geoalchemy2.functions 源代码


This module defines the :class:`GenericFunction` class, which is the base for
the implementation of spatial functions in GeoAlchemy.  This module is also
where actual spatial functions are defined. Spatial functions supported by
GeoAlchemy are defined in this module. See :class:`GenericFunction` to know how
to create new spatial functions.

.. note::

    By convention the names of spatial functions are prefixed by ``ST_``.  This
    is to be consistent with PostGIS', which itself is based on the ``SQL-MM``

Functions created by subclassing :class:`GenericFunction` can be called
in several ways:

* By using the ``func`` object, which is the SQLAlchemy standard way of calling
  a function. For example, without the ORM::


  and with the ORM::


* By applying the function to a geometry column. For example, without the


  and with the ORM::


* By applying the function to a :class:`geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement`
  object (:class:`geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement` is the type into
  which GeoAlchemy converts geometry values read from the database), or
  to a :class:`geoalchemy2.elements.WKTElement` object. For example,
  without the ORM::


  and with the ORM::



import re

from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.sql import functions
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import ColumnElement
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.util import with_metaclass

from . import elements
from ._functions import _FUNCTIONS

class _GenericMeta(functions._GenericMeta):
    """Extend the metaclass mechanism of sqlalchemy to register the functions in
    a specific registry for geoalchemy2"""

    _register = False

    def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict):
        # Register the function

        super(_GenericMeta, cls).__init__(clsname, bases, clsdict)

[文档]class TableRowElement(ColumnElement): def __init__(self, selectable): self.selectable = selectable @property def _from_objects(self): return [self.selectable]
[文档]class ST_AsGeoJSON(with_metaclass(_GenericMeta, functions.GenericFunction)): """Special process for the ST_AsGeoJSON() function to be able to work with its feature version introduced in PostGIS 3.""" name = "ST_AsGeoJSON" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): expr = kwargs.pop('expr', None) args = list(args) if expr is not None: args = [expr] + args for idx, element in enumerate(args): if isinstance(element, functions.Function): continue elif isinstance(element, elements.HasFunction): if element.extended: func_name = element.geom_from_extended_version func_args = [] else: func_name = element.geom_from func_args = [, element.srid] args[idx] = getattr(functions.func, func_name)(*func_args) else: try: insp = inspect(element) if hasattr(insp, "selectable"): args[idx] = TableRowElement(insp.selectable) except Exception: continue functions.GenericFunction.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) __doc__ = ( 'Return the geometry as a GeoJSON "geometry" object, or the row as a ' 'GeoJSON feature" object (PostGIS 3 only). (Cf GeoJSON specifications RFC ' '7946). 2D and 3D Geometries are both supported. GeoJSON only support SFS ' '1.1 geometry types (no curve support for example). ' 'See')
@compiles(TableRowElement) def _compile_table_row_thing(element, compiler, **kw): # In order to get a name as reliably as possible, noting that some # SQL compilers don't say "table AS name" and might not have the "AS", # table and alias names can have spaces in them, etc., get it from # a column instead because that's what we want to be showing here anyway. compiled = compiler.process(list(element.selectable.columns)[0], **kw) # 1. check for exact name of the selectable is here, use that. # This way if it has dots and spaces and anything else in it, we # can get it w/ correct quoting schema = getattr(element.selectable, "schema", "") name = pattern = r"(.?%s.?\.)?(.?%s.?)\." % (schema, name) m = re.match(pattern, compiled) if m: return # 2. just split on the dot, assume anonymized name return compiled.split(".")[0]
[文档]class GenericFunction(with_metaclass(_GenericMeta, functions.GenericFunction)): """ The base class for GeoAlchemy functions. This class inherits from ``sqlalchemy.sql.functions.GenericFunction``, so functions defined by subclassing this class can be given a fixed return type. For example, functions like :class:`ST_Buffer` and :class:`ST_Envelope` have their ``type`` attributes set to :class:`geoalchemy2.types.Geometry`. This class allows constructs like ``Lake.geom.ST_Buffer(2)``. In that case the ``Function`` instance is bound to an expression (``Lake.geom`` here), and that expression is passed to the function when the function is actually called. If you need to use a function that GeoAlchemy does not provide you will certainly want to subclass this class. For example, if you need the ``ST_TransScale`` spatial function, which isn't (currently) natively supported by GeoAlchemy, you will write this:: from geoalchemy2 import Geometry from geoalchemy2.functions import GenericFunction class ST_TransScale(GenericFunction): name = 'ST_TransScale' type = Geometry """ # Set _register to False in order not to register this class in # sqlalchemy.sql.functions._registry. Only its children will be registered. _register = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): expr = kwargs.pop('expr', None) args = list(args) if expr is not None: args = [expr] + args for idx, elem in enumerate(args): if isinstance(elem, elements.HasFunction): if elem.extended: func_name = elem.geom_from_extended_version func_args = [] else: func_name = elem.geom_from func_args = [, elem.srid] args[idx] = getattr(functions.func, func_name)(*func_args) functions.GenericFunction.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Iterate through _FUNCTIONS and create GenericFunction classes dynamically for name, type_, doc in _FUNCTIONS: attributes = {'name': name} docs = [] if isinstance(doc, tuple): docs.append(doc[0]) docs.append('see{0}.html'.format(doc[1])) elif doc is not None: docs.append(doc) docs.append('see{0}.html'.format(name)) if type_ is not None: attributes['type'] = type_ type_str = '{0}.{1}'.format(type_.__module__, type_.__name__) docs.append('Return type: :class:`{0}`.'.format(type_str)) if len(docs) != 0: attributes['__doc__'] = '\n\n'.join(docs) globals()[name] = type(name, (GenericFunction,), attributes) # # Define compiled versions for functions in SpatiaLite whose names don't have # the ST_ prefix. # _SQLITE_FUNCTIONS = { "ST_GeomFromEWKT": "GeomFromEWKT", "ST_GeomFromEWKB": "GeomFromEWKB", "ST_AsBinary": "AsBinary", "ST_AsEWKB": "AsEWKB", "ST_AsGeoJSON": "AsGeoJSON", } # Default handlers are required for SQLAlchemy < 1.1 # See more details in def _compiles_default(cls): def _compile_default(element, compiler, **kw): return "{}({})".format(cls, compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)) compiles(globals()[cls])(_compile_default) def _compiles_sqlite(cls, fn): def _compile_sqlite(element, compiler, **kw): return "{}({})".format(fn, compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)) compiles(globals()[cls], "sqlite")(_compile_sqlite) for cls, fn in _SQLITE_FUNCTIONS.items(): _compiles_default(cls) _compiles_sqlite(cls, fn)