

发布日期: 1970-01-01 更新日期: 2015-01-29 编辑:giser 浏览次数: 5531


摘要: ka-Map INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: -------------------------------- The current version of ka-Map requires MapServer's PHP MapScr...

ka-Map INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: -------------------------------- The current version of ka-Map requires MapServer's PHP MapScript. MapServer version 4.4.x will work, but better results will be obtained with MapServer 4.10.

1- Download and extract the GMap Sample MS4W package from http://www.maptools.org/dl/ms4w/gmap_ms4w_ms410.zip (at the same root as your MS4W installation).

2- Download and extract the ka-Map MS4W package from http://www.maptools.org/dl/ms4w/kamap_xxx_ms4w.zip (at the same root as your MS4W installation).

3- Restart your Apache and you should be ready to view ka- Map at: http://your.server.name/kamap/.

4- You can edit ka-Map's config.php (/ms4w/apps/kamap-xxx/htdocs/config.php) to configure your installation for your local settings if required. All configurable parameters are documented in the file. Things to watch for: - Make sure the $szPHPMapScriptModule and $szPHPGDModule filenames match your installation - Make sure the path to the gmap75.map mapfile is right in the $aszMapFiles array. - Make sure $szBaseCacheDir points to a valid directory on your system to hold the tile cache.

5- A script has also been included to clear your 'kacache' directory of image tiles. The script is /ms4w/apps/kamap-xxx/del-kacache.bat, and it points to the C directory, so if you installed MS4W on a different drive just modify the script. Run the script by double-clicking it or executing it at a command prompt.



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