• 提供一个使用newrequest订阅服务器改变请求的示例,提供基于当前已验证的用户ID的数据库中的其他用户数据。

  • Provide an example of adding a database connection to settings 在“初始”中,从视图中使用它。

  • 提供Catchall 500错误视图的示例。

  • 重定向到带参数的URL:

1[22:04] <AGreatJewel> How do I redirect to a url and set some GET params?
2some thing like return HTTPFound(location="whatever", params={ params here })
3[22:05] <mcdonc> return HTTPFound(location="whatever?a=1&b=2")
4[22:06] <AGreatJewel> ok. and I would need to urlencode the entire string?
5[22:06] <AGreatJewel> or is that handled automatically
6[22:07] <mcdonc> its a url
7[22:07] <mcdonc> like you'd type into the browser