pywps.inout.literaltypes 源代码

# Copyright 2018 Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others    #
# licensed under MIT, Please consult LICENSE.txt for details     #

"""Literaltypes are used for LiteralInputs, to make sure, input data are OK
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parser
import datetime
from pywps.exceptions import InvalidParameterValue
from pywps.validator.allowed_value import RANGECLOSURETYPE
from pywps.validator.allowed_value import ALLOWEDVALUETYPE

import logging
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('PYWPS')

LITERAL_DATA_TYPES = ('float', 'boolean', 'integer', 'string',
                      'positiveInteger', 'anyURI', 'time', 'date', 'dateTime',
                      'scale', 'angle',
                      'nonNegativeInteger', None)

# currently we are supporting just ^^^ data types, feel free to add support for
# more
# 'measure', 'angleList',
# 'angle', 'integerList',
# 'positiveIntegerList',
# 'lengthOrAngle', 'gridLength',
# 'measureList', 'lengthList',
# 'gridLengthList', 'scaleList', 'timeList',
# 'nonNegativeInteger', 'length'

[文档]class AnyValue(object): """Specifies that any value is allowed for this quantity. """ @property def value(self): return None @property def json(self): return { 'type': 'anyvalue', } def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, AnyValue) and self.json == other.json
class NoValue(object): """No value allowed NOTE: not really implemented """ @property def value(self): return None @property def json(self): return {'type': 'novalue'} def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, NoValue) and self.json == other.json
[文档]class ValuesReference(object): """Reference to list of all valid values and/or ranges of values for this quantity. NOTE: Validation of values is not implemented. :param: reference: URL from which this set of ranges and values can be retrieved :param: values_form: Reference to a description of the mimetype, encoding, and schema used for this set of values and ranges. """ def __init__(self, reference=None, values_form=None): self.reference = reference self.values_form = values_form if not self.reference: raise InvalidParameterValue("values reference is missing.") @property def value(self): return None @property def json(self): return { 'type': 'valuesreference', 'reference': self.reference, 'values_form': self.values_form } @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_input): instance = cls( reference=json_input['reference'], values_form=json_input['values_form'], ) return instance def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, ValuesReference) and self.json == other.json
[文档]class AllowedValue(object): """List of all valid values and/or ranges of values for this quantity. The values are evaluated in literal validator functions :param pywps.validator.allowed_value.ALLOWEDVALUETYPE allowed_type: VALUE or RANGE :param value: single value :param minval: minimal value in case of Range :param maxval: maximal value in case of Range :param spacing: spacing in case of Range :param pywps.input.literaltypes.RANGECLOSURETYPE range_closure: """ def __init__(self, allowed_type=None, value=None, minval=None, maxval=None, spacing=None, range_closure=RANGECLOSURETYPE.CLOSED): self.allowed_type = allowed_type self.value = value self.minval = minval self.maxval = maxval self.spacing = spacing self.range_closure = range_closure if not self.allowed_type: # automatically set allowed_type: RANGE or VALUE if self.minval or self.maxval or self.spacing: self.allowed_type = ALLOWEDVALUETYPE.RANGE else: self.allowed_type = ALLOWEDVALUETYPE.VALUE def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, AllowedValue) and self.json == other.json @property def json(self): value = self.value if hasattr(value, 'json'): value = value.json return { 'type': 'allowedvalue', 'allowed_type': self.allowed_type, 'value': value, 'minval': self.minval, 'maxval': self.maxval, 'spacing': self.spacing, 'range_closure': self.range_closure } @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_input): instance = cls( allowed_type=json_input['allowed_type'], value=json_input['value'], minval=json_input['minval'], maxval=json_input['maxval'], spacing=json_input['spacing'], range_closure=json_input['range_closure'] ) return instance
