pywps.inout.outputs 源代码

# Copyright 2018 Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others    #
# licensed under MIT, Please consult LICENSE.txt for details     #
WPS Output classes
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Dict, Union

from pywps import xml_util as etree
import os
import re
from import Metadata
from pywps.exceptions import InvalidParameterValue
from pywps.inout import basic
from import FileStorageBuilder
from pywps.inout.types import Translations
from pywps.validator.mode import MODE
from pywps import configuration as config
from pywps.inout.formats import Format, Supported_Formats, FORMATS

[文档]class BoundingBoxOutput(basic.BBoxOutput): """ :param identifier: The name of this input. :param str title: Title of the input :param str abstract: Input abstract :param crss: List of supported coordinate reference system (e.g. ['EPSG:4326']) :param int dimensions: number of dimensions (2 or 3) :param int min_occurs: minimum occurence :param int max_occurs: maximum occurence :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: validation mode (none to strict) :param metadata: List of metadata advertised by this process. They should be :class:`` objects. :param dict[str,dict[str,str]] translations: The first key is the RFC 4646 language code, and the nested mapping contains translated strings accessible by a string property. e.g. {"fr-CA": {"title": "Mon titre", "abstract": "Une description"}} """ def __init__(self, identifier, title, crss, abstract='', keywords=[], dimensions=2, metadata=[], min_occurs='1', max_occurs='1', as_reference=False, mode=MODE.NONE, translations=None): basic.BBoxOutput.__init__(self, identifier, title=title, abstract=abstract, keywords=keywords, crss=crss, dimensions=dimensions, mode=mode, translations=translations) self.metadata = metadata self.min_occurs = min_occurs self.max_occurs = max_occurs self.as_reference = as_reference @property def json(self): """Get JSON representation of the output """ return { 'identifier': self.identifier, 'title': self.title, 'abstract': self.abstract, 'keywords': self.keywords, 'min_occurs': self.min_occurs, 'max_occurs': self.max_occurs, 'metadata': self.metadata, 'type': 'bbox', 'crs':, 'crss': self.crss, 'dimensions': self.dimensions, 'bbox':, 'll': self.ll, 'ur': self.ur, 'workdir': self.workdir, 'mode': self.valid_mode, 'translations': self.translations, } @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_output): instance = cls( identifier=json_output['identifier'], title=json_output['title'], abstract=json_output['abstract'], keywords=json_output['keywords'], min_occurs=json_output['min_occurs'], max_occurs=json_output['max_occurs'], metadata=[Metadata.from_json(data) for data in json_output.get('metadata', [])], crss=json_output['crss'], dimensions=json_output['dimensions'], mode=json_output['mode'], translations=json_output.get('translations'), ) = json_output['bbox'] instance.workdir = json_output['workdir'] return instance
[文档]class ComplexOutput(basic.ComplexOutput): """ :param identifier: The name of this output. :param title: Readable form of the output name. :param supported_formats: List of supported formats. The first format in the list will be used as the default. :type supported_formats: (pywps.inout.formats.Format, ) :param str abstract: Description of the output :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: validation mode (none to strict) :param metadata: List of metadata advertised by this process. They should be :class:`` objects. :param dict[str,dict[str,str]] translations: The first key is the RFC 4646 language code, and the nested mapping contains translated strings accessible by a string property. e.g. {"fr-CA": {"title": "Mon titre", "abstract": "Une description"}} """ def __init__(self, identifier: str, title: str, supported_formats: Supported_Formats = None, data_format=None, abstract: str = '', keywords=[], workdir=None, metadata: Optional[Sequence[Metadata]] = None, as_reference=False, mode: MODE = MODE.NONE, translations: Translations = None): if metadata is None: metadata = [] basic.ComplexOutput.__init__(self, identifier, title=title, data_format=data_format, abstract=abstract, keywords=keywords, workdir=workdir, supported_formats=supported_formats, mode=mode, translations=translations) self.metadata = metadata self.as_reference = as_reference = None @property def json(self): """Get JSON representation of the output """ data = { "identifier": self.identifier, "title": self.title, "abstract": self.abstract, 'keywords': self.keywords, 'type': 'complex', 'supported_formats': [frmt.json for frmt in self.supported_formats], 'asreference': self.as_reference, 'data_format': self.data_format.json if self.data_format else None, 'file': self.file if self.prop == 'file' else None, 'workdir': self.workdir, 'mode': self.valid_mode, 'min_occurs': self.min_occurs, 'max_occurs': self.max_occurs, 'translations': self.translations, } if self.data_format: if self.data_format.mime_type: data['mimetype'] = self.data_format.mime_type if self.data_format.encoding: data['encoding'] = self.data_format.encoding if self.data_format.schema: data['schema'] = self.data_format.schema if self.as_reference: data = self._json_reference(data) else: