astropy.cosmology.parameter._core 源代码

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["Parameter"]

import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields, replace
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils.compat import PYTHON_LT_3_10

from ._converter import _REGISTRY_FVALIDATORS, FValidateCallable, _register_validator

    from import Sequence

if not PYTHON_LT_3_10:
    from dataclasses import KW_ONLY
    KW_ONLY = Any

class Sentinel(Enum):
    """Sentinel values for Parameter fields."""

    MISSING = auto()
    """A sentinel value signifying a missing default."""

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<{}>"


class _UnitField:
    # TODO: rm this class when py3.13+ allows for `field(converter=...)`

    def __get__(
        self, obj: Parameter | None, objcls: type[Parameter] | None
    ) -> u.Unit | None:
        if obj is None:  # calling `Parameter.unit` from the class
            return None
        return getattr(obj, "_unit", None)

    def __set__(self, obj: Parameter, value: Any) -> None:
        object.__setattr__(obj, "_unit", u.Unit(value) if value is not None else None)

class _FValidateField:
    default: FValidateCallable | str = "default"

    def __get__(
        self, obj: Parameter | None, objcls: type[Parameter] | None
    ) -> FValidateCallable | str:
        if obj is None:  # calling `Parameter.fvalidate` from the class
            return self.default
        return obj._fvalidate  # calling `Parameter.fvalidate` from an instance

    def __set__(self, obj: Parameter, value: Any) -> None:
        # Always store input fvalidate.
        object.__setattr__(obj, "_fvalidate_in", value)

        # Process to the callable.
        if value in _REGISTRY_FVALIDATORS:
            value = _REGISTRY_FVALIDATORS[value]
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            msg = f"`fvalidate`, if str, must be in {_REGISTRY_FVALIDATORS.keys()}"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        elif not callable(value):
            msg = f"`fvalidate` must be a function or {_REGISTRY_FVALIDATORS.keys()}"
            raise TypeError(msg)
        object.__setattr__(obj, "_fvalidate", value)

