
sphere: Tools for working with spherical geometry.

    Charles R Schmidt
    Luc Anselin
    Xun Li


__author__ = "Charles R Schmidt <>, Luc Anselin <, Xun Li <"

import math
import numpy
import scipy.spatial
import scipy.constants
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean
from math import pi, cos, sin

__all__ = ['RADIUS_EARTH_KM', 'RADIUS_EARTH_MILES', 'arcdist', 'arcdist2linear', 'brute_knn', 'fast_knn', 'fast_threshold', 'linear2arcdist', 'toLngLat', 'toXYZ', 'lonlat','harcdist','geointerpolate','geogrid']

    RADIUS_EARTH_KM * scipy.constants.kilo) / scipy.constants.mile

[文档]def arcdist(pt0, pt1, radius=RADIUS_EARTH_KM): """ Arc distance between two points on a sphere. Parameters ---------- pt0 : point assumed to be in form (lng,lat) pt1 : point assumed to be in form (lng,lat) radius : radius of the sphere defaults to Earth's radius Source: Returns ------- The arc distance between pt0 and pt1 using supplied radius Examples -------- >>> pt0 = (0,0) >>> pt1 = (180,0) >>> d = arcdist(pt0,pt1,RADIUS_EARTH_MILES) >>> d == math.pi*RADIUS_EARTH_MILES True """ return linear2arcdist(euclidean(toXYZ(pt0), toXYZ(pt1)), radius)
[文档]def arcdist2linear(arc_dist, radius=RADIUS_EARTH_KM): """ Convert an arc distance (spherical earth) to a linear distance (R3) in the unit sphere. Examples -------- >>> pt0 = (0,0) >>> pt1 = (180,0) >>> d = arcdist(pt0,pt1,RADIUS_EARTH_MILES) >>> d == math.pi*RADIUS_EARTH_MILES True >>> arcdist2linear(d,RADIUS_EARTH_MILES) 2.0 """ c = 2 * math.pi * radius d = (2 - (2 * math.cos(math.radians((arc_dist * 360.0) / c)))) ** (0.5) return d
[文档]def linear2arcdist(linear_dist, radius=RADIUS_EARTH_KM): """ Convert a linear distance in the unit sphere (R3) to an arc distance based on supplied radius Examples -------- >>> pt0 = (0,0) >>> pt1 = (180,0) >>> d = arcdist(pt0,pt1,RADIUS_EARTH_MILES) >>> d == linear2arcdist(2.0, radius = RADIUS_EARTH_MILES) True """ if linear_dist == float('inf'): return float('inf') elif linear_dist > 2.0: raise ValueError("linear_dist, must not exceed the diameter of the unit sphere, 2.0") c = 2 * math.pi * radius a2 = linear_dist ** 2 theta = math.degrees(math.acos((2 - a2) / (2.))) d = (theta * c) / 360.0 return d
[文档]def toXYZ(pt): """ Convert a point's latitude and longitude to x,y,z Parameters ---------- pt0 : point assumed to be in form (lng,lat) pt1 : point assumed to be in form (lng,lat) Returns ------- x, y, z """ phi, theta = list(map(math.radians, pt)) phi, theta = phi + pi, theta + (pi / 2) x = 1 * sin(theta) * cos(phi) y = 1 * sin(theta) * sin(phi) z = 1 * cos(theta) return x, y, z
[文档]def toLngLat(xyz): """ Convert x,y,z to latitude and longitude """ x, y, z = xyz if z == -1 or z == 1: phi = 0 else: phi = math.atan2(y, x) if phi > 0: phi = phi - math.pi elif phi < 0: phi = phi + math.pi theta = math.acos(z) - (math.pi / 2) return phi, theta
[文档]def brute_knn(pts, k, mode='arc'): """ valid modes are ['arc','xrz'] """ n = len(pts) full = numpy.zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): if mode == 'arc': lng0, lat0 = pts[i] lng1, lat1 = pts[j] dist = arcdist(pts[i], pts[j], radius=RADIUS_EARTH_KM) elif mode == 'xyz': dist = euclidean(pts[i], pts[j]) full[i, j] = dist full[j, i] = dist w = {} for i in range(n): w[i] = full[i].argsort()[1:k + 1].tolist() return w