data = self._json_data(data) return data @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_output): instance = cls( identifier=json_output['identifier'], title=json_output.get('title'), abstract=json_output.get('abstract'), keywords=json_output.get('keywords', []), workdir=json_output.get('workdir'), metadata=[Metadata.from_json(data) for data in json_output.get('metadata', [])], data_format=Format( schema=json_output['data_format'].get('schema'), extension=json_output['data_format'].get('extension'), mime_type=json_output['data_format']['mime_type'], encoding=json_output['data_format'].get('encoding') ), supported_formats=[ Format( schema=infrmt.get('schema'), extension=infrmt.get('extension'), mime_type=infrmt['mime_type'], encoding=infrmt.get('encoding') ) for infrmt in json_output['supported_formats'] ], mode=json_output.get('mode', MODE.NONE), translations=json_output.get('translations'), ) instance.as_reference = json_output.get('asreference', False) if json_output.get('file'): instance.file = json_output['file'] return instance def _json_reference(self, data): """Return Reference node """ data["type"] = "reference" # get_url will create the file and return the url for it if self.prop == 'url': data["href"] = self.url elif self.prop is not None: = FileStorageBuilder().build() data["href"] = self.get_url() return data def _json_data(self, data): """Return Data node """ data["type"] = "complex" if if self.data_format.mime_type in [FORMATS.GEOJSON.mime_type, FORMATS.JSON.mime_type]: data["data"] = elif self.data_format.mime_type in ["application/xml", "application/gml+xml", "text/xml"]: # Note that in a client-server round trip, the original and returned file will not be identical. data_doc = etree.parse(self.file) data["data"] = etree.tostring(data_doc, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8') else: if self.data_format.encoding == 'base64': data["data"] = self.base64.decode('utf-8') else: # Match only data that are safe CDATA pattern. CDATA_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^<!\[CDATA\[((?!\]\]>).)*\]\]>$') # Otherwise we assume all other formats are unsafe and need to be enclosed in a CDATA tag. if isinstance(, bytes): # Try to inline data as text but if fail encode is in base64 if self.data_format.encoding == 'utf-8': out ='utf-8') # If data is already enclosed with CDATA pattern, do not add it twice if CDATA_PATTERN.match(out): data["data"] = out else: # Check if the data does not contain ]]> patern if is safe to use CDATA # other wise we fallback to base64 encoding. if not'\\]\\]>', out): data["data"] = '<![CDATA[{}]]>'.format(out) else: data['encoding'] = 'base64' # override the unsafe encoding data["data"] = self.base64.decode('utf-8') else: data['encoding'] = 'base64' # override the unsafe encoding data["data"] = self.base64.decode('utf-8') else: out = str( # If data is already enclose with CDATApatern do not add it twise if CDATA_PATTERN.match(out): data["data"] = out else: # Check if the data does not contain ]]> patern if is safe to use CDATA # other wise we fallback to base64 encoding. if not'\\]\\]>', out): data["data"] = '<![CDATA[{}]]>'.format(out) else: data['encoding'] = 'base64' # override the unsafe encoding data["data"] = self.base64.decode('utf-8') return data
[文档]class LiteralOutput(basic.LiteralOutput): """ :param identifier: The name of this output. :param str title: Title of the input :param pywps.inout.literaltypes.LITERAL_DATA_TYPES data_type: data type :param str abstract: Input abstract :param str uoms: units :param pywps.validator.mode.MODE mode: validation mode (none to strict) :param metadata: List of metadata advertised by this process. They should be :class:`` objects. :param dict[str,dict[str,str]] translations: The first key is the RFC 4646 language code, and the nested mapping contains translated strings accessible by a string property. e.g. {"fr-CA": {"title": "Mon titre", "abstract": "Une description"}} """ def __init__(self, identifier, title, data_type='string', abstract='', keywords=[], metadata=[], uoms=None, mode=MODE.SIMPLE, translations=None): if uoms is None: uoms = [] basic.LiteralOutput.__init__(self, identifier, title=title, abstract=abstract, keywords=keywords, data_type=data_type, uoms=uoms, mode=mode, translations=translations) self.metadata = metadata @property def json(self): """Get JSON representation of the output """ data = { "identifier": self.identifier, "title": self.title, "abstract": self.abstract, "keywords": self.keywords, "data":, "data_type": self.data_type, "type": "literal", "uoms": [u.json for u in self.uoms], "translations": self.translations, } if self.uom: data["uom"] = self.uom.json return data @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_output): uoms = [ basic.UOM(uom['uom'], uom['reference']) for uom in json_output.get('uoms', []) ] uom = json_output.get('uom') instance = cls( identifier=json_output['identifier'], title=json_output['title'], data_type=json_output['data_type'], abstract=json_output['abstract'], keywords=json_output['keywords'], uoms=uoms, translations=json_output.get('translations'), ) = json_output.get('data') if uom: instance.uom = basic.UOM(uom['uom'], uom['reference']) return instance
