
Computational geometry code for PySAL: Python Spatial Analysis Library.

__author__ = "Sergio J. Rey, Xinyue Ye, Charles Schmidt, Andrew Winslow"
__credits__ = "Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Sergio J. Rey"

import math
import copy
from .rtree import *
from .standalone import *
from .shapes import *

__all__ = ["Grid", "BruteForcePointLocator",
           "PointLocator", "PolygonLocator"]

[文档]class Grid: """ Representation of a binning data structure. """
[文档] def __init__(self, bounds, resolution): """ Returns a grid with specified properties. __init__(Rectangle, number) -> Grid Parameters ---------- bounds : the area for the grid to encompass resolution : the diameter of each bin Examples -------- TODO: complete this doctest >>> g = Grid(Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), 1) """ if resolution == 0: raise Exception('Cannot create grid with resolution 0') self.res = resolution self.hash = {} self.x_range = (bounds.left, bounds.right) self.y_range = (bounds.lower, bounds.upper) try: self.i_range = int(math.ceil( (self.x_range[1] - self.x_range[0]) / self.res)) self.j_range = int(math.ceil( (self.y_range[1] - self.y_range[0]) / self.res)) except Exception: raise Exception('Invalid arguments for Grid(): (' + str(x_range) + ', ' + str(y_range) + ', ' + str(res) + ')')
def in_grid(self, loc): """ Returns whether a 2-tuple location _loc_ lies inside the grid bounds. Test tag: <tc>#is#Grid.in_grid</tc> """ return (self.x_range[0] <= loc[0] <= self.x_range[1] and self.y_range[0] <= loc[1] <= self.y_range[1]) def __grid_loc(self, loc): i = min(self.i_range, max(int((loc[0] - self.x_range[0]) / self.res), 0)) j = min(self.j_range, max(int((loc[1] - self.y_range[0]) / self.res), 0)) return (i, j) def add(self, item, pt): """ Adds an item to the grid at a specified location. add(x, Point) -> x Parameters ---------- item : the item to insert into the grid pt : the location to insert the item at Examples -------- >>> g = Grid(Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), 1) >>> g.add('A', Point((4.2, 8.7))) 'A' """ if not self.in_grid(pt): raise Exception('Attempt to insert item at location outside grid bounds: ' + str(pt)) grid_loc = self.__grid_loc(pt) if grid_loc in self.hash: self.hash[grid_loc].append((pt, item)) else: self.hash[grid_loc] = [(pt, item)] return item def remove(self, item, pt): """ Removes an item from the grid at a specified location. remove(x, Point) -> x Parameters ---------- item : the item to remove from the grid pt : the location the item was added at Examples -------- >>> g = Grid(Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), 1) >>> g.add('A', Point((4.2, 8.7))) 'A' >>> g.remove('A', Point((4.2, 8.7))) 'A' """ if not self.in_grid(pt): raise Exception('Attempt to remove item at location outside grid bounds: ' + str(pt)) grid_loc = self.__grid_loc(pt) self.hash[grid_loc].remove((pt, item)) if self.hash[grid_loc] == []: del self.hash[grid_loc] return item def bounds(self, bounds): """ Returns a list of items found in the grid within the bounds specified. bounds(Rectangle) -> x list Parameters ---------- item : the item to remove from the grid pt : the location the item was added at Examples -------- >>> g = Grid(Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), 1) >>> g.add('A', Point((1.0, 1.0))) 'A' >>> g.add('B', Point((4.0, 4.0))) 'B' >>> g.bounds(Rectangle(0, 0, 3, 3)) ['A'] >>> g.bounds(Rectangle(2, 2, 5, 5)) ['B'] >>> sorted(g.bounds(Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5))) ['A', 'B'] """ x_range = (bounds.left, bounds.right) y_range = (bounds.lower, bounds.upper) items = [] lower_left = self.__grid_loc((x_range[0], y_range[0])) upper_right = self.