falcon.util.misc 源代码

# Copyright 2013 by Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Miscellaneous utilities.

This module provides misc. utility functions for apps and the Falcon
framework itself. These functions are hoisted into the front-door
`falcon` module for convenience::

    import falcon

    now = falcon.http_now()
import datetime
import functools
import http
import inspect
import re
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
import unicodedata

from falcon import status_codes
from falcon.constants import PYPY
from falcon.uri import encode_value

# NOTE(vytas): Hoist `deprecated` here since it is documented as part of the
# public Falcon interface.
from .deprecation import deprecated

    from falcon.cyutil.misc import encode_items_to_latin1 as _cy_encode_items_to_latin1
except ImportError:
    _cy_encode_items_to_latin1 = None

    from falcon.cyutil.misc import isascii as _cy_isascii
except ImportError:
    _cy_isascii = None

__all__ = (


_UNSAFE_CHARS = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]')

# PERF(kgriffs): Avoid superfluous namespace lookups
strptime: Callable[[str, str], datetime.datetime] = datetime.datetime.strptime
utcnow: Callable[[], datetime.datetime] = datetime.datetime.utcnow

# NOTE(kgriffs,vytas): This is tested in the PyPy gate but we do not want devs
#   to have to install PyPy to check coverage on their workstations, so we use
#   the nocover pragma here.
def _lru_cache_nop(maxsize: int) -> Callable[[Callable], Callable]:  # pragma: nocover
    def decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable:
        # NOTE(kgriffs): Partially emulate the lru_cache protocol; only add
        #   cache_info() later if/when it becomes necessary.
        func.cache_clear = lambda: None  # type: ignore

        return func

    return decorator

# PERF(kgriffs): Using lru_cache is slower on PyPy when the wrapped
#   function is just doing a few non-IO operations.
if PYPY:
    _lru_cache_for_simple_logic = _lru_cache_nop  # pragma: nocover
    _lru_cache_for_simple_logic = functools.lru_cache  # type: ignore