ALLOWED_VALUES_TYPES = (AllowedValue, AnyValue, NoValue, ValuesReference) def get_converter(convertor): """function for decoration of convert """ def decorator_selector(data_type, data): convert = None if data_type in LITERAL_DATA_TYPES: if data_type == 'string': convert = convert_string elif data_type == 'integer': convert = convert_integer elif data_type == 'float': convert = convert_float elif data_type == 'boolean': convert = convert_boolean elif data_type == 'positiveInteger': convert = convert_positiveInteger elif data_type == 'anyURI': convert = convert_anyURI elif data_type == 'time': convert = convert_time elif data_type == 'date': convert = convert_date elif data_type == 'dateTime': convert = convert_datetime elif data_type == 'scale': convert = convert_scale elif data_type == 'angle': convert = convert_angle elif data_type == 'nonNegativeInteger': convert = convert_positiveInteger else: raise InvalidParameterValue( "Invalid data_type value of LiteralInput " "set to '{}'".format(data_type)) try: return convert(data) except ValueError: raise InvalidParameterValue( "Could not convert value '{}' to format '{}'".format( data, data_type)) return decorator_selector @get_converter def convert(data_type, data): """Convert data to target value """ return data_type, data def convert_boolean(inpt): """Return boolean value from input boolean input >>> convert_boolean('1') True >>> convert_boolean('-1') True >>> convert_boolean('FaLsE') False >>> convert_boolean('FaLsEx') True >>> convert_boolean(0) False """ val = False if str(inpt).lower() in ['false', 'f']: val = False else: try: val = int(inpt) if val == 0: val = False else: val = True except Exception: val = True return val def convert_float(inpt): """Return float value from inpt >>> convert_float('1') 1.0 """ return float(inpt) def convert_integer(inpt): """Return integer value from input inpt >>> convert_integer('1.0') 1 """ return int(float(inpt)) def convert_string(inpt): """Return string value from input lit_input >>> convert_string(1) '1' """ return str(inpt) def convert_positiveInteger(inpt): """Return value of input""" inpt = convert_integer(inpt) if inpt < 0: raise InvalidParameterValue( 'The value "{}" is not of type positiveInteger'.format(inpt)) else: return inpt def convert_anyURI(inpt): """Return value of input :rtype: url components """ inpt = convert_string(inpt) components = urlparse(inpt) if (components[0] and components[1]) or components[0] == 'file': return components else: raise InvalidParameterValue( 'The value "{}" does not seem to be of type anyURI'.format(inpt)) def convert_time(inpt): """Return value of input time formating assumed according to ISO standard: Examples: 12:00:00 :rtype: datetime.time object """ if not isinstance(inpt, datetime.time): inpt = convert_datetime(inpt).time() return inpt def convert_date(inpt): """Return value of input date formating assumed according to ISO standard: Examples: 2016-09-20 :rtype: object """ if not isinstance(inpt, inpt = convert_datetime(inpt).date() return inpt def convert_datetime(inpt): """Return value of input dateTime formating assumed according to ISO standard: * * Examples: 2016-09-20T12:00:00, 2012-12-31T06:30:00Z, 2017-01-01T18:00:00+01:00 :rtype: datetime.datetime object """ # TODO: %z directive works only with python 3 # time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z' # time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z' # inpt = time.strptime(convert_string(inpt), time_format) if not isinstance(inpt, datetime.datetime): inpt = convert_string(inpt) inpt = date_parser(inpt) return inpt def convert_scale(inpt): """Return value of input""" return convert_float(inpt) def convert_angle(inpt): """Return value of input return degrees """ inpt = convert_float(inpt) return inpt % 360 def make_allowedvalues(allowed_values): """convert given value list to AllowedValue objects :return: list of pywps.inout.literaltypes.AllowedValue """ new_allowedvalues = [] if not isinstance(allowed_values, (tuple, list)): allowed_values = [allowed_values] for value in allowed_values: if value in ALLOWED_VALUES_TYPES: # value is equal to one of the allowed classes objects new_allowedvalues.append(value()) elif isinstance(value, ALLOWED_VALUES_TYPES): # value is an instance of one of the allowed classes new_allowedvalues.append(value) elif type(value) == tuple or type(value) == list: spacing = None if len(value) == 2: minval = value[0] maxval = value[1] else: minval = value[0] spacing = value[1] maxval = value[2] new_allowedvalues.append( AllowedValue(minval=minval, maxval=maxval, spacing=spacing) ) else: new_allowedvalues.append(AllowedValue(value=value)) return new_allowedvalues def is_anyvalue(value): """Check for any value object of given value """ is_av = False if value is AnyValue: is_av = True elif value is None: is_av = True elif isinstance(value, AnyValue): is_av = True elif str(value).lower() == 'anyvalue': is_av = True return is_av def is_values_reference(value): """Check for ValuesReference in given value """ check = False if value is ValuesReference: check = True elif value is None: check = False elif isinstance(value, ValuesReference): check = True elif str(value).lower() == 'valuesreference': check = True return check