pysal.explore.pointpats.centrography 源代码

Centrographic measures for point patterns


- testing
- documentation


__author__ = "Serge Rey"
__all__ = ['mbr', 'hull', 'mean_center', 'weighted_mean_center',
           'manhattan_median', 'std_distance', 'euclidean_median', 'ellipse',
           'skyum', 'dtot',"_circle"]

import sys
import numpy as np
import warnings
import copy
from math import pi as PI
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from import get_angle_between, Ray, is_clockwise
from scipy.spatial import distance as dist
from scipy.optimize import minimize

not_clockwise = lambda x: not is_clockwise(x)

MAXD = sys.float_info.max
MIND = sys.float_info.min

[文档]def mbr(points): """ Find minimum bounding rectangle of a point array. Parameters ---------- points : arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. Returns ------- min_x : float leftmost value of the vertices of minimum bounding rectangle. min_y : float downmost value of the vertices of minimum bounding rectangle. max_x : float rightmost value of the vertices of minimum bounding rectangle. max_y : float upmost value of the vertices of minimum bounding rectangle. """ points = np.asarray(points) min_x = min_y = MAXD max_x = max_y = MIND for point in points: x, y = point if x > max_x: max_x = x if x < min_x: min_x = x if y > max_y: max_y = y if y < min_y: min_y = y return min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y
[文档]def hull(points): """ Find convex hull of a point array. Parameters ---------- points: arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. Returns ------- _ : array (h,2), points defining the hull in counterclockwise order. """ points = np.asarray(points) h = ConvexHull(points) return points[h.vertices]
[文档]def mean_center(points): """ Find mean center of a point array. Parameters ---------- points: arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. Returns ------- _ : array (2,), (x,y) coordinates of the mean center. """ points = np.asarray(points) return points.mean(axis=0)
[文档]def weighted_mean_center(points, weights): """ Find weighted mean center of a marked point pattern. Parameters ---------- points : arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. weights : arraylike a series of attribute values of length n. Returns ------- _ : array (2,), (x,y) coordinates of the weighted mean center. """ points, weights = np.asarray(points), np.asarray(weights) w = weights * 1. / weights.sum() w.shape = (1, len(points)) return, points)[0]
[文档]def manhattan_median(points): """ Find manhattan median of a point array. Parameters ---------- points : arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. Returns ------- _ : array (2,), (x,y) coordinates of the manhattan median. """ points = np.asarray(points) if not len(points) % 2: s = "Manhattan Median is not unique for even point patterns." warnings.warn(s) return np.median(points, axis=0)
[文档]def std_distance(points): """ Calculate standard distance of a point array. Parameters ---------- points : arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. Returns ------- _ : float standard distance. """ points = np.asarray(points) n, p = points.shape m = points.mean(axis=0) return np.sqrt(((points*points).sum(axis=0)/n - m*m).sum())
[文档]def ellipse(points): """ Calculate parameters of standard deviational ellipse for a point pattern. Parameters ---------- points : arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. Returns ------- _ : float semi-major axis. _ : float semi-minor axis. theta : float clockwise rotation angle of the ellipse. Notes ----- Implements approach from: """ points = np.asarray(points) n, k = points.shape x = points[:, 0] y = points[:, 1] xd = x - x.mean() yd = y - y.mean() xss = (xd * xd).sum() yss = (yd * yd).sum() cv = (xd * yd).sum() num = (xss - yss) + np.sqrt((xss - yss)**2 + 4 * (cv)**2) den = 2 * cv theta = np.arctan(num / den) cos_theta = np.cos(theta) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) n_2 = n - 2 sd_x = (2 * (xd * cos_theta - yd * sin_theta)**2).sum() / n_2 sd_y = (2 * (xd * sin_theta - yd * cos_theta)**2).sum() / n_2 return np.sqrt(sd_x), np.sqrt(sd_y), theta
[文档]def dtot(coord, points): """ Sum of Euclidean distances between event points and a selected point. Parameters ---------- coord : arraylike (x,y) coordinates of a point. points : arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. Returns ------- d : float sum of Euclidean distances. """ points = np.asarray(points) xd = points[:, 0] - coord[0] yd = points[:, 1] - coord[1] d = np.sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd).sum() return d
[文档]def euclidean_median(points): """ Calculate the Euclidean median for a point pattern. Parameters ---------- points: arraylike (n,2), (x,y) coordinates of a series of event points. Returns ------- _ : array (2,), (x,y) coordinates of the Euclidean median. """ points = np.asarray(points) start = mean_center(points) res = minimize(dtot, start, args=(points,)) return res['x']
[文档]def skyum(points, not_hull=True): """ Implements Skyum (1990)'s algorithm for the minimum bounding circle in R^2. 0. Store points clockwise. 1. Find p in S that maximizes angle(prec(p), p, succ(p) THEN radius(prec(p), p, succ(p)). This is also called the lexicographic maximum, and is the last entry of a list of (radius, angle) in lexicographical order. 2a. If angle(prec(p), p, succ(p)) <= 90 degrees, then finish. 2b. If not, remove p from set. """ points = hull(points).tolist() if not_clockwise(points): points.reverse() if not_clockwise(points): raise Exception('Points are neither clockwise nor counterclockwise') POINTS = copy.deepcopy(points) removed = [] i=0 while True: angles = [_angle(_prec(p, points), p, _succ(p, points)) for p in points] circles = [_circle(_prec(p, points), p, _succ(p, points)) for p in points] radii = [c[0] for c in circles] lexord = np.lexsort((radii, angles)) #confusing as hell defaults... lexmax = lexord[-1] candidate = (_prec(points[lexmax], points), points[lexmax], _succ(points[lexmax], points)) if angles[lexmax] <= PI/2.0: #print("Constrained by points: {}".format(candidate)) return _circle(*candidate), points, removed, candidate else: try: removed.append((points.pop(lexmax), i)) except IndexError: raise Exception("Construction of Minimum Bounding Circle failed!") i+=1
def _angle(p,q,r): """ compute the positive angle formed by PQR """ return np.abs(get_angle_between(Ray(q,p),Ray(q,r))) def _prec(p,l): """ retrieve the predecessor of p in list l """ pos = l.index(p) if pos-1 < 0: return l[-1] else: return l[pos-1] def _succ(p,l): """ retrieve the successor of p in list l """ pos = l.index(p) if pos+1 >= len(l): return l[0] else: return l[pos+1]
[文档]def _circle(p,q,r, dmetric=dist.euclidean): """ Returns (radius, (center_x, center_y)) of the circumscribed circle by the triangle pqr. note, this does not assume that p!=q!=r """ px,py = p qx,qy = q rx,ry = r if np.allclose(np.abs(_angle(p,q,r)), PI): radius = dmetric(p,r)/2. center_x = (px + rx)/2. center_y = (py + ry)/2. elif np.allclose(np.abs(_angle(p,q,r)), 0): radius = dmetric(p,q)/2. center_x = (px + qx)/2. center_y = (py + qy)/2. else: D = 2*(px*(qy - ry) + qx*(ry - py) + rx*(py - qy)) center_x = ((px**2 + py**2)*(qy-ry) + (qx**2 + qy**2)*(ry-py) + (rx**2 + ry**2)*(py-qy)) / float(D) center_y = ((px**2 + py**2)*(rx-qx) + (qx**2 + qy**2)*(px-rx) + (rx**2 + ry**2)*(qx-px)) / float(D) radius = dmetric((center_x, center_y), p) return radius, (center_x, center_y)