
Alabaster需要 Sphinx 3.4 or newer ,并作为默认主题包含在其中。


如果您通过以下方式分发文档 Read the Docs ,则需要通过将此行添加到您的 conf.py

html_theme = 'alabaster'

要设置Alabaster,请添加一个显式 html_sidebars 设置以加载Alabaster的自定义侧边栏模板:

html_sidebars = {
    '**': [

就这样!现在,您已经设置了标准的Alabaster主题。有关更多核心配置问题,请继续阅读,或参阅 定制 用于功能/样式选项。


If you're using any of the image-related options listed on 定制 (logo or touch-icon) or a custom stylesheet, you'll also want to tell Sphinx where to get these files from. If so, add a line like this (changing the path if necessary; see the Sphinx docs for 'html_static_path') to your conf.py:

html_static_path = ['_static']