

Following completion of Geomorphology from Space, this Tutorial's prime writer (NMS) felt it would be instructive to further test the scientific utility of space imagery in analyzing the Earth�s landforms. He decided to conduct a pilot study of the Klamath Mountains of southwestern Oregon. The project was dubbed "Terranes as Terrains". A terrane is a structural geology term that applies to large masses of rock - island arcs, subcontinental fragments of crust broken loose from tectonic plates, and other rock units embedded on a moving plate - that move along a spreading plate until they collide with the upside rock bodies at a subduction zone. Instead of going under in subduction, they are "welded" to the body (it may be a continent) and are thus added to a continental margin. The continent grows by accretion in this manner. Along western North America, where subduction has been active for hundreds of millions of years, there are many accreted terranes. Since each is generally different from the others in rock type and structural style, any landforms (terrains) imposed on individual terranes by the usual geomorphic processes are likely to be different (and probably thus distinguishable) from one another. This is the hypothesis that was tested. This first page expounds upon this background and shows the terrane makeup of both the West Coast (up to Alaska) and the Klamath Mountains (composed of many terranes).


正如本节前面所述,作者(NMS)于1985年在美国宇航局戈达德航天飞行中心(Goddard Space Flight Center)启动了一个研究项目,在该项目上他继续工作,直到1988年9月从那里退休。1985年6月至9月间,在戈达德休假期间进行了实地支持工作。虽然在专业会议上两次作为论文发表,但这项工作仍然没有发表,因为它是不完整的,有一些开放性的问题会从更多的研究中受益(不太可能,因为资金已经无法获得)。然而,这项研究确实产生了足够的有效和有意义的结果,以证明提出主要数据显示和分析推论作为空间图像在基础地球科学调查中的作用的模型是合理的。

其中一篇论文的题目“地体作为地体”,恰如其分地总结了研究的本质。自由翻译,这是指试图确定某种地质结构单元( 地体 )具有独特和诊断性的景观特征( 地形 )这使它们易于识别,并帮助我们了解它们的起源、意义和历史。三个目标促成了这次调查:

  1. 定性和定量地定义和描述已知(先前绘制的)地体的区别地貌特征,

  2. 为了确定一组中的单个地形是否具有足够不同的地貌特征,以便我们能够在航空/空间图像中识别和分离它们,并根据地形差异更好地划定地形之间的边界,

  3. 评估地形的地貌信息,作为侵位模式和构造印记的线索。



举一个例子:一些物质,例如嵌在大洋地壳中的微大陆,移动到俯冲带,可能无法沿着该地壳向下移动,并将沿着逆冲断层“刮掉”,沿着大陆地壳的生长边缘在另一个板块上侵位。或者,一个变型:如果是岛弧复合体(例如,爪哇, page 17-2 )在上板块上,俯冲带上方被挤压在两块会合板块之间,因为下板块上的一块大陆最终到达了这一地带,大部分弧会被“挤压”住,被驱动并焊接到(积聚)侵入大陆上。通常的岩层识别标准来自相邻岩层之间的地层、结构和古地磁不连续。(为了快速回顾相关概念,请阅读第507页和以下内容,以及介绍性文本第18章的其他部分: 物理地质学 作者:B.J.Skinner和S.C.Porter,1994年,J.Wiley&Sons,Inc.)



` <>`__17-16: To help you visualize what happens in continental breakup, drift, and reassembly, imagine (or you can actually do this) a spherical globe (like the one used in school to show the geography of the world), and ignore the actual continents on it. Place on it a piece of writing paper cut into a circle (about 4 inches in diameter). On the opposite side place another circular piece, perhaps of smaller diameter. Now, cut the paper into 5 to 6 individual pieces. Have each piece then slide across the face of the globe but in different directions, all moving simultaneously. Eventually, any of the pieces will meet the other smaller circular paper (assume it to stay fixed in place, but it could itself move as a unit or could be cut into several pieces that move [drift] apart - but this gets complicated even if it depicts a real possibility). As the spreading pieces of the first circular paper meet the second, they can be envisioned as lapping onto the second paper and becoming part of it, i.e., accreted by analogy onto what is a separate continent. In the accreted terrane paradigm, this process goes on continuously and involves many terrane units, large and small, repeated collisions, and eventual rupture of any continent that gets quite large. The continents, however, never get so large and stable that they cover the entire Earth, but instead, the spaces between them are made up of non-continental oceanic crust which is mainly basaltic lavas released to either side of mid-oceanic ridges that build up from lavas derived in the mantle; movement of these lavas away from the ridges leads to ocean "spreading" and drives plates against each other. `ANSWER <Sect17_answers.html#17-16>`__




主要作者:Nicholas M.Short,高级电子邮件: nmshort@nationi.net