astropy.utils.metadata.core 源代码

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Classes for handling metadata."""

import inspect
from collections import OrderedDict
from import Mapping
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import is_dataclass

__all__ = ["MetaData", "MetaAttribute"]

[文档] class MetaData: """ A descriptor for classes that have a ``meta`` property. This can be set to any valid :class:``. Parameters ---------- doc : `str`, optional Documentation for the attribute of the class. Default is ``""``. .. versionadded:: 1.2 copy : `bool`, optional If ``True`` the value is deepcopied before setting, otherwise it is saved as reference. Default is ``True``. .. versionadded:: 1.2 default_factory : Callable[[], Mapping], optional keyword-only The factory to use to create the default value of the ``meta`` attribute. This must be a callable that returns a `Mapping` object. Default is `OrderedDict`, creating an empty `OrderedDict`. .. versionadded:: 6.0 Examples -------- ``MetaData`` can be used as a descriptor to define a ``meta`` attribute`. >>> class Foo: ... meta = MetaData() ... def __init__(self, meta=None): ... self.meta = meta ``Foo`` can be instantiated with a ``meta`` argument. >>> foo = Foo(meta={'a': 1, 'b': 2}) >>> foo.meta {'a': 1, 'b': 2} The default value of ``meta`` is an empty :class:`~collections.OrderedDict`. This can be set by passing ``None`` to the ``meta`` argument. >>> foo = Foo() >>> foo.meta OrderedDict() If an :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` is not a good default metadata type then the ``default_factory`` keyword can be used to set the default to a different `Mapping` type, when the class is defined.' >>> class Bar: ... meta = MetaData(default_factory=dict) ... def __init__(self, meta=None): ... self.meta = meta >>> Bar().meta {} When accessed from the class ``.meta`` returns `None` since metadata is on the class' instances, not the class itself. >>> print(Foo.meta) None """ def __init__(self, doc="", copy=True, *, default_factory=OrderedDict): self.__doc__ = doc self.copy = copy self._default_factory = default_factory @property def default_factory(self): return self._default_factory def __get__(self, instance, owner): # class attribute access. Often, descriptors just return `self`, but if the # owning class is a `dataclass`, the expectation is that the default is # returned. In our case, this is None, triggering the creation of a dict-like in # `__set__`. if instance is None: return None # instance attribute access if not hasattr(instance, "_meta"): self.__set__(instance, None) return instance._meta def __set__(self, instance, value): # The 'default' value is `None`, but we want to set it to an empty `Mapping` # if it is `None` so that we can always assume it is a `Mapping` and not have # to check for `None` everywhere. if value is None: value = self.default_factory() # We don't want to allow setting the meta attribute to a non-dict-like object. # NOTE: with mypyc compilation this can be removed. elif not isinstance(value, Mapping): raise TypeError("meta attribute must be dict-like") # This is called when the dataclass is instantiated with a `meta` argument. else: value = deepcopy(value) if self.copy else value if is_dataclass(instance) and instance.__dataclass_params__.frozen: object.__setattr__(instance, "_meta", value) else: instance._meta = value
[文档] class MetaAttribute: """ Descriptor to define custom attribute which gets stored in the object ``meta`` dict and can have a defined default. This descriptor is intended to provide a convenient way to add attributes to a subclass of a complex class such as ``Table`` or ``NDData``. This requires that the object has an attribute ``meta`` which is a dict-like object. The value of the MetaAttribute will be stored in a new dict meta['__attributes__'] that is created when required. Classes that define MetaAttributes are encouraged to support initializing the attributes via the class ``__init__``. For example:: for attr in list(kwargs): descr = getattr(self.__class__, attr, None) if isinstance(descr, MetaAttribute): setattr(self, attr, kwargs.pop(attr)) The name of a ``MetaAttribute`` cannot be the same as any of the following: - Keyword argument in the owner class ``__init__`` - Method or attribute of the "parent class", where the parent class is taken to be ``owner.__mro__[1]``. :param default: default value """ def __init__(self, default=None): self.default = default def __get__(self, instance, owner): # When called without an instance, return self to allow access # to descriptor attributes. if instance is None: return self # If default is None and value has not been set already then return None # without doing touching meta['__attributes__'] at all. This helps e.g. # with the Table._hidden_columns attribute so it doesn't auto-create # meta['__attributes__'] always. if self.default is None and not in instance.meta.get( "__attributes__", {} ): return None # Get the __attributes__ dict and create if not there already. attributes = instance.meta.setdefault("__attributes__", {}) try: value = attributes[] except KeyError: if self.default is not None: attributes[] = deepcopy(self.default) # Return either specified default or None value = attributes.get( return value def __set__(self, instance, value): # Get the __attributes__ dict and create if not there already. attributes = instance.meta.setdefault("__attributes__", {}) attributes[] = value def __delete__(self, instance): # Remove this attribute from meta['__attributes__'] if it exists. if "__attributes__" in instance.meta: attrs = instance.meta["__attributes__"] if in attrs: del attrs[] # If this was the last attribute then remove the meta key as well if not attrs: del instance.meta["__attributes__"] def __set_name__(self, owner, name): params = [ for param in inspect.signature(owner).parameters.values() if param.kind not in (inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL) ] # Reject names from existing params or best guess at parent class if name in params or hasattr(owner.__mro__[1], name): raise ValueError(f"{name} not allowed as {self.__class__.__name__}") = name def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} name={} default={self.default}>"