nose2.plugins.collect 源代码

This plugin implements :func:`startTestRun`, setting a test executor
(``event.executeTests``) that just collects tests without executing
them. To do so it calls result.startTest, result.addSuccess and
result.stopTest for each test, without calling the test itself.

import unittest

from import Plugin

__unittest = True

[文档] class CollectOnly(Plugin): """Collect but don't run tests""" configSection = "collect-only" commandLineSwitch = ( None, "collect-only", "Collect but do not run tests. With '-v', this will output test names", ) _mpmode = False def registerInSubprocess(self, event): event.pluginClasses.append(self.__class__) self._mpmode = True
[文档] def startTestRun(self, event): """Replace ``event.executeTests``""" if self._mpmode: return event.executeTests = self.collectTests
def startSubprocess(self, event): event.executeTests = self.collectTests
[文档] def collectTests(self, suite, result): """Collect tests, but don't run them""" for test in suite: if isinstance(test, unittest.BaseTestSuite): self.collectTests(test, result) continue result.startTest(test) result.addSuccess(test) result.stopTest(test)