__grid_loc((x_range[1], y_range[1])) for i in range(lower_left[0], upper_right[0] + 1): for j in range(lower_left[1], upper_right[1] + 1): if (i, j) in self.hash: items.extend([item[1] for item in [item for item in self.hash[(i, j)] if x_range[0] <= item[0][0] <= x_range[1] and y_range[0] <= item[0][1] <= y_range[1]]]) return items def proximity(self, pt, r): """ Returns a list of items found in the grid within a specified distance of a point. proximity(Point, number) -> x list Parameters ---------- pt : the location to search around r : the distance to search around the point Examples -------- >>> g = Grid(Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), 1) >>> g.add('A', Point((1.0, 1.0))) 'A' >>> g.add('B', Point((4.0, 4.0))) 'B' >>> g.proximity(Point((2.0, 1.0)), 2) ['A'] >>> g.proximity(Point((6.0, 5.0)), 3.0) ['B'] >>> sorted(g.proximity(Point((4.0, 1.0)), 4.0)) ['A', 'B'] """ items = [] lower_left = self.__grid_loc((pt[0] - r, pt[1] - r)) upper_right = self.__grid_loc((pt[0] + r, pt[1] + r)) for i in range(lower_left[0], upper_right[0] + 1): for j in range(lower_left[1], upper_right[1] + 1): if (i, j) in self.hash: items.extend([item[1] for item in [item for item in self.hash[(i, j)] if get_points_dist(pt, item[0]) <= r]]) return items def nearest(self, pt): """ Returns the nearest item to a point. nearest(Point) -> x Parameters ---------- pt : the location to search near Examples -------- >>> g = Grid(Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), 1) >>> g.add('A', Point((1.0, 1.0))) 'A' >>> g.add('B', Point((4.0, 4.0))) 'B' >>> g.nearest(Point((2.0, 1.0))) 'A' >>> g.nearest(Point((7.0, 5.0))) 'B' """ search_size = self.res while (self.proximity(pt, search_size) == [] and (get_points_dist((self.x_range[0], self.y_range[0]), pt) > search_size or get_points_dist((self.x_range[1], self.y_range[0]), pt) > search_size or get_points_dist((self.x_range[0], self.y_range[1]), pt) > search_size or get_points_dist((self.x_range[1], self.y_range[1]), pt) > search_size)): search_size = 2 * search_size items = [] lower_left = self.__grid_loc( (pt[0] - search_size, pt[1] - search_size)) upper_right = self.__grid_loc( (pt[0] + search_size, pt[1] + search_size)) for i in range(lower_left[0], upper_right[0] + 1): for j in range(lower_left[1], upper_right[1] + 1): if (i, j) in self.hash: items.extend([(get_points_dist(pt, item[ 0]), item[1]) for item in self.hash[(i, j)]]) if items == []: return None return min(items)[1]
class BruteForcePointLocator: """ A class which does naive linear search on a set of Point objects. """ def __init__(self, points): """ Creates a naive index of the points specified. __init__(Point list) -> BruteForcePointLocator Parameters ---------- points : a list of points to index (Point list) Examples -------- >>> pl = BruteForcePointLocator([Point((0, 0)), Point((5, 0)), Point((0, 10))]) """ self._points = points def nearest(self, query_point): """ Returns the nearest point indexed to a query point. nearest(Point) -> Point Parameters ---------- query_point : a point to find the nearest indexed point to Examples -------- >>> points = [Point((0, 0)), Point((1, 6)), Point((5.4, 1.4))] >>> pl = BruteForcePointLocator(points) >>> n = pl.nearest(Point((1, 1))) >>> str(n) '(0.0, 0.0)' """ return min(self._points, key=lambda p: get_points_dist(p, query_point)) def region(self, region_rect): """ Returns the indexed points located inside a rectangular query region. region(Rectangle) -> Point list Parameters ---------- region_rect : the rectangular range to find indexed points in Examples -------- >>> points = [Point((0, 0)), Point((1, 6)), Point((5.4, 1.4))] >>> pl = BruteForcePointLocator(points) >>> pts = pl.region(Rectangle(-1, -1, 10, 10)) >>> len(pts) 3 """ return [p for p in self._points if get_rectangle_point_intersect(region_rect, p) is not None] def proximity(self, origin, r): """ Returns the indexed points located within some distance of an origin point. proximity(Point, number) -> Point list Parameters ---------- origin : the point to find indexed points near r : the maximum distance to find indexed point from the origin point Examples -------- >>> points = [Point((0, 0)), Point((1, 6)), Point((5.4, 1.4))] >>> pl = BruteForcePointLocator(points) >>> neighs = pl.proximity(Point((1, 0)), 2) >>> len(neighs) 1 >>> p = neighs[0] >>> isinstance(p, Point) True >>> str(p) '(0.0, 0.0)' """ return [p for p in self._points if get_points_dist(p, origin) <= r]
