
class matplotlib.quiver.Barbs(ax, *args, pivot='tip', length=7, barbcolor=None, flagcolor=None, sizes=None, fill_empty=False, barb_increments=None, rounding=True, flip_barb=False, **kw)[源代码]



唯一的API方法是 set_UVC() ,可用于更改箭头的大小、方向和颜色。使用更改位置 set_offsets() 收集方法。这个方法可能在动画中有用。

有一个内部功能 _find_tails() 在矢量大小的情况下,可以精确地找到倒钩上应该放什么。从那里 _make_barbs() 用于根据此信息查找多边形的顶点以表示倒钩。



barbs([X, Y], U, V, [C], **kw)

哪里 XY 确定倒钩位置, UV 定义倒钩方向,以及 C 可以选择设置颜色。

所有参数可以是1D或2D。 UVC 可以是蒙面数组,但可以是蒙面数组 XY 目前不支持。


:                   /\    \
:                  /  \    \
:                 /    \    \    \
:                /      \    \    \
:               ------------------------------



X, Y一维或二维阵列,可选

倒钩位置的x和y坐标。看到了吗 枢轴 倒钩是怎么被拉到x,y位置的。

如果没有给出,它们将根据 UV .

如果 XY 是1D但是 UV 是二维的, XY 使用 X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) . 在这种情况下 len(X)len(Y) 必须匹配的列和行维度 UV .

U, V一维或二维阵列



通过colormapping定义倒钩颜色的数值数据 normcmap .

这不支持显式颜色。如果要直接设置颜色,请使用 芭比色 相反。




锚定到的箭头部分 XY 网格。倒钩围绕这一点旋转。这也可以是一个数字,它将倒钩的起点从网格点移开许多点。


除旗帜外,倒钩所有部分的颜色。此参数类似于 变色染料 多边形的参数,可以使用。但是,此参数将覆盖facecolor。


倒钩上任何旗帜的颜色。此参数类似于 脸色 参数,可以改为使用。但是,此参数将覆盖facecolor。如果未设置(和 C 也没有)那么 旗舰色彩 将设置为匹配 芭比色 使倒钩具有均匀的颜色。如果 C 已经被设定, 旗舰色彩 没有效果。



  • “间距”-功能之间的间距(标志、全倒钩/半倒钩)
  • “高度”-旗或全倒钩的高度(从轴到顶部的距离)
  • “宽度”-标志的宽度,是完整倒钩宽度的两倍
  • “EmptyBarb”-用于低震级的圆半径






  • “半”-半倒钩(默认为5)
  • “完全”-完全倒钩(默认为10)
  • “标志”-标志(默认为50)


单个值应用于所有倒钩。通过传递一个与 UV .


倒钩可以进一步定制使用 PolyCollection 关键字参数:

财产 描述
agg_filter 一种过滤函数,它接受一个(m,n,3)浮点数组和一个dpi值,并返回一个(m,n,3)数组。
alpha 浮动或无
animated 布尔
antialiased 或者aa或者抗锯齿药 布尔或布尔列表
array 恩达雷
capstyle “对接”、“圆形”、“突出”
clim (V最小:浮动,V最大:浮动)
clip_box Bbox
clip_on 布尔
clip_path 面片或(路径、变换)或无
cmap Colormap 或str或None
color rgba元组的颜色或列表
contains 未知的
edgecolor 或ec或edgecolors 颜色或颜色列表或“面”
facecolor 或者facecolors或者fc 颜色或颜色列表
figure Figure
gid STR
hatch '/'、''、''、'-'、'+'、'X'、'O'、'O'、'、'、'*'
in_layout 布尔
joinstyle 'miter'、'round'、'bevel'
label 对象
linestyle 或虚线或线型或ls str或tuple或其列表
linewidth 或线宽或lw 浮动或浮动列表
norm Normalize 或无
offset_position 未知的
offsets 类似于(N,2)或(2,)
path_effects AbstractPathEffect
picker 无、布尔或可呼叫
pickradius 未知的
rasterized 布尔或无
sketch_params (比例:浮动,长度:浮动,随机性:浮动)
snap 布尔或无
transform Transform
url STR
urls str或None列表
visible 布尔
zorder 浮动
__init__(ax, *args, pivot='tip', length=7, barbcolor=None, flagcolor=None, sizes=None, fill_empty=False, barb_increments=None, rounding=True, flip_barb=False, **kw)[源代码]



barbs([X, Y], U, V, [C], **kw)

