Introduction of Open Geospatial Laboratory

Introduction of Open Geospatial Laboratory

浏览次数: 12310

摘要: Introduction The Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology of Chinese Academy of Science is located in Changchun city, Jili...


The Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology of Chinese Academy of Science is located in Changchun city, Jilin Province of China, whose key research areas focus on agro-ecology, wetland ecology, environmental science and technology, regional development disciplines. GIS is one of our main research directions, and we have accumulated a lot of basic work in the past few decades. Currently, there are about 30 researchers engaging in GIS study, and we also have a doctor station and master station in Cartography and geographic information system. Besides, our Institute has established international partnership with Indiana University, University of Wisconsin, University of Maryland, University of Georgia, University of Toronto, and the Pacific Institute of Geography of Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences to carry out research in GIS. In order to meet the demand of our Institute, GIS has been widely used in many areas. In agriculture, GIS is one of the essential tools to investigate, analysis and manage the agricultural resources. In the subject of ecologic and environment, GIS is the primary means to conduct a survey, which can evaluate the influence of environment and perform ecological regionalization. So it can surely promote national environment protection work and decision-making. In region development, GIS can effectively manage quite a lot information with spatial attributes, which serve as a powerful tool.

There is an Open GIS research team in our Institute, and they are very interested in the work related to OSGeo. Our Institute has fully taken over OSGeo China Center website since 2014 by communication and consultation with Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS at the end of 2013 and will spend much efforts on developing network platform, including document translation, website establishment, education and training. As a result of lacking Open GIS research team in China,our institute has established the "Open Geospatial Laboratory" supported by the Information Centre of the Institute and Jingyuetan Remote Sensing Experiment Staiton. The laboratory is equipped with professional hardware and software and can operate Open Source GIS application, which can serve as a model for the use of OSGeo software in China.

Main Research Direction

  • Standards of Open Source GIS
  • Industrialization of Open Source GIS
  • GIS spatial analysis methods

The "Open Geospatial Laboratory" will explore the theory, methods, technology and application of Open Source GIS. It surely will help the development of Open Source GIS in China and improve the technology of GIS. As a result, GIS can really make contributions to the society.

Welcome anyone who cares about the GIS development to join us to make a better future for Open Source GIS software and Geographic information Science.

Main Members of the Lab(in alphabetical order):

  • Bu Kun,Senior Engineer, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Science,
  • Huang Chao, R&D Manager,China Motor-Vehicle Safety Apprasal&Inspection Center,
  • Hou Wei, Associate Professor,Liaoning University Environmental Sciences,
  • Li Xiaofeng,Associate Researcher, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Science,
  • Liu Huanjun,Associate professor, Northeast Agricultural University,
  • Liu Wenxin,Assistant Researcher, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Science,
  • Xue Zhenshan, Assistant Researcher, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,
  • Zheng Xingming,Assistant Researcher, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,


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