[文档]class PointLocator: """ An abstract representation of a point indexing data structure. """
[文档] def __init__(self, points): """ Returns a point locator object. __init__(Point list) -> PointLocator Parameters ---------- points : a list of points to index Examples -------- >>> points = [Point((0, 0)), Point((1, 6)), Point((5.4, 1.4))] >>> pl = PointLocator(points) """ self._locator = BruteForcePointLocator(points)
def nearest(self, query_point): """ Returns the nearest point indexed to a query point. nearest(Point) -> Point Parameters ---------- query_point : a point to find the nearest indexed point to Examples -------- >>> points = [Point((0, 0)), Point((1, 6)), Point((5.4, 1.4))] >>> pl = PointLocator(points) >>> n = pl.nearest(Point((1, 1))) >>> str(n) '(0.0, 0.0)' """ return self._locator.nearest(query_point) def region(self, region_rect): """ Returns the indexed points located inside a rectangular query region. region(Rectangle) -> Point list Parameters ---------- region_rect : the rectangular range to find indexed points in Examples -------- >>> points = [Point((0, 0)), Point((1, 6)), Point((5.4, 1.4))] >>> pl = PointLocator(points) >>> pts = pl.region(Rectangle(-1, -1, 10, 10)) >>> len(pts) 3 """ return self._locator.region(region_rect) overlapping = region def polygon(self, polygon): """ Returns the indexed points located inside a polygon """ # get points in polygon bounding box # for points in bounding box, check for inclusion in polygon def proximity(self, origin, r): """ Returns the indexed points located within some distance of an origin point. proximity(Point, number) -> Point list Parameters ---------- origin : the point to find indexed points near r : the maximum distance to find indexed point from the origin point Examples -------- >>> points = [Point((0, 0)), Point((1, 6)), Point((5.4, 1.4))] >>> pl = PointLocator(points) >>> len(pl.proximity(Point((1, 0)), 2)) 1 """ return self._locator.proximity(origin, r)
[文档]class PolygonLocator: """ An abstract representation of a polygon indexing data structure. """
[文档] def __init__(self, polygons): """ Returns a polygon locator object. __init__(Polygon list) -> PolygonLocator Parameters ---------- polygons : a list of polygons to index Examples -------- >>> p1 = Polygon([Point((0, 1)), Point((4, 5)), Point((5, 1))]) >>> p2 = Polygon([Point((3, 9)), Point((6, 7)), Point((1, 1))]) >>> pl = PolygonLocator([p1, p2]) >>> isinstance(pl, PolygonLocator) True """ self._locator = polygons # create and rtree self._rtree = RTree() for polygon in polygons: x = polygon.bounding_box.left y = polygon.bounding_box.lower X = polygon.bounding_box.right Y = polygon.bounding_box.upper self._rtree.insert(polygon, Rect(x, y, X, Y))
def inside(self, query_rectangle): """ Returns polygons that are inside query_rectangle Examples -------- >>> p1 = Polygon([Point((0, 1)), Point((4, 5)), Point((5, 1))]) >>> p2 = Polygon([Point((3, 9)), Point((6, 7)), Point((1, 1))]) >>> p3 = Polygon([Point((7, 1)), Point((8, 7)), Point((9, 1))]) >>> pl = PolygonLocator([p1, p2, p3]) >>> qr = Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5) >>> res = pl.inside( qr ) >>> len(res) 1 >>> qr = Rectangle(3, 7, 5, 8) >>> res = pl.inside( qr ) >>> len(res) 0 >>> qr = Rectangle(10, 10, 12, 12) >>> res = pl.inside( qr ) >>> len(res) 0 >>> qr = Rectangle(0, 0, 12, 12) >>> res = pl.inside( qr ) >>> len(res) 3 Notes ----- inside means the intersection of the query rectangle and