哪里 XY 确定倒钩位置, UV 定义倒钩方向,以及 C 可以选择设置颜色。

所有参数可以是1D或2D。 UVC 可以是蒙面数组,但可以是蒙面数组 XY 目前不支持。


:                   /\    \
:                  /  \    \
:                 /    \    \    \
:                /      \    \    \
:               ------------------------------



X, Y一维或二维阵列,可选

倒钩位置的x和y坐标。看到了吗 枢轴 倒钩是怎么被拉到x,y位置的。

如果没有给出,它们将根据 UV .

如果 XY 是1D但是 UV 是二维的, XY 使用 X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) . 在这种情况下 len(X)len(Y) 必须匹配的列和行维度 UV .

U, V一维或二维阵列



通过colormapping定义倒钩颜色的数值数据 normcmap .

这不支持显式颜色。如果要直接设置颜色,请使用 芭比色 相反。




锚定到的箭头部分 XY 网格。倒钩围绕这一点旋转。这也可以是一个数字,它将倒钩的起点从网格点移开许多点。


除旗帜外,倒钩所有部分的颜色。此参数类似于 变色染料 多边形的参数,可以使用。但是,此参数将覆盖facecolor。


倒钩上任何旗帜的颜色。此参数类似于 脸色 参数,可以改为使用。但是,此参数将覆盖facecolor。如果未设置(和 C 也没有)那么 旗舰色彩 将设置为匹配 芭比色 使倒钩具有均匀的颜色。如果 C 已经被设定, 旗舰色彩 没有效果。



  • “间距”-功能之间的间距(标志、全倒钩/半倒钩)
  • “高度”-旗或全倒钩的高度(从轴到顶部的距离)
  • “宽度”-标志的宽度,是完整倒钩宽度的两倍
  • “EmptyBarb”-用于低震级的圆半径






  • “半”-半倒钩(默认为5)
  • “完全”-完全倒钩(默认为10)
  • “标志”-标志(默认为50)


单个值应用于所有倒钩。通过传递一个与 UV .


倒钩可以进一步定制使用 PolyCollection 关键字参数:

财产 描述
agg_filter 一种过滤函数,它接受一个(m,n,3)浮点数组和一个dpi值,并返回一个(m,n,3)数组。
alpha 浮动或无
animated 布尔
antialiased 或者aa或者抗锯齿药 布尔或布尔列表
array 恩达雷
capstyle “对接”、“圆形”、“突出”
clim (V最小:浮动,V最大:浮动)
clip_box Bbox
clip_on 布尔
clip_path 面片或(路径、变换)或无
cmap Colormap 或str或None
color rgba元组的颜色或列表
contains 未知的
edgecolor 或ec或edgecolors 颜色或颜色列表或“面”
facecolor 或者facecolors或者fc 颜色或颜色列表
figure Figure
gid STR
hatch '/'、''、''、'-'、'+'、'X'、'O'、'O'、'、'、'*'
in_layout 布尔
joinstyle 'miter'、'round'、'bevel'
label 对象
linestyle 或虚线或线型或ls str或tuple或其列表
linewidth 或线宽或lw 浮动或浮动列表
norm Normalize 或无
offset_position 未知的
offsets 类似于(N,2)或(2,)
path_effects AbstractPathEffect
picker 无、布尔或可呼叫
pickradius 未知的
rasterized 布尔或无
sketch_params (比例:浮动,长度:浮动,随机性:浮动)
snap 布尔或无
transform Transform
url STR
urls str或None列表
visible 布尔
zorder 浮动
__module__ = 'matplotlib.quiver'
barbs_doc = '\nPlot a 2D field of barbs.\n\nCall signature::\n\n barbs([X, Y], U, V, [C], **kw)\n\nWhere *X*, *Y* define the barb locations, *U*, *V* define the barb\ndirections, and *C* optionally sets the color.\n\nAll arguments may be 1D or 2D. *U*, *V*, *C* may be masked arrays, but masked\n*X*, *Y* are not supported at present.\n\nBarbs are traditionally used in meteorology as a way to plot the speed\nand direction of wind observations, but can technically be used to\nplot any two dimensional vector quantity. As opposed to arrows, which\ngive vector magnitude by the length of the arrow, the barbs give more\nquantitative information about the vector magnitude by putting slanted\nlines or a triangle for various increments in magnitude, as show\nschematically below::\n\n : /\\ \\\n : / \\ \\\n : / \\ \\ \\\n : / \\ \\ \\\n : ------------------------------\n\nThe largest increment is given by a triangle (or "flag"). After those\ncome full lines (barbs). The smallest increment is a half line. There\nis only, of course, ever at most 1 half line. If the magnitude is\nsmall and only needs a single half-line and no full lines or\ntriangles, the half-line is offset from the end of the barb so that it\ncan be easily distinguished from barbs with a single full line. The\nmagnitude for the barb shown above would nominally be 65, using the\nstandard increments of 50, 10, and 5.\n\nSee also\n\nParameters\n----------\nX, Y : 1D or 2D array-like, optional\n The x and y coordinates of the barb locations. See *pivot* for how the\n barbs are drawn to the x, y positions.\n\n If not given, they will be generated as a uniform integer meshgrid based\n on the dimensions of *U* and *V*.\n\n If *X* and *Y* are 1D but *U*, *V* are 2D, *X*, *Y* are expanded to 2D\n using ``X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)``. In this case ``len(X)`` and ``len(Y)``\n must match the column and row dimensions of *U* and *V*.\n\nU, V : 1D or 2D array-like\n The x and y components of the barb shaft.\n\nC : 1D or 2D array-like, optional\n Numeric data that defines the barb colors by colormapping via *norm* and\n *cmap*.\n\n This does not support explicit colors. If you want to set colors directly,\n use *barbcolor* instead.\n\nlength : float, default: 7\n Length of the barb in points; the other parts of the barb\n are scaled against this.\n\npivot : {\'tip\', \'middle\'} or float, default: \'tip\'\n The part of the arrow that is anchored to the *X*, *Y* grid. The barb\n rotates about this point. This can also be a number, which shifts the\n start of the barb that many points away from grid point.\n\nbarbcolor : color or color sequence\n The color of all parts of the barb except for the flags. This parameter\n is analogous to the *edgecolor* parameter for polygons, which can be used\n instead. However this parameter will override facecolor.\n\nflagcolor : color or color sequence\n The color of any flags on the barb. This parameter is analogous to the\n *facecolor* parameter for polygons, which can be used instead. However,\n this parameter will override facecolor. If this is not set (and *C* has\n not either) then *flagcolor* will be set to match *barbcolor* so that the\n barb has a uniform color. If *C* has been set, *flagcolor* has no effect.\n\nsizes : dict, optional\n A dictionary of coefficients specifying the ratio of a given\n feature to the length of the barb. Only those values one wishes to\n override need to be included. These features include:\n\n - \'spacing\' - space between features (flags, full/half barbs)\n - \'height\' - height (distance from shaft to top) of a flag or full barb\n - \'width\' - width of a flag, twice the width of a full barb\n - \'emptybarb\' - radius of the circle used for low magnitudes\n\nfill_empty : bool, default: False\n Whether the empty barbs (circles) that are drawn should be filled with\n the flag color. If they are not filled, the center is transparent.\n\nrounding : bool, default: True\n Whether the vector magnitude should be rounded when allocating barb\n components. If True, the magnitude is rounded to the nearest multiple\n of the half-barb increment. If False, the magnitude is simply truncated\n to the next lowest multiple.\n\nbarb_increments : dict, optional\n A dictionary of increments specifying values to associate with\n different parts of the barb. Only those values one wishes to\n override need to be included.