





EnterActivate explorer. Requires math expression to have the focus.
EscapeLeave exploration mode.
DownExplore next lower level of the formula by moving down in the sub-expression tree. Exploration will start at the left-most sub-expression on the level.
UpMove up the sub-expression tree.
RightNavigate the expression horizontally by moving to the next sub-expression on the current level.
LeftNavigate the expression horizontally by moving to the previous sub-expression on the current level.



TabRepeat previous speech-text or announcement.
SpaceGet positional information; i.e., the current level in the sub-expression tree as well as collapsibility/expandability of the current subexpression.
EnterCollapse or expand expression under cursor, if possible. Speech-text is regenerated to match.
HomeNavigate directly to top-most level of expression.
XSummarise the expression under cursor, without collapsing it.
ZGive detailed description of expression under cursor, without expanding it.
VStart new virtual cursor from the current position.
PGo to last position or previous virtual cursor
UUndo all virtual cursors; i.e.; go to position where first virtual cursor was started.
>Switch rule sets between MathSpeak and ClearSpeak, if both are available for the current locale.
<Cycle styles or preferences for the currently active rule sets.


Shift+ DownMove one cell vertically down in the table.
Shift+ UpMove one cell vertically up in the table.
Shift+ RightMove one cell horizontally right in the table.
Shift+ LeftMove one cell horizontally left in the table.
0-9+0-9Move directly to cell (n,m) if it exists. (0,0) is cell (10,10).



根据特定浏览器/屏幕阅读器/操作系统组合(特别是chrome和ie)的实现质量,用户可能必须禁用屏幕阅读器读取模式(例如,nvda中的“浏览模式”,jaws中的“虚拟光标”),然后才能启动mathjax explorer应用程序。