13. 现在怎么办?



  • python标准库

    您应该浏览本手册,其中提供了关于标准库中类型、功能和模块的完整(虽然简短)参考资料。标准的python发行版包括 lot 附加代码。有一些模块可以读取Unix邮箱、通过HTTP检索文档、生成随机数、解析命令行选项、编写CGI程序、压缩数据和许多其他任务。浏览一下类库的参考资料,你就会知道什么是可用的。

  • 安装python模块 解释如何安装其他Python用户编写的其他模块。

  • python语言引用 :对Python语法和语义的详细解释。它读得很重,但作为语言本身的完整指南是有用的。


  • https://www.python.org: The major Python Web site. It contains code, documentation, and pointers to Python-related pages around the Web. This Web site is mirrored in various places around the world, such as Europe, Japan, and Australia; a mirror may be faster than the main site, depending on your geographical location.

  • https://docs.python.org: Fast access to Python's documentation.

  • https://pypi.org: The Python Package Index, previously also nicknamed the Cheese Shop 1, 是可供下载的用户创建的python模块的索引。一旦您开始释放代码,您可以在这里注册它,以便其他人可以找到它。

  • https://code.activestate.com/recipes/langs/python/: The Python Cookbook is a sizable collection of code examples, larger modules, and useful scripts. Particularly notable contributions are collected in a book also titled Python Cookbook (O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN 0-596-00797-3.)

  • http://www.pyvideo.org collects links to Python-related videos from conferences and user-group meetings.

  • https://scipy.org: The Scientific Python project includes modules for fast array computations and manipulations plus a host of packages for such things as linear algebra, Fourier transforms, non-linear solvers, random number distributions, statistical analysis and the like.

对于与python相关的问题和问题报告,可以将其发布到新闻组 comp.lang.python 或者发送到邮件列表:python-list@python.org。新闻组和邮件列表是通过网关传递的,因此发送到其中一个的邮件将自动转发到另一个。每天有数百个帖子,询问(和回答)问题,建议新功能,并声明新模块。邮件列表档案可从https://mail.python.org/pipermail/获取。

在发布之前,请务必检查 Frequently Asked Questions (也称为常见问题解答)。常见问题解答解答了许多反复出现的问题,并且可能已经包含了问题的解决方案。



“奶酪店”是一幅 Python 的素描:顾客走进奶酪店,但无论他要什么奶酪,店员都说它不见了。