\n\n - \'half\' - half barbs (Default is 5)\n - \'full\' - full barbs (Default is 10)\n - \'flag\' - flags (default is 50)\n\nflip_barb : bool or array-like of bool, default: False\n Whether the lines and flags should point opposite to normal.\n Normal behavior is for the barbs and lines to point right (comes from wind\n barbs having these features point towards low pressure in the Northern\n Hemisphere).\n\n A single value is applied to all barbs. Individual barbs can be flipped by\n passing a bool array of the same size as *U* and *V*.\n\nReturns\n-------\nbarbs : `~matplotlib.quiver.Barbs`\n\nOther Parameters\n----------------\n**kwargs\n The barbs can further be customized using `.PolyCollection` keyword\n arguments:\n\n \n .. table::\n :class: property-table\n\n ================================================================================================= =====================================================================================================\n Property Description \n ================================================================================================= =====================================================================================================\n :meth:`agg_filter <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_agg_filter>` a filter function, which takes a (m, n, 3) float array and a dpi value, and returns a (m, n, 3) array\n :meth:`alpha <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_alpha>` float or None \n :meth:`animated <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_animated>` bool \n :meth:`antialiased <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_antialiased>` or aa or antialiaseds bool or list of bools \n :meth:`array <>` ndarray \n :meth:`capstyle <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_capstyle>` {\'butt\', \'round\', \'projecting\'} \n :meth:`clim <>` (vmin: float, vmax: float) \n :meth:`clip_box <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_clip_box>` `.Bbox` \n :meth:`clip_on <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_clip_on>` bool \n :meth:`clip_path <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_clip_path>` Patch or (Path, Transform) or None \n :meth:`cmap <>` `.Colormap` or str or None \n :meth:`color <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_color>` color or list of rgba tuples \n :meth:`contains <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_contains>` unknown \n :meth:`edgecolor <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_edgecolor>` or ec or edgecolors color or list of colors or \'face\' \n :meth:`facecolor <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_facecolor>` or facecolors or fc color or list of colors \n :meth:`figure <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_figure>` `.Figure` \n :meth:`gid <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_gid>` str \n :meth:`hatch <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_hatch>` {\'/\', \'\\\\\', \'|\', \'-\', \'+\', \'x\', \'o\', \'O\', \'.\', \'*\'} \n :meth:`in_layout <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_in_layout>` bool \n :meth:`joinstyle <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_joinstyle>` {\'miter\', \'round\', \'bevel\'} \n :meth:`label <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_label>` object \n :meth:`linestyle <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_linestyle>` or dashes or linestyles or ls str or tuple or list thereof \n :meth:`linewidth <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_linewidth>` or linewidths or lw float or list of floats \n :meth:`norm <>` `.Normalize` or None \n :meth:`offset_position <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_offset_position>` unknown \n :meth:`offsets <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_offsets>` array-like (N, 2) or (2,) \n :meth:`path_effects <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_path_effects>` `.AbstractPathEffect` \n :meth:`picker <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_picker>` None or bool or callable \n :meth:`pickradius <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_pickradius>` unknown \n :meth:`rasterized <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_rasterized>` bool or None \n :meth:`sketch_params <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_sketch_params>` (scale: float, length: float, randomness: float) \n :meth:`snap <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_snap>` bool or None \n :meth:`transform <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_transform>` `.Transform` \n :meth:`url <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_url>` str \n :meth:`urls <matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_urls>` list of str or None \n :meth:`visible <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_visible>` bool \n :meth:`zorder <matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_zorder>` float \n ================================================================================================= =====================================================================================================\n\n'
set_UVC(U, V, C=None)[源代码]



使用实例 matplotlib.quiver.Barbs