
Babel包括用于处理消息目录的命令行界面,类似于各种GNU gettext Linux/Unix系统上常用的工具。

正确安装后,Babel提供一个名为 pybabel ::

$ pybabel --help
Usage: pybabel command [options] [args]

  --version       show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --list-locales  print all known locales and exit
  -v, --verbose   print as much as possible
  -q, --quiet     print as little as possible

  compile  compile message catalogs to MO files
  extract  extract messages from source files and generate a POT file
  init     create new message catalogs from a POT file
  update   update existing message catalogs from a POT file

这个 pybabel 脚本提供了许多执行实际工作的子命令。这些子命令如下所述。


这个 compile 子命令可用于将翻译目录编译为二进制MO文件:

$ pybabel compile --help
Usage: pybabel compile [options]

compile message catalogs to MO files

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -D DOMAIN, --domain=DOMAIN
                        domains of PO files (space separated list, default
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORY
                        path to base directory containing the catalogs
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
                        name of the input file
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
                        name of the output file (default
  -l LOCALE, --locale=LOCALE
                        locale of the catalog to compile
  -f, --use-fuzzy       also include fuzzy translations
  --statistics          print statistics about translations

如果 directory 已指定,但 output-file 不是,则输出文件的默认文件名将为::


如果既不是 input_file 也不 locale 选项时,此命令将在基目录中查找与给定域匹配的所有编录文件,并将每个编录文件编译为同一目录中的MO文件。


这个 extract 子命令可用于从源文件集合中提取可本地化消息::

$ pybabel extract --help
Usage: pybabel extract [options] <input-paths>

extract messages from source files and generate a POT file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --charset=CHARSET     charset to use in the output file (default "utf-8")
  -k KEYWORDS, --keywords=KEYWORDS, --keyword=KEYWORDS
                        space-separated list of keywords to look for in
                        addition to the defaults (may be repeated multiple
                        do not include the default keywords
  -F MAPPING_FILE, --mapping-file=MAPPING_FILE, --mapping=MAPPING_FILE
                        path to the mapping configuration file
  --no-location         do not include location comments with filename and
                        line number
                        location lines format. If it is not given or "full",
                        it generates the lines with both file name and line
                        number. If it is "file", the line number part is
                        omitted. If it is "never", it completely suppresses
                        the lines (same as --no-location).
  --omit-header         do not include msgid "" entry in header
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output=OUTPUT_FILE
                        name of the output file
  -w WIDTH, --width=WIDTH
                        set output line width (default 76)
  --no-wrap             do not break long message lines, longer than the
                        output line width, into several lines
  --sort-output         generate sorted output (default False)
  --sort-by-file        sort output by file location (default False)
                        set report address for msgid
                        set copyright holder in output
  --project=PROJECT     set project name in output
  --version=VERSION     set project version in output
  -c ADD_COMMENTS, --add-comments=ADD_COMMENTS
                        place comment block with TAG (or those preceding
                        keyword lines) in output file. Separate multiple TAGs
                        with commas(,)
  -s, --strip-comments, --strip-comment-tags
                        strip the comment TAGs from the comments.
                        alias for input-paths (does allow files as well as
                        Patterns for directories to ignore when scanning for
                        messages. Separate multiple patterns with spaces
                        (default ".* ._")
                        header comment for the catalog

的含义 --keyword 取值如下:

  • 传递一个简单的标识符,如下所示 _ 提取所有函数调用的第一个(且仅第一个)参数 _

  • 要提取第一个参数以外的其他参数,请添加冒号和用逗号分隔的参数索引。例如, dngettext 函数通常将可翻译的字符串作为第二个和第三个参数,因此可以将 dngettext:2,3

  • 某些参数不应解释为可翻译的字符串,而应解释为上下文字符串。为此,请将“c”附加到参数索引。例如: pgettext:1c,2

  • 在C++和Python中,您的函数可能会根据它们接受的参数数量而表现出不同的行为。对于这个用例,您可以在冒号后面添加一个后面跟“t”的整数。在这种情况下,只有当关键字具有指定的参数总数时,该关键字才会与函数调用匹配。例如,如果您有一个函数 foo 它的行为就像 gettext (参数是一条消息)或 pgettext (参数是上下文和消息)根据它接受的是一个参数还是两个参数,您可以传递 --keyword=foo:1,1t --keyword=foo:1c,2,2t




这个 init 子命令根据PO模板文件创建新的翻译目录:

$ pybabel init --help
Usage: pybabel init [options]

create new message catalogs from a POT file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -D DOMAIN, --domain=DOMAIN
                        domain of PO file (default 'messages')
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
                        name of the input file
  -d OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR
                        path to output directory
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
                        name of the output file (default
  -l LOCALE, --locale=LOCALE
                        locale for the new localized catalog
  -w WIDTH, --width=WIDTH
                        set output line width (default 76)
  --no-wrap             do not break long message lines, longer than the
                        output line width, into several lines


这个 update 子命令根据PO模板文件更新现有的新翻译目录:

$ pybabel update --help
Usage: pybabel update [options]

update existing message catalogs from a POT file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -D DOMAIN, --domain=DOMAIN
                        domain of PO file (default 'messages')
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
                        name of the input file
  -d OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR
                        path to base directory containing the catalogs
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
                        name of the output file (default
  --omit-header         do not include msgid  entry in header
  -l LOCALE, --locale=LOCALE
                        locale of the catalog to compile
  -w WIDTH, --width=WIDTH
                        set output line width (default 76)
  --no-wrap             do not break long message lines, longer than the
                        output line width, into several lines
  --ignore-obsolete     whether to omit obsolete messages from the output
  --init-missing        if any output files are missing, initialize them first
  -N, --no-fuzzy-matching
                        do not use fuzzy matching
                        update target header comment
  --previous            keep previous msgids of translated messages

如果 output_dir 已指定,但 output-file 不是,则输出文件的默认文件名将为::


如果既不是 output_file 也不 locale 选项时,此命令将在基目录中查找与给定域匹配的所有编录文件,并更新每个编录文件。