[文档]def fast_knn(pts, k, return_dist=False): """ Computes k nearest neighbors on a sphere. Parameters ---------- pts : list of x,y pairs k : int Number of points to query return_dist : bool Return distances in the 'wd' container object Returns ------- wn : list list of neighbors wd : list list of neighbor distances (optional) """ pts = numpy.array(pts) kd = scipy.spatial.KDTree(pts) d, w = kd.query(pts, k + 1) w = w[:, 1:] wn = {} for i in range(len(pts)): wn[i] = w[i].tolist() if return_dist: d = d[:, 1:] wd = {} for i in range(len(pts)): wd[i] = [linear2arcdist(x, radius=RADIUS_EARTH_MILES) for x in d[i].tolist()] return wn, wd return wn
[文档]def fast_threshold(pts, dist, radius=RADIUS_EARTH_KM): """ Find all neighbors on a sphere within a threshold distance Parameters ---------- pointslist : list of lat-lon tuples (Note, has to be a list, even for one point) dist: float threshold distance radius: float sphere's radius Returns ------- dict: key is id of point, value is a list of ids for other points within dist of key point """ d = arcdist2linear(dist, radius) kd = scipy.spatial.KDTree(pts) r = kd.query_ball_tree(kd, d) wd = {} for i in range(len(pts)): l = r[i] l.remove(i) wd[i] = l return wd
########### new functions
[文档]def lonlat(pointslist): """ Converts point order from lat-lon tuples to lon-lat (x,y) tuples Parameters ---------- pointslist : list of lat-lon tuples (Note, has to be a list, even for one point) Returns ------- newpts : list with tuples of points in lon-lat order Example ------- >>> points = [(41.981417, -87.893517), (41.980396, -87.776787), (41.980906, -87.696450)] >>> newpoints = lonlat(points) >>> newpoints [(-87.893517, 41.981417), (-87.776787, 41.980396), (-87.69645, 41.980906)] """ newpts = [(i[1],i[0]) for i in pointslist] return newpts
def haversine(x): """ Computes the haversine formula Parameters ---------- x : angle in radians Returns ------- : square of sine of half the radian (the haversine formula) Example ------- >>> haversine(math.pi) # is 180 in radians, hence sin of 90 = 1 1.0 """ x = math.sin(x/2) return x*x # Lambda functions # degree to radian conversion d2r = lambda x: x * math.pi / 180.0 # radian to degree conversion r2d = lambda x: x * 180.0 / math.pi def radangle(p0,p1): """ Radian angle between two points on a sphere in lon-lat (x,y) Parameters ---------- p0 : first point as a lon,lat tuple p1 : second point as a lon,lat tuple Returns ------- d : radian angle in radians Example ------- >>> p0 = (-87.893517, 41.981417) >>> p1 = (-87.519295, 41.657498) >>> radangle(p0,p1) 0.007460167953189258 Note ---- Uses haversine formula, function haversine and degree to radian conversion lambda function d2r """ x0, y0 = d2r(p0[0]),d2r(p0[1]) x1, y1 = d2r(p1[0]),d2r(p1[1]) d = 2.0 * math.asin(math.sqrt(haversine(y1 - y0) + math.cos(y0) * math.cos(y1)*haversine(x1 - x0))) return d
[文档]def harcdist(p0,p1,lonx=True,radius=RADIUS_EARTH_KM): """ Alternative arc distance function, uses haversine formula Parameters ---------- p0 : first point as a tuple in decimal degrees p1 : second point as a tuple in decimal degrees lonx : boolean to assess the order of the coordinates, for lon,lat (default) = True, for lat,lon = False radius : radius of the earth at the equator as a sphere default: RADIUS_EARTH_KM (6371.0 km) options: RADIUS_EARTH_MILES (3959.0 miles) None (for result in radians) Returns ------- d : distance in units specified, km, miles or radians (for None) Example ------- >>> p0 = (-87.893517, 41.981417) >>> p1 = (-87.519295, 41.657498) >>> harcdist(p0,p1) 47.52873002976876 >>> harcdist(p0,p1,radius=None) 0.007460167953189258 Note ---- Uses radangle function to compute radian angle """ if not(lonx): p = lonlat([p0,p1]) p0 = p[0] p1 = p[1] d = radangle(p0,p1) if radius is not None: d = d*radius return d