[文档]def is_python_func(func: Union[Callable, Any]) -> bool: """Determine if a function or method uses a standard Python type. This helper can be used to check a function or method to determine if it uses a standard Python type, as opposed to an implementation-specific native extension type. For example, because Cython functions are not standard Python functions, ``is_python_func(f)`` will return ``False`` when f is a reference to a cythonized function or method. Args: func: The function object to check. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the function or method uses a standard Python type; ``False`` otherwise. """ if inspect.ismethod(func): func = func.__func__ return inspect.isfunction(func)
[文档]def http_now() -> str: """Return the current UTC time as an IMF-fixdate. Returns: str: The current UTC time as an IMF-fixdate, e.g., 'Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT'. """ return dt_to_http(utcnow())
[文档]def dt_to_http(dt: datetime.datetime) -> str: """Convert a ``datetime`` instance to an HTTP date string. Args: dt (datetime): A ``datetime`` instance to convert, assumed to be UTC. Returns: str: An RFC 1123 date string, e.g.: "Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT". """ # Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT return dt.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
[文档]def http_date_to_dt(http_date: str, obs_date: bool = False) -> datetime.datetime: """Convert an HTTP date string to a datetime instance. Args: http_date (str): An RFC 1123 date string, e.g.: "Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT". Keyword Arguments: obs_date (bool): Support obs-date formats according to RFC 7231, e.g.: "Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT" (default ``False``). Returns: datetime: A UTC datetime instance corresponding to the given HTTP date. Raises: ValueError: http_date doesn't match any of the available time formats """ if not obs_date: # PERF(kgriffs): This violates DRY, but we do it anyway # to avoid the overhead of setting up a tuple, looping # over it, and setting up exception handling blocks each # time around the loop, in the case that we don't actually # need to check for multiple formats. return strptime(http_date, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') time_formats = ( '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z', '%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z', '%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S %Z', '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y', ) # Loop through the formats and return the first that matches for time_format in time_formats: try: return strptime(http_date, time_format) except ValueError: continue # Did not match any formats raise ValueError('time data %r does not match known formats' % http_date)
[文档]def to_query_str( params: dict, comma_delimited_lists: bool = True, prefix: bool = True ) -> str: """Convert a dictionary of parameters to a query string. Args: params (dict): A dictionary of parameters, where each key is a parameter name, and each value is either a ``str`` or something that can be converted into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). comma_delimited_lists (bool): Set to ``False`` to encode list values by specifying multiple instances of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3'). Otherwise, parameters will be encoded as comma-separated values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Defaults to ``True``. prefix (bool): Set to ``False`` to exclude the '?' prefix in the result string (default ``True``). Returns: str: A URI query string, including the '?' prefix (unless `prefix` is ``False``), or an empty string if no params are given (the ``dict`` is empty). """ if not params: return '' # PERF: This is faster than a list comprehension and join, mainly # because it allows us to inline the value transform. query_str = '?' if prefix else '' for k, v in params.items(): if v is True: v = 'true' elif v is False: v = 'false' elif isinstance(v, list): if comma_delimited_lists: v = ','.join(map(encode_value, map(str, v))) else: for list_value in v: if list_value is True: list_value = 'true' elif list_value is False: list_value = 'false' else: list_value = encode_value(str(list_value)) query_str += encode_value(k) + '=' + list_value + '&' continue else: v = encode_value(str(v)) query_str += encode_value(k) + '=' + v + '&' return query_str[:-1]
[文档]def get_bound_method(obj: object, method_name: str) -> Union[None, Callable[..., Any]]: """Get a bound method of the given object by name. Args: obj: Object on which to look up the method. method_name: Name of the method to retrieve. Returns: Bound method, or ``None`` if the method does not exist on the object. Raises: AttributeError: The method exists, but it isn't bound (most likely a class was passed, rather than an instance of that class). """ method = getattr(obj, method_name, None) if method is not None: # NOTE(kgriffs): Ensure it is a bound method. Raises AttributeError # if the attribute is missing. getattr(method, '__self__') return method
def get_argnames(func: Callable) -> List[str]: """Introspect the arguments of a callable. Args: func: The callable to introspect Returns: A list of argument names, excluding *arg and **kwargs arguments. """ sig = inspect.signature(func) args = [ param.name for param in sig.parameters.values() if param.kind not in (inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD) ] # NOTE(kgriffs): Depending on the version of Python, 'self' may or may not # be present, so we normalize the results by removing 'self' as needed. # Note that this behavior varies between 3.x versions. if args and args[0] == 'self': args = args[1:] return args