a polygon is not empty and is equal to the area of the polygon """ left = query_rectangle.left right = query_rectangle.right upper = query_rectangle.upper lower = query_rectangle.lower # rtree rect qr = Rect(left, lower, right, upper) # bb overlaps res = [r.leaf_obj() for r in self._rtree.query_rect(qr) if r.is_leaf()] qp = Polygon([Point((left, lower)), Point((right, lower)), Point((right, upper)), Point((left, upper))]) ip = [] GPPI = get_polygon_point_intersect for poly in res: flag = True lower = poly.bounding_box.lower right = poly.bounding_box.right upper = poly.bounding_box.upper left = poly.bounding_box.left p1 = Point((left, lower)) p2 = Point((right, upper)) if GPPI(qp, p1) and GPPI(qp, p2): ip.append(poly) return ip def overlapping(self, query_rectangle): """ Returns list of polygons that overlap query_rectangle Examples -------- >>> p1 = Polygon([Point((0, 1)), Point((4, 5)), Point((5, 1))]) >>> p2 = Polygon([Point((3, 9)), Point((6, 7)), Point((1, 1))]) >>> p3 = Polygon([Point((7, 1)), Point((8, 7)), Point((9, 1))]) >>> pl = PolygonLocator([p1, p2, p3]) >>> qr = Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5) >>> res = pl.overlapping( qr ) >>> len(res) 2 >>> qr = Rectangle(3, 7, 5, 8) >>> res = pl.overlapping( qr ) >>> len(res) 1 >>> qr = Rectangle(10, 10, 12, 12) >>> res = pl.overlapping( qr ) >>> len(res) 0 >>> qr = Rectangle(0, 0, 12, 12) >>> res = pl.overlapping( qr ) >>> len(res) 3 >>> qr = Rectangle(8, 3, 9, 4) >>> p1 = Polygon([Point((2, 1)), Point((2, 3)), Point((4, 3)), Point((4,1))]) >>> p2 = Polygon([Point((7, 1)), Point((7, 5)), Point((10, 5)), Point((10, 1))]) >>> pl = PolygonLocator([p1, p2]) >>> res = pl.overlapping(qr) >>> len(res) 1 Notes ----- overlapping means the intersection of the query rectangle and a polygon is not empty and is no larger than the area of the polygon """ left = query_rectangle.left right = query_rectangle.right upper = query_rectangle.upper lower = query_rectangle.lower # rtree rect qr = Rect(left, lower, right, upper) # bb overlaps res = [r.leaf_obj() for r in self._rtree.query_rect(qr) if r.is_leaf()] # have to check for polygon overlap using segment intersection # add polys whose bb contains at least one of the corners of the query # rectangle sw = (left, lower) se = (right, lower) ne = (right, upper) nw = (left, upper) pnts = [sw, se, ne, nw] cs = [] for pnt in pnts: c = [r.leaf_obj() for r in self._rtree.query_point( pnt) if r.is_leaf()] cs.extend(c) cs = list(set(cs)) overlapping = [] # first find polygons with at least one vertex inside query rectangle remaining = copy.copy(res) for polygon in res: vertices = polygon.vertices for vertex in vertices: xb = vertex[0] >= left xb *= vertex[0] < right yb = vertex[1] >= lower yb *= vertex[1] < upper if xb * yb: overlapping.append(polygon) remaining.remove(polygon) break # for remaining polys in bb overlap check if vertex chains intersect # segments of the query rectangle left_edge = LineSegment(Point((left, lower)), Point((left, upper))) right_edge = LineSegment(Point((right, lower)), Point((right, upper))) lower_edge = LineSegment(Point((left, lower)), Point((right, lower))) upper_edge = LineSegment(Point((left, upper)), Point((right, upper))) for polygon in remaining: vertices = copy.copy(polygon.vertices) if vertices[-1] != vertices[0]: vertices.append(vertices[0]) # put on closed cartographic form nv = len(vertices) for i in range(nv - 1): head = vertices[i] tail = vertices[i + 1] edge = LineSegment(head, tail) li = get_segments_intersect(edge, left_edge) if li: overlapping.append(polygon) break elif get_segments_intersect(edge, right_edge): overlapping.append(polygon) break elif get_segments_intersect(edge, lower_edge): overlapping.append(polygon) break elif get_segments_intersect(edge, upper_edge): overlapping.append(polygon) break # check remaining for explicit containment of the bounding