[文档]def geointerpolate(p0,p1,t,lonx=True): """ Finds a point on a sphere along the great circle distance between two points on a sphere also known as a way point in great circle navigation Parameters ---------- p0 : first point as a tuple in decimal degrees p1 : second point as a tuple in decimal degrees t : proportion along great circle distance between p0 and p1 e.g., t=0.5 would find the mid-point lonx : boolean to assess the order of the coordinates, for lon,lat (default) = True, for lat,lon = False Returns ------- x,y : tuple in decimal degrees of lon-lat (default) or lat-lon, depending on setting of lonx; in other words, the same order is used as for the input Example ------- >>> p0 = (-87.893517, 41.981417) >>> p1 = (-87.519295, 41.657498) >>> geointerpolate(p0,p1,0.1) # using lon-lat (-87.85592403438788, 41.949079912574796) >>> p3 = (41.981417, -87.893517) >>> p4 = (41.657498, -87.519295) >>> geointerpolate(p3,p4,0.1,lonx=False) # using lat-lon (41.949079912574796, -87.85592403438788) """ if not(lonx): p = lonlat([p0,p1]) p0 = p[0] p1 = p[1] d = radangle(p0,p1) k = 1.0 / math.sin(d) t = t*d A = math.sin(d-t) * k B = math.sin(t) * k x0, y0 = d2r(p0[0]),d2r(p0[1]) x1, y1 = d2r(p1[0]),d2r(p1[1]) x = A * math.cos(y0) * math.cos(x0) + B * math.cos(y1) * math.cos(x1) y = A * math.cos(y0) * math.sin(x0) + B * math.cos(y1) * math.sin(x1) z = A * math.sin(y0) + B * math.sin(y1) newpx = r2d(math.atan2(y, x)) newpy = r2d(math.atan2(z, math.sqrt(x*x + y*y))) if not(lonx): return newpy,newpx return newpx,newpy
[文档]def geogrid(pup,pdown,k,lonx=True): """ Computes a k+1 by k+1 set of grid points for a bounding box in lat-lon uses geointerpolate Parameters ---------- pup : tuple with lat-lon or lon-lat for upper left corner of bounding box pdown : tuple with lat-lon or lon-lat for lower right corner of bounding box k : number of grid cells (grid points will be one more) lonx : boolean to assess the order of the coordinates, for lon,lat (default) = True, for lat,lon = False Returns ------- grid : list of tuples with lat-lon or lon-lat for grid points, row by row, starting with the top row and moving to the bottom; coordinate tuples are returned in same order as input Example ------- >>> pup = (42.023768,-87.946389) # Arlington Heights IL >>> pdown = (41.644415,-87.524102) # Hammond, IN >>> geogrid(pup,pdown,3,lonx=False) [(42.023768, -87.946389), (42.02393997819538, -87.80562679358316), (42.02393997819538, -87.66486420641684), (42.023768, -87.524102), (41.897317, -87.94638900000001), (41.8974888973743, -87.80562679296166), (41.8974888973743, -87.66486420703835), (41.897317, -87.524102), (41.770866000000005, -87.94638900000001), (41.77103781320412, -87.80562679234043), (41.77103781320412, -87.66486420765956), (41.770866000000005, -87.524102), (41.644415, -87.946389), (41.64458672568646, -87.80562679171955), (41.64458672568646, -87.66486420828045), (41.644415, -87.524102)] """ if lonx: corners = [pup,pdown] else: corners = lonlat([pup,pdown]) tpoints = [float(i)/k for i in range(k)[1:]] leftcorners = [corners[0],(corners[0][0],corners[1][1])] rightcorners = [(corners[1][0],corners[0][1]),corners[1]] leftside = [leftcorners[0]] rightside = [rightcorners[0]] for t in tpoints: newpl = geointerpolate(leftcorners[0],leftcorners[1],t) leftside.append(newpl) newpr = geointerpolate(rightcorners[0],rightcorners[1],t) rightside.append(newpr) leftside.append(leftcorners[1]) rightside.append(rightcorners[1]) grid = [] for i in range(len(leftside)): grid.append(leftside[i]) for t in tpoints: newp = geointerpolate(leftside[i],rightside[i],t) grid.append(newp) grid.append(rightside[i]) if not(lonx): grid = lonlat(grid) return grid