class MetaFile: """MetaFile object.""" def __init__(self, identity=None, description=None, fmt=None): """Create a `MetaFile` object. :param str identity: human readable identity. :param str description: human readable file description. :param pywps.FORMAT fmt: file mime type. The content of each metafile is set like `ComplexOutputs`, ie using either the `data`, `file`, `stream` or `url` properties. The metalink document is created by a `MetaLink` instance, which holds a number of `MetaFile` instances. """ self._size = None self._output = ComplexOutput( identifier=identity or '', title=description or '', as_reference=True, supported_formats=[fmt, ], ) def _set_workdir(self, workdir): self._output.workdir = workdir @property def hash(self): """Text construct that conveys a cryptographic hash for a file. All hashes are encoded in lowercase hexadecimal format. Hashes are used to verify the integrity of a complete file or portion of a file to determine if the file has been transferred without any errors. """ import hashlib m = hashlib.sha256() with open(self.file, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): m.update(chunk) return m.hexdigest() @property def identity(self): """Human-readable identity.""" return self._output.identifier @property def name(self): """Indicate a specific file in a document describing multiple files.""" js = self._output.json (_, name) = os.path.split(js.get('href', 'http:///')) return name @property def size(self): """Size of the linked content in bytes.""" if self._size is None: self._size = self._output.size return self._size @size.setter def size(self, value): """Set size to avoid size calculation.""" self._size = int(value) @property def urls(self): js = self._output.json return [js.get('href', ''), ] @property def mediatype(self): """Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) media type [RFC4288] of the metadata file available at the IRI.""" return self._output.data_format.mime_type @property def data(self): return @data.setter def data(self, value): = value @property def file(self): return self._output.file @file.setter def file(self, value): self._output.file = value @property def url(self): return self._output.url @url.setter def url(self, value): self._output.url = value @property def stream(self): return @stream.setter def stream(self, value): = value def __str__(self): out = "MetaFile {}:".format( for url in self.urls: out += "\n\t{}".format(url) return out def __repr__(self): return "<pywps.inout.outputs.MetaFile {}>".format( class MetaLink: _xml_template = 'metalink/3.0/main.xml' # Specs: def __init__(self, identity=None, description=None, publisher=None, files=(), workdir=None, checksums=False): """Create a MetaLink v3.0 instance. :param str identity: human readable identity. :param str description: human readable file description. :param str publisher: The name of the file's publisher. :param tuple files: Sequence of files to include in Metalink. Can also be added using `append`. :param str workdir: Work directory to store temporary files. :param bool checksums: Whether to compute checksums on files. To use, first append `MetaFile` instances, then write the metalink using the `xml` property. Methods: - `append`: add a `MetaFile` instance """ self.identity = identity self.description = description self.workdir = workdir self.publisher = publisher self.files = [] self.checksums = checksums for file in files: self.append(file) self._load_template() def append(self, file): """Append a `MetaFile` instance.""" if not isinstance(file, MetaFile): raise ValueError("file must be a MetaFile instance.") file._set_workdir(self.workdir) self.files.append(file) @property def xml(self): return self._template.render(meta=self) @property def origin(self): """IRI where the Metalink Document was originally published. If the dynamic attribute of metalink:origin is "true", then updated versions of the Metalink can be found at this IRI. """ return "" @property def published(self): """Date construct indicating an instant in time associated with an event early in the life cycle of the entry.""" import datetime return"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") @property def generator(self): """Generating agent name and version used to generate a Metalink Document, for debugging and other purposes.""" import pywps return "PyWPS/{}".format(pywps.__version__) @property def url(self): """Return the server URL.""" return config.get_config_value('server', 'url') def _load_template(self): from pywps.response import RelEnvironment from jinja2 import PackageLoader template_env = RelEnvironment( loader=PackageLoader('pywps', 'templates'), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, autoescape=True, ) self._template = template_env.get_template(self._xml_template) class MetaLink4(MetaLink): _xml_template = 'metalink/4.0/main.xml' # Specs: def output_from_json(json_data): data_type = json_data.get('type', 'literal') if data_type == 'complex': output = ComplexOutput.from_json(json_data) elif data_type == 'literal': output = LiteralOutput.from_json(json_data) elif data_type == 'bbox': output = BoundingBoxOutput.from_json(json_data) else: raise InvalidParameterValue("Output type not recognized: {}".format(data_type)) return output