.append_col(col=other[column]) _dset.headers = new_headers return _dset
[文档] def remove_duplicates(self): """Removes all duplicate rows from the :class:`Dataset` object while maintaining the original order.""" seen = set() self._data[:] = [ row for row in self._data if not (tuple(row) in seen or seen.add(tuple(row))) ]
[文档] def wipe(self): """Removes all content and headers from the :class:`Dataset` object.""" self._data = list() self.__headers = None
[文档] def subset(self, rows=None, cols=None): """Returns a new instance of the :class:`Dataset`, including only specified rows and columns. """ # Don't return if no data if not self: return if rows is None: rows = list(range(self.height)) if cols is None: cols = list(self.headers) # filter out impossible rows and columns rows = [row for row in rows if row in range(self.height)] cols = [header for header in cols if header in self.headers] _dset = Dataset() # filtering rows and columns _dset.headers = list(cols) _dset._data = [] for row_no, row in enumerate(self._data): data_row = [] for key in _dset.headers: if key in self.headers: pos = self.headers.index(key) data_row.append(row[pos]) else: raise KeyError if row_no in rows: _dset.append(row=Row(data_row)) return _dset
[文档] class Databook: """A book of :class:`Dataset` objects. """ def __init__(self, sets=None): self._datasets = sets or [] def __repr__(self): try: return '<%s databook>' % (self.title.lower()) except AttributeError: return '<databook object>'
[文档] def wipe(self): """Removes all :class:`Dataset` objects from the :class:`Databook`.""" self._datasets = []
def sheets(self): return self._datasets
[文档] def add_sheet(self, dataset): """Adds given :class:`Dataset` to the :class:`Databook`.""" if isinstance(dataset, Dataset): self._datasets.append(dataset) else: raise InvalidDatasetType
def _package(self, ordered=True): """Packages :class:`Databook` for delivery.""" collector = [] if ordered: dict_pack = OrderedDict else: dict_pack = dict for dset in self._datasets: collector.append(dict_pack( title=dset.title, data=dset._package(ordered=ordered) )) return collector @property def size(self): """The number of the :class:`Dataset` objects within :class:`Databook`.""" return len(self._datasets)
[文档] def load(self, in_stream, format, **kwargs): """ Import `in_stream` to the :class:`Databook` object using the `format`. `in_stream` can be a file-like object, a string, or a bytestring. :param \\*\\*kwargs: (optional) custom configuration to the format `import_book`. """ stream = normalize_input(in_stream) if not format: format = detect_format(stream) fmt = registry.get_format(format) if not hasattr(fmt, 'import_book'): raise UnsupportedFormat(f'Format {format} cannot be loaded.') fmt.import_book(self, stream, **kwargs) return self
[文档] def export(self, format, **kwargs): """ Export :class:`Databook` object to `format`. :param \\*\\*kwargs: (optional) custom configuration to the format `export_book`. """ fmt = registry.get_format(format) if not hasattr(fmt, 'export_book'): raise UnsupportedFormat(f'Format {format} cannot be exported.') return fmt.export_book(self, **kwargs)
[文档] def detect_format(stream): """Return format name of given stream (file-like object, string, or bytestring).""" stream = normalize_input(stream) fmt_title = None for fmt in registry.formats(): try: if fmt.detect(stream): fmt_title = fmt.title break except AttributeError: pass finally: if hasattr(stream, 'seek'): return fmt_title
[文档] def import_set(stream, format=None, **kwargs): """Return dataset of given stream (file-like object, string, or bytestring).""" return Dataset().load(normalize_input(stream), format, **kwargs)
def import_book(stream, format=None, **kwargs): """Return dataset of given stream (file-like object, string, or bytestring).""" return Databook().load(normalize_input(stream), format, **kwargs) registry.register_builtins()