rectangle # cs has candidates for this check sw = Point(sw) se = Point(se) ne = Point(ne) nw = Point(nw) for polygon in cs: if get_polygon_point_intersect(polygon, sw): overlapping.append(polygon) break elif get_polygon_point_intersect(polygon, se): overlapping.append(polygon) break elif get_polygon_point_intersect(polygon, ne): overlapping.append(polygon) break elif get_polygon_point_intersect(polygon, nw): overlapping.append(polygon) break return list(set(overlapping)) def nearest(self, query_point, rule='vertex'): """ Returns the nearest polygon indexed to a query point based on various rules. nearest(Polygon) -> Polygon Parameters ---------- query_point : a point to find the nearest indexed polygon to rule : representative point for polygon in nearest query. vertex -- measures distance between vertices and query_point centroid -- measures distance between centroid and query_point edge -- measures the distance between edges and query_point Examples -------- >>> p1 = Polygon([Point((0, 1)), Point((4, 5)), Point((5, 1))]) >>> p2 = Polygon([Point((3, 9)), Point((6, 7)), Point((1, 1))]) >>> pl = PolygonLocator([p1, p2]) >>> try: n = pl.nearest(Point((-1, 1))) ... except NotImplementedError: print("future test: str(min(n.vertices())) == (0.0, 1.0)") future test: str(min(n.vertices())) == (0.0, 1.0) """ raise NotImplementedError def region(self, region_rect): """ Returns the indexed polygons located inside a rectangular query region. region(Rectangle) -> Polygon list Parameters ---------- region_rect : the rectangular range to find indexed polygons in Examples -------- >>> p1 = Polygon([Point((0, 1)), Point((4, 5)), Point((5, 1))]) >>> p2 = Polygon([Point((3, 9)), Point((6, 7)), Point((1, 1))]) >>> pl = PolygonLocator([p1, p2]) >>> n = pl.region(Rectangle(0, 0, 4, 10)) >>> len(n) 2 """ n = self._locator for polygon in n: points = polygon.vertices pl = BruteForcePointLocator(points) pts = pl.region(region_rect) if len(pts) == 0: n.remove(polygon) return n def contains_point(self, point): """ Returns polygons that contain point Parameters ---------- point: point (x,y) Returns ------- list of polygons containing point Examples -------- >>> p1 = Polygon([Point((0,0)), Point((6,0)), Point((4,4))]) >>> p2 = Polygon([Point((1,2)), Point((4,0)), Point((4,4))]) >>> p1.contains_point((2,2)) 1 >>> p2.contains_point((2,2)) 1 >>> pl = PolygonLocator([p1, p2]) >>> len(pl.contains_point((2,2))) 2 >>> p2.contains_point((1,1)) 0 >>> p1.contains_point((1,1)) 1 >>> len(pl.contains_point((1,1))) 1 >>> p1.centroid (3.3333333333333335, 1.3333333333333333) >>> pl.contains_point((1,1))[0].centroid (3.3333333333333335, 1.3333333333333333) """ # bbounding box containment res = [r.leaf_obj() for r in self._rtree.query_point(point) if r.is_leaf()] # explicit containment check for candidate polygons needed return [poly for poly in res if poly.contains_point(point)] def proximity(self, origin, r, rule='vertex'): """ Returns the indexed polygons located within some distance of an origin point based on various rules. proximity(Polygon, number) -> Polygon list Parameters ---------- origin : the point to find indexed polygons near r : the maximum distance to find indexed polygon from the origin point rule : representative point for polygon in nearest query. vertex -- measures distance between vertices and query_point centroid -- measures distance between centroid and query_point edge -- measures the distance between edges and query_point Examples -------- >>> p1 = Polygon([Point((0, 1)), Point((4, 5)), Point((5, 1))]) >>> p2 = Polygon([Point((3, 9)), Point((6, 7)), Point((1, 1))]) >>> pl = PolygonLocator([p1, p2]) >>> try: ... len(pl.proximity(Point((0, 0)), 2)) ... except NotImplementedError: ... print("future test: len(pl.proximity(Point((0, 0)), 2)) == 2") future test: len(pl.proximity(Point((0, 0)), 2)) == 2 """ raise NotImplementedError