[文档]@deprecated('Please use falcon.code_to_http_status() instead.') def get_http_status( status_code: Union[str, int], default_reason: str = _DEFAULT_HTTP_REASON ) -> str: """Get both the http status code and description from just a code. Warning: As of Falcon 3.0, this method has been deprecated in favor of :meth:`~falcon.code_to_http_status`. Args: status_code: integer or string that can be converted to an integer default_reason: default text to be appended to the status_code if the lookup does not find a result Returns: str: status code e.g. "404 Not Found" Raises: ValueError: the value entered could not be converted to an integer """ # sanitize inputs try: code = float(status_code) # float can validate values like "401.1" code = int(code) # converting to int removes the decimal places if code < 100: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'get_http_status failed: "%s" is not a valid status code', status_code ) # lookup the status code try: return getattr(status_codes, 'HTTP_' + str(code)) except AttributeError: # not found return str(code) + ' ' + default_reason
[文档]def secure_filename(filename: str) -> str: """Sanitize the provided `filename` to contain only ASCII characters. Only ASCII alphanumerals, ``'.'``, ``'-'`` and ``'_'`` are allowed for maximum portability and safety wrt using this name as a filename on a regular file system. All other characters will be replaced with an underscore (``'_'``). .. note:: The `filename` is normalized to the Unicode ``NKFD`` form prior to ASCII conversion in order to extract more alphanumerals where a decomposition is available. For instance: >>> secure_filename('Bold Digit 𝟏') 'Bold_Digit_1' >>> secure_filename('Ångström unit physics.pdf') 'A_ngstro_m_unit_physics.pdf' Args: filename (str): Arbitrary filename input from the request, such as a multipart form filename field. Returns: str: The sanitized filename. Raises: ValueError: the provided filename is an empty string. """ # TODO(vytas): max_length (int): Maximum length of the returned # filename. Should the returned filename exceed this restriction, it is # truncated while attempting to preserve the extension. if not filename: raise ValueError('filename may not be an empty string') filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', filename) if filename.startswith('.'): filename = filename.replace('.', '_', 1) return _UNSAFE_CHARS.sub('_', filename)
[文档]@_lru_cache_for_simple_logic(maxsize=64) def http_status_to_code(status: Union[http.HTTPStatus, int, bytes, str]) -> int: """Normalize an HTTP status to an integer code. This function takes a member of :class:`http.HTTPStatus`, an HTTP status line string or byte string (e.g., ``'200 OK'``), or an ``int`` and returns the corresponding integer code. An LRU is used to minimize lookup time. Args: status: The status code or enum to normalize. Returns: int: Integer code for the HTTP status (e.g., 200) """ if isinstance(status, http.HTTPStatus): return status.value if isinstance(status, int): return status if isinstance(status, bytes): status = status.decode() if not isinstance(status, str): raise ValueError('status must be an int, str, or a member of http.HTTPStatus') if len(status) < 3: raise ValueError('status strings must be at least three characters long') try: return int(status[:3]) except ValueError: raise ValueError('status strings must start with a three-digit integer')
[文档]@_lru_cache_for_simple_logic(maxsize=64) def code_to_http_status(status: Union[int, http.HTTPStatus, bytes, str]) -> str: """Normalize an HTTP status to an HTTP status line string. This function takes a member of :class:`http.HTTPStatus`, an ``int`` status code, an HTTP status line string or byte string (e.g., ``'200 OK'``) and returns the corresponding HTTP status line string. An LRU is used to minimize lookup time. Note: Unlike the deprecated :func:`get_http_status`, this function will not attempt to coerce a string status to an integer code, assuming the string already denotes an HTTP status line. Args: status: The status code or enum to normalize. Returns: str: HTTP status line corresponding to the given code. A newline is not included at the end of the string. """ if isinstance(status, http.HTTPStatus): return '{} {}'.format(status.value, status.phrase) # NOTE(kgriffs): If it is a str but does not have a space, assume it is # just the number by itself. if isinstance(status, str) and ' ' in status: return status if isinstance(status, bytes) and b' ' in status: return status.decode() try: code = int(status) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError('{!r} is not a valid status code'.format(status)) if not 100 <= code <= 999: raise ValueError('{!r} is not a valid status code'.format(status)) try: # NOTE(kgriffs): We do this instead of using http.HTTPStatus since # the Falcon module defines a larger number of codes. return getattr(status_codes, 'HTTP_' + str(code)) except AttributeError: return '{} {}'.format(code, _DEFAULT_HTTP_REASON)
def _encode_items_to_latin1(data: Dict[str, str]) -> List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]: """Decode all key/values of a dict to Latin-1. Args: data (dict): A dict of string key/values to encode to a list of bytestring items. Returns: A list of (bytes, bytes) tuples. """ result = [] for key, value in data.items(): result.append((key.encode('latin1'), value.encode('latin1'))) return result def _isascii(string: str) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if all characters in the string are ASCII. ASCII characters have code points in the range U+0000-U+007F. Note: On Python 3.7+, this function is just aliased to ``str.isascii``. This is a pure-Python fallback for older CPython (where Cython is unavailable) and PyPy versions. Args: string (str): A string to test. Returns: ``True`` if all characters are ASCII, ``False`` otherwise. """ try: string.encode('ascii') return True except ValueError: return False _encode_items_to_latin1 = _cy_encode_items_to_latin1 or _encode_items_to_latin1 isascii = getattr(str, 'isascii', _cy_isascii or _isascii)