
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import warnings

import numpy as np

from import fits, registry
from astropy.table import MaskedColumn, Table
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy.timeseries.sampled import TimeSeries

__all__ = ["kepler_fits_reader"]

[文档] def kepler_fits_reader(filename, unit_parse_strict="warn"): """ This serves as the FITS reader for KEPLER or TESS files within astropy-timeseries. This function should generally not be called directly, and instead this time series reader should be accessed with the :meth:`` method:: >>> from astropy.timeseries import TimeSeries >>> ts ='kplr33122.fits', format='kepler.fits') # doctest: +SKIP Parameters ---------- filename : `str` or `pathlib.Path` File to load. unit_parse_strict : str, optional Behaviour when encountering invalid column units in the FITS header. Default is "warn", which will emit a ``UnitsWarning`` and create a :class:`~astropy.units.core.UnrecognizedUnit`. Values are the ones allowed by the ``parse_strict`` argument of :class:`~astropy.units.core.Unit`: ``raise``, ``warn`` and ``silent``. Returns ------- ts : `~astropy.timeseries.TimeSeries` Data converted into a TimeSeries. """ hdulist = # Get the lightcurve HDU telescope = hdulist[0].header["telescop"].lower() if telescope == "tess": hdu = hdulist["LIGHTCURVE"] elif telescope == "kepler": hdu = hdulist[1] else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{hdulist[0].header['telescop']} is not implemented, only KEPLER or TESS" " are supported through this reader" ) if hdu.header["EXTVER"] > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"Support for {hdu.header['TELESCOP']} v{hdu.header['EXTVER']} files not" " yet implemented" ) # Check time scale if hdu.header["TIMESYS"] != "TDB": raise NotImplementedError( f"Support for {hdu.header['TIMESYS']} time scale not yet implemented in" f" {hdu.header['TELESCOP']} reader" ) tab =, format="fits", unit_parse_strict=unit_parse_strict) # Some KEPLER files have a T column instead of TIME. if "T" in tab.colnames: tab.rename_column("T", "TIME") for colname in tab.colnames: unit = tab[colname].unit # Make masks nan for any column which will turn into a Quantity # later. TODO: remove once we support Masked Quantities properly? if unit and isinstance(tab[colname], MaskedColumn): tab[colname] = tab[colname].filled(np.nan) # Fix units if unit == "e-/s": tab[colname].unit = "electron/s" if unit == "pixels": tab[colname].unit = "pixel" # Rename columns to lowercase tab.rename_column(colname, colname.lower()) # Filter out NaN rows nans = np.isnan(tab["time"].data) if np.any(nans): warnings.warn(f"Ignoring {np.sum(nans)} rows with NaN times") tab = tab[~nans] # Time column is dependent on source and we correct it here reference_date = Time( hdu.header["BJDREFI"], hdu.header["BJDREFF"], scale=hdu.header["TIMESYS"].lower(), format="jd", ) time = reference_date + TimeDelta(tab["time"].data, format="jd") time.format = "isot" # Remove original time column tab.remove_column("time") hdulist.close() return TimeSeries(time=time, data=tab)
registry.register_reader("kepler.fits", TimeSeries, kepler_fits_reader) registry.register_reader("tess.fits", TimeSeries, kepler_fits_reader)