[文档] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Parameter: r"""Cosmological parameter (descriptor). Should only be used with a :class:`~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass. Parameters ---------- default : Any (optional, keyword-only) Default value of the Parameter. If not given the Parameter must be set when initializing the cosmology. derived : bool (optional, keyword-only) Whether the Parameter is 'derived', default `False`. Derived parameters behave similarly to normal parameters, but are not sorted by the |Cosmology| signature (probably not there) and are not included in all methods. For reference, see ``Ode0`` in ``FlatFLRWMixin``, which removes :math:`\Omega_{de,0}`` as an independent parameter (:math:`\Omega_{de,0} \equiv 1 - \Omega_{tot}`). unit : unit-like or None (optional, keyword-only) The `~astropy.units.Unit` for the Parameter. If None (default) no unit as assumed. equivalencies : `~astropy.units.Equivalency` or sequence thereof Unit equivalencies for this Parameter. fvalidate : callable[[object, object, Any], Any] or str (optional, keyword-only) Function to validate the Parameter value from instances of the cosmology class. If "default", uses default validator to assign units (with equivalencies), if Parameter has units. For other valid string options, see ``Parameter._registry_validators``. 'fvalidate' can also be set through a decorator with :meth:`~astropy.cosmology.Parameter.validator`. doc : str or None (optional, keyword-only) Parameter description. Examples -------- For worked examples see :class:`~astropy.cosmology.FLRW`. """ if not PYTHON_LT_3_10: _: KW_ONLY default: Any = MISSING """Default value of the Parameter. By default set to ``MISSING``, which indicates the parameter must be set when initializing the cosmology. """ derived: bool = False """Whether the Parameter can be set, or is derived, on the cosmology.""" # Units unit: _UnitField = _UnitField() """The unit of the Parameter (can be `None` for unitless).""" equivalencies: u.Equivalency | Sequence[u.Equivalency] = field(default_factory=list) """Unit equivalencies available when setting the parameter.""" # Setting fvalidate: _FValidateField = _FValidateField(default="default") """Function to validate/convert values when setting the Parameter.""" # Info doc: str | None = None """Parameter description.""" name: str | None = field(init=False, compare=True, default=None, repr=False) """The name of the Parameter on the Cosmology. Cannot be set directly. """ if PYTHON_LT_3_10: def __init__( self, *, default=MISSING, derived=False, unit=None, equivalencies=[], fvalidate="default", doc=None, ): object.__setattr__(self, "default", default) object.__setattr__(self, "derived", derived) vars(type(self))["unit"].__set__(self, unit) object.__setattr__(self, "equivalencies", equivalencies) vars(type(self))["fvalidate"].__set__(self, fvalidate) object.__setattr__(self, "doc", doc) self.__post_init__() def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._fvalidate_in: FValidateCallable | str self._fvalidate: FValidateCallable object.__setattr__(self, "__doc__", self.doc) # Now setting a dummy attribute name. The cosmology class will call # `__set_name__`, passing the real attribute name. However, if Parameter is not # init'ed as a descriptor then this ensures that all declared fields exist. self.__set_name__(None, None) def __set_name__(self, cosmo_cls: type, name: str | None) -> None: # attribute name on container cosmology class self._attr_name: str object.__setattr__(self, "name", name) object.__setattr__(self, "_attr_name", "_" + (name or "")) # ------------------------------------------- # descriptor and property-like methods def __get__(self, cosmology, cosmo_cls=None): # Get from class if cosmology is None: return self # Get from instance return getattr(cosmology, self._attr_name) def __set__(self, cosmology, value): """Allows attribute setting once. Raises AttributeError subsequently. """ # Raise error if setting 2nd time. if hasattr(cosmology, self._attr_name): raise AttributeError(f"can't set attribute {} again") # Change `self` to the default value if default is MISSING. # This is done for backwards compatibility only - so that Parameter can be used # in a dataclass and still return `self` when accessed from a class. # Accessing the Parameter object via `cosmo_cls.param_name` will be removed # in favor of `cosmo_cls.parameters["param_name"]`. if value is self and self.default is MISSING: value = self.default # Validate value, generally setting units if present value = self.validate(cosmology, copy.deepcopy(value)) # Make the value read-only, if ndarray-like if hasattr(value, "setflags"): value.setflags(write=False) # Set the value on the cosmology setattr(cosmology, self._attr_name, value) # ------------------------------------------- # validate value
[文档] def validator(self, fvalidate): """Make new Parameter with custom ``fvalidate``. Note: ``Parameter.fvalidator`` must be the top-most descriptor decorator. Parameters ---------- fvalidate : callable[[type, type, Any], Any] Returns ------- `~astropy.cosmology.Parameter` Copy of this Parameter but with custom ``fvalidate``. """ return self.clone(fvalidate=fvalidate)
[文档] def validate(self, cosmology, value): """Run the validator on this Parameter. Parameters ---------- cosmology : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` instance value : Any The object to validate. Returns ------- Any The output of calling ``fvalidate(cosmology, self, value)`` (yes, that parameter order). """ return self._fvalidate(cosmology, self, value)
[文档] @staticmethod def register_validator(key, fvalidate=None): """Decorator to register a new kind of validator function. Parameters ---------- key : str fvalidate : callable[[object, object, Any], Any] or None, optional Value validation function. Returns ------- ``validator`` or callable[``validator``] if validator is None returns a function that takes and registers a validator. This allows ``register_validator`` to be used as a decorator. """ return _register_validator(key, fvalidate=fvalidate)
# -------------------------------------------
[文档] def clone(self, **kw): """Clone this `Parameter`, changing any constructor argument. Parameters ---------- **kw Passed to constructor. The current values, eg. ``fvalidate`` are used as the default values, so an empty ``**kw`` is an exact copy. Examples -------- >>> p = Parameter() >>> p Parameter(derived=False, unit=None, equivalencies=[], fvalidate='default', doc=None) >>> p.clone(unit="km") Parameter(derived=False, unit=Unit("km"), equivalencies=[], fvalidate='default', doc=None) """ kw.setdefault("fvalidate", self._fvalidate_in) # prefer the input fvalidate cloned = replace(self, **kw) # Transfer over the __set_name__ stuff. If `clone` is used to make a # new descriptor, __set_name__ will be called again, overwriting this. cloned.__set_name__(None, return cloned
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return repr(self).""" fields_repr = ( # Get the repr, using the input fvalidate over the processed value f"{}={(getattr(self, if != 'fvalidate' else '_fvalidate_in'))!r}" for f in fields(self) # Only show fields that should be displayed and are not sentinel values if f.repr and ( != "default" or self.default is not MISSING) ